{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Game.Tetris
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2017 Samuel Tay <sam.chong.tay@gmail.com>
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Mario Lang <mlang@blind.guru>
-- A library implementation of Tetris.
-- This module has been taken from https://github.com/SamTay/tetris
module Game.Tetris
( Game
, Direction(..)
, boardWidth, boardHeight
, initGame, isGameOver
, timeStep, rotate, shift, hardDrop
, board, shape, score, block, coords
) where

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Sequence (ViewL(..), ViewR(..), (<|), (|>), (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Control.Lens hiding ((:<), (<|), (|>), (:>))
import Linear.V2 (V2(..), _x, _y)
import qualified Linear.V2 as LV
import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR)

import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (First(..))

-- Types and instances

-- | Tetris shape types
data Tetrimino = I | O | T | S | Z | J | L
  deriving (Eq, Show, Enum)

-- | Coordinates
type Coord = V2 Int

-- | Tetris shape in location context
data Block = Block
  { _shape  :: Tetrimino -- ^ block type
  , _origin :: Coord -- ^ origin
  , _extra  :: [Coord] -- ^ extraneous cells
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''Block

data Direction = Left | Right | Down
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Board
-- If coordinate not present in map, yet in bounds, then it is empty,
-- otherwise its value is the type of tetrimino occupying it.
type Board = Map Coord Tetrimino

-- | Game state
data Game = Game
  { _level        :: Int
  , _block        :: Block
  , _nextShape    :: Tetrimino
  , _nextShapeBag :: Seq.Seq Tetrimino
  , _rowClears    :: Seq.Seq Int
  , _score        :: Int
  , _board        :: Board
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''Game

-- Translate class for direct translations, without concern for boundaries
-- 'shift' concerns safe translations with boundaries
class Translatable s where
  translate :: Direction -> s -> s
  translate = translateBy 1
  translateBy :: Int -> Direction -> s -> s

instance Translatable Coord where
  translateBy n Left (V2 x y)  = V2 (x-n) y
  translateBy n Right (V2 x y) = V2 (x+n) y
  translateBy n Down (V2 x y)  = V2 x (y-n)

instance Translatable Block where
  translateBy n d b =
    b & origin %~ translateBy n d
      & extra  %~ fmap (translateBy n d)

-- Low level functions on blocks and coordinates

initBlock :: Tetrimino -> Block
initBlock t = Block t startOrigin . fmap (+ startOrigin) . relCells $ t

relCells :: Tetrimino -> [Coord]
relCells I = map v2 [(-2,0), (-1,0), (1,0)]
relCells O = map v2 [(-1,0), (-1,-1), (0,-1)]
relCells S = map v2 [(-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,0)]
relCells Z = map v2 [(-1,0), (0,-1), (1,-1)]
relCells L = map v2 [(-1,-1), (-1,0), (1,0)]
relCells J = map v2 [(-1,0), (1,0), (1,-1)]
relCells T = map v2 [(-1,0), (0,-1), (1,0)]

-- | Visible, active board size
boardWidth, boardHeight :: Int
boardWidth = 10
boardHeight = 20

-- | Starting block origin
startOrigin :: Coord
startOrigin = V2 6 22

-- | Rotate block counter clockwise about origin
-- *Note*: Strict unsafe rotation not respecting boundaries
-- Safety can only be assured within Game context
rotate' :: Block -> Block
rotate' b@(Block s o@(V2 xo yo) cs)
  | s == O = b -- O doesn't need rotation
  | s == I && V2 xo (yo+1) `elem` cs = rotateWith clockwise -- I only has two orientations
  | otherwise = rotateWith counterclockwise
    rotateWith :: (Coord -> Coord) -> Block
    rotateWith dir   = b & extra %~ fmap dir
    clockwise        = (+ o) . (cwperp) . (subtract o)
    counterclockwise = (+ o) . LV.perp . (subtract o)
    cwperp (V2 x y)  = V2 y (-x)

-- | Get coordinates of entire block
coords :: Block -> [Coord]
coords b = b ^. origin : b ^. extra

-- Higher level functions on game and board

-- | Facilitates cycling through at least 4 occurences of each shape
-- before next bag (random permutation of 4*each tetrimino) is created. If input is empty,
-- generates new bag, otherwise just unshifts the first value and returns pair.
bagFourTetriminoEach :: Seq.Seq Tetrimino -> IO (Tetrimino, Seq.Seq Tetrimino)
bagFourTetriminoEach = go . Seq.viewl
    go (t :< ts) = pure (t, ts)
    go EmptyL = freshList >>= bagFourTetriminoEach
    freshList = shuffle . Seq.fromList . take 28 . cycle $ [(I)..]

-- | Initialize a game with a given level
initGame :: Int ->  IO Game
initGame lvl = do
  (s1, bag1) <- bagFourTetriminoEach mempty
  (s2, bag2) <- bagFourTetriminoEach bag1
  pure $
    Game { _level = lvl
         , _block = initBlock s1
         , _nextShape = s2
         , _nextShapeBag = bag2
         , _score = 0
         , _rowClears = mempty
         , _board = mempty }

isGameOver :: Game -> Bool
isGameOver g = blockStopped g && g ^. block ^. origin == startOrigin

timeStep :: Game -> IO Game
timeStep g =
  if blockStopped g
     then nextBlock . updateScore . clearFullRows . freezeBlock $ g
     else pure . gravitate $ g

-- TODO check if mapKeysMonotonic works
clearFullRows :: Game -> Game
clearFullRows g = g & board %~ clearBoard
                    & rowClears %~ (addToRowClears rowCount)
    clearBoard               = M.mapKeys shiftCoordAbove . M.filterWithKey notInFullRow
    notInFullRow (V2 _ y) _  = y `notElem` fullRowIndices
    rowCount                 = length fullRowIndices
    fullRowIndices           = filter isFullRow [1..boardHeight]
    isFullRow r              = boardWidth == (length . M.filterWithKey (inRow r) $ g ^. board)
    inRow r (V2 _ y) _       = r == y
    shiftCoordAbove (V2 x y) =
      let offset = length . filter (< y) $ fullRowIndices
       in V2 x (y - offset)

-- | This updates game points with respect to the current
-- _rowClears value (thus should only be used ONCE per step)
-- Note I'm keeping rowClears as a sequence in case I want to award
-- more points for back to back clears, right now the scoring is more simple
updateScore :: Game -> Game
updateScore g = g & score %~ (+ newPoints)
    newPoints = (1 + g ^. level) * (g ^. rowClears ^. to latestOrZero ^. to points)
    points 0  = 0
    points 1  = 40
    points 2  = 100
    points 3  = 300
    points n  = 800

-- | Empties row on 0, otherwise appends value (just keeps consecutive information)
addToRowClears :: Int -> Seq.Seq Int -> Seq.Seq Int
addToRowClears 0 _  = mempty
addToRowClears n rs = rs |> n

-- | Get last value of sequence or 0 if empty
latestOrZero :: Seq.Seq Int -> Int
latestOrZero = go . Seq.viewr
  where go EmptyR = 0
        go (_ :> n) = n

-- | Handle counterclockwise block rotation (if possible)
-- Allows wallkicks: http://tetris.wikia.com/wiki/TGM_rotation
rotate :: Game -> Game
rotate g = g & block .~ nextB
  where nextB     = fromMaybe blk $ getFirst . mconcat $ First <$> bs
        bs        = map ($ blk) safeFuncs
        safeFuncs = map (mkSafe .) funcs
        mkSafe    = boolMaybe (isValidBlockPosition brd)
        funcs     = [rotate', rotate' . translate Left, rotate' . translate Right]
        blk       = g ^. block
        brd       = g ^. board

blockStopped :: Game -> Bool
blockStopped g = isStopped (g ^. board) (g ^. block)

-- | Check if a block on a board is stopped from further gravitation
isStopped :: Board -> Block -> Bool
isStopped brd = any cStopped . coords
  where cStopped     = (||) <$> inRow1 <*> (`M.member` brd) . (translate Down)
        inRow1 (V2 _ y) = y == 1

hardDrop :: Game -> Game
hardDrop g = g & block  .~ hardDroppedBlock g

hardDroppedBlock :: Game -> Block
hardDroppedBlock g = translateBy n Down $ g ^. block
  where n = minimum $ (subtract 1) <$> (minY : diffs)
        diffs = [y - yo | (V2 xo yo) <- brdCs, (V2 x y) <- blkCs, xo == x, yo < y]
        brdCs = g ^. board ^. to M.keys
        blkCs = g ^. block ^. to coords
        minY = minimum (fmap (^. _y) blkCs)

-- | Freeze current block
freezeBlock :: Game -> Game
freezeBlock g = g & board %~ (M.union blkMap)
  where blk    = g ^. block
        blkMap = M.fromList $ [(c, blk ^. shape) | c <- blk ^. to coords]

-- | Replace block with next block
nextBlock :: Game -> IO Game
nextBlock g = do
  (t, ts) <- bagFourTetriminoEach (g ^. nextShapeBag)
  pure $
    g & block        .~ initBlock (g ^. nextShape)
      & nextShape    .~ t
      & nextShapeBag .~ ts

-- | Try to shift current block; if shifting not possible, leave block where it is
shift :: Direction -> Game -> Game
shift d g = g & block %~ shiftBlock
  where shiftBlock b = if isValidBlockPosition (g ^. board) (translate d b)
                          then translate d b
                          else b

-- | Check if coordinate is already occupied or free in board
isFree, isOccupied :: Board -> Coord -> Bool
isFree     = flip M.notMember
isOccupied = flip M.member

-- | Check if coordinate is in or out of bounds
isInBounds, isOutOfBounds :: Coord -> Bool
isInBounds (V2 x y) = 1 <= x && x <= boardWidth && 1 <= y
isOutOfBounds = not . isInBounds

-- | Gravitate current block, i.e. shift down
gravitate :: Game -> Game
gravitate = shift Down

-- | Checks if block's potential new location is valid
isValidBlockPosition :: Board -> Block -> Bool
isValidBlockPosition brd = all validCoord . coords
  where validCoord = (&&) <$> isFree brd <*> isInBounds

-- General utilities

-- | Shuffle a sequence (random permutation)
shuffle :: Seq.Seq a -> IO (Seq.Seq a)
shuffle xs
  | null xs   = mempty
  | otherwise = do
      randomPosition <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, length xs - 1))
      let (left, right) = Seq.splitAt randomPosition xs
          (y :< ys)     = Seq.viewl right
      fmap (y <|) (shuffle $ left >< ys)

-- | Take predicate and input and transform to Maybe
boolMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
boolMaybe p a = if p a then Just a else Nothing

v2 :: (a, a) -> V2 a
v2 (x, y) = V2 x y