	Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of BishBosh.

	BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with BishBosh.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward

 [@DESCRIPTION@]	Describes a line's magnitude & direction, irrespective of its position.

module BishBosh.Cartesian.Vector(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
-- ** Data-types
--		MkVector,
-- * Constants
-- * Functions
-- ** Constructor
-- ** Predicates
) where

import                  Control.Arrow((***))
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.Direction            as Attribute.Direction
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.LogicalColour        as Attribute.LogicalColour
import qualified        BishBosh.Cartesian.Abscissa             as Cartesian.Abscissa
import qualified        BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates          as Cartesian.Coordinates
import qualified        BishBosh.Cartesian.Ordinate             as Cartesian.Ordinate
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Opposable             as Property.Opposable
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Orientated            as Property.Orientated
import qualified        BishBosh.Types                          as T
import qualified        Control.Exception

-- | The distance between two /coordinates/.
data Vector distance = MkVector {
        getXDistance    :: !distance,
        getYDistance    :: !distance
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Num distance => Property.Opposable.Opposable (Vector distance) where
        getOpposite (MkVector xDistance yDistance)      = MkVector (negate xDistance) (negate yDistance)

-- | Smart constructor.
mkVector :: (Num distance, Ord distance) => distance -> distance -> Vector distance
{-# INLINE mkVector #-}
mkVector xDistance yDistance    = Control.Exception.assert (
                xDistance /= 0 || yDistance /= 0        -- Which would be neither a valid chess-move nor have a direction.
        ) && abs xDistance < fromIntegral Cartesian.Abscissa.xLength && abs yDistance < fromIntegral Cartesian.Ordinate.yLength
 ) $ MkVector xDistance yDistance

-- | Construct a /vector/ by measuring the signed distance between source-/coordinates/ & destination.
measureDistance :: (
        Enum    x,
        Enum    y,
        Num     distance,
        Ord     distance
        => Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y        -- ^ Source.
        -> Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y        -- ^ Destination.
        -> Vector distance
{-# INLINE measureDistance #-}
measureDistance source destination      = uncurry mkVector $ Cartesian.Coordinates.measureDistance source destination

-- | Whether the specified /vector/ is at 45 degrees to an edge of the board, i.e. any move a @Bishop@ could make.
isDiagonal :: (Eq distance, Num distance) => Vector distance -> Bool
{-# INLINE isDiagonal #-}       -- N.B.: highly effective.
isDiagonal (MkVector xDistance yDistance)       = abs xDistance == abs yDistance

-- | Whether the specified /vector/ is parallel to an edge of the board, i.e. any move a @Rook@ could make.
isParallel :: (Eq distance, Num distance) => Vector distance -> Bool
{-# INLINE isParallel #-}
isParallel (MkVector xDistance yDistance)       = xDistance == 0 || yDistance == 0

-- | Whether the specified /vector/ is either parallel or at 45 degrees to an edge of the board, i.e. any move a @Queen@ could make.
isStraight :: (Eq distance, Num distance) => Vector distance -> Bool
{-# INLINE isStraight #-}
isStraight vector       = isParallel vector || isDiagonal vector

-- | A suitable concrete type.
type VectorInt  = Vector T.Distance

instance (Eq distance, Num distance) => Property.Orientated.Orientated (Vector distance) where
        {-# SPECIALISE instance Property.Orientated.Orientated VectorInt #-}
        isDiagonal      = isDiagonal
        isParallel      = isParallel

{- |
	* The list of attack-vectors for a @Pawn@.

	* N.B.: the @Pawn@'s ability to advance without taking, isn't dealt with here.
attackVectorsForPawn :: Num distance => Attribute.LogicalColour.LogicalColour -> [Vector distance]
attackVectorsForPawn logicalColour      = [
        MkVector x $ (
                if Attribute.LogicalColour.isBlack logicalColour
                        then negate     -- Black moves down.
                        else id         -- White moves up.
        ) 1 | x <- [negate 1, 1]
 ] -- List-comprehension.

-- | The constant list of attack-vectors for a @Knight@.
attackVectorsForKnight :: Num distance => [Vector distance]
attackVectorsForKnight  = [
        MkVector (fX xDistance) (fY $ 3 - xDistance) |
                fX              <- [negate, id],
                fY              <- [negate, id],
                xDistance       <- [1, 2]
 ] -- List-comprehension.

-- | The constant list of attack-vectors for a @King@.
attackVectorsForKing :: (Eq distance, Num distance) => [Vector distance]
attackVectorsForKing    = [
        MkVector xDistance yDistance |
                xDistance       <- [negate 1, 0, 1],
                yDistance       <- [negate 1, 0, 1],
                xDistance /= 0 || yDistance /= 0
 ] -- List-comprehension.

{- |
	* Whether the specified /vector/ might represent an attack (rather than an advance) by a @Pawn@.

	* CAVEAT: if the move started at the first rank, then it can't be a @Pawn@, but that's unknown.
isPawnAttack :: (Eq distance, Num distance) => Attribute.LogicalColour.LogicalColour -> Vector distance -> Bool
{-# INLINE isPawnAttack #-}
isPawnAttack logicalColour (MkVector xDistance yDistance)       = abs xDistance == 1 && yDistance == (
        if Attribute.LogicalColour.isBlack logicalColour
                then negate
                else id
 ) 1

-- | Whether the specified /vector/ represents a move a @Knight@ could make.
isKnightsMove :: (Eq distance, Num distance) => Vector distance -> Bool
{-# INLINE isKnightsMove #-}
isKnightsMove (MkVector xDistance yDistance)    = case abs xDistance of
        1       -> absYDistance == 2
        2       -> absYDistance == 1
        _       -> False
                absYDistance    = abs yDistance

-- | Whether the specified /vector/ represents a move a @King@ could make.
isKingsMove :: (Num distance, Ord distance) => Vector distance -> Bool
isKingsMove (MkVector 0 0)                      = False
isKingsMove (MkVector xDistance yDistance)      = abs xDistance <= 1 && abs yDistance <= 1

{- |
	* Whether the specified /vector/ matches a @Pawn@'s initial double-advance move.

	* CAVEAT: passing this test doesn't guarantee that it is a @Pawn@'s double-advance move, since the move may not relate to a @Pawn@, or could be invalid.
        :: (Eq distance, Num distance)
        => Attribute.LogicalColour.LogicalColour
        -> Vector distance
        -> Bool
matchesPawnDoubleAdvance logicalColour (MkVector xDistance yDistance)   = xDistance == 0 && yDistance == (
        if Attribute.LogicalColour.isBlack logicalColour
                then negate
                else id
 ) 2

-- | Translate the specified /coordinates/ by the specified /vector/.
translate :: (
        Enum            x,
        Enum            y,
        Integral        distance,
        Ord             x,
        Ord             y
        => Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y
        -> Vector distance
        -> Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y
translate coordinates (MkVector xDistance yDistance)    = Cartesian.Coordinates.translate (
        toEnum . (+ fromIntegral xDistance) . fromEnum *** toEnum . (+ fromIntegral yDistance) . fromEnum
 ) coordinates

-- | Where legal, translate the specified /coordinates/ by the specified /vector/.
maybeTranslate :: (
        Enum            x,
        Enum            y,
        Integral        distance,
        Ord             x,
        Ord             y
        => Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y
        -> Vector distance
        -> Maybe (Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates x y)
{-# INLINE maybeTranslate #-}
maybeTranslate coordinates (MkVector xDistance yDistance)       = Cartesian.Coordinates.maybeTranslate (
        toEnum . (+ fromIntegral xDistance) . fromEnum *** toEnum . (+ fromIntegral yDistance) . fromEnum
 ) coordinates

{- |
	* Where possible, converts the specified /vector/ into a /direction/.

	* @Nothing@ is returned for those /vector/s which don't translate into a legal /direction/ (e.g. a @Knight@'s move).
toMaybeDirection :: (Num distance, Ord distance) => Vector distance -> Maybe Attribute.Direction.Direction
{-# INLINE toMaybeDirection #-}
toMaybeDirection vector@(MkVector xDistance yDistance)
        | isStraight vector     = Just $ Attribute.Direction.mkDirection (compare xDistance 0) (compare yDistance 0)
        | otherwise             = Nothing