blas-0.4.1: Bindings to the BLAS librarySource codeContentsIndex
MaintainerPatrick Perry <>
class RTensor x i e m => RDTensor x i e m where
newZero :: i -> m (x e)
newConstant :: i -> e -> m (x e)
class RTensor x i e m => RDTensor x i e m whereSource
Class for mutable dense read-only tensors.
newZero :: i -> m (x e)Source
Creates a new tensor with elements all initialized to zero.
newConstant :: i -> e -> m (x e)Source
Creates a new tensor with elements all initialized to the given value.
show/hide Instances
BLAS1 e => RDTensor (DVector t n) Int e IO
BLAS1 e => RDTensor (DVector t n) Int e IO
BLAS1 e => RDTensor (DVector t n) Int e IO
BLAS1 e => RDTensor (DMatrix t ((,) m n)) ((,) Int Int) e IO
BLAS1 e => RDTensor (DMatrix t ((,) m n)) ((,) Int Int) e IO
BLAS1 e => RDTensor (DMatrix t ((,) m n)) ((,) Int Int) e IO
Produced by Haddock version 2.3.0