-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

-- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root

-- for full license information.

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}

module Language.Bond.Codegen.Java.Class_java

    ( class_java

    , JavaFieldMapping(..)

    ) where

import Prelude

import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)

import Text.Shakespeare.Text

import Language.Bond.Syntax.Types

import Language.Bond.Syntax.Util

import Language.Bond.Util

import Language.Bond.Codegen.TypeMapping

import Language.Bond.Codegen.Util

import Language.Bond.Codegen.Java.Util

-- field -> public field

data JavaFieldMapping = JavaPublicFields deriving Eq

-- given the type of the field, returns the name of the struct field descriptor type (a protected nested class within StructBondType)

structFieldDescriptorTypeName :: MappingContext -> Type -> Text

structFieldDescriptorTypeName java = typeName


        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Int8) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingInt8StructField|]

        typeName BT_Int8 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.Int8StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Int16) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingInt16StructField|]

        typeName BT_Int16 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.Int16StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Int32) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingInt32StructField|]

        typeName BT_Int32 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.Int32StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Int64) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingInt64StructField|]

        typeName BT_Int64 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.Int64StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_UInt8) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingUInt8StructField|]

        typeName BT_UInt8 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.UInt8StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_UInt16) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingUInt16StructField|]

        typeName BT_UInt16 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.UInt16StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_UInt32) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingUInt32StructField|]

        typeName BT_UInt32 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.UInt32StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_UInt64) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingUInt64StructField|]

        typeName BT_UInt64 = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.UInt64StructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Float) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingFloatStructField|]

        typeName BT_Float = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.FloatStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Double) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingDoubleStructField|]

        typeName BT_Double = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.DoubleStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_Bool) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingBoolStructField|]

        typeName BT_Bool = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.BoolStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_String) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingStringStructField|]

        typeName BT_String = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.StringStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_WString) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingWStringStructField|]

        typeName BT_WString = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.WStringStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_MetaName) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingStringStructField|]

        typeName BT_MetaName = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.StringStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe BT_MetaFullName) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingStringStructField|]

        typeName BT_MetaFullName = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.StringStructField|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe (BT_UserDefined e@Enum {} _)) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingEnumStructField<#{qualifiedDeclaredTypeName java e}>|]

        typeName (BT_UserDefined e@Enum {} _) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.EnumStructField<#{qualifiedDeclaredTypeName java e}>|]

        typeName (BT_Maybe (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args)) = structFieldDescriptorTypeName java (BT_Maybe (resolveAlias a args))

        typeName (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) = structFieldDescriptorTypeName java (resolveAlias a args)

        typeName (BT_Maybe t) = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.SomethingObjectStructField<#{getElementTypeName java t}>|]

        typeName t = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType.ObjectStructField<#{getElementTypeName java t}>|]

-- given the type of the field, value indicating whether a struct field descriptor type is generic and hence needs an explicit type parameter

isGenericStructFieldDescriptor :: Type -> Bool

isGenericStructFieldDescriptor (BT_Maybe t) = not (isPrimitiveNonEnumBondType t)

isGenericStructFieldDescriptor t = not (isPrimitiveNonEnumBondType t)

-- given a type parameter, returns the name of a local variable containing the type descriptor

typeParamVarName :: TypeParam -> Text

typeParamVarName TypeParam {..} = [lt|#{paramName}|]

-- given a type parameter, returns the declaration of a local variable containing the type descriptor

typeParamVarDecl :: TypeParam -> Text

typeParamVarDecl t@TypeParam {..} = [lt|org.bondlib.BondType<#{paramName}> #{typeParamVarName t}|]

-- given a list of type parameters, returns it as comma-separated text

typeParamNameList :: [TypeParam] -> Text

typeParamNameList declParams = [lt|#{sepBy ", " paramName declParams}|]

-- given a list of type parameter, returns a comma-separated list of names of local variables containing the type descriptor

typeParamVarNameList :: [TypeParam] -> Text

typeParamVarNameList declParams = [lt|#{sepBy ", " typeParamVarName declParams}|]

-- given a list of type parameter, returns a comma-separated list of declarations of local variables containing the type descriptor

typeParamVarDeclList :: [TypeParam] -> Text

typeParamVarDeclList declParams = [lt|#{sepBy ", " typeParamVarDecl declParams}|]

-- given a list of type parameters, returns it as comma-separated text with angles (unless the list is empty)

typeParamAnglesNameList :: [TypeParam] -> Text

typeParamAnglesNameList declParams = [lt|#{angles $ typeParamNameList declParams}|]

-- given a class name and a list of type parameters, returns the full type name with type parameters (if any)

typeNameWithParams :: String -> [TypeParam] -> Text

typeNameWithParams declName declParams = [lt|#{declName}#{typeParamAnglesNameList declParams}|]

-- given a class name and a list of type parameters, returns the full type descriptor name with type parameters (if any)

typeDescriptorNameWithParams :: String -> [TypeParam] -> Text

typeDescriptorNameWithParams declName declParams = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{typeNameWithParams declName declParams}>|]

-- given a class name, returns the full type descriptor name (using non-generic notation for the struct type)

typeDescriptorName :: String -> Text

typeDescriptorName declName = [lt|org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{declName}>|]

-- given a variable name, returns call to ArgumentHelper.ensureNotNull method that checks the variable for null

ensureNotNullArgument :: Text -> Text

ensureNotNullArgument argName = [lt|org.bondlib.ArgumentHelper.ensureNotNull(#{argName}, "#{argName}")|]

-- given a field type and optional default value, returns an expression for the parameter containing the default value,

-- along with the leading comma; this value is used in initialization of struct field descriptors where

-- the constructors are overloaded to take explicit default value or take none (i.e. use the implicit default)

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr :: MappingContext -> Type -> Maybe Default -> Text

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ _ (Just (DefaultBool val)) = if val

    then [lt|, true|]

    else [lt|, false|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Int8 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, (byte)#{val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Int16 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, (short)#{val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Int32 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, #{val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Int64 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, #{val}L|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_UInt8 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, (byte)#{twosComplement 8 val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_UInt16 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, (short)#{twosComplement 16 val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_UInt32 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, #{twosComplement 32 val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_UInt64 (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, #{twosComplement 64 val}L|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Float (Just (DefaultFloat val)) = [lt|, #{val}F|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Float (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, #{val}F|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Double (Just (DefaultFloat val)) = [lt|, #{val}D|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_Double (Just (DefaultInteger val)) = [lt|, #{val}D|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_String (Just (DefaultString val)) = [lt|, "#{val}"|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ BT_WString (Just (DefaultString val)) = [lt|, "#{val}"|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr java (BT_UserDefined e@Enum {..} _) (Just (DefaultEnum val)) = [lt|, #{qualifiedDeclaredTypeName java e}.#{val}|]

fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr _ _ _ = mempty

-- given a struct name and type parameters, and type, returns a type descriptor expression for the field, used in initialization of struct field descriptors

structFieldDescriptorInitStructExpr :: MappingContext -> Type -> String -> [Type] -> Text

structFieldDescriptorInitStructExpr java fieldType typeName params = [lt|#{typeCastExpr} getStructType(#{typeName}.class#{paramExprList params})|]


        typeCastExpr = [lt|(org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{(getTypeName java) fieldType}>)|]

        paramExprList :: [Type] -> Text

        paramExprList [] = mempty

        paramExprList (x:xs) = [lt|, #{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java x}#{paramExprList xs}|]

-- given field type, returns a type descriptor expression for the field, used in initialization of struct field descriptors

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr :: MappingContext -> Type -> Text

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_Maybe t) = structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Int8 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.INT8|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Int16 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.INT16|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Int32 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.INT32|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Int64 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.INT64|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_UInt8 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.UINT8|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_UInt16 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.UINT16|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_UInt32 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.UINT32|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_UInt64 = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.UINT64|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Float = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.FLOAT|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Double = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.DOUBLE|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Bool = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.BOOL|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_String = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.STRING|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_WString = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.WSTRING|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ BT_Blob = [lt|org.bondlib.BondTypes.BLOB|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_Bonded t) = [lt|bondedOf(#{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t})|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_Nullable t) = [lt|nullableOf(#{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t})|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_Vector t) = [lt|vectorOf(#{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t})|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_List t) = [lt|listOf(#{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t})|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_Set t) = [lt|setOf(#{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t})|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_Map k v) = [lt|mapOf(#{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java k}, #{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java v})|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ (BT_TypeParam param) = [lt|#{paramName param}|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_UserDefined e@Enum {} _) = [lt|#{qualifiedDeclaredTypeName java e}.BOND_TYPE|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t@(BT_UserDefined s@Struct {} params) = [lt|#{structFieldDescriptorInitStructExpr java t (qualifiedDeclaredTypeName java s) params}|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java t@(BT_UserDefined s@Forward {} params) = [lt|#{structFieldDescriptorInitStructExpr java t (qualifiedDeclaredTypeName java s) params}|]

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} params) = structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java (resolveAlias a params)

structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr _ t = error $ "invalid declaration type for structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr: " ++ show t

-- given struct base type, returns a type descriptor expression

structBaseDescriptorInitStructExpr :: MappingContext -> Maybe Type -> Text

structBaseDescriptorInitStructExpr java t = maybe [lt|null|] (structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java) t

-- given struct class name and generic type parameters, builds text for GenericBondTypeBuilder abstract class

-- that defines the public API to specialize a generic struct to specific generic type arguments

-- (this class is generated only when the enclosing Bond struct class is generic)

makeStructMember_GenericBondTypeBuilder :: String -> [TypeParam] -> Text

makeStructMember_GenericBondTypeBuilder declName declParams = [lt|

    public static abstract class GenericBondTypeBuilder {

        private GenericBondTypeBuilder() {


        public abstract #{typeParamAnglesNameList declParams} #{typeDescriptorNameWithParams declName declParams} makeGenericType(#{typeParamVarDeclList declParams});



-- given struct class name and generic type parameters, builds text for implementation

-- of the StructBondTypeBuilderImpl.makeGenericType method

-- (this method is generated only when the enclosing Bond struct class is generic)

makeStructBuilderMember_makeGenericType :: String -> [TypeParam] -> Text

makeStructBuilderMember_makeGenericType declName declParams = [lt|

            private #{typeParamAnglesNameList declParams} #{typeDescriptorNameWithParams declName declParams} makeGenericType(#{typeParamVarDeclList declParams}) {

                #{newlineSepEnd 4 checkArg declParams}return #{castExpr} this.getInitializedFromCache(#{typeParamVarNameList declParams});




        checkArg t@TypeParam {..} = [lt|#{ensureNotNullArgument (typeParamVarName t)};|]

        castExpr = [lt|(StructBondTypeImpl)|]

-- given struct class name and generic type parameters, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeBuilderImpl class which is responsible for building the type descriptor

makeStructBondTypeMember_StructBondTypeBuilderImpl :: String -> [TypeParam] -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_StructBondTypeBuilderImpl declName declParams = [lt|

        static final class StructBondTypeBuilderImpl extends org.bondlib.StructBondType.StructBondTypeBuilder<#{declName}> {

            #{ifThenElse (null declParams) mempty (makeStructBuilderMember_makeGenericType declName declParams)}


            public final int getGenericTypeParameterCount() {

                return #{length declParams};



            protected final #{typeDescriptorName declName} buildNewInstance(org.bondlib.BondType[] genericTypeArguments) {

                return new StructBondTypeImpl(#{ifThenElse (null declParams) nullText "new org.bondlib.GenericTypeSpecialization(genericTypeArguments)"});


            static void register() {

                registerStructType(#{declName}.class, new StructBondTypeBuilderImpl());




        nullText = "null" :: Text

-- given generic type parameters, struct fields, and base type, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeImpl.initialize method

makeStructBondTypeMember_initialize :: MappingContext -> [TypeParam] -> [Field] -> Maybe Type -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_initialize java declParams structFields structBase = [lt|


        protected final void initialize() {#{typeArgVarDeclList}#{fieldDescriptorInitList}




        typeArgVarDeclList = newlineBeginSep 3 typeArgVarDecl indexedDeclParams

        typeArgVarDecl (index, typeParam) = [lt|#{typeParamVarDecl typeParam} = this.getGenericSpecialization().getGenericTypeArgument(#{index});|]

        indexedDeclParams = zip [0 :: Int ..] declParams

        fieldDescriptorInitList = newlineBeginSep 3 fieldDescriptorInit structFields

        fieldDescriptorInit Field {..} = [lt|this.#{fieldName} = new #{structFieldDescriptorTypeName java fieldType}(#{constructorParams});|]


            constructorParams = [lt|this#{fieldTypeParam}, #{fieldOrdinal}, "#{fieldName}", #{modifierConstantName fieldModifier}#{fieldDefaultValueParam}|]

            fieldTypeParam = if isGenericStructFieldDescriptor fieldType

                then [lt|, #{structFieldDescriptorInitTypeExpr java fieldType}|]

                else mempty

            fieldDefaultValueParam = fieldDefaultValueInitParamExpr java fieldType fieldDefault

        baseTypeDescriptorParam = structBaseDescriptorInitStructExpr java structBase

        fieldTypeDescriptorParamsSeparator = ifThenElse (null structFields) mempty [lt|, |]

        fieldTypeDescriptorParams = sepBy ", " structFieldReference structFields

        structFieldReference Field {..} = [lt|this.#{fieldName}|]

-- given struct class name, generic type parameters, and struct fields, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeImpl.serializeStructFields method

makeStructBondTypeMember_serializeStructFields :: String -> [TypeParam] -> [Field] -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_serializeStructFields declName declParams structFields = [lt|


        protected final void serializeStructFields(#{methodParamDecl}) throws java.io.IOException {#{newlineBeginSep 3 serializeField structFields}



                methodParamDecl = [lt|org.bondlib.BondType.SerializationContext context, #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} value|]

                serializeField Field {..} = [lt|this.#{fieldName}.serialize(context, value.#{fieldName});|]

-- given struct class name, generic type parameters, and struct fields, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeImpl.deserializeStructFields method for TaggedProtocolReaders

makeStructBondTypeMember_deserializeStructFields_tagged :: String -> [TypeParam] -> [Field] -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_deserializeStructFields_tagged declName declParams structFields = [lt|


        protected final void deserializeStructFields(#{methodParamDecl}) throws java.io.IOException {#{newlineBeginSep 3 declareLocalVariable structFields}

            while (this.readField(context)) {

                switch (context.readFieldResult.id) {#{newlineBeginSep 5 deserializeField structFields}





            }#{newlineBeginSep 3 verifyField structFields}



                methodParamDecl = [lt|org.bondlib.BondType.TaggedDeserializationContext context, #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} value|]

                declareLocalVariable Field {..} = [lt|boolean __has_#{fieldName} = false;|]

                deserializeField Field {..} = [lt|#{switchCasePart}#{newLine 6}#{deserializePart}#{newLine 6}#{setBooleanPart}#{newLine 6}break;|]


                    switchCasePart = [lt|case #{fieldOrdinal}:|]

                    deserializePart = [lt|value.#{fieldName} = this.#{fieldName}.deserialize(context, __has_#{fieldName});|]

                    setBooleanPart = [lt|__has_#{fieldName} = true;|]

                verifyField Field {..} = [lt|this.#{fieldName}.verifyDeserialized(__has_#{fieldName});|]

-- given struct class name, generic type parameters, and struct fields, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeImpl.deserializeStructFields method for UntaggedProtocolReaders

makeStructBondTypeMember_deserializeStructFields_untagged :: String -> [TypeParam] -> [Field] -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_deserializeStructFields_untagged declName declParams structFields = [lt|


        protected final void deserializeStructFields(#{methodParamDecl}) throws java.io.IOException {#{newlineBeginSep 3 declareLocalVariable structFields}

            for (final org.bondlib.FieldDef field : structDef.fields) {

                switch (field.id) {#{newlineBeginSep 5 deserializeField structFields}


                        context.reader.skip(context.schema, field.type);



            }#{newlineBeginSep 3 verifyField structFields}



                methodParamDecl = [lt|org.bondlib.BondType.UntaggedDeserializationContext context, org.bondlib.StructDef structDef, #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} value|]

                declareLocalVariable Field {..} = [lt|boolean __has_#{fieldName} = false;|]

                deserializeField Field {..} = [lt|#{switchCasePart}#{newLine 6}#{deserializePart}#{newLine 6}#{setBooleanPart}#{newLine 6}break;|]


                    switchCasePart = [lt|case #{fieldOrdinal}:|]

                    deserializePart = [lt|value.#{fieldName} = this.#{fieldName}.deserialize(context, field.type);|]

                    setBooleanPart = [lt|__has_#{fieldName} = true;|]

                verifyField Field {..} = [lt|this.#{fieldName}.verifyDeserialized(__has_#{fieldName});|]

-- given class name, generic type parameters, and struct fields, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeImpl.initializeStructFields method

makeStructBondTypeMember_initializeStructFields :: String -> [TypeParam] -> [Field] -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_initializeStructFields declName declParams structFields = [lt|


        protected final void initializeStructFields(#{methodParamDecl}) {#{newlineBeginSep 3 initializeField structFields}



                methodParamDecl = [lt|#{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} value|]

                initializeField Field {..} = [lt|value.#{fieldName} = this.#{fieldName}.initialize();|]

-- given class name, generic type parameters, and struct fields, builds text for implementation of

-- the StructBondTypeImpl.copyStructFields method

makeStructBondTypeMember_cloneStructFields :: String -> [TypeParam] -> [Field] -> Text

makeStructBondTypeMember_cloneStructFields declName declParams structFields = [lt|


        protected final void cloneStructFields(#{methodParamDecl}) {#{newlineBeginSep 3 cloneField structFields}



                methodParamDecl = [lt|#{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} fromValue, #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} toValue|]

                cloneField Field {..} = [lt|toValue.#{fieldName} = this.#{fieldName}.clone(fromValue.#{fieldName});|]

-- builds text for anonymous implementation of the GenericBondTypeBuilder abstract class and assignment to the BOND_TYPE variable

bondTypeStaticVariableDeclAsGenericBondTypeBuilder :: String -> [TypeParam] -> Text

bondTypeStaticVariableDeclAsGenericBondTypeBuilder declName declParams = [lt|public static final GenericBondTypeBuilder BOND_TYPE = new GenericBondTypeBuilder() {

        final StructBondTypeImpl.StructBondTypeBuilderImpl builder = new StructBondTypeImpl.StructBondTypeBuilderImpl();


        public final <#{paramList}> org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{declName}<#{paramList}>> makeGenericType(#{sepBy ", " methodArg declParams}) {

            return this.builder.makeGenericType(#{paramList});




        paramList = sepBy ", " paramName declParams

        methodArg TypeParam {..} = [lt|org.bondlib.BondType<#{paramName}> #{paramName}|]

-- builds text for public constructor of non-generic Bond struct class

publicConstructorDeclForNonGenericStruct :: MappingContext -> String -> Maybe Type -> Text

publicConstructorDeclForNonGenericStruct java declName maybeBase = [lt|

    public #{declName}() {

        super(#{superConstructorArgs maybeBase});





        superConstructorArgs Nothing = mempty

        superConstructorArgs (Just t) = if isGenericBondStructType t

            then [lt|(org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{getTypeName java t}>)BOND_TYPE.getBaseStructType()|]

            else mempty

-- builds text for public constructor of generic Bond struct class

publicConstructorDeclForGenericStruct :: MappingContext -> String -> [TypeParam] -> Maybe Type -> Text

publicConstructorDeclForGenericStruct java declName declParams maybeBase = [lt|

public #{declName}(org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{declName}<#{paramList}>> genericType) {

        super(#{superConstructorArgs maybeBase});

        this.__genericType = (StructBondTypeImpl<#{paramList}>)genericType;





        paramList = sepBy ", " paramName declParams

        superConstructorArgs Nothing = mempty

        superConstructorArgs (Just t) = if isGenericBondStructType t

            then [lt|(org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{getTypeName java t}>)org.bondlib.ArgumentHelper.ensureNotNull(genericType, "genericType").getBaseStructType()|]

            else mempty

-- builds text for Object.equals(Object) override

object_equals :: String -> [Field] -> Maybe Type -> Text

object_equals declName fields structBase = [lt|@Override

    public boolean equals(Object o) {

        if (!(o instanceof #{declName})) return false;

        #{compareBase structBase}

        final #{declName} other = (#{declName}) o;

        #{newlineSep 2 compareField fields}

        return true;




        compareBase (Just _)     = [lt|if (!(super.equals(o))) return false;|]

        compareBase Nothing      = mempty

        compareField Field {..}  = [lt|if (!(#{equalsMember fieldType fieldName})) return false;|]

        equalsMember BT_Float f  = [lt|org.bondlib.FloatingPointHelper.floatEquals(this.#{f}, other.#{f})|]

        equalsMember BT_Double f = [lt|org.bondlib.FloatingPointHelper.doubleEquals(this.#{f}, other.#{f})|]

        equalsMember BT_Bool f    = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_Int8 f    = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_Int16 f   = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_Int32 f   = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_Int64 f   = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_UInt8 f   = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_UInt16 f  = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_UInt32 f  = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember BT_UInt64 f  = [lt|this.#{f} == other.#{f}|]

        equalsMember (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) f = equalsMember (resolveAlias a args) f

        equalsMember _ f          = [lt|(this.#{f} == null && other.#{f} == null) || (this.#{f} != null && this.#{f}.equals(other.#{f}))|]

-- builds text for Object.hashCode() override

object_hashCode :: [Field] -> Maybe Type -> Text

object_hashCode fields structBase = [lt|@Override

    public int hashCode() {

        int result = 17;

        #{newlineSep 2 hash hashInputs}

        return result;




        hash codeExpr = [lt|result += #{codeExpr};

        result *= 0xeadbeef;

        result ^= result >> 16;|]

        hashInputs = (hashBase structBase) ++ hashFields

        hashBase (Just _) = [[lt|super.hashCode()|]]

        hashBase Nothing  = []

        hashFields = map (\Field {..} -> hashCode fieldType fieldName) fields

        hashCode BT_Bool f    = [lt|(#{f} ? 0 : 1)|]

        hashCode BT_Int64 f   = [lt|#{f} ^ (#{f} >>> 32)|]

        hashCode BT_UInt64 f  = [lt|#{f} ^ (#{f} >>> 32)|]

        hashCode BT_Float f   = [lt|org.bondlib.FloatingPointHelper.floatHashCode(#{f})|]

        hashCode BT_Double f  = [lt|org.bondlib.FloatingPointHelper.doubleHashCode(#{f})|]

        hashCode BT_Int8 f    = [lt|#{f}|]

        hashCode BT_Int16 f   = [lt|#{f}|]

        hashCode BT_Int32 f   = [lt|#{f}|]

        hashCode BT_UInt8 f   = [lt|#{f}|]

        hashCode BT_UInt16 f  = [lt|#{f}|]

        hashCode BT_UInt32 f  = [lt|#{f}|]

        hashCode (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) f = hashCode (resolveAlias a args) f

        hashCode _ f          = [lt|#{f} == null ? 0 : #{f}.hashCode()|]

-- We implement Externalizable, rather than Serializable, so that

-- ser/deserialization will result in a single call on the most derived class,

-- rather than one call for each type in the inheritance chain. By reading into

-- a byte[] instead of trying to deserialize from the ObjectInput{,Stream} we're

-- passed, we can start from a ByteArrayInputStream, which we already know how

-- to clone for Bonded fields.


-- We write the length of the serialized data because we can't assume the

-- ObjectInput{,Stream} actually ends after the object we care about.


-- serialVersionUID is always 0 so that Java will always delegate compatibility

-- checking of serialized data against current deserialization code to us.

javaNativeSerializationGlue :: String -> Text

javaNativeSerializationGlue declName = [lt|

    // Java native serialization

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

    private #{declName} __deserializedInstance;


    public void writeExternal(java.io.ObjectOutput out) throws java.io.IOException {

        final java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream();

        final org.bondlib.ProtocolWriter writer = new org.bondlib.CompactBinaryWriter(outStream, 1);

        org.bondlib.Marshal.marshal(this, writer);

        final byte[] marshalled = outStream.toByteArray();

        out.write(0);   // This type is not generic and has zero type parameters.





    public void readExternal(java.io.ObjectInput in) throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException {

        if (in.read() != 0) throw new java.io.IOException("type is not generic, but serialized data has type parameters.");

        final int marshalledLength = in.readInt();

        final byte[] marshalled = new byte[marshalledLength];


        final java.io.ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(marshalled);

        this.__deserializedInstance = org.bondlib.Unmarshal.unmarshal(inStream, getBondType()).deserialize();


    private Object readResolve() throws java.io.ObjectStreamException {

        return this.__deserializedInstance;


    // end Java native serialization


javaNativeSerializationUnimpl :: Text

javaNativeSerializationUnimpl = [lt|

    // Java native serialization


    public void writeExternal(java.io.ObjectOutput out) throws java.io.IOException {

        throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("java.io.Serializable support is not implemented for generic types");



    public void readExternal(java.io.ObjectInput in) throws java.io.IOException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException {

        // This may actually fail before reaching this line with an InvalidClassException because

        // generic types don't have the nullary constructor required by the Java serialization

        // framework.

        throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("java.io.Serializable support is not implemented for generic types");


    // end Java native serialization


-- Template for struct -> Java class.

class_java :: MappingContext -> [Import] -> Declaration -> Text

class_java java _ declaration = [lt|

package #{javaPackage};

#{typeDefinition declaration}



        javaType = getTypeName java

        javaPackage = sepBy "." toText $ getNamespace java

        -- struct -> Java class

        typeDefinition s@Struct {..} = [lt|


public class #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams}#{maybe interface baseClass structBase} {

    #{ifThenElse (null declParams) mempty (makeStructMember_GenericBondTypeBuilder declName declParams)}

    private static final class StructBondTypeImpl#{typeParamAnglesNameList declParams} extends #{typeDescriptorNameWithParams declName declParams} {

        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_StructBondTypeBuilderImpl declName declParams}

        #{doubleLineSep 2 fieldDescriptorFieldDecl structFields}

        private StructBondTypeImpl(org.bondlib.GenericTypeSpecialization genericTypeSpecialization) {



        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_initialize java declParams structFields structBase}


        public final java.lang.String getName() {

            return "#{declName}";



        public final java.lang.String getQualifiedName() {

            return "#{qualifiedDeclaredTypeName idl s}";



        public final java.lang.Class<#{typeNameWithParams declName declParams}> getValueClass() {

            return (java.lang.Class<#{typeNameWithParams declName declParams}>) (java.lang.Class) #{declName}.class;



        public final #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams} newInstance() {

            return new #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams}(#{ifThenElse (null declParams) mempty thisText});


        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_serializeStructFields declName declParams structFields}

        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_deserializeStructFields_tagged declName declParams structFields}

        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_deserializeStructFields_untagged declName declParams structFields}

        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_initializeStructFields declName declParams structFields}

        #{makeStructBondTypeMember_cloneStructFields declName declParams structFields}



    public static void initializeBondType() {



    static {




    #{ifThenElse (null declParams) (javaNativeSerializationGlue declName) javaNativeSerializationUnimpl}

    #{doubleLineSep 1 publicFieldDecl structFields}


    #{object_equals declName structFields structBase}

    #{object_hashCode structFields structBase}


    public org.bondlib.StructBondType<? extends #{typeNameWithParams declName declParams}> getBondType() {

        return #{getBondTypeReturnValue};




                idl = MappingContext idlTypeMapping [] [] []

                interface = [lt| implements org.bondlib.BondSerializable|]

                baseClass x = [lt| extends #{javaType x}|]

                publicFieldDecl Field {..} = [lt|public #{javaType fieldType} #{fieldName};|]

                fieldDescriptorFieldDecl Field {..} = [lt|private #{structFieldDescriptorTypeName java fieldType} #{fieldName};|]

                bondTypeStaticVariableDecl = if null declParams

                    then [lt|public static final org.bondlib.StructBondType<#{declName}> BOND_TYPE = new StructBondTypeImpl.StructBondTypeBuilderImpl().getInitializedFromCache();|]

                    else bondTypeStaticVariableDeclAsGenericBondTypeBuilder declName declParams

                bondTypeDescriptorInstanceVariableDecl = if null declParams

                    then mempty

                    else [lt|private final StructBondTypeImpl#{typeParamAnglesNameList declParams} __genericType;|]

                getBondTypeReturnValue = if null declParams

                    then [lt|BOND_TYPE|]

                    else [lt|this.__genericType|]

                publicConstructorDecl = if null declParams

                    then publicConstructorDeclForNonGenericStruct java declName structBase

                    else publicConstructorDeclForGenericStruct java declName declParams structBase

                thisText = "this" :: Text

        typeDefinition _ = mempty