{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

Module      : Data.BitVector.Sized.BitLayout
Copyright   : (c) Galois Inc. 2018
License     : BSD-3
Maintainer  : benselfridge@galois.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

This module defines a 'BitLayout' datatype which encodes a chunk-to-chunk mapping (no
overlaps) from a smaller bit vector into a larger one. 'BitLayout's are especially
useful for defining the encoding and decoding of opcodes/operands in an instruction.

module Data.BitVector.Sized.BitLayout
  ( -- * Chunk
  , chunk
    -- * BitLayout
  , BitLayout
  , empty, singleChunk, (<:)
  , inject
  , extract
    -- * Lenses
  , layoutLens, layoutsLens
    -- * Utilities
  , bitLayoutAssignmentList
  ) where

import Data.BitVector.Sized.Internal
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Functor.Product as P
import Control.Lens (lens, Simple, Lens)
import Data.Parameterized
import Data.Parameterized.List
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass (Pretty(..), text)

-- | 'Chunk' type, parameterized by chunk width. The internal 'Int' is the
-- position of the least significant bit of the chunk, and the type-level nat 'w' is
-- the width of the chunk.
-- >>> chunk 2 :: Chunk 5
-- Chunk 5 2
-- Intuitively, the above chunk index captures the notion of /embedding/ a
-- 'BitVector' @5@ (bit vector of width 5) into a larger 'BitVector' at index 2,
-- preserving the order of the input bits. So an 5-bit input like @10011@ would map
-- to some larger bit vector containing the input starting at position 2, like
-- @000001001100@.
-- Multiple 'Chunk's comprise a 'BitLayout'; see below.
data Chunk (w :: Nat) :: * where
  Chunk :: NatRepr w -- width of range
        -> Int       -- index of range start
        -> Chunk w

-- | Construct a 'Chunk' in a context where the chunk width is known at compile time.
chunk :: KnownNat w => Int -> Chunk w
chunk = Chunk knownNat

deriving instance Show (Chunk w)

instance ShowF Chunk where
  showF = show

instance Pretty (Chunk w) where
  pPrint (Chunk wRepr start)
    | width > 0 = text $
      "[" ++ show (start + width - 1) ++ "..." ++ show start ++ "]"
    | otherwise = text $ "[" ++ show start ++ "]"
    where width = fromIntegral (natValue wRepr)

instance Pretty (Some Chunk) where
  pPrint (Some (Chunk wRepr start))
    | width > 0 = text $
      "[" ++ show (start + width - 1) ++ "..." ++ show start ++ "]"
    | otherwise = text $ "[" ++ show start ++ "]"
    where width = fromIntegral (natValue wRepr)

-- | BitLayout type, parameterized by target width and source width. @t@ is the
-- target width, @s@ is the source width. @s@ should always be less than or equal to
-- @t@.
-- To construct a 'BitLayout', use the 'empty' constructor and the '<:' operator,
-- like so:
-- >>> empty :: BitLayout 32 0
-- BitLayout 32 0 (fromList [])
-- >>> let layout = (chunk 25 :: Chunk 7) <: (chunk 7 :: Chunk 5) <: (empty :: BitLayout 32 0)
-- >>> layout
-- BitLayout 32 12 (fromList [Chunk 5 7,Chunk 7 25])
-- >>> :type it
-- it :: BitLayout 32 12
-- In the above example @bitLayout@ defines a chunk-by-chunk mapping from a bit
-- vector of width 12 to one of width 32. We imagine the input vector of width 12
-- listed like so:
-- @
--   |-----||---|
--      7     5
-- @
-- Here, bits @A@, @B@, @C@, and @D@ are just labeled as such to illustrate their
-- place after the mapping. The @BitLayout 32 12@ defined above as the @layout@
-- variable would map that 12-bit vector to the following 32-bit vector:
-- @
--      (Bit 25)          (Bit 5)
--         |                 |
--         |                 |
--         v                 v
-- 0bAXXXXXB0000000000000CXXXD0000000
--   |-----|             |---|
--      7                  5
-- @
-- To use a 'BitLayout' to achieve a bidirectional mapping like the one described
-- above, you can either use the 'Lens' interface or the functions 'inject' and
-- 'extract', which give an explicit setter and getter, respectively.
-- Example use of @inject@/@extract@:
-- >>> let bl = (chunk 25 :: Chunk 7) <: (chunk 7 :: Chunk 5) <: (empty :: BitLayout 32 0)
-- >>> let sVec = bitVector 0b111111100001 :: BitVector 12
-- >>> sVec
-- 0xfe1
-- >>> inject bl (bitVector 0) (bitVector 0b111111100001)
-- 0xfe000080
-- >>> extract bl $ inject bl (bitVector 0) (bitVector 0b111111100001)
-- 0xfe1

data BitLayout (t :: Nat) (s :: Nat) :: * where
  BitLayout :: NatRepr t -> NatRepr s -> Seq (Some Chunk) -> BitLayout t s

instance Pretty (BitLayout t s) where
  pPrint (BitLayout _ _ chks) = text $ show (pPrint <$> reverse $ toList chks)

deriving instance Show (BitLayout t s)

-- | Construct an empty 'BitLayout'.
empty :: KnownNat t => BitLayout t 0
empty = BitLayout knownNat knownNat S.empty

-- | Construct a 'BitLayout' with one chunk.
singleChunk :: (KnownNat w, KnownNat w') => Int -> BitLayout w w'
singleChunk idx = chunk idx <: empty

-- TODO: Should this be in Maybe?
-- | Add a 'Chunk' to a 'BitLayout'. If the 'Chunk' does not fit, either because the
-- resulting 'BitLayout' would be too long or because it would overlap with a 'Chunk'
-- that is already in the 'BitLayout', we throw an error.
(<:) :: Chunk r             -- ^ chunk to add
     -> BitLayout t s       -- ^ layout we are adding the chunk to
     -> BitLayout t (r + s)
chk@(Chunk rRepr _) <: bl@(BitLayout tRepr sRepr chunks) =
  if chk `chunkFits` bl
  then BitLayout tRepr (rRepr `addNat` sRepr) (chunks S.|> Some chk)
  else error $
       "chunk " ++ show chk ++ " does not fit in layout of size " ++
       show (natValue tRepr) ++ ": " ++ show bl

-- TODO: check precedence (associativity is correct)
infixr 6 <:

chunkFits :: Chunk r -> BitLayout t s -> Bool
chunkFits chk@(Chunk rRepr start) (BitLayout tRepr sRepr chunks) =
  (natValue rRepr + natValue sRepr <= natValue tRepr) && -- widths are ok
  (fromIntegral start + natValue rRepr <= natValue tRepr) && -- chunk lies within the bit vector
  (0 <= start) &&
  noOverlaps chk (toList chunks)

noOverlaps :: Chunk r -> [Some Chunk] -> Bool
noOverlaps chk = all (chunksDontOverlap (Some chk))

chunksDontOverlap :: Some Chunk -> Some Chunk -> Bool
chunksDontOverlap (Some (Chunk chunkRepr1 start1)) (Some (Chunk chunkRepr2 start2)) =
  if start1 <= start2
  then start1 + chunkWidth1 <= start2
  else start2 + chunkWidth2 <= start1
  where chunkWidth1 = fromIntegral (natValue chunkRepr1)
        chunkWidth2 = fromIntegral (natValue chunkRepr2)

-- | Given a starting position, insert (via "or") a smaller 'BitVector' @s@ with a larger
-- 'BitVector' @t@ at that position.
bvOrAt :: Int
       -> BitVector s
       -> BitVector t
       -> BitVector t
bvOrAt start sVec tVec@(BitVector tRepr _) =
  (bvZext' tRepr sVec `bvShift` start) `bvOr` tVec

-- | Given a list of 'Chunk's, inject each chunk from a source 'BitVector' @s@ into a
-- target 'BitVector' @t@.
bvOrAtAll :: NatRepr t
          -> [Some Chunk]
          -> BitVector s
          -> BitVector t
bvOrAtAll tRepr [] _ = BV tRepr 0
bvOrAtAll tRepr (Some (Chunk chunkRepr chunkStart) : chunks) sVec =
  bvOrAt chunkStart (bvTruncBits sVec chunkWidth) (bvOrAtAll tRepr chunks (sVec `bvShift` (- chunkWidth)))
  where chunkWidth = fromIntegral (natValue chunkRepr)

-- | Use a 'BitLayout' to inject a smaller vector into a larger one.
inject :: BitLayout t s -- ^ The layout
       -> BitVector t   -- ^ The larger vector to inject into
       -> BitVector s   -- ^ The smaller vector to be injected
       -> BitVector t
inject (BitLayout tRepr _ chunks) tVec sVec =
  bvOrAtAll tRepr (toList chunks) sVec `bvOr` tVec

-- First, extract the appropriate bits as a BitVector t, where the relevant bits
-- start at the LSB of the vector (so, mask and shiftL). Then, truncate to a
-- BitVector s, and shiftinto the starting position.
extractChunk :: NatRepr s     -- ^ width of output
             -> Int           -- ^ where to place the chunk in the result
             -> Some Chunk    -- ^ location/width of chunk in the input
             -> BitVector t   -- ^ input vector
             -> BitVector s
extractChunk sRepr sStart (Some (Chunk chunkRepr chunkStart)) tVec =
  bvShift extractedChunk sStart
  where extractedChunk = bvZext' sRepr (bvExtract' chunkRepr chunkStart tVec)

extractAll :: NatRepr s       -- ^ determines width of output vector
           -> Int             -- ^ current position in output vector
           -> [Some Chunk]    -- ^ list of remaining chunks to place in output vector
           -> BitVector t     -- ^ input vector
           -> BitVector s
extractAll sRepr _ [] _ = BV sRepr 0
extractAll sRepr outStart (chk@(Some (Chunk chunkRepr _)) : chunks) tVec =
  extractChunk sRepr outStart chk tVec `bvOr`
  extractAll sRepr (outStart + chunkWidth) chunks tVec
  where chunkWidth = fromInteger (intValue chunkRepr)

-- | Use a 'BitLayout' to extract a smaller vector from a larger one.
extract :: BitLayout t s -- ^ The layout
        -> BitVector t   -- ^ The larger vector to extract from
        -> BitVector s
extract (BitLayout _ sRepr chunks) = extractAll sRepr 0 (toList chunks)

-- | Lens for a 'BitLayout'.
layoutLens :: BitLayout t s -> Simple Lens (BitVector t) (BitVector s)
layoutLens layout = lens (extract layout) (inject layout)

-- | Lens for a parameterized 'List' of 'BitLayout's.
layoutsLens :: forall ws . List (BitLayout 32) ws -> Simple Lens (BitVector 32) (List BitVector ws)
layoutsLens layouts = lens
  (\bv -> imap (const $ flip extract bv) layouts)
  (\bv bvFlds -> ifoldr (\_ (P.Pair fld layout) bv' -> inject layout bv' fld)
                 (izipWith (const P.Pair) bvFlds layouts))

-- | From a `BitLayout`, get a list representing the position of each bit from the
-- source to the target. The list
-- @
-- [3,4,5,10,11,12,13]
-- @
-- means that bit 0 of the source is placed in bit 3 of the target, bit 1 of the
-- source is placed in bit 4 of the target, etc.

bitLayoutAssignmentList :: BitLayout t s -> [Int]
bitLayoutAssignmentList (BitLayout _ _ someChunks) = reverse (bitLayoutAssignmentList' (toList someChunks))

bitLayoutAssignmentList' :: [Some Chunk] -> [Int]
bitLayoutAssignmentList' [] = []
bitLayoutAssignmentList' (Some (Chunk wRepr start):rst) =
  reverse [start..start+w-1] ++ bitLayoutAssignmentList' rst
  where w = fromIntegral (natValue wRepr)