cabal-debian-3.0.7: Create a debianization for a cabal package

Safe HaskellNone



QUICK START: You can either run the cabal-debian --debianize, or for more power and flexibility you can put a Debianize.hs script in the package's debian subdirectory. Atoms value and pass it to the debianize function. The callDebianize function retrieves extra arguments from the CABALDEBIAN environment variable and calls debianize with the build directory set as it would be when the packages is built by dpkg-buildpackage.

To see what your debianization would produce, or how it differs from the debianization already present:

 % cabal-debian --debianize -n

This is equivalent to the library call

 % ghc -e 'Debian.Debianize.callDebianize ["-n"]'

To actually create the debianization and then build the debs,

 % ghc -e 'Debian.Debianize.callDebianize []'
 % sudo dpkg-buildpackage

At this point you may need to modify Cabal.defaultFlags to achieve specific packaging goals. Create a module for this in debian/Debianize.hs:

 import Data.Lens.Lazy
 import Data.Map as Map (insertWith)
 import Data.Set as Set (union, singleton)
 import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(BinPkgName), Relation(Rel))
 import Debian.Debianize (defaultAtoms, depends, debianization, writeDebianization)
 main = debianization "." defaultAtoms >>=
        return . modL depends (insertWith union (BinPkgName "cabal-debian") (singleton (Rel (BinPkgName "debian-policy") Nothing Nothing))) >>=
        writeDebianization "."

Then to test it,

 % CABALDEBIAN='["-n"]' runhaskell debian/Debianize.hs

or equivalently

 % ghc -e 'Debian.Debianize.runDebianize ["-n"]'

and to run it for real:

 % runhaskell debian/Debianize.hs
