cacophony-0.6.0: A library implementing the Noise protocol.

MaintainerJohn Galt <>
Safe HaskellNone




For more information regarding HandshakePatterns, please see the Crypto.Noise.HandshakePatterns module.



data SendingCipherState c Source

Represents the Noise cipher state for outgoing data.

data ReceivingCipherState c Source

Represents the Noise cipher state for incoming data.

data HandshakeCallbacks d Source

Contains the callbacks required by runHandshake.

hscbSend and hscbRecv are called when handshake data needs to be sent to and received from the remote peer, respectively. hscbSend will typically be a function which writes to a socket, and hscbRecv will typically be a function which reads from a socket.

hscbPayloadIn and hscbPayloadOut are called when handshake payloads are received and sent, respectively. To be more precise, hscbPayloadIn is called after an incoming handshake message has been decrypted successfully, and hscbPayloadOut is called during the construction of an outgoing handshake message.

hscbStaticIn is called as soon as a static key is received from the remote party. If this function evaluates to False, the handshake is immediately aborted and a HandshakeAborted exception is thrown. Otherwise, the handshake proceeds normally. This is intended to create a firewall/access control list which can be used to prohibit communication with certain parties. In the noiseXR and noiseIX patterns, this will prevent the initiator from discovering your identity. In the noiseXX pattern, this will prevent the responder from discovering your identity.

All five of these callbacks apply to handshake messages only. After the handshake is complete they are no longer used.

data HandshakeState c d h Source

Represents the state of a handshake.

data HandshakeOpts c d Source

Contains the parameters required to initialize a HandshakeState. The keys you need to provide are dependent on the type of handshake you are using. If you fail to provide a key that your handshake type depends on, or you provide a static key which is supposed to be set during the exchange, you will receive a HandshakeStateFailure exception.


handshakeState :: forall c d h. (Cipher c, Curve d, Hash h) => HandshakeOpts c d -> HandshakeState c d h Source

Constructs a HandshakeState.

runHandshake :: (Cipher c, Curve d, Hash h) => HandshakeState c d h -> HandshakeCallbacks d -> IO (SendingCipherState c, ReceivingCipherState c) Source

Given a HandshakeState and HandshakeCallbacks, runs a handshake from start to finish. The SendingCipherState and ReceivingCipherState are intended to be used by encryptPayload and decryptPayload, respectively.

encryptPayload Source


:: Cipher c 
=> Plaintext

The data to encrypt

-> SendingCipherState c 
-> (ByteString, SendingCipherState c) 

Encrypts a payload. The returned SendingCipherState must be used for all subsequent calls.

decryptPayload Source


:: Cipher c 
=> ByteString

The data to decrypt

-> ReceivingCipherState c 
-> (Plaintext, ReceivingCipherState c) 

Decrypts a payload. The returned ReceivingCipherState must be used for all subsequent calls.