module Network.CGI.Accept (
  -- * Accept-X headers
  , Accept
  , Charset(..), ContentEncoding(..), Language(..)
  -- * Content negotiation
  , negotiate
                          ) where

import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Numeric

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

import Network.Multipart
import Network.Multipart.Header

-- * Accept-X headers

newtype Accept a = Accept [(a, Quality)]
    deriving (Show)

type Quality = Double

-- A bounded join-semilattice
class Eq a => Acceptable a where
    includes :: a -> a -> Bool
{-  top :: a

    TODO: This method is not exported from his module, so it cannot be used by
          code on the outside. It is not used inside of this module either. So,
          do we actually need it?
instance HeaderValue a => HeaderValue (Accept a) where
    parseHeaderValue = fmap Accept $ sepBy p (lexeme (char ','))
        where p = do a <- parseHeaderValue
                     q <- option 1 $ do _ <- lexeme $ char ';'
                                        _ <- lexeme $ char 'q'
                                        _ <- lexeme $ char '='
                                        lexeme pQuality
                     return (a,q)
              pQuality = (char '0' >> option "0" (char '.' >> many digit) >>= \ds -> return (read ("0." ++ ds ++ "0")))
                         <|> (char '1' >> optional (char '.' >> many (char '0')) >> return 1)
    prettyHeaderValue (Accept xs) = concat $ intersperse ", " [prettyHeaderValue a ++ "; q=" ++ showQuality q | (a,q) <- xs]
        where showQuality q = showFFloat (Just 3) q ""

starOrEqualTo :: String -> String -> Bool
starOrEqualTo x y = x == "*" || x == y

negotiate :: Acceptable a => [a] -> Maybe (Accept a) -> [a]
negotiate ys Nothing = ys
negotiate ys (Just xs) = reverse [ z | (q,z) <- sortBy (compare `on` fst) [ (quality xs y,y) | y <- ys], q > 0]

--testNegotiate :: (HeaderValue a, Acceptable a) => [String] -> String -> [a]
--testNegotiate ts a = negotiate [t | Just t <- map (parseM parseHeaderValue "<source>") ts] (parseM parseHeaderValue "<source>" a)

quality :: Acceptable a => Accept a -> a -> Quality
quality (Accept xs) y = fromMaybe 0 $ listToMaybe $ sort $ map snd $ sortBy (compareSpecificity `on` fst) $ filter ((`includes` y) . fst) xs

compareSpecificity :: Acceptable a => a -> a -> Ordering
compareSpecificity x y
    | x `includes` y && y `includes` x = EQ
    | x `includes` y = GT
    | y `includes` x = LT
    | otherwise = error "Non-comparable Acceptables"

-- ** Accept

instance Acceptable ContentType where
    includes x y = ctType x `starOrEqualTo` ctType y
                   && ctSubtype x `starOrEqualTo` ctSubtype y
                   && all (hasParameter y) (ctParameters x)
    -- top = ContentType "*" "*" []

hasParameter :: ContentType -> (String, String) -> Bool
hasParameter t (k,v) = maybe False (==v) $ lookup k (ctParameters t)

-- ** Accept-Charset

RFC 2616 14.2:

The special value "*", if present in the Accept-Charset field, matches
every character set (including ISO-8859-1) which is not mentioned
elsewhere in the Accept-Charset field. If no "*" is present in an
Accept-Charset field, then all character sets not explicitly mentioned
get a quality value of 0, except for ISO-8859-1, which gets a quality
value of 1 if not explicitly mentioned.

If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any
character set is acceptable. If an Accept-Charset header is present,
and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according
to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send an error
response with the 406 (not acceptable) status code, though the sending
of an unacceptable response is also allowed.

newtype Charset = Charset String
    deriving (Show)

instance Eq Charset where
    Charset x == Charset y = caseInsensitiveEq x y

instance Ord Charset where
    Charset x `compare` Charset y = caseInsensitiveCompare x y

instance HeaderValue Charset where
    parseHeaderValue = fmap Charset $ many ws1 >> lexeme p_token
    prettyHeaderValue (Charset s) = s

instance Acceptable Charset where
    Charset x `includes` Charset y = starOrEqualTo x y
    -- top = Charset "*"

-- ** Accept-Encoding

RFC 2616, section 14.3

newtype ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding String
    deriving (Show)

instance Eq ContentEncoding where
    ContentEncoding x == ContentEncoding y = caseInsensitiveEq x y

instance Ord ContentEncoding where
    ContentEncoding x `compare` ContentEncoding y = caseInsensitiveCompare x y

instance HeaderValue ContentEncoding where
    parseHeaderValue = fmap ContentEncoding $ many ws1 >> lexeme p_token
    prettyHeaderValue (ContentEncoding s) = s

instance Acceptable ContentEncoding where
    ContentEncoding x `includes` ContentEncoding y = starOrEqualTo x y
    -- top = ContentEncoding "*"

-- ** Accept-Language

newtype Language = Language String
    deriving (Show)

instance Eq Language where
    Language x == Language y = caseInsensitiveEq x y

instance Ord Language where
    Language x `compare` Language y = caseInsensitiveCompare x y

instance HeaderValue Language where
    parseHeaderValue = fmap Language $ many ws1 >> lexeme p_token
    prettyHeaderValue (Language s) = s

RFC 2616 14.4

A language-range matches a language-tag if it exactly equals the tag,
or if it exactly equals a prefix of the tag such that the first tag
character following the prefix is "-". The special range "*", if
present in the Accept-Language field, matches every tag not matched by
any other range present in the Accept-Language field.
instance Acceptable Language where
    Language x `includes` Language y =
        x == "*" || x == y || (x `isPrefixOf` y && "-" `isPrefixOf` drop (length x) y)
    -- top = Language "*"