  Copyright  :  (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente
  License    :  BSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
  Maintainer :  Christiaan Baaij <christiaan.baaij@gmail.com>

  Utility functions used by the normalisation transformations

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}

module Clash.Normalize.Util
 ( isConstantArg
 , shouldReduce
 , alreadyInlined
 , addNewInline
 , specializeNorm
 , isRecursiveBndr
 , isClosed
 , callGraph
 , classifyFunction
 , isCheapFunction
 , isNonRecursiveGlobalVar
 , canConstantSpec
 , normalizeTopLvlBndr
 , rewriteExpr
 , removedTm

import           Control.Lens            ((&),(+~),(%=),(^.),_4,(.=))
import qualified Control.Lens            as Lens
import qualified Data.List               as List
import qualified Data.Map                as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict     as HashMapS
import           Data.Text               (Text)

import           BasicTypes              (InlineSpec)

import           Clash.Annotations.Primitive (extractPrim)
import           Clash.Core.FreeVars
  (globalIds, hasLocalFreeVars, globalIdOccursIn)
import           Clash.Core.Pretty       (showPpr)
import           Clash.Core.Subst        (deShadowTerm)
import           Clash.Core.Term
  (Context, CoreContext(AppArg), PrimInfo (..), Term (..), WorkInfo (..),
import           Clash.Core.TyCon        (TyConMap)
import           Clash.Core.Type         (Type, undefinedTy)
import           Clash.Core.Util         (isClockOrReset, isPolyFun, termType)
import           Clash.Core.Var          (Id, Var (..), isGlobalId)
import           Clash.Core.VarEnv
  (VarEnv, emptyInScopeSet, emptyVarEnv, extendVarEnv, extendVarEnvWith,
   lookupVarEnv, unionVarEnvWith, unitVarEnv)
import           Clash.Driver.Types      (BindingMap, DebugLevel (..))
import {-# SOURCE #-} Clash.Normalize.Strategy (normalization)
import           Clash.Normalize.Types
import           Clash.Primitives.Util   (constantArgs)
import           Clash.Rewrite.Types
  (RewriteMonad, bindings, curFun, dbgLevel, extra, tcCache)
import           Clash.Rewrite.Util      (runRewrite, specialise)
import           Clash.Unique
import           Clash.Util              (SrcSpan, anyM, makeCachedU, traceIf)

-- | Determine if argument should reduce to a constant given a primitive and
-- an argument number. Caches results.
  :: Text
  -- ^ Primitive name
  -> Int
  -- ^ Argument number
  -> RewriteMonad NormalizeState Bool
  -- ^ Yields @DontCare@ for if given primitive name is not found, if the
  -- argument does not exist, or if the argument was not mentioned by the
  -- blackbox.
isConstantArg nm i = do
  argMap <- Lens.use (extra.primitiveArgs)
  case Map.lookup nm argMap of
    Nothing -> do
      -- Constant args not yet calculated, or primitive does not exist
      prims <- Lens.use (extra.primitives)
      case extractPrim =<< HashMapS.lookup nm prims of
        Nothing ->
          -- Primitive does not exist:
          pure False
        Just p -> do
          -- Calculate constant arguments:
          let m = constantArgs nm p
          (extra.primitiveArgs) Lens.%= Map.insert nm m
          pure (i `elem` m)
    Just m ->
      -- Cached version found
      pure (i `elem` m)

-- | Given a list of transformation contexts, determine if any of the contexts
-- indicates that the current arg is to be reduced to a constant / literal.
  :: Context
  -- ^ ..in the current transformcontext
  -> RewriteMonad NormalizeState Bool
shouldReduce = anyM isConstantArg'
    isConstantArg' (AppArg (Just (nm, _, i))) = isConstantArg nm i
    isConstantArg' _ = pure False

-- | Determine if a function is already inlined in the context of the 'NetlistMonad'
  :: Id
  -- ^ Function we want to inline
  -> Id
  -- ^ Function in which we want to perform the inlining
  -> NormalizeMonad (Maybe Int)
alreadyInlined f cf = do
  inlinedHM <- Lens.use inlineHistory
  case lookupVarEnv cf inlinedHM of
    Nothing       -> return Nothing
    Just inlined' -> return (lookupVarEnv f inlined')

  :: Id
  -- ^ Function we want to inline
  -> Id
  -- ^ Function in which we want to perform the inlining
  -> NormalizeMonad ()
addNewInline f cf =
  inlineHistory %= extendVarEnvWith
                     (unitVarEnv f 1)
                     (\_ hm -> extendVarEnvWith f 1 (+) hm)

-- | Specialize under the Normalization Monad
specializeNorm :: NormRewrite
specializeNorm = specialise specialisationCache specialisationHistory specialisationLimit

-- | Determine if a term is closed
isClosed :: TyConMap
         -> Term
         -> Bool
isClosed tcm = not . isPolyFun tcm

-- | Test whether a given term represents a non-recursive global variable
  :: Term
  -> NormalizeSession Bool
isNonRecursiveGlobalVar (collectArgs -> (Var i, _args)) = do
  let eIsGlobal = isGlobalId i
  eIsRec    <- isRecursiveBndr i
  return (eIsGlobal && not eIsRec)
isNonRecursiveGlobalVar _ = return False

-- | Assert whether a name is a reference to a recursive binder.
  :: Id
  -> NormalizeSession Bool
isRecursiveBndr f = do
  cg <- Lens.use (extra.recursiveComponents)
  case lookupVarEnv f cg of
    Just isR -> return isR
    Nothing -> do
      fBodyM <- lookupVarEnv f <$> Lens.use bindings
      case fBodyM of
        Nothing -> return False
        Just (_,_,_,fBody) -> do
          -- There are no global mutually-recursive functions, only self-recursive
          -- ones, so checking whether 'f' is part of the free variables of the
          -- body of 'f' is sufficient.
          let isR = f `globalIdOccursIn` fBody
          (extra.recursiveComponents) %= extendVarEnv f isR
          return isR

-- | Test if we can constant specialize current term in current function. The
-- rules are, we can constant fold if:
--   * Term does not carry a clock or reset
--   * Term is constant is @isConstant@ sense, and additionally when term is a
--     global, non-recursive variable
  :: Term
  -> RewriteMonad NormalizeState Bool
canConstantSpec e = do
  tcm <- Lens.view tcCache
  if isClockOrReset tcm (termType tcm e) then
    case collectArgs e of
      (Prim nm _, _) -> return (nm == "Clash.Transformations.removedArg")
      _              -> return False
    case collectArgs e of
      (Data _, args)   -> and <$> mapM (either canConstantSpec (const (pure True))) args
      (Prim _ _, args) -> and <$> mapM (either canConstantSpec (const (pure True))) args
      (Lam _ _, _)     -> pure (not (hasLocalFreeVars e))
      (Var f, args)    -> do
        (curF, _) <- Lens.use curFun

        argsConst <- and <$> mapM (either canConstantSpec (const (pure True))) args
        isNonRecGlobVar <- isNonRecursiveGlobalVar e
        return (argsConst && isNonRecGlobVar && f /= curF)

      (Literal _,_)    -> pure True
      _                -> pure False

-- | A call graph counts the number of occurrences that a functions 'g' is used
-- in 'f'.
type CallGraph = VarEnv (VarEnv Word)

-- | Create a call graph for a set of global binders, given a root
  :: BindingMap
  -> Id
  -> CallGraph
callGraph bndrs rt = go emptyVarEnv (varUniq rt)
    go cg root
      | Nothing     <- lookupUniqMap root cg
      , Just rootTm <- lookupUniqMap root bndrs =
      let used = Lens.foldMapByOf globalIds (unionVarEnvWith (+))
                  emptyVarEnv (`unitUniqMap` 1) (rootTm ^. _4)
          cg'  = extendUniqMap root used cg
      in  List.foldl' go cg' (keysUniqMap used)
    go cg _ = cg

-- | Give a "performance/size" classification of a function in normal form.
  :: Term
  -> TermClassification
classifyFunction = go (TermClassification 0 0 0)
    go !c (Lam _ e)     = go c e
    go !c (TyLam _ e)   = go c e
    go !c (Letrec bs _) = List.foldl' go c (map snd bs)
    go !c e@(App {}) = case fst (collectArgs e) of
      Prim {} -> c & primitive +~ 1
      Var {}  -> c & function +~ 1
      _ -> c
    go !c (Case _ _ alts) = case alts of
      (_:_:_) -> c & selection  +~ 1
      _ -> c
    go !c (Tick _ e) = go c e
    go c _ = c

-- | Determine whether a function adds a lot of hardware or not.
-- It is considered expensive when it has 2 or more of the following components:
-- * functions
-- * primitives
-- * selections (multiplexers)
  :: Term
  -> Bool
isCheapFunction tm = case classifyFunction tm of
  TermClassification {..}
    | _function  <= 1 -> _primitive <= 0 && _selection <= 0
    | _primitive <= 1 -> _function  <= 0 && _selection <= 0
    | _selection <= 1 -> _function  <= 0 && _primitive <= 0
    | otherwise       -> False

  :: Id
  -> (Id, SrcSpan, InlineSpec, Term)
  -> NormalizeSession (Id, SrcSpan, InlineSpec, Term)
normalizeTopLvlBndr nm (nm',sp,inl,tm) = makeCachedU nm (extra.normalized) $ do
  tcm <- Lens.view tcCache
  let nmS = showPpr (varName nm)
  -- We deshadow the term because sometimes GHC gives us
  -- code where a local binder has the same unique as a
  -- global binder, sometimes causing the inliner to go
  -- into a loop. Deshadowing freshens all the bindings
  -- to avoid this.
  -- Additionally, it allows for a much cheaper `appProp`
  -- transformation, see Note [AppProp no-shadow invariant]
  let tm1 = deShadowTerm emptyInScopeSet tm
  old <- Lens.use curFun
  tm2 <- rewriteExpr ("normalization",normalization) (nmS,tm1) (nm',sp)
  curFun .= old
  let ty' = termType tcm tm2
  return (nm' {varType = ty'},sp,inl,tm2)

-- | Rewrite a term according to the provided transformation
rewriteExpr :: (String,NormRewrite) -- ^ Transformation to apply
            -> (String,Term)        -- ^ Term to transform
            -> (Id, SrcSpan)        -- ^ Renew current function being rewritten
            -> NormalizeSession Term
rewriteExpr (nrwS,nrw) (bndrS,expr) (nm, sp) = do
  curFun .= (nm, sp)
  lvl <- Lens.view dbgLevel
  let before = showPpr expr
  let expr' = traceIf (lvl >= DebugFinal)
                (bndrS ++ " before " ++ nrwS ++ ":\n\n" ++ before ++ "\n")
  rewritten <- runRewrite nrwS emptyInScopeSet nrw expr'
  let after = showPpr rewritten
  traceIf (lvl >= DebugFinal)
    (bndrS ++ " after " ++ nrwS ++ ":\n\n" ++ after ++ "\n") $
    return rewritten

  :: Type
  -> Term
removedTm =
  TyApp (Prim "Clash.Transformations.removedArg" (PrimInfo undefinedTy WorkNever))