clash-prelude-0.9.3: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Prelude library

Copyright(C) 2015, University of Twente
LicenseBSD2 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerChristiaan Baaij <>
Safe HaskellSafe




The TopEntity annotations described in this module make it easier to put your design on an FPGA.

We can exert some control how the top level function is created by the CλaSH compiler by annotating the topEntity function with a TopEntity annotation. You apply these annotations using the ANN pragma like so:

{-# ANN topEntity (TopEntity {t_name = ..., ...  }) #-}
topEntity x = ...

For example, given the following specification:

topEntity :: Signal Bit -> Signal (BitVector 8)
topEntity key1 = leds
    key1R = isRising 1 key1
    leds  = mealy blinkerT (1,False,0) key1R

blinkerT (leds,mode,cntr) key1R = ((leds',mode',cntr'),leds)
    -- clock frequency = 50e6   (50 MHz)
    -- led update rate = 333e-3 (every 333ms)
    cnt_max = 16650000 -- 50e6 * 333e-3

    cntr' | cntr == cnt_max = 0
          | otherwise       = cntr + 1

    mode' | key1R     = not mode
          | otherwise = mode

    leds' | cntr == 0 = if mode then complement leds
                                else rotateL leds 1
          | otherwise = leds

The CλaSH compiler will normally generate the following topEntity.vhdl file:

-- Automatically generated VHDL
library IEEE;
use work.all;
use work.types.all;

entity topEntity is
  port(input_0         : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
       -- clock
       system1000      : in std_logic;
       -- asynchronous reset: active low
       system1000_rstn : in std_logic;
       output_0        : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

architecture structural of topEntity is
  topEntity_0_inst : entity topEntity_0
    port map
      (key1_i1         => input_0
      ,system1000      => system1000
      ,system1000_rstn => system1000_rstn
      ,topLet_o        => output_0);

However, if we add the following TopEntity annotation in the file:

{-# ANN topEntity
    { t_name     = "blinker"
    , t_inputs   = ["KEY1"]
    , t_outputs  = ["LED"]
    , t_extraIn  = [ ("CLOCK_50", 1)
                   , ("KEY0"    , 1)
    , t_clocks   = [ altpll "altpll50" "CLOCK_50(0)" "not KEY0(0)" ]
    }) #-}

The CλaSH compiler will generate the following blinker.vhdl file instead:

-- Automatically generated VHDL
library IEEE;
use work.all;
use work.types.all;

entity blinker is
  port(KEY1     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
       CLOCK_50 : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
       KEY0     : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
       LED      : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

architecture structural of blinker is
  signal system1000      : std_logic;
  signal system1000_rstn : std_logic;
  signal altpll50_locked : std_logic;
  altpll50_inst : entity altpll50
    port map
      (inclk0 => CLOCK_50(0)
      ,c0     => system1000
      ,areset => not KEY0(0)
      ,locked => altpll50_locked);

  -- reset system1000_rstn is asynchronously asserted, but synchronously de-asserted
  resetSync_n_0 : block
    signal n_1 : std_logic;
    signal n_2 : std_logic;
      if altpll50_locked = '0' then
        n_1 <= '0';
        n_2 <= '0';
      elsif rising_edge(system1000) then
        n_1 <= '1';
        n_2 <= n_1;
      end if;
    end process;

    system1000_rstn <= n_2;
  end block;

  topEntity_0_inst : entity topEntity_0
    port map
      (key1_i1         => KEY1
      ,system1000      => system1000
      ,system1000_rstn => system1000_rstn
      ,topLet_o        => LED);

Where we now have:

  • A top-level component that is called blinker.
  • Inputs and outputs that have a user-chosen name: KEY1, LED, etc.
  • An instantiated PLL component providing a stable clock signal from the free-running clock pin CLOCK_50.
  • A reset that is asynchronously asserted by the lock signal originating from the PLL, meaning that your design is kept in reset until the PLL is providing a stable clock. The reset is additionally synchronously de-asserted to prevent metastability of your design due to unlucky timing of the de-assertion of the reset.

See the documentation of TopEntity for the meaning of all its fields.


Data types

data TopEntity Source

TopEntity annotation




t_name :: String

The name the top-level component should have, put in a correspondingly named file.

t_inputs :: [String]

List of names that are assigned in-order to the inputs of the component.

t_outputs :: [String]

List of names that are assigned in-order to the outputs of the component.

t_extraIn :: [(String, Int)]

Extra input ports, where every tuple holds the name of the input port and the number of bits are used for that input port.

So given a bit-width n, the port has type:

  • VHDL: std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0)
  • Verilog: [n-1:0]
  • SystemVerilog: logic [n-1:0]
t_extraOut :: [(String, Int)]

Extra output ports, where every tuple holds the name of the input port and the number of bits are used for that input port.

So given a bit-width n, the port has type:

  • VHDL: std_logic_vector (n-1 downto 0)
  • Verilog: [n-1:0]
  • SystemVerilog: logic [n-1:0]
t_clocks :: [ClockSource]

List of clock sources

data ClockSource Source

A clock source




c_name :: String

Component name

c_inp :: Maybe (String, String)

optional: (Input port, clock pin/expression)

c_outp :: [(String, String)]

List of (Output port, clock)

The best way to create the String representing the name of the clock is to show the corresponding singleton clock (sclock).

So given that you your design is synchronised to the SystemClock and some another clock ClkA

type ClkA = 'Clk "clkA" 2000

the best way to connect output clock ports is by doing:

ClockSource { ..
            , c_outp = [("c0", show (sclock :: SClock SystemClock))
                       ,("c1", show (sclock :: SClock ClkA))
            , ..
c_reset :: Maybe (String, String)

optional: (Reset port, reset pin/expression)

c_lock :: String

Output port name of the clock source component indicating that the clock signal is stable.

c_sync :: Bool

Indicates whether the components synchronised by the clocks generated by this clock source are pulled out of reset simultaneously.

The recommended setting if False.

When c_sync is set to False, the compiler generates reset synchronisers which ensure that each component is synchronously pulled out of reset, preventing metastability introduced by unlucky timing of the reset de-assertion.

When c_sync is set to True those reset synchronisers are not generated and there is change for reset-induced metastability.

Convenience functions

defTop :: TopEntity Source

Default TopEntity which has no clocks, and no specified names for the input and output ports. Also has no clock sources:

>>> defTop
TopEntity {t_name = "topentity", t_inputs = [], t_outputs = [], t_extraIn = [], t_extraOut = [], t_clocks = []}

Altera clock sources

altpll Source


:: String

Name of the component.

-> String

Clock Pin/Expression of the free running clock.

-> String

Reset Pin/Expression controlling the reset of the PLL.

-> ClockSource 

A clock source that corresponds to the Altera/Quartus "ALTPLL" component with default settings to provide a stable systemClock.

>>> altpll "altpll50" "CLOCK(0)" "not KEY(0)"
ClockSource {c_name = "altpll50", c_inp = Just ("inclk0","CLOCK(0)"), c_outp = [("c0","system1000")], c_reset = Just ("areset","not KEY(0)"), c_lock = "locked", c_sync = False}

Will generate the following VHDL:

altpll50_inst : entity altpll50
  port map
    (inclk0 => CLOCK_50(0)
    ,c0     => system1000
    ,areset => not KEY0(0)
    ,locked => altpll50_locked);

If you are however generating (System)Verilog you should write:

>>> altpll "altpll50" "CLOCK[0]" "~ KEY[0]"
ClockSource {c_name = "altpll50", c_inp = Just ("inclk0","CLOCK[0]"), c_outp = [("c0","system1000")], c_reset = Just ("areset","~ KEY[0]"), c_lock = "locked", c_sync = False}

so that the following (System)Verilog is created:

altpll50 altpll50_inst
(.inclk0 (CLOCK_50[0])
,.c0 (system1000)
,.areset (~ KEY0[0])
,.locked (altpll50_locked));

alteraPll Source


:: String

Name of the component.

-> String

Clock Pin/Expression of the free running clock.

-> String

Reset Pin/Expression controlling the reset of the PLL.

-> ClockSource 

A clock source that corresponds to the Altera "Altera PLL" component with default settings to provide a stable systemClock.

>>> alteraPll "alteraPll50" "CLOCK(0)" "not KEY(0)"
ClockSource {c_name = "alteraPll50", c_inp = Just ("refclk","CLOCK(0)"), c_outp = [("outclk_0","system1000")], c_reset = Just ("rst","not KEY(0)"), c_lock = "locked", c_sync = False}

Will generate the following VHDL:

alteraPll50_inst : entity alteraPll
  port map
    (refclk   => CLOCK_50(0)
    ,outclk_0 => system1000
    ,rst      => not KEY0(0)
    ,locked   => alteraPll50_locked);

If you are however generating (System)Verilog you should write:

>>> alteraPll "alteraPll50" "CLOCK[0]" "~ KEY[0]"
ClockSource {c_name = "alteraPll50", c_inp = Just ("refclk","CLOCK[0]"), c_outp = [("outclk_0","system1000")], c_reset = Just ("rst","~ KEY[0]"), c_lock = "locked", c_sync = False}

so that the following (System)Verilog is created:

alteraPll50 alteraPll50_inst
(.refclk (CLOCK_50[0])
,.outclk_0 (system1000)
,.rst (~ KEY0[0])
,.locked (alteraPll50_locked));

Xilinx clock sources

clockWizard Source


:: String

Name of the component.

-> String

Clock Pin/Expression of the free running clock.

-> String

Reset Pin/Expression controlling the reset of the PLL.

-> ClockSource 

A clock source that corresponds to the Xilinx PLL/MMCM component created with the "Clock Wizard", with settings to provide a stable systemClock.

>>> clockWizard "clkwiz50" "CLOCK(0)" "not KEY(0)"
ClockSource {c_name = "clkwiz50", c_inp = Just ("CLK_IN1","CLOCK(0)"), c_outp = [("CLK_OUT1","system1000")], c_reset = Just ("RESET","not KEY(0)"), c_lock = "LOCKED", c_sync = False}

Will generate the following VHDL:

clkwiz50_inst : entity clkwiz50
  port map
    (CLK_IN1  => CLOCK_50(0)
    ,CLK_OUT1 => system1000
    ,RESET    => not KEY0(0)
    ,LOCKED   => altpll50_locked);

If you are however generating (System)Verilog you should write:

>>> clockWizard "clkwiz50" "CLOCK[0]" "~ KEY[0]"
ClockSource {c_name = "clkwiz50", c_inp = Just ("CLK_IN1","CLOCK[0]"), c_outp = [("CLK_OUT1","system1000")], c_reset = Just ("RESET","~ KEY[0]"), c_lock = "LOCKED", c_sync = False}

so that the following (System)Verilog is created:

clkwiz50 clkwiz50_inst
(.CLK_IN1 (CLOCK_50[0])
,.CLK_OUT1 (system1000)
,.RESET (~ KEY0[0])
,.LOCKED (altpll50_locked));