classyplate- Fuseable type-class based generics

Safe HaskellNone




class GoodOperationFor c b => ClassyPlate c b Source #

A class for traversals that use a polymorphic function to visit all applicable elements.

Minimal complete definition

bottomUp_, bottomUpM_, descend_, descendM_, topDown_, topDownM_

class GoodOperationForAuto c b => SmartClassyPlate c sel b Source #

A class for traversals that use a polymorphic function to visit all applicable elements but only visit the parts where the applicable elements could be found.

Minimal complete definition

smartTraverse_, smartTraverseM_


GoodOperationForAuto c b => SmartClassyPlate c True b Source # 


smartTraverse_ :: FlagToken True -> ClsToken c -> (forall a. (ClassyPlate c a, c a) => a -> a) -> b -> b Source #

smartTraverseM_ :: Monad m => FlagToken True -> ClsToken c -> (forall a. (ClassyPlate c a, c a) => a -> m a) -> b -> m b Source #