{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Clingo.Internal.AST where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
import Data.Text.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bitraversable
import Numeric.Natural
import Foreign hiding (Pool, freePool)
import Foreign.C

import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text hiding ((<$>))

import Clingo.Internal.Types (Location, rawLocation, freeRawLocation, 
                              fromRawLocation, Symbol (..), Signature (..))
import Clingo.Internal.Symbol (pureSymbol, pureSignature)
import Clingo.Raw.AST

newArray' :: Storable a => [a] -> IO (Ptr a)
newArray' [] = pure nullPtr
newArray' xs = newArray xs

freeArray :: Storable a => Ptr a -> CSize -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
freeArray p n f = unless (p == nullPtr) $ do
    p' <- peekArray (fromIntegral n) p
    mapM_ f p'
    free p

freeIndirection :: Storable a => Ptr a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
freeIndirection p f = unless (p == nullPtr) $ do
    p' <- peek p
    f p'
    free p

peekMaybe :: Storable a => Ptr a -> IO (Maybe a)
peekMaybe p
    | p == nullPtr = return Nothing
    | otherwise    = Just <$> peek p

fromIndirect :: Storable a => Ptr a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
fromIndirect p f = peek p >>= f

data Sign = NoSign | NegationSign | DoubleNegationSign
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty Sign where
    pretty NoSign = empty
    pretty NegationSign = text "not"
    pretty DoubleNegationSign = text "not not"

rawSign :: Sign -> AstSign
rawSign s = case s of
    NoSign -> AstSignNone
    NegationSign -> AstSignNegation
    DoubleNegationSign -> AstSignDoubleNegation

fromRawSign :: AstSign -> Sign
fromRawSign s = case s of
    AstSignNone -> NoSign
    AstSignNegation -> NegationSign
    AstSignDoubleNegation -> DoubleNegationSign
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_sign_t"

data UnaryOperation a = UnaryOperation UnaryOperator (Term a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (UnaryOperation a) where
    pretty (UnaryOperation o t) = pretty o <+> pretty t

rawUnaryOperation :: UnaryOperation (Symbol s) -> IO AstUnaryOperation
rawUnaryOperation (UnaryOperation o t) = 
    AstUnaryOperation <$> pure (rawUnaryOperator o) <*> rawTerm t

freeUnaryOperation :: AstUnaryOperation -> IO ()
freeUnaryOperation (AstUnaryOperation _ t) = freeTerm t

fromRawUnaryOperation :: AstUnaryOperation -> IO (UnaryOperation (Symbol s))
fromRawUnaryOperation (AstUnaryOperation o t) = UnaryOperation
    <$> pure (fromRawUnaryOperator o)
    <*> fromRawTerm t

data UnaryOperator = UnaryMinus | Negation | Absolute
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty UnaryOperator where
    pretty UnaryMinus = text "-"
    pretty _ = text "<unaryOp>"         -- TODO

rawUnaryOperator :: UnaryOperator -> AstUnaryOperator
rawUnaryOperator o = case o of
    UnaryMinus -> AstUnaryOperatorMinus
    Negation -> AstUnaryOperatorNegation
    Absolute -> AstUnaryOperatorAbsolute

fromRawUnaryOperator :: AstUnaryOperator -> UnaryOperator
fromRawUnaryOperator o = case o of
    AstUnaryOperatorMinus -> UnaryMinus
    AstUnaryOperatorNegation -> Negation
    AstUnaryOperatorAbsolute -> Absolute
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_unary_operator_t"

data BinaryOperation a = BinaryOperation BinaryOperator (Term a) (Term a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (BinaryOperation a) where
    pretty (BinaryOperation o a b) = pretty a <+> pretty o <+> pretty b

rawBinaryOperation :: BinaryOperation (Symbol s) -> IO AstBinaryOperation
rawBinaryOperation (BinaryOperation o l r) =
    AstBinaryOperation <$> pure (rawBinaryOperator o) 
                       <*> rawTerm l <*> rawTerm r

freeBinaryOperation :: AstBinaryOperation -> IO ()
freeBinaryOperation (AstBinaryOperation _ a b) = freeTerm a >> freeTerm b

fromRawBinaryOperation :: AstBinaryOperation -> IO (BinaryOperation (Symbol s))
fromRawBinaryOperation (AstBinaryOperation o a b) = BinaryOperation
    <$> pure (fromRawBinaryOperator o) <*> fromRawTerm a <*> fromRawTerm b

data BinaryOperator = Xor | Or | And | Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Mod
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty BinaryOperator where
    pretty o = text $ case o of
        Xor -> "^"
        Or -> "|"
        And -> "&"
        Plus -> "+"
        Minus -> "-"
        Mult -> "*"
        Div -> "/"
        Mod -> "%"

rawBinaryOperator :: BinaryOperator -> AstBinaryOperator
rawBinaryOperator o = case o of
    Xor -> AstBinaryOperatorXor
    Or -> AstBinaryOperatorOr
    And -> AstBinaryOperatorAnd
    Plus -> AstBinaryOperatorPlus
    Minus -> AstBinaryOperatorMinus
    Mult -> AstBinaryOperatorMultiplication
    Div -> AstBinaryOperatorDivision
    Mod -> AstBinaryOperatorModulo

fromRawBinaryOperator :: AstBinaryOperator -> BinaryOperator
fromRawBinaryOperator o = case o of
    AstBinaryOperatorXor -> Xor 
    AstBinaryOperatorOr -> Or 
    AstBinaryOperatorAnd -> And 
    AstBinaryOperatorPlus -> Plus 
    AstBinaryOperatorMinus -> Minus 
    AstBinaryOperatorMultiplication -> Mult 
    AstBinaryOperatorDivision -> Div 
    AstBinaryOperatorModulo -> Mod 
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_binary_operator_t"

data Interval a = Interval (Term a) (Term a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Interval a) where
    pretty (Interval a b) = pretty a <> text ".." <> pretty b

rawInterval :: Interval (Symbol s) -> IO AstInterval
rawInterval (Interval a b) = AstInterval <$> rawTerm a <*> rawTerm b

freeInterval :: AstInterval -> IO ()
freeInterval (AstInterval a b) = freeTerm a >> freeTerm b

fromRawInterval :: AstInterval -> IO (Interval (Symbol s))
fromRawInterval (AstInterval a b) = Interval <$> fromRawTerm a <*> fromRawTerm b

data Function a = Function Text [Term a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Function a) where
    pretty (Function t []) = text . fromStrict $ t
    pretty (Function t xs) = (text . fromStrict $ t) <> tupled (map pretty xs)

rawFunction :: Function (Symbol s) -> IO AstFunction
rawFunction (Function n ts) = do
    n'  <- newCString (unpack n)
    ts' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawTerm ts
    return $ AstFunction n' ts' (fromIntegral . length $ ts)

freeFunction :: AstFunction -> IO ()
freeFunction (AstFunction s ts n) = do
    free s 
    freeArray ts n freeTerm

fromRawFunction :: AstFunction -> IO (Function (Symbol s))
fromRawFunction (AstFunction s ts n) = Function
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)

data Pool a = Pool [Term a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Pool a) where
    pretty (Pool _) = text "<pool>"  -- TODO!

rawPool :: Pool (Symbol s) -> IO AstPool
rawPool (Pool ts) = do
    ts' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawTerm ts
    return $ AstPool ts' (fromIntegral . length $ ts)

freePool :: AstPool -> IO ()
freePool (AstPool ts n) = freeArray ts n freeTerm

fromRawPool :: AstPool -> IO (Pool (Symbol s))
fromRawPool (AstPool ts n) = Pool
    <$> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)

data Term a
    = TermSymbol Location a
    | TermVariable Location Text
    | TermUOp Location (UnaryOperation a)
    | TermBOp Location (BinaryOperation a)
    | TermInterval Location (Interval a)
    | TermFunction Location (Function a)
    | TermExtFunction Location (Function a)
    | TermPool Location (Pool a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Term a) where
    pretty (TermSymbol _ a) = pretty a
    pretty (TermVariable _ t) = text . fromStrict $ t
    pretty (TermUOp _ o) = pretty o
    pretty (TermBOp _ o) = pretty o
    pretty (TermInterval _ i) = pretty i
    pretty (TermFunction _ f) = pretty f
    pretty (TermExtFunction _ f) = pretty f
    pretty (TermPool _ p) = pretty p

rawTerm :: Term (Symbol s) -> IO AstTerm
rawTerm (TermSymbol l s) = AstTermSymbol <$> rawLocation l 
                                         <*> pure (rawSymbol s)
rawTerm (TermVariable l n) = AstTermVariable <$> rawLocation l 
                                             <*> newCString (unpack n)
rawTerm (TermUOp l u) = AstTermUOp <$> rawLocation l 
                                   <*> (new =<< rawUnaryOperation u)
rawTerm (TermBOp l u) = AstTermBOp <$> rawLocation l 
                                   <*> (new =<< rawBinaryOperation u)
rawTerm (TermInterval l i) = AstTermInterval <$> rawLocation l 
                                             <*> (new =<< rawInterval i)
rawTerm (TermFunction l f) = AstTermFunction <$> rawLocation l 
                                             <*> (new =<< rawFunction f)
rawTerm (TermExtFunction l f) =
    AstTermExtFunction <$> rawLocation l 
                       <*> (new =<< rawFunction f)
rawTerm (TermPool l p) = AstTermPool <$> rawLocation l 
                                     <*> (new =<< rawPool p)

freeTerm :: AstTerm -> IO ()
freeTerm (AstTermSymbol l _) = freeRawLocation l
freeTerm (AstTermVariable l _) = freeRawLocation l
freeTerm (AstTermUOp l o) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection o freeUnaryOperation
freeTerm (AstTermBOp l o) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection o freeBinaryOperation
freeTerm (AstTermInterval l i) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection i freeInterval
freeTerm (AstTermFunction l f) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection f freeFunction
freeTerm (AstTermExtFunction l f) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection f freeFunction
freeTerm (AstTermPool l p) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection p freePool

fromRawTerm :: AstTerm -> IO (Term (Symbol s))
fromRawTerm (AstTermSymbol l s) = TermSymbol 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pureSymbol s
fromRawTerm (AstTermVariable l s) = TermVariable 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fmap pack (peekCString s)
fromRawTerm (AstTermUOp l o) = TermUOp 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect o fromRawUnaryOperation
fromRawTerm (AstTermBOp l o) = TermBOp
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect o fromRawBinaryOperation
fromRawTerm (AstTermInterval l i) = TermInterval
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect i fromRawInterval
fromRawTerm (AstTermFunction l f) = TermFunction
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect f fromRawFunction
fromRawTerm (AstTermExtFunction l f) = TermExtFunction
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect f fromRawFunction
fromRawTerm (AstTermPool l p) = TermPool
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect p fromRawPool

data CspProductTerm a = CspProductTerm Location (Term a) (Maybe (Term a))
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawCspProductTerm :: CspProductTerm (Symbol s) -> IO AstCspProductTerm
rawCspProductTerm (CspProductTerm l t m) = AstCspProductTerm
    <$> rawLocation l
    <*> rawTerm t
    <*> maybe (return nullPtr) (new <=< rawTerm) m

freeCspProductTerm :: AstCspProductTerm -> IO ()
freeCspProductTerm (AstCspProductTerm l t p) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeTerm t
    freeIndirection p freeTerm

fromRawCspProductTerm :: AstCspProductTerm -> IO (CspProductTerm (Symbol s))
fromRawCspProductTerm (AstCspProductTerm l t x) = CspProductTerm
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> fromRawTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekMaybe x)

data CspSumTerm a = CspSumTerm Location [CspProductTerm a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawCspSumTerm :: CspSumTerm (Symbol s) -> IO AstCspSumTerm
rawCspSumTerm (CspSumTerm l ts) = do
    l' <- rawLocation l
    ts' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawCspProductTerm ts
    return $ AstCspSumTerm l' ts' (fromIntegral . length $ ts)

freeCspSumTerm :: AstCspSumTerm -> IO ()
freeCspSumTerm (AstCspSumTerm l ts n) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeArray ts n freeCspProductTerm

fromRawCspSumTerm :: AstCspSumTerm -> IO (CspSumTerm (Symbol s))
fromRawCspSumTerm (AstCspSumTerm l ts n) = CspSumTerm
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> (mapM fromRawCspProductTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)

data CspGuard a = CspGuard ComparisonOperator (CspSumTerm a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawCspGuard :: CspGuard (Symbol s) -> IO AstCspGuard
rawCspGuard (CspGuard o t) = AstCspGuard
    <$> pure (rawComparisonOperator o) <*> rawCspSumTerm t

freeCspGuard :: AstCspGuard -> IO ()
freeCspGuard (AstCspGuard _ t) = freeCspSumTerm t

fromRawCspGuard :: AstCspGuard -> IO (CspGuard (Symbol s))
fromRawCspGuard (AstCspGuard o t) = CspGuard
    <$> pure (fromRawComparisonOperator o)
    <*> fromRawCspSumTerm t

data ComparisonOperator = GreaterThan | LessThan | LessEqual | GreaterEqual
                        | NotEqual | Equal
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty ComparisonOperator where
    pretty c = text $ case c of
        GreaterThan -> ">"
        LessThan -> "<"
        LessEqual -> "<="
        GreaterEqual -> ">="
        NotEqual -> "!="
        Equal -> "="

rawComparisonOperator :: ComparisonOperator -> AstComparisonOperator
rawComparisonOperator o = case o of
    GreaterThan -> AstComparisonOperatorGreaterThan
    LessThan -> AstComparisonOperatorLessThan
    LessEqual -> AstComparisonOperatorLessEqual
    GreaterEqual -> AstComparisonOperatorGreaterEqual
    NotEqual -> AstComparisonOperatorNotEqual
    Equal -> AstComparisonOperatorEqual

fromRawComparisonOperator :: AstComparisonOperator -> ComparisonOperator
fromRawComparisonOperator o = case o of
    AstComparisonOperatorGreaterThan -> GreaterThan
    AstComparisonOperatorLessThan -> LessThan
    AstComparisonOperatorLessEqual -> LessEqual
    AstComparisonOperatorGreaterEqual -> GreaterEqual
    AstComparisonOperatorNotEqual -> NotEqual
    AstComparisonOperatorEqual -> Equal
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_comparison_operator_type_t"

data CspLiteral a = CspLiteral (CspSumTerm a) [CspGuard a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawCspLiteral :: CspLiteral (Symbol s) -> IO AstCspLiteral
rawCspLiteral (CspLiteral t gs) = do
    gs' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawCspGuard gs
    t'  <- rawCspSumTerm t
    return $ AstCspLiteral t' gs' (fromIntegral . length $ gs)

freeCspLiteral :: AstCspLiteral -> IO ()
freeCspLiteral (AstCspLiteral t p n) = do
    freeCspSumTerm t
    freeArray p n freeCspGuard

fromRawCspLiteral :: AstCspLiteral -> IO (CspLiteral (Symbol s))
fromRawCspLiteral (AstCspLiteral t gs n) = CspLiteral
    <$> fromRawCspSumTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawCspGuard =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) gs)

data Identifier = Identifier Location Text
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty Identifier where
    pretty (Identifier _ t) = text . fromStrict $ t

rawIdentifier :: Identifier -> IO AstId
rawIdentifier (Identifier l t) = do
    l' <- rawLocation l
    t' <- newCString (unpack t)
    return $ AstId l' t'

freeIdentifier :: AstId -> IO ()
freeIdentifier (AstId l t) = freeRawLocation l >> free t

fromRawIdentifier :: AstId -> IO Identifier
fromRawIdentifier (AstId l n) = Identifier
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> fmap pack (peekCString n)

data Comparison a = Comparison ComparisonOperator (Term a) (Term a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Comparison a) where
    pretty (Comparison o a b) = pretty a <+> pretty o <+> pretty b

rawComparison :: Comparison (Symbol s) -> IO AstComparison
rawComparison (Comparison o a b) = AstComparison
    <$> pure (rawComparisonOperator o) <*> rawTerm a <*> rawTerm b

freeComparison :: AstComparison -> IO ()
freeComparison (AstComparison _ a b) = freeTerm a >> freeTerm b

fromRawComparison :: AstComparison -> IO (Comparison (Symbol s))
fromRawComparison (AstComparison o a b) = Comparison
    <$> pure (fromRawComparisonOperator o) <*> fromRawTerm a <*> fromRawTerm b

data Literal a
    = LiteralBool Location Sign Bool
    | LiteralTerm Location Sign (Term a)
    | LiteralComp Location Sign (Comparison a)
    | LiteralCSPL Location Sign (CspLiteral a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Literal a) where
    pretty (LiteralBool _ s b) = pretty s <+> if b then text "true" else empty
    pretty (LiteralTerm _ s t) = pretty s <+> pretty t
    pretty (LiteralComp _ s c) = pretty s <+> pretty c
    pretty _ = undefined -- TODO

rawLiteral :: Literal (Symbol s) -> IO AstLiteral
rawLiteral (LiteralBool l s b) = AstLiteralBool 
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s) <*> pure (fromBool b)
rawLiteral (LiteralTerm l s t) = AstLiteralTerm
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s) <*> (new =<< rawTerm t)
rawLiteral (LiteralComp l s c) = AstLiteralComp
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s) <*> (new =<< rawComparison c)
rawLiteral (LiteralCSPL l s x) = AstLiteralCSPL
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s) <*> (new =<< rawCspLiteral x)

freeLiteral :: AstLiteral -> IO ()
freeLiteral (AstLiteralBool l _ _) = freeRawLocation l
freeLiteral (AstLiteralTerm l _ t) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection t freeTerm
freeLiteral (AstLiteralComp l _ c) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection c freeComparison
freeLiteral (AstLiteralCSPL l _ x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeCspLiteral

fromRawLiteral :: AstLiteral -> IO (Literal (Symbol s))
fromRawLiteral (AstLiteralBool l s b) = LiteralBool 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) <*> pure (toBool b)
fromRawLiteral (AstLiteralTerm l s b) = LiteralTerm 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
                          <*> fromIndirect b fromRawTerm
fromRawLiteral (AstLiteralComp l s b) = LiteralComp 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
                          <*> fromIndirect b fromRawComparison
fromRawLiteral (AstLiteralCSPL l s b) = LiteralCSPL 
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
                          <*> fromIndirect b fromRawCspLiteral

data AggregateGuard a = AggregateGuard ComparisonOperator (Term a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Instance describing left-guards.
instance Pretty a => Pretty (AggregateGuard a) where
    pretty (AggregateGuard o t) = pretty t <+> pretty o

aguardPRight :: Pretty a => AggregateGuard a -> Doc
aguardPRight (AggregateGuard o t) = pretty o <+> pretty t

aguardPLeft :: Pretty a => AggregateGuard a -> Doc
aguardPLeft = pretty

rawAggregateGuard :: AggregateGuard (Symbol s) -> IO AstAggregateGuard
rawAggregateGuard (AggregateGuard o t) = AstAggregateGuard
    <$> pure (rawComparisonOperator o) <*> rawTerm t

rawAggregateGuardM :: Maybe (AggregateGuard (Symbol s)) 
                   -> IO (Ptr AstAggregateGuard)
rawAggregateGuardM Nothing = return nullPtr
rawAggregateGuardM (Just g) = new =<< rawAggregateGuard g

freeAggregateGuard :: AstAggregateGuard -> IO ()
freeAggregateGuard (AstAggregateGuard _ t) = freeTerm t

fromRawAggregateGuard :: AstAggregateGuard -> IO (AggregateGuard (Symbol s))
fromRawAggregateGuard (AstAggregateGuard o t) = AggregateGuard
    <$> pure (fromRawComparisonOperator o) <*> fromRawTerm t

data ConditionalLiteral a = ConditionalLiteral (Literal a) [Literal a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (ConditionalLiteral a) where
    pretty (ConditionalLiteral l []) = pretty l
    pretty (ConditionalLiteral l xs) = 
        pretty l <+> colon <+> cat (punctuate (comma <> space) (map pretty xs))

rawConditionalLiteral :: ConditionalLiteral (Symbol s) 
                      -> IO AstConditionalLiteral
rawConditionalLiteral (ConditionalLiteral l ls) = do
    l' <- rawLiteral l
    ls' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawLiteral ls
    return $ AstConditionalLiteral l' ls' (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeConditionalLiteral :: AstConditionalLiteral -> IO ()
freeConditionalLiteral (AstConditionalLiteral l ls n) = do
    freeLiteral l
    freeArray ls n freeLiteral

fromRawConditionalLiteral :: AstConditionalLiteral 
                          -> IO (ConditionalLiteral (Symbol s))
fromRawConditionalLiteral (AstConditionalLiteral l ls n) = ConditionalLiteral
    <$> fromRawLiteral l 
    <*> (mapM fromRawLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)

data Aggregate a = Aggregate [ConditionalLiteral a] 
                             (Maybe (AggregateGuard a)) 
                             (Maybe (AggregateGuard a))
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Aggregate a) where
    pretty (Aggregate xs l r) = 
        pretty l <+> body <+> pretty (fmap aguardPRight r)
        where body = braces . align . cat $ 
                         punctuate (semi <> space) (map pretty xs)

rawAggregate :: Aggregate (Symbol s) -> IO AstAggregate
rawAggregate (Aggregate ls a b) = do
    ls' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawConditionalLiteral ls
    a'  <- rawAggregateGuardM a
    b'  <- rawAggregateGuardM b
    return $ AstAggregate ls' (fromIntegral . length $ ls) a' b'

freeAggregate :: AstAggregate -> IO ()
freeAggregate (AstAggregate ls n a b) = do
    freeIndirection a freeAggregateGuard
    freeIndirection b freeAggregateGuard
    freeArray ls n freeConditionalLiteral

fromRawAggregate :: AstAggregate -> IO (Aggregate (Symbol s))
fromRawAggregate (AstAggregate ls n a b) = Aggregate
    <$> (mapM fromRawConditionalLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)
    <*> (mapM fromRawAggregateGuard =<< peekMaybe a)
    <*> (mapM fromRawAggregateGuard =<< peekMaybe b)

data BodyAggregateElement a = BodyAggregateElement [Term a] [Literal a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (BodyAggregateElement a) where
    pretty (BodyAggregateElement ts ls) =
        let ts' = map pretty ts
            ls' = map pretty ls
         in hcat (punctuate comma ts') <+> colon <+> hcat (punctuate comma ls')

rawBodyAggregateElement :: BodyAggregateElement (Symbol s) 
                        -> IO AstBodyAggregateElement
rawBodyAggregateElement (BodyAggregateElement ts ls) = do
    ts' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawTerm ts
    ls' <- newArray' =<< mapM rawLiteral ls
    return $ AstBodyAggregateElement ts' (fromIntegral . length $ ts) 
                                     ls' (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeBodyAggregateElement :: AstBodyAggregateElement -> IO ()
freeBodyAggregateElement (AstBodyAggregateElement ts nt ls nl) = do
    freeArray ts nt freeTerm
    freeArray ls nl freeLiteral

fromRawBodyAggregateElement :: AstBodyAggregateElement 
                            -> IO (BodyAggregateElement (Symbol s))
fromRawBodyAggregateElement (AstBodyAggregateElement ts nt ls nl) = 
    <$> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nt) ts)
    <*> (mapM fromRawLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nl) ls)

data BodyAggregate a = BodyAggregate AggregateFunction [BodyAggregateElement a] 
                                   (Maybe (AggregateGuard a))
                                   (Maybe (AggregateGuard a))
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (BodyAggregate a) where
    pretty (BodyAggregate f xs l r) =
        pretty f <+> pretty l <+> body <+> pretty (fmap aguardPRight r)
        where body = braces . align . cat $ punctuate semi (map pretty xs)

rawBodyAggregate :: BodyAggregate (Symbol s) -> IO AstBodyAggregate
rawBodyAggregate (BodyAggregate f es a b) = AstBodyAggregate
    <$> pure (rawAggregateFunction f)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyAggregateElement es)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ es)
    <*> rawAggregateGuardM a
    <*> rawAggregateGuardM b

freeBodyAggregate :: AstBodyAggregate -> IO ()
freeBodyAggregate (AstBodyAggregate _ es n a b) = do
    freeArray es n freeBodyAggregateElement
    freeIndirection a freeAggregateGuard
    freeIndirection b freeAggregateGuard

fromRawBodyAggregate :: AstBodyAggregate -> IO (BodyAggregate (Symbol s))
fromRawBodyAggregate (AstBodyAggregate f es n a b) = BodyAggregate
    <$> pure (fromRawAggregateFunction f)
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyAggregateElement =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)
    <*> (mapM fromRawAggregateGuard =<< peekMaybe a)
    <*> (mapM fromRawAggregateGuard =<< peekMaybe b)

data AggregateFunction = Count | Sum | Sump | Min | Max
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty AggregateFunction where
    pretty c = text $ case c of
        Count -> "#count"
        Sum -> "#sum"
        Sump -> "#sump"
        Min -> "#min"
        Max -> "#max"

rawAggregateFunction :: AggregateFunction -> AstAggregateFunction
rawAggregateFunction f = case f of
    Count -> AstAggregateFunctionCount
    Sum -> AstAggregateFunctionSum
    Sump -> AstAggregateFunctionSump
    Min -> AstAggregateFunctionMin
    Max -> AstAggregateFunctionMax

fromRawAggregateFunction :: AstAggregateFunction -> AggregateFunction
fromRawAggregateFunction f = case f of
    AstAggregateFunctionCount -> Count
    AstAggregateFunctionSum -> Sum
    AstAggregateFunctionSump -> Sump
    AstAggregateFunctionMin -> Min
    AstAggregateFunctionMax -> Max
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_aggregate_function_t"

data HeadAggregateElement a = 
    HeadAggregateElement [Term a] (ConditionalLiteral a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (HeadAggregateElement a) where
    pretty (HeadAggregateElement ts l) =
        let ts' = map pretty ts
         in hcat (punctuate comma ts') <+> colon <+> pretty l

rawHeadAggregateElement :: HeadAggregateElement (Symbol s) 
                        -> IO AstHeadAggregateElement
rawHeadAggregateElement (HeadAggregateElement ts l) = AstHeadAggregateElement
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTerm ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)
    <*> rawConditionalLiteral l

freeHeadAggregateElement :: AstHeadAggregateElement -> IO ()
freeHeadAggregateElement (AstHeadAggregateElement p n l) = do
    freeArray p n freeTerm
    freeConditionalLiteral l

fromRawHeadAggregateElement :: AstHeadAggregateElement 
                            -> IO (HeadAggregateElement (Symbol s))
fromRawHeadAggregateElement (AstHeadAggregateElement ts n l) = 
    <$> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)
    <*> fromRawConditionalLiteral l

data HeadAggregate a = HeadAggregate AggregateFunction
                                   [HeadAggregateElement a]
                                   (Maybe (AggregateGuard a))
                                   (Maybe (AggregateGuard a))
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (HeadAggregate a) where
    pretty (HeadAggregate f xs l r) =
        pretty f <+> pretty l <+> body <+> pretty (fmap aguardPRight r)
        where body = braces . align . sep $ punctuate semi (map pretty xs)

rawHeadAggregate :: HeadAggregate (Symbol s) -> IO AstHeadAggregate
rawHeadAggregate (HeadAggregate f es a b) = AstHeadAggregate
    <$> pure (rawAggregateFunction f)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawHeadAggregateElement es)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ es)
    <*> rawAggregateGuardM a
    <*> rawAggregateGuardM b

freeHeadAggregate :: AstHeadAggregate -> IO ()
freeHeadAggregate (AstHeadAggregate _ es n a b) = do
    freeArray es n freeHeadAggregateElement
    freeIndirection a freeAggregateGuard
    freeIndirection b freeAggregateGuard

fromRawHeadAggregate :: AstHeadAggregate -> IO (HeadAggregate (Symbol s))
fromRawHeadAggregate (AstHeadAggregate f es n a b) = HeadAggregate
    <$> pure (fromRawAggregateFunction f)
    <*> (mapM fromRawHeadAggregateElement =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)
    <*> (mapM fromRawAggregateGuard =<< peekMaybe a)
    <*> (mapM fromRawAggregateGuard =<< peekMaybe b)

data Disjunction a = Disjunction [ConditionalLiteral a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Disjunction a) where
    pretty (Disjunction xs) = hcat (punctuate (char '|') $ map pretty xs)

rawDisjunction :: Disjunction (Symbol s) -> IO AstDisjunction
rawDisjunction (Disjunction ls) = AstDisjunction 
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM rawConditionalLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeDisjunction :: AstDisjunction -> IO ()
freeDisjunction (AstDisjunction ls n) = freeArray ls n freeConditionalLiteral

fromRawDisjunction :: AstDisjunction -> IO (Disjunction (Symbol s))
fromRawDisjunction (AstDisjunction ls n) = Disjunction
    <$> (mapM fromRawConditionalLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)

data DisjointElement a = 
    DisjointElement Location [Term a] (CspSumTerm a) [Literal a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawDisjointElement :: DisjointElement (Symbol s) -> IO AstDisjointElement
rawDisjointElement (DisjointElement l ts s ls) = AstDisjointElement
    <$> rawLocation l
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTerm ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)
    <*> rawCspSumTerm s
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeDisjointElement :: AstDisjointElement -> IO ()
freeDisjointElement (AstDisjointElement l ts nt s ls nl) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeCspSumTerm s
    freeArray ts nt freeTerm
    freeArray ls nl freeLiteral

fromRawDisjointElement :: AstDisjointElement -> IO (DisjointElement (Symbol s))
fromRawDisjointElement (AstDisjointElement l ts nt s ls nl) = DisjointElement
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nt) ts)
    <*> fromRawCspSumTerm s
    <*> (mapM fromRawLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nl) ls)

data Disjoint a = Disjoint [DisjointElement a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawDisjoint :: Disjoint (Symbol s) -> IO AstDisjoint
rawDisjoint (Disjoint es) = AstDisjoint
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM rawDisjointElement es)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ es)

freeDisjoint :: AstDisjoint -> IO ()
freeDisjoint (AstDisjoint ls n) = freeArray ls n freeDisjointElement

fromRawDisjoint :: AstDisjoint -> IO (Disjoint (Symbol s))
fromRawDisjoint (AstDisjoint es n) = Disjoint
    <$> (mapM fromRawDisjointElement =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)

data TheoryTermArray a = TheoryTermArray [TheoryTerm a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryTermArray :: TheoryTermArray (Symbol s) -> IO AstTheoryTermArray
rawTheoryTermArray (TheoryTermArray ts) = AstTheoryTermArray
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryTerm ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)

freeTheoryTermArray :: AstTheoryTermArray -> IO ()
freeTheoryTermArray (AstTheoryTermArray ts n) = freeArray ts n freeTheoryTerm

fromRawTheoryTermArray :: AstTheoryTermArray -> IO (TheoryTermArray (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryTermArray (AstTheoryTermArray ts n) = TheoryTermArray
    <$> (mapM fromRawTheoryTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)

data TheoryFunction a = TheoryFunction Text [TheoryTerm a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryFunction :: TheoryFunction (Symbol s) -> IO AstTheoryFunction
rawTheoryFunction (TheoryFunction t ts) = AstTheoryFunction
    <$> newCString (unpack t)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryTerm ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)

freeTheoryFunction :: AstTheoryFunction -> IO ()
freeTheoryFunction (AstTheoryFunction s p n) = do
    free s
    freeArray p n freeTheoryTerm

fromRawTheoryFunction :: AstTheoryFunction -> IO (TheoryFunction (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryFunction (AstTheoryFunction s ts n) = TheoryFunction
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> (mapM fromRawTheoryTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)

data TheoryUnparsedTermElement a = 
    TheoryUnparsedTermElement [Text] (TheoryTerm a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryUnparsedTermElement :: TheoryUnparsedTermElement (Symbol s)
                             -> IO AstTheoryUnparsedTermElement
rawTheoryUnparsedTermElement (TheoryUnparsedTermElement ts t) =
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM (newCString . unpack) ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)
    <*> rawTheoryTerm t

freeTheoryUnparsedTermElement :: AstTheoryUnparsedTermElement -> IO ()
freeTheoryUnparsedTermElement (AstTheoryUnparsedTermElement ss n t) = do
    freeTheoryTerm t
    freeArray ss n free

fromRawTheoryUnparsedTermElement :: AstTheoryUnparsedTermElement 
                                 -> IO (TheoryUnparsedTermElement (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryUnparsedTermElement (AstTheoryUnparsedTermElement ns n t) = 
    <$> (mapM (fmap pack . peekCString) =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ns)
    <*> fromRawTheoryTerm t

data TheoryUnparsedTerm a = TheoryUnparsedTerm [TheoryUnparsedTermElement a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryUnparsedTerm :: TheoryUnparsedTerm (Symbol s) 
                      -> IO AstTheoryUnparsedTerm
rawTheoryUnparsedTerm (TheoryUnparsedTerm es) = AstTheoryUnparsedTerm
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryUnparsedTermElement es)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ es)

freeTheoryUnparsedTerm :: AstTheoryUnparsedTerm -> IO ()
freeTheoryUnparsedTerm (AstTheoryUnparsedTerm es n) = 
    freeArray es n freeTheoryUnparsedTermElement

fromRawTheoryUnparsedTerm :: AstTheoryUnparsedTerm 
                          -> IO (TheoryUnparsedTerm (Symbol s)) 
fromRawTheoryUnparsedTerm (AstTheoryUnparsedTerm es n) = TheoryUnparsedTerm
    <$> (mapM fromRawTheoryUnparsedTermElement 
            =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)

data TheoryTerm a
    = TheoryTermSymbol Location a
    | TheoryTermVariable Location Text
    | TheoryTermTuple Location (TheoryTermArray a)
    | TheoryTermList Location (TheoryTermArray a)
    | TheoryTermSet Location (TheoryTermArray a)
    | TheoryTermFunction Location (TheoryFunction a)
    | TheoryTermUnparsed Location (TheoryUnparsedTerm a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryTerm :: TheoryTerm (Symbol s) -> IO AstTheoryTerm
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermSymbol l s) = 
    AstTheoryTermSymbol <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSymbol s)
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermVariable l t) =
    AstTheoryTermVariable <$> rawLocation l <*> newCString (unpack t)
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermTuple l a) = 
    AstTheoryTermTuple <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawTheoryTermArray a)
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermList l a) = 
    AstTheoryTermList <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawTheoryTermArray a)
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermSet l a) = 
    AstTheoryTermSet <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawTheoryTermArray a)
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermFunction l f) = 
    AstTheoryTermFunction <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawTheoryFunction f)
rawTheoryTerm (TheoryTermUnparsed l t) = 
    AstTheoryTermUnparsed <$> rawLocation l 
                          <*> (new =<< rawTheoryUnparsedTerm t)

freeTheoryTerm :: AstTheoryTerm -> IO ()
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermSymbol l _) = freeRawLocation l
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermVariable l _) = freeRawLocation l
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermTuple l a) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection a freeTheoryTermArray
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermList l a) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection a freeTheoryTermArray
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermSet l a) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection a freeTheoryTermArray
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermFunction l f) = do
    freeRawLocation l 
    freeIndirection f freeTheoryFunction
freeTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermUnparsed l t) = do
    freeRawLocation l 
    freeIndirection t freeTheoryUnparsedTerm

fromRawTheoryTerm :: AstTheoryTerm -> IO (TheoryTerm (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermSymbol l s) = 
    TheoryTermSymbol <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pureSymbol s
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermVariable l t) =
    TheoryTermVariable <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fmap pack (peekCString t)
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermTuple l a) =
    TheoryTermTuple <$> fromRawLocation l 
                    <*> fromIndirect a fromRawTheoryTermArray
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermList l a) =
    TheoryTermList <$> fromRawLocation l 
                   <*> fromIndirect a fromRawTheoryTermArray
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermSet l a) =
    TheoryTermSet <$> fromRawLocation l 
                  <*> fromIndirect a fromRawTheoryTermArray
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermFunction l f) =
    TheoryTermFunction <$> fromRawLocation l 
                       <*> fromIndirect f fromRawTheoryFunction
fromRawTheoryTerm (AstTheoryTermUnparsed l t) =
    TheoryTermUnparsed <$> fromRawLocation l 
                       <*> fromIndirect t fromRawTheoryUnparsedTerm

data TheoryAtomElement a = TheoryAtomElement [TheoryTerm a] [Literal a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryAtomElement :: TheoryAtomElement (Symbol s) -> IO AstTheoryAtomElement
rawTheoryAtomElement (TheoryAtomElement ts ls) = AstTheoryAtomElement
    <$> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryTerm ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeTheoryAtomElement :: AstTheoryAtomElement -> IO ()
freeTheoryAtomElement (AstTheoryAtomElement ts nt ls nl) = do
    freeArray ts nt freeTheoryTerm
    freeArray ls nl freeLiteral

fromRawTheoryAtomElement :: AstTheoryAtomElement 
                         -> IO (TheoryAtomElement (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryAtomElement (AstTheoryAtomElement ts nt ls nl) = TheoryAtomElement
    <$> (mapM fromRawTheoryTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nt) ts)
    <*> (mapM fromRawLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nl) ls)

data TheoryGuard a = TheoryGuard Text (TheoryTerm a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryGuard :: TheoryGuard (Symbol s) -> IO AstTheoryGuard
rawTheoryGuard (TheoryGuard s t) = AstTheoryGuard
    <$> newCString (unpack s)
    <*> rawTheoryTerm t

freeTheoryGuard :: AstTheoryGuard -> IO ()
freeTheoryGuard (AstTheoryGuard s t) = free s >> freeTheoryTerm t

fromRawTheoryGuard :: AstTheoryGuard -> IO (TheoryGuard (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryGuard (AstTheoryGuard n t) = TheoryGuard
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString n)
    <*> fromRawTheoryTerm t

data TheoryAtom a = TheoryAtom (Term a) [TheoryAtomElement a] (TheoryGuard a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawTheoryAtom :: TheoryAtom (Symbol s) -> IO AstTheoryAtom
rawTheoryAtom (TheoryAtom t es g) = AstTheoryAtom
    <$> rawTerm t
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryAtomElement es)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ es)
    <*> rawTheoryGuard g

freeTheoryAtom :: AstTheoryAtom -> IO ()
freeTheoryAtom (AstTheoryAtom t es n g) = do
    freeTerm t
    freeTheoryGuard g
    freeArray es n freeTheoryAtomElement

fromRawTheoryAtom :: AstTheoryAtom -> IO (TheoryAtom (Symbol s))
fromRawTheoryAtom (AstTheoryAtom t es n g) = TheoryAtom
    <$> fromRawTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawTheoryAtomElement =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)
    <*> fromRawTheoryGuard g

data HeadLiteral a
    = HeadLiteral Location (Literal a)
    | HeadDisjunction Location (Disjunction a)
    | HeadLitAggregate Location (Aggregate a)
    | HeadHeadAggregate Location (HeadAggregate a)
    | HeadTheoryAtom Location (TheoryAtom a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (HeadLiteral a) where
    pretty (HeadLiteral _ l) = pretty l
    pretty (HeadDisjunction _ d) = pretty d
    pretty (HeadLitAggregate _ a) = pretty a
    pretty (HeadHeadAggregate _ a) = pretty a
    pretty (HeadTheoryAtom _ _) = text "<theoryAtom>" -- TODO!

rawHeadLiteral :: HeadLiteral (Symbol s) -> IO AstHeadLiteral
rawHeadLiteral (HeadLiteral l x) = AstHeadLiteral
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawLiteral x)
rawHeadLiteral (HeadDisjunction l d) = AstHeadDisjunction
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawDisjunction d)
rawHeadLiteral (HeadLitAggregate l d) = AstHeadLitAggregate
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawAggregate d)
rawHeadLiteral (HeadHeadAggregate l d) = AstHeadHeadAggregate
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawHeadAggregate d)
rawHeadLiteral (HeadTheoryAtom l d) = AstHeadTheoryAtom
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawTheoryAtom d)

freeHeadLiteral :: AstHeadLiteral -> IO ()
freeHeadLiteral (AstHeadLiteral l x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeLiteral
freeHeadLiteral (AstHeadDisjunction l x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeDisjunction
freeHeadLiteral (AstHeadLitAggregate l x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeAggregate
freeHeadLiteral (AstHeadHeadAggregate l x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeHeadAggregate
freeHeadLiteral (AstHeadTheoryAtom l x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeTheoryAtom

fromRawHeadLiteral :: AstHeadLiteral -> IO (HeadLiteral (Symbol s))
fromRawHeadLiteral (AstHeadLiteral l x) = HeadLiteral
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawLiteral
fromRawHeadLiteral (AstHeadDisjunction l x) = HeadDisjunction
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawDisjunction
fromRawHeadLiteral (AstHeadLitAggregate l x) = HeadLitAggregate
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawAggregate
fromRawHeadLiteral (AstHeadHeadAggregate l x) = HeadHeadAggregate
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawHeadAggregate
fromRawHeadLiteral (AstHeadTheoryAtom l x) = HeadTheoryAtom
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawTheoryAtom

data BodyLiteral a
    = BodyLiteral Location Sign (Literal a)
    | BodyConditional Location (ConditionalLiteral a)
    | BodyLitAggregate Location Sign (Aggregate a)
    | BodyBodyAggregate Location Sign (BodyAggregate a)
    | BodyTheoryAtom Location Sign (TheoryAtom a)
    | BodyDisjoint Location Sign (Disjoint a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (BodyLiteral a) where
    pretty (BodyLiteral _ s l) = pretty s <+> pretty l
    pretty (BodyConditional _ c) = pretty c
    pretty (BodyLitAggregate _ s a) = pretty s <+> pretty a
    pretty (BodyBodyAggregate _ s a) = pretty s <+> pretty a
    pretty (BodyTheoryAtom _ s _) = pretty s <+> text "<theoryAtom>" -- TODO
    pretty (BodyDisjoint _ s _) = pretty s <+> text "<disjoint>" -- TODO

rawBodyLiteral :: BodyLiteral (Symbol s) -> IO AstBodyLiteral
rawBodyLiteral (BodyLiteral l s x) = AstBodyLiteral
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s)
    <*> (new =<< rawLiteral x)
rawBodyLiteral (BodyConditional l x) = AstBodyConditional
    <$> rawLocation l
    <*> (new =<< rawConditionalLiteral x)
rawBodyLiteral (BodyLitAggregate l s x) = AstBodyLitAggregate
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s)
    <*> (new =<< rawAggregate x)
rawBodyLiteral (BodyBodyAggregate l s x) = AstBodyBodyAggregate
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s)
    <*> (new =<< rawBodyAggregate x)
rawBodyLiteral (BodyTheoryAtom l s x) = AstBodyTheoryAtom
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s)
    <*> (new =<< rawTheoryAtom x)
rawBodyLiteral (BodyDisjoint l s x) = AstBodyDisjoint
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSign s)
    <*> (new =<< rawDisjoint x)

freeBodyLiteral :: AstBodyLiteral -> IO ()
freeBodyLiteral (AstBodyLiteral l _ x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeLiteral
freeBodyLiteral (AstBodyConditional l x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeConditionalLiteral
freeBodyLiteral (AstBodyLitAggregate l _ x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeAggregate
freeBodyLiteral (AstBodyBodyAggregate l _ x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeBodyAggregate
freeBodyLiteral (AstBodyTheoryAtom l _ x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeTheoryAtom
freeBodyLiteral (AstBodyDisjoint l _ x) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    freeIndirection x freeDisjoint

fromRawBodyLiteral :: AstBodyLiteral -> IO (BodyLiteral (Symbol s))
fromRawBodyLiteral (AstBodyLiteral l s x) = BodyLiteral
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
    <*> fromIndirect x fromRawLiteral
fromRawBodyLiteral (AstBodyConditional l x) = BodyConditional
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawConditionalLiteral
fromRawBodyLiteral (AstBodyLitAggregate l s x) = BodyLitAggregate
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
    <*> fromIndirect x fromRawAggregate
fromRawBodyLiteral (AstBodyBodyAggregate l s x) = BodyBodyAggregate
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
    <*> fromIndirect x fromRawBodyAggregate
fromRawBodyLiteral (AstBodyTheoryAtom l s x) = BodyTheoryAtom
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
    <*> fromIndirect x fromRawTheoryAtom
fromRawBodyLiteral (AstBodyDisjoint l s x) = BodyDisjoint
    <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pure (fromRawSign s) 
    <*> fromIndirect x fromRawDisjoint

data TheoryOperatorDefinition = 
    TheoryOperatorDefinition Location Text Natural TheoryOperatorType
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryOperatorDefinition :: TheoryOperatorDefinition 
                            -> IO AstTheoryOperatorDefinition
rawTheoryOperatorDefinition (TheoryOperatorDefinition l s x t) = 
    <$> rawLocation l
    <*> newCString (unpack s)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral x)
    <*> pure (rawTheoryOperatorType t)

freeTheoryOperatorDefinition :: AstTheoryOperatorDefinition -> IO ()
freeTheoryOperatorDefinition (AstTheoryOperatorDefinition l s _ _) =
    freeRawLocation l >> free s

fromRawTheoryOperatorDefinition :: AstTheoryOperatorDefinition 
                                -> IO TheoryOperatorDefinition
fromRawTheoryOperatorDefinition (AstTheoryOperatorDefinition l s i t) = 
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral i)
    <*> pure (fromRawTheoryOperatorType t)

data TheoryOperatorType = Unary | BinLeft | BinRight
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryOperatorType :: TheoryOperatorType -> AstTheoryOperatorType
rawTheoryOperatorType t = case t of
    Unary -> AstTheoryOperatorTypeUnary
    BinLeft -> AstTheoryOperatorTypeBinaryLeft
    BinRight -> AstTheoryOperatorTypeBinaryRight

fromRawTheoryOperatorType :: AstTheoryOperatorType -> TheoryOperatorType
fromRawTheoryOperatorType t = case t of
    AstTheoryOperatorTypeUnary -> Unary 
    AstTheoryOperatorTypeBinaryLeft -> BinLeft 
    AstTheoryOperatorTypeBinaryRight -> BinRight 
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_theory_operator_type_t"

data TheoryTermDefinition =
    TheoryTermDefinition Location Text [TheoryOperatorDefinition]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryTermDefinition :: TheoryTermDefinition -> IO AstTheoryTermDefinition
rawTheoryTermDefinition (TheoryTermDefinition l s xs) = AstTheoryTermDefinition
    <$> rawLocation l
    <*> newCString (unpack s)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryOperatorDefinition xs)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ xs)

freeTheoryTermDefinition :: AstTheoryTermDefinition -> IO ()
freeTheoryTermDefinition (AstTheoryTermDefinition l s xs n) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    free s
    freeArray xs n freeTheoryOperatorDefinition

fromRawTheoryTermDefinition :: AstTheoryTermDefinition 
                            -> IO TheoryTermDefinition
fromRawTheoryTermDefinition (AstTheoryTermDefinition l s es n) =
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> (mapM fromRawTheoryOperatorDefinition =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)

data TheoryGuardDefinition =
    TheoryGuardDefinition Text [Text]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryGuardDefinition :: TheoryGuardDefinition -> IO AstTheoryGuardDefinition
rawTheoryGuardDefinition (TheoryGuardDefinition t ts) = AstTheoryGuardDefinition
    <$> newCString (unpack t)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM (newCString . unpack) ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)

freeTheoryGuardDefinition :: AstTheoryGuardDefinition -> IO ()
freeTheoryGuardDefinition (AstTheoryGuardDefinition s ss n) = do
    free s
    freeArray ss n free

fromRawTheoryGuardDefinition :: AstTheoryGuardDefinition 
                             -> IO TheoryGuardDefinition
fromRawTheoryGuardDefinition (AstTheoryGuardDefinition t ts n) =
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString t)
    <*> (mapM (fmap pack . peekCString) =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ts)

data TheoryAtomDefinition =
    TheoryAtomDefinition Location TheoryAtomDefinitionType 
                         Text Int Text TheoryGuardDefinition
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryAtomDefinition :: TheoryAtomDefinition -> IO AstTheoryAtomDefinition
rawTheoryAtomDefinition (TheoryAtomDefinition l t a i b d) =
    <$> rawLocation l
    <*> pure (rawTheoryAtomDefinitionType t)
    <*> newCString (unpack a)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral i)
    <*> newCString (unpack b)
    <*> (new =<< rawTheoryGuardDefinition d)

freeTheoryAtomDefinition :: AstTheoryAtomDefinition -> IO ()
freeTheoryAtomDefinition (AstTheoryAtomDefinition l _ a _ b p) = do
    freeRawLocation l
    free a
    free b
    freeIndirection p freeTheoryGuardDefinition

fromRawTheoryAtomDefinition :: AstTheoryAtomDefinition 
                            -> IO TheoryAtomDefinition
fromRawTheoryAtomDefinition (AstTheoryAtomDefinition l t a i b g) =
    <$> fromRawLocation l
    <*> pure (fromRawTheoryAtomDefinitionType t)
    <*> fmap pack (peekCString a)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral i)
    <*> fmap pack (peekCString b)
    <*> fromIndirect g fromRawTheoryGuardDefinition

data TheoryAtomDefinitionType = Head | Body | Any | Directive
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryAtomDefinitionType :: TheoryAtomDefinitionType 
                            -> AstTheoryAtomDefType
rawTheoryAtomDefinitionType t = case t of
    Head -> AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeHead
    Body -> AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeBody
    Any -> AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeAny
    Directive -> AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeDirective

fromRawTheoryAtomDefinitionType :: AstTheoryAtomDefType 
                                -> TheoryAtomDefinitionType
fromRawTheoryAtomDefinitionType t = case t of
    AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeHead -> Head 
    AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeBody -> Body 
    AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeAny -> Any 
    AstTheoryAtomDefinitionTypeDirective -> Directive 
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_theory_atom_definition_type_t"

data TheoryDefinition =
    TheoryDefinition Text [TheoryTermDefinition] [TheoryAtomDefinition]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawTheoryDefinition :: TheoryDefinition -> IO AstTheoryDefinition
rawTheoryDefinition (TheoryDefinition t ts as) = AstTheoryDefinition
    <$> newCString (unpack t)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryTermDefinition ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTheoryAtomDefinition as)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ as)

freeTheoryDefinition :: AstTheoryDefinition -> IO ()
freeTheoryDefinition (AstTheoryDefinition t ts nt as na) = do
    free t
    freeArray ts nt freeTheoryTermDefinition
    freeArray as na freeTheoryAtomDefinition

fromRawTheoryDefinition :: AstTheoryDefinition -> IO TheoryDefinition
fromRawTheoryDefinition (AstTheoryDefinition s ts nt as na) = TheoryDefinition
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> (mapM fromRawTheoryTermDefinition =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nt) ts)
    <*> (mapM fromRawTheoryAtomDefinition =<< peekArray (fromIntegral na) as)

data Rule a = Rule (HeadLiteral a) [BodyLiteral a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Rule a) where
    pretty (Rule h []) = pretty h
    pretty (Rule h bs) = 
        pretty h <+> text ":-" 
                 <+> align (sep (punctuate comma (map pretty bs)))

rawRule :: Rule (Symbol s) -> IO AstRule
rawRule (Rule h bs) = AstRule
    <$> rawHeadLiteral h <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral bs)
                         <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ bs)

freeRule :: AstRule -> IO ()
freeRule (AstRule h bs n) = do
    freeHeadLiteral h
    freeArray bs n freeBodyLiteral

fromRawRule :: AstRule -> IO (Rule (Symbol s))
fromRawRule (AstRule h bs n) = Rule
    <$> fromRawHeadLiteral h
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) bs)

data Definition a = Definition Text (Term a) Bool
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawDefinition :: Definition (Symbol s) -> IO AstDefinition
rawDefinition (Definition s t b) = AstDefinition
    <$> newCString (unpack s)
    <*> rawTerm t
    <*> pure (fromBool b)

freeDefinition :: AstDefinition -> IO ()
freeDefinition (AstDefinition s t _) = free s >> freeTerm t

fromRawDefinition :: AstDefinition -> IO (Definition (Symbol s))
fromRawDefinition (AstDefinition s t b) = Definition
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> fromRawTerm t
    <*> pure (toBool b)

data ShowSignature b = ShowSignature b Bool
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawShowSignature :: ShowSignature (Signature b) -> IO AstShowSignature
rawShowSignature (ShowSignature s b) = AstShowSignature
    <$> pure (rawSignature s)
    <*> pure (fromBool b)

freeShowSignature :: AstShowSignature -> IO ()
freeShowSignature (AstShowSignature _ _) = return ()

fromRawShowSignature :: AstShowSignature -> IO (ShowSignature (Signature s))
fromRawShowSignature (AstShowSignature s b) = ShowSignature
    <$> pureSignature s
    <*> pure (toBool b)

data ShowTerm a = ShowTerm (Term a) [BodyLiteral a] Bool
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawShowTerm :: ShowTerm (Symbol s) -> IO AstShowTerm
rawShowTerm (ShowTerm t ls b) = AstShowTerm
    <$> rawTerm t
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)
    <*> pure (fromBool b)

freeShowTerm :: AstShowTerm -> IO ()
freeShowTerm (AstShowTerm t ls n _) = do
    freeTerm t
    freeArray ls n freeBodyLiteral

fromRawShowTerm :: AstShowTerm -> IO (ShowTerm (Symbol s))
fromRawShowTerm (AstShowTerm t ls n b) = ShowTerm
    <$> fromRawTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)
    <*> pure (toBool b)

data Minimize a = Minimize (Term a) (Term a) [Term a] [BodyLiteral a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawMinimize :: Minimize (Symbol s) -> IO AstMinimize
rawMinimize (Minimize a b ts ls) = AstMinimize
    <$> rawTerm a
    <*> rawTerm b
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawTerm ts)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ts)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeMinimize :: AstMinimize -> IO ()
freeMinimize (AstMinimize a b ts nt ls nl) = do
    freeTerm a
    freeTerm b
    freeArray ts nt freeTerm
    freeArray ls nl freeBodyLiteral

fromRawMinimize :: AstMinimize -> IO (Minimize (Symbol s))
fromRawMinimize (AstMinimize a b ts nt ls nl) = Minimize
    <$> fromRawTerm a
    <*> fromRawTerm b
    <*> (mapM fromRawTerm =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nt) ts)
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral nl) ls)

data Script = Script ScriptType Text
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawScript :: Script -> IO AstScript
rawScript (Script t s) = AstScript
    <$> pure (rawScriptType t)
    <*> newCString (unpack s)

freeScript :: AstScript -> IO ()
freeScript (AstScript _ s) = free s

fromRawScript :: AstScript -> IO Script
fromRawScript (AstScript t s) = Script
    <$> pure (fromRawScriptType t)
    <*> fmap pack (peekCString s)

data ScriptType = Lua | Python
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

rawScriptType :: ScriptType -> AstScriptType
rawScriptType t = case t of
    Lua -> AstScriptTypeLua
    Python -> AstScriptTypePython

fromRawScriptType :: AstScriptType -> ScriptType
fromRawScriptType t = case t of
    AstScriptTypeLua -> Lua 
    AstScriptTypePython -> Python 
    _ -> error "Invalid clingo_ast_script_type_t"

data Program = Program Text [Identifier]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty Program where
    pretty (Program n []) =
        text "#program" <+> text (fromStrict n)
    pretty (Program n is) = 
        text "#program" <+> text (fromStrict n) <> tupled (map pretty is)

rawProgram :: Program -> IO AstProgram
rawProgram (Program n is) = AstProgram
    <$> newCString (unpack n)
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawIdentifier is)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ is)

freeProgram :: AstProgram -> IO ()
freeProgram (AstProgram s xs n) = free s >> freeArray xs n freeIdentifier

fromRawProgram :: AstProgram -> IO Program
fromRawProgram (AstProgram s es n) = Program
    <$> fmap pack (peekCString s)
    <*> (mapM fromRawIdentifier =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) es)

data External a = External (Term a) [BodyLiteral a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (External a) where
    pretty (External n []) =
        text "#external" <+> pretty n
    pretty (External n is) = 
        text "#external" <+> pretty n <> tupled (map pretty is)

rawExternal :: External (Symbol s) -> IO AstExternal
rawExternal (External t ls) = AstExternal
    <$> rawTerm t
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeExternal :: AstExternal -> IO ()
freeExternal (AstExternal t ls n) = freeTerm t >> freeArray ls n freeBodyLiteral

fromRawExternal :: AstExternal -> IO (External (Symbol s))
fromRawExternal (AstExternal t ls n) = External
    <$> fromRawTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)

data Edge a = Edge (Term a) (Term a) [BodyLiteral a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawEdge :: Edge (Symbol s) -> IO AstEdge
rawEdge (Edge a b ls) = AstEdge
    <$> rawTerm a
    <*> rawTerm b
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeEdge :: AstEdge -> IO ()
freeEdge (AstEdge a b ls n) = do
    freeTerm a
    freeTerm b
    freeArray ls n freeBodyLiteral

fromRawEdge :: AstEdge -> IO (Edge (Symbol s))
fromRawEdge (AstEdge a b ls n) = Edge
    <$> fromRawTerm a
    <*> fromRawTerm b
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)

data Heuristic a = Heuristic (Term a) [BodyLiteral a] (Term a) (Term a) (Term a)
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Heuristic a) where
    pretty (Heuristic t1 [] t2 t3 t4) = 
        text "#heuristic" <+> pretty t1
                          <> dot <+> char '[' <+> pretty t2 <> char '@' 
                          <> pretty t3 <+> comma <+> pretty t4 <+> char ']'
    pretty (Heuristic t1 cs t2 t3 t4) = 
        text "#heuristic" <+> pretty t1 <+> colon <+> list (map pretty cs) 
                          <> dot <+> char '[' <+> pretty t2 <> char '@' 
                          <> pretty t3 <+> comma <+> pretty t4 <+> char ']'

rawHeuristic :: Heuristic (Symbol s) -> IO AstHeuristic
rawHeuristic (Heuristic a ls b c d) = AstHeuristic
    <$> rawTerm a
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)
    <*> rawTerm b
    <*> rawTerm c
    <*> rawTerm d

freeHeuristic :: AstHeuristic -> IO ()
freeHeuristic (AstHeuristic a ls n b c d) = do
    freeTerm a
    freeTerm b
    freeTerm c
    freeTerm d
    freeArray ls n freeBodyLiteral

fromRawHeuristic :: AstHeuristic -> IO (Heuristic (Symbol s))
fromRawHeuristic (AstHeuristic t ls n a b c) = Heuristic
    <$> fromRawTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)
    <*> fromRawTerm a
    <*> fromRawTerm b
    <*> fromRawTerm c

data Project a = Project (Term a) [BodyLiteral a]
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

rawProject :: Project (Symbol s) -> IO AstProject
rawProject (Project t ls) = AstProject
    <$> rawTerm t
    <*> (newArray' =<< mapM rawBodyLiteral ls)
    <*> pure (fromIntegral . length $ ls)

freeProject :: AstProject -> IO ()
freeProject (AstProject t ls n) = do
    freeTerm t
    freeArray ls n freeBodyLiteral

fromRawProject :: AstProject -> IO (Project (Symbol s))
fromRawProject (AstProject t ls n) = Project
    <$> fromRawTerm t
    <*> (mapM fromRawBodyLiteral =<< peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls)

data Statement a b
    = StmtRule Location (Rule a)
    | StmtDefinition Location (Definition a)
    | StmtShowSignature Location (ShowSignature b)
    | StmtShowTerm Location (ShowTerm a)
    | StmtMinimize Location (Minimize a)
    | StmtScript Location Script
    | StmtProgram Location Program
    | StmtExternal Location (External a)
    | StmtEdge Location (Edge a)
    | StmtHeuristic Location (Heuristic a)
    | StmtProject Location (Project a)
    | StmtSignature Location b
    | StmtTheoryDefinition Location TheoryDefinition
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Statement a b) where
    pretty (StmtRule _ r) = pretty r <> dot
    pretty (StmtSignature _ s) = pretty s <> dot
    pretty (StmtProgram _ p) = pretty p <> dot
    pretty (StmtExternal _ p) = pretty p <> dot
    pretty (StmtHeuristic _ p) = pretty p
    pretty _ = text "<stmt>" -- TODO

instance Bifunctor Statement where
    bimap f g s = case s of
        StmtRule l x -> StmtRule l (fmap f x)
        StmtDefinition l x -> StmtDefinition l (fmap f x)
        StmtShowSignature l x -> StmtShowSignature l (fmap g x)
        StmtShowTerm l x -> StmtShowTerm l (fmap f x)
        StmtMinimize l x -> StmtMinimize l (fmap f x)
        StmtScript l x -> StmtScript l x
        StmtProgram l x -> StmtProgram l x
        StmtExternal l x -> StmtExternal l (fmap f x)
        StmtEdge l x -> StmtEdge l (fmap f x)
        StmtHeuristic l x -> StmtHeuristic l (fmap f x)
        StmtProject l x -> StmtProject l (fmap f x)
        StmtSignature l x -> StmtSignature l (g x)
        StmtTheoryDefinition l x -> StmtTheoryDefinition l x

instance Bifoldable Statement where
    bifoldr f g z s = case s of
        StmtRule _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtDefinition _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtShowSignature _ x -> foldr g z x
        StmtShowTerm _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtMinimize _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtScript _ _ -> z
        StmtProgram _ _ -> z
        StmtExternal _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtEdge _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtHeuristic _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtProject _ x -> foldr f z x
        StmtSignature _ x -> g x z
        StmtTheoryDefinition _ _ -> z

instance Bitraversable Statement where
    bitraverse f g s = case s of
        StmtRule l x -> StmtRule l <$> traverse f x
        StmtDefinition l x -> StmtDefinition l <$> traverse f x
        StmtShowSignature l x -> StmtShowSignature l <$> traverse g x
        StmtShowTerm l x -> StmtShowTerm l <$> traverse f x
        StmtMinimize l x -> StmtMinimize l <$> traverse f x
        StmtScript l x -> pure $ StmtScript l x
        StmtProgram l x -> pure $ StmtProgram l x
        StmtExternal l x -> StmtExternal l <$> traverse f x
        StmtEdge l x -> StmtEdge l <$> traverse f x
        StmtHeuristic l x -> StmtHeuristic l <$> traverse f x
        StmtProject l x -> StmtProject l <$> traverse f x
        StmtSignature l x -> StmtSignature l <$> g x
        StmtTheoryDefinition l x -> pure $ StmtTheoryDefinition l x

rawStatement :: Statement (Symbol s) (Signature s) -> IO AstStatement
rawStatement (StmtRule l x) = AstStmtRule
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawRule x)
rawStatement (StmtDefinition l x) = AstStmtDefinition
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawDefinition x)
rawStatement (StmtShowSignature l x) = AstStmtShowSignature
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawShowSignature x)
rawStatement (StmtShowTerm l x) = AstStmtShowTerm
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawShowTerm x)
rawStatement (StmtMinimize l x) = AstStmtMinimize
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawMinimize x)
rawStatement (StmtScript l x) = AstStmtScript
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawScript x)
rawStatement (StmtProgram l x) = AstStmtProgram
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawProgram x)
rawStatement (StmtExternal l x) = AstStmtExternal
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawExternal x)
rawStatement (StmtEdge l x) = AstStmtEdge
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawEdge x)
rawStatement (StmtHeuristic l x) = AstStmtHeuristic
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawHeuristic x)
rawStatement (StmtProject l x) = AstStmtProject
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawProject x)
rawStatement (StmtSignature l x) = AstStmtSignature
    <$> rawLocation l <*> pure (rawSignature x)
rawStatement (StmtTheoryDefinition l x) = AstStmtTheoryDefn
    <$> rawLocation l <*> (new =<< rawTheoryDefinition x)

freeStatement :: AstStatement -> IO ()
freeStatement (AstStmtRule l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeRule
freeStatement (AstStmtDefinition l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeDefinition
freeStatement (AstStmtShowSignature l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeShowSignature
freeStatement (AstStmtShowTerm l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeShowTerm
freeStatement (AstStmtMinimize l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeMinimize
freeStatement (AstStmtScript l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeScript
freeStatement (AstStmtProgram l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeProgram
freeStatement (AstStmtExternal l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeExternal
freeStatement (AstStmtEdge l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeEdge
freeStatement (AstStmtHeuristic l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeHeuristic
freeStatement (AstStmtProject l x) = 
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeProject
freeStatement (AstStmtSignature l _) = freeRawLocation l
freeStatement (AstStmtTheoryDefn l x) =
    freeRawLocation l >> freeIndirection x freeTheoryDefinition

fromRawStatement :: AstStatement -> IO (Statement (Symbol s) (Signature s))
fromRawStatement (AstStmtRule l x) = 
    StmtRule <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawRule
fromRawStatement (AstStmtDefinition l x) = 
    StmtDefinition <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawDefinition
fromRawStatement (AstStmtShowSignature l x) = 
    StmtShowSignature <$> fromRawLocation l 
                      <*> fromIndirect x fromRawShowSignature
fromRawStatement (AstStmtShowTerm l x) = 
    StmtShowTerm <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawShowTerm
fromRawStatement (AstStmtMinimize l x) = 
    StmtMinimize <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawMinimize
fromRawStatement (AstStmtScript l x) = 
    StmtScript <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawScript
fromRawStatement (AstStmtProgram l x) = 
    StmtProgram <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawProgram
fromRawStatement (AstStmtExternal l x) = 
    StmtExternal <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawExternal
fromRawStatement (AstStmtEdge l x) = 
    StmtEdge <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawEdge
fromRawStatement (AstStmtHeuristic l x) = 
    StmtHeuristic <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawHeuristic
fromRawStatement (AstStmtProject l x) = 
    StmtProject <$> fromRawLocation l <*> fromIndirect x fromRawProject
fromRawStatement (AstStmtSignature l x) = 
    StmtSignature <$> fromRawLocation l <*> pureSignature x
fromRawStatement (AstStmtTheoryDefn l x) =
    StmtTheoryDefinition <$> fromRawLocation l 
                         <*> fromIndirect x fromRawTheoryDefinition