module Clr.Host.BStr
  ( BStr(..)
  , allocBStr
  , freeBStr
  , withBStr
  ) where

import Control.Exception (bracket)

import Clr.Host.Config
import Clr.Host.BStr.Type

#ifdef HAVE_MONO
import Clr.Host.BStr.Mono(mono_ptr_to_bstr_hask, mono_free_bstr)

import Clr.Host.BStr.DotNet(sysAllocStringLen, sysFreeString)

import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr

allocBStr :: (Integral len) => Ptr Word16 -> len -> IO BStr
allocBStr p l = do
  ClrHostConfig hostType <- getClrHostConfig
  case hostType of
#ifdef HAVE_MONO
    ClrHostMono   -> mono_ptr_to_bstr_hask p (fromIntegral l)
    ClrHostMono   -> error "not built with Mono support enabled"
    ClrHostDotNet -> sysAllocStringLen p (fromIntegral l)
    ClrHostDotNet -> error "not built with .Net support enabled"

freeBStr :: BStr -> IO ()
freeBStr x = do
  ClrHostConfig hostType <- getClrHostConfig
  case hostType of
#ifdef HAVE_MONO
    ClrHostMono   -> mono_free_bstr x
    ClrHostMono   -> error "not built with Mono support enabled"
    ClrHostDotNet -> sysFreeString x
    ClrHostDotNet -> error "not built with .Net support enabled"

withBStr :: (Integral len) => Ptr Word16 -> len -> (BStr-> IO a) -> IO a
withBStr p l = bracket (allocBStr p l) freeBStr