{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Bio.Protein.AminoAcid.Instances where

import           Bio.Protein.AminoAcid.Type
import           Bio.Utils.Monomer          (FromSymbol (..),
                                             FromThreeSymbols (..), Symbol (..),
                                             ThreeSymbols (..))
import           Control.Lens               (Const (..), Getting, Identity (..),
                                             Lens', coerced, to, (^.))
import           Data.Array                 (Array, listArray)
import           Data.Coerce                (coerce)
import           Data.String                (IsString (..))

-- Creatable

-- | Single object can be created
class Createable a where
    type Create a :: *
    -- | Function to create single object
    create :: Create a

instance Createable (BB a) where
    type Create (BB a) = a -> a -> a -> BB a
    create n_ ca_ c_ = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (pure ca_) (pure c_)

instance Createable (BBCA a) where
    type Create (BBCA a) = a -> BBCA a
    create ca_ = coerce <$> AminoAcid (Const ()) (pure ca_) (Const ())

instance Createable (BBT a) where
    type Create (BBT a) = a -> a -> a -> AA -> BBT a
    create n_ ca_ c_ aa = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ (Const aa)) (pure c_)

instance Createable (BBCAT a) where
    type Create (BBCAT a) = a -> AA -> BBCAT a
    create ca_ aa = coerce <$> AminoAcid (Const ()) (Env ca_ (Const aa)) (Const ())

instance Createable (BBCG a) where
    type Create (BBCG a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> AA -> BBCG a
    create n_ ca_ c_ cg_ aa = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ (CG cg_ aa)) (pure c_)

instance Createable (BBO a) where
    type Create (BBO a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> BBO a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (pure ca_) (Env c_ (pure o_))

instance Createable (BBOT a) where
    type Create (BBOT a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> AA -> BBOT a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ aa = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ (Const aa)) (Env c_ (pure o_))

instance Createable (BBOCG a) where
    type Create (BBOCG a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> AA -> BBOCG a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ cg_ aa = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ (CG cg_ aa)) (Env c_ (pure o_))

instance Createable (BBOR a) where
    type Create (BBOR a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> Radical a -> BBOR a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ r = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ r) (Env c_ (pure o_))

instance Createable (BBOXTR a) where
    type Create (BBOXTR a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Radical a -> BBOXTR a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ oxt_ r = coerce <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ r) (Env c_ (OXT o_ oxt_))

instance Createable (BBORH a) where
    type Create (BBORH a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> Radical a -> BBORH a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ r = flip Env [] <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ r) (Env c_ (pure o_))

instance Createable (BBOXTRH a) where
    type Create (BBOXTRH a) = a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Radical a -> BBOXTRH a
    create n_ ca_ c_ o_ oxt_ r = flip Env [] <$> AminoAcid (pure n_) (Env ca_ r) (Env c_ (OXT o_ oxt_))

-- HasRadical

-- | Has lens to observe, set and modify radicals
class Functor r => HasRadical r where
    type RadicalType r a :: *
    -- | Lens for radical atom or group
    radical :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Lens' (AminoAcid f (Env r) g a) (RadicalType r a)

instance HasRadical (Const x) where
    type RadicalType (Const x) a = x
    radical = ca' . environment . coerced

instance HasRadical Radical where
    type RadicalType Radical a = Radical a
    radical = ca' . environment

instance HasRadical CG where
    type RadicalType CG a = a
    radical = ca' . environment . cg'

instance HasRadical Identity where
    type RadicalType Identity a = a
    radical = ca' . environment . coerced

-- HasRadicalType

-- | Has lens to observe radical types
class Functor r => HasRadicalType r where
    -- | Getter for radical type
    radicalType :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Getting AA (AminoAcid f (Env r) g a) AA

instance HasRadicalType (Const AA) where
    radicalType = ca' . environment . coerced

instance HasRadicalType CG where
    radicalType = ca' . environment . radical' . coerced

instance HasRadicalType Radical where
    radicalType = ca' . environment . to rad2rad

-- Has some atom

-- | Has lens to observe, set and modify ca_ atom
class Functor r => HasCA r where
    -- | Lens for ca_ atom
    ca :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Lens' (AminoAcid f r g a) a

instance HasCA Identity where
    ca = ca' . coerced

instance Functor f => HasCA (Env f) where
    ca = ca' . atom'

-- | Has lens to observe, set and modify c_ atom
class Functor r => HasC r where
    -- | Lens for c_ atom
    c :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Lens' (AminoAcid f g r a) a

instance HasC Identity where
    c = c' . coerced

instance Functor f => HasC (Env f) where
    c = c' . atom'

-- | Has lens to observe, set and modify o_ atom
class Functor r => HasO r where
    -- | Lens for o_ atom
    o :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Lens' (AminoAcid f g (Env r) a) a

instance HasO Identity where
    o = c' . environment . coerced

instance HasO OXT where
    o = c' . environment . o'

-- | Has lens to observe, set and modify OXT atom
class Functor r => HasOXT r where
    -- | Lens for OXT atom
    oxt :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Lens' (AminoAcid f g (Env r) a) a

instance HasOXT OXT where
    oxt = c' . environment . oxt'

-- | Has lens to observe, set and modify n_ atom
class Functor r => HasN r where
    -- | Lens for n_ atom
    n :: (Functor f, Functor g) => Lens' (AminoAcid r f g a) a

instance HasN Identity where
    n = n' . coerced

instance Functor f => HasN (Env f) where
    n = n' . atom'

-- | Lens to get atom from some enviroment
class Functor f => HasAtom f where
    -- | Lens for exact atom get
    atom :: Lens' (f a) a

instance HasAtom Identity where
    atom = coerced

instance Functor r => HasAtom (Env r) where
    atom = atom'

-- | Lens to get hydrogens from hydrated atom
hydrogens :: Lens' (Env [] a) [a]
hydrogens = environment

-- Symbol and ThreeSymbols

-- | Lens to get Symbol from every suitable amino acid
instance (Functor nr, HasRadicalType car, Functor cr) => Symbol (AminoAcid nr (Env car) cr a) where
    symbol = symbol . (^. radicalType)

-- | Symbol encoding
instance Symbol AA where
    symbol ALA = 'A'
    symbol CYS = 'C'
    symbol ASP = 'D'
    symbol GLU = 'E'
    symbol PHE = 'F'
    symbol GLY = 'G'
    symbol HIS = 'H'
    symbol ILE = 'I'
    symbol LYS = 'K'
    symbol LEU = 'L'
    symbol MET = 'M'
    symbol ASN = 'N'
    symbol PRO = 'P'
    symbol GLN = 'Q'
    symbol ARG = 'R'
    symbol SER = 'S'
    symbol THR = 'T'
    symbol VAL = 'V'
    symbol TRP = 'W'
    symbol TYR = 'Y'

-- | Parse symbol encoding
instance FromSymbol AA where
    fromSymbolE 'A' = Right ALA
    fromSymbolE 'C' = Right CYS
    fromSymbolE 'D' = Right ASP
    fromSymbolE 'E' = Right GLU
    fromSymbolE 'F' = Right PHE
    fromSymbolE 'G' = Right GLY
    fromSymbolE 'H' = Right HIS
    fromSymbolE 'I' = Right ILE
    fromSymbolE 'K' = Right LYS
    fromSymbolE 'L' = Right LEU
    fromSymbolE 'M' = Right MET
    fromSymbolE 'N' = Right ASN
    fromSymbolE 'P' = Right PRO
    fromSymbolE 'Q' = Right GLN
    fromSymbolE 'R' = Right ARG
    fromSymbolE 'S' = Right SER
    fromSymbolE 'T' = Right THR
    fromSymbolE 'V' = Right VAL
    fromSymbolE 'W' = Right TRP
    fromSymbolE 'Y' = Right TYR
    fromSymbolE ch  = Left ch

-- | Three symbols encoding
instance ThreeSymbols AA where
    threeSymbols ALA = "ALA"
    threeSymbols CYS = "CYS"
    threeSymbols ASP = "ASP"
    threeSymbols GLU = "GLU"
    threeSymbols PHE = "PHE"
    threeSymbols GLY = "GLY"
    threeSymbols HIS = "HIS"
    threeSymbols ILE = "ILE"
    threeSymbols LYS = "LYS"
    threeSymbols LEU = "LEU"
    threeSymbols MET = "MET"
    threeSymbols ASN = "ASN"
    threeSymbols PRO = "PRO"
    threeSymbols GLN = "GLN"
    threeSymbols ARG = "ARG"
    threeSymbols SER = "SER"
    threeSymbols THR = "THR"
    threeSymbols VAL = "VAL"
    threeSymbols TRP = "TRP"
    threeSymbols TYR = "TYR"

-- | Parse three symbols encoding
instance FromThreeSymbols AA where
    fromThreeSymbols "ALA" = Just ALA
    fromThreeSymbols "CYS" = Just CYS
    fromThreeSymbols "ASP" = Just ASP
    fromThreeSymbols "GLU" = Just GLU
    fromThreeSymbols "PHE" = Just PHE
    fromThreeSymbols "GLY" = Just GLY
    fromThreeSymbols "HIS" = Just HIS
    fromThreeSymbols "ILE" = Just ILE
    fromThreeSymbols "LYS" = Just LYS
    fromThreeSymbols "LEU" = Just LEU
    fromThreeSymbols "MET" = Just MET
    fromThreeSymbols "ASN" = Just ASN
    fromThreeSymbols "PRO" = Just PRO
    fromThreeSymbols "GLN" = Just GLN
    fromThreeSymbols "ARG" = Just ARG
    fromThreeSymbols "SER" = Just SER
    fromThreeSymbols "THR" = Just THR
    fromThreeSymbols "VAL" = Just VAL
    fromThreeSymbols "TRP" = Just TRP
    fromThreeSymbols "TYR" = Just TYR
    fromThreeSymbols _     = Nothing

-- IsString

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} IsString [AA] where
    fromString s =
        case traverse fromSymbolE s of
            Right l -> l
            Left e  -> error $ "Bio.Protein.AminoAcid.Instances: could not read aminoacid " <> [e]

instance IsString (Array Int AA) where
    fromString s = listArray (0, length s - 1) $ fromString s