-- | If this is your first exposure to BEAM, __I highly recommend Erik Stenman's book:
--   <https://happi.github.io/theBeamBook>__,
--   which discusses BEAM's architecture in much more detail.

module Codec.Beam
  ( encode, Metadata, export, insertModuleInfo
    -- * Syntax
  , Op, X(..), Y(..), F(..), Nil(..), Label(..), Literal(..), Lambda(..), Import(..)
    -- * Argument constraints
  , Register, IsRegister(toRegister), Source, IsSource(toSource)
  , RegisterF, IsRegisterF(toRegisterF), SourceF, IsSourceF(toSourceF)
    -- * BIF helpers
  , importBif0, importBif1, importBif2, importBif3, importBif4
  ) where

import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.))
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32)
import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib as Zlib
import qualified Data.Bits as Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Codec.Beam.Internal.Syntax
import Codec.Beam.Internal.Table (Table)
import qualified Codec.Beam.Internal.Table as Table

-- | Create code for a BEAM module.
  :: (Foldable f1, Foldable f2)
  => Text  -- ^ module name
  -> f1 Metadata
  -> f2 Op -- ^ instructions
  -> ByteString
encode name metadata =
    withMetadata =
      foldr _run (initialEnv name) metadata
  toLazyByteString . foldl encodeOp withMetadata

-- | Extra information regarding the contents of a BEAM module.
newtype Metadata = Metadata { _run :: Env -> Env }

-- | Name and arity of a function that should be made public.
export :: Text -> Int -> Metadata
export name arity =
  Metadata $ \env -> env { _exporting = Set.insert (name, arity) (_exporting env) }

-- | The Erlang compiler inserts two functions when compiling source files:
--   @module_info/0@ and @module_info/1@.
--   Some pieces of the Erlang toolchain expect this function to exist.
--   For instance, the shell will crash if you try to use TAB (for auto-completion)
--   on a BEAM module without these functions present.
--   These functions have the same implementation, so you can use this 'Metadata'
--   to have the library generate and export them for you.
insertModuleInfo :: Metadata
insertModuleInfo =
  Metadata $ \env ->
      withExports = env
        { _exporting =
            _exporting env <> Set.fromList [("module_info", 0), ("module_info", 1)]
    foldl encodeOp withExports
      -- Negative numbers here prevent clashes with user-defined labels.
      -- Since negative numbers are not valid labels,
      -- this decision does not affect the external semantics of the library.
      [ Op 1  [FromNewLabel (Label (-1))]
      , Op 2  [FromNewFunction "module_info" 0, FromAtom "module_info", FromUntagged 0]
      , Op 1  [FromNewLabel (Label (-2))]
      , Op 64 [FromAtom (_moduleName env), FromX (X 0)]
      , Op 78 [FromUntagged 1, FromImport (Import "erlang" "get_module_info" 1)]
      , Op 19 []
      , Op 1  [FromNewLabel (Label (-3))]
      , Op 2  [FromNewFunction "module_info" 1, FromAtom "module_info", FromUntagged 1]
      , Op 1  [FromNewLabel (Label (-4))]
      , Op 64 [FromX (X 0), FromX (X 1)]
      , Op 64 [FromAtom (_moduleName env), FromX (X 0)]
      , Op 78 [FromUntagged 2, FromImport (Import "erlang" "get_module_info" 2)]
      , Op 19 []

-- https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/master/lib/compiler/src/beam_asm.erl

data Env =
    { _moduleName :: Text
    , _labelTable :: Table Int
    , _atomTable :: Table Text
    , _literalTable :: Table Literal
    , _lambdaTable :: Table Lambda
    , _importTable :: Table Import
    , _exportTable :: Table (Text, Int, Int)
    , _exportNextLabel :: Maybe (Text, Int)
    , _exporting :: Set.Set (Text, Int)
    , _functionCount :: Word32
    , _maxOpCode :: Word8
    , _code :: Builder

initialEnv :: Text -> Env
initialEnv name =
    { _moduleName = name
    , _labelTable = Table.singleton 0 0
    , _atomTable = Table.singleton name 1
    , _literalTable = Table.empty
    , _lambdaTable = Table.empty
    , _importTable = Table.empty
    , _exportTable = Table.empty
    , _exportNextLabel = Nothing
    , _exporting = Set.empty
    , _functionCount = 0
    , _maxOpCode = 1
    , _code = mempty

encodeOp :: Env -> Op -> Env
encodeOp env (Op opCode args) =
  foldl encodeArgument (appendCode withMaxOp (Builder.word8 opCode)) args

    withMaxOp =
      env { _maxOpCode = max opCode (_maxOpCode env) }

encodeArgument :: Env -> Argument -> Env
encodeArgument env argument =
  case argument of
    FromUntagged value ->
      appendTag (encodeTag 0 value) env

    FromNewLabel (Label raw) ->
        (value, newTable) =
          Table.index raw (_labelTable env)
      appendTag (encodeTag 0 value) $ env
        { _labelTable = newTable
        , _exportNextLabel = Nothing
        , _exportTable =
            maybe id
              (\(f, a) -> Table.ensure (f, a, value))
              (_exportNextLabel env)
              (_exportTable env)

    FromImport import_ ->
        (value, newTable) =
          Table.index import_ (_importTable env)
      appendTag (encodeTag 0 value) $ env
        { _importTable = newTable
        , _atomTable =
            Table.ensure (_import_module import_) $
              Table.ensure (_import_function import_) $ _atomTable env

    FromLambda lambda ->
        (value, newTable) =
          Table.index lambda (_lambdaTable env)
      appendTag (encodeTag 0 value) $ env
        { _lambdaTable = newTable
        , _atomTable = Table.ensure (_lambda_name lambda) $ _atomTable env

    FromInt value ->
      appendTag (encodeTag 1 value) env

    FromNil Nil ->
      appendTag (encodeTag 2 0) env

    FromNewFunction name arity ->
      appendTag (encodeTag 2 1) $ env
        { _functionCount = 1 + _functionCount env
        , _exportNextLabel =
            if Set.member (name, arity) (_exporting env) then
              Just (name, arity)

    FromAtom name ->
        (value, newTable) =
          Table.index name (_atomTable env)
      appendTag (encodeTag 2 value) $ env { _atomTable = newTable }

    FromX (X value) ->
      appendTag (encodeTag 3 value) env

    FromY (Y value) ->
      appendTag (encodeTag 4 value) env

    FromLabel (Label raw) ->
        (value, newTable) =
          Table.index raw (_labelTable env)
      appendTag (encodeTag 5 value) $ env { _labelTable = newTable }

    FromF (F value) ->
      appendTag (encodeExt 2 value) env

    FromLiteral literal ->
        (value, newTable) =
          Table.index literal (_literalTable env)
      appendTag (encodeExt 4 value) $ env { _literalTable = newTable }

    FromList list ->
      foldr (flip encodeArgument) (appendTag (encodeExt 1 (length list)) env) list

appendTag :: [Word8] -> Env -> Env
appendTag bytes env =
    appendCode env $ foldMap Builder.word8 bytes

appendCode :: Env -> Builder -> Env
appendCode env bytes =
  env { _code = _code env <> bytes }

toLazyByteString :: Env -> ByteString
  ( Env
  ) =
  "FOR1" <> pack32 (BS.length sections + 4) <> "BEAM" <> sections

    sections =
         "AtU8" <> alignSection (atoms atomTable)
      <> "StrT" <> alignSection (strings)
      <> "LitT" <> alignSection (literals literalTable)
      <> "FunT" <> alignSection (lambdas lambdaTable atomTable labelTable)
      <> "ImpT" <> alignSection (imports importTable atomTable)
      <> "ExpT" <> alignSection (exports exportTable atomTable)
      <> "Code" <> alignSection (code bytes labelTable functions maxOpCode)


atoms :: Table Text -> ByteString
atoms table =
  pack32 (Table.size table) <> Table.encode (withSize pack8 . packAtom) table

-- Explicit string literals are unsupported by this library, but mandatory in BEAM.
-- Why not support explicit string literals?
--  1. Since Erlang strings are really integer lists,
--     they are easy to add to the literal table.
--     This can be done in "user-land" without library support:
--     @string :: [Int] -> Beam.Literal@
--  2. Since Erlang strings are really integer lists,
--     they are probably a bad idea for your compiler.
--     It seems that most compile-through-Erlang languages prefer bitstrings,
--     which are supported via the 'Binary' literal.
--  If your use case requires this table, please reach out.
strings :: ByteString
strings =
  pack32 (0 :: Integer)

code :: Builder -> Table Int -> Word32 -> Word8 -> ByteString
code builder labelTable functionCount maxOpCode =
    [ pack32 (16 :: Integer)  -- header length
    , pack32 (0 :: Integer)   -- instruction set id
    , pack32 maxOpCode
    , pack32 (Table.size labelTable)
    , pack32 functionCount
    , Builder.toLazyByteString builder
    , pack8 (3 :: Integer)    -- int_code_end

lambdas :: Table Lambda -> Table Text -> Table Int -> ByteString
lambdas lambdaTable atomTable labelTable =
  pack32 (Table.size lambdaTable) <> Table.encode fromLambda lambdaTable

    fromLambda lambda@(Lambda name arity (Label raw) free) =
        [ pack32 (forceIndex name atomTable)
        , pack32 arity
        , pack32 (forceIndex raw labelTable)
        , pack32 (forceIndex lambda lambdaTable)
        , pack32 free
        , pack32 (0 :: Integer) -- old unique

imports :: Table Import -> Table Text -> ByteString
imports importTable atomTable =
  pack32 (Table.size importTable) <> Table.encode fromImport importTable

    fromImport (Import module_ function arity) =
        [ pack32 (forceIndex module_ atomTable)
        , pack32 (forceIndex function atomTable)
        , pack32 arity

exports :: Table (Text, Int, Int) -> Table Text -> ByteString
exports exportTable atomTable =
  pack32 (Table.size exportTable) <> Table.encode fromTuple exportTable

    fromTuple (name, arity, label) =
      pack32 (forceIndex name atomTable) <> pack32 arity <> pack32 label

literals :: Table Literal -> ByteString
literals table =
  pack32 (BS.length terms) <> Zlib.compress terms

    terms =
      pack32 (Table.size table)
        <> Table.encode (withSize pack32 . BS.cons 131 . encodeLiteral) table

-- http://beam-wisdoms.clau.se/en/latest/indepth-beam-file.html#beam-term-format

encodeLiteral :: Literal -> ByteString
encodeLiteral lit =
  case lit of
    Atom value ->
      encodeAtom value

    Integer value ->
      encodeInteger value

    Float value ->
      pack8 (70 :: Integer) <> packDouble value

    Binary value ->
      pack8 (109 :: Integer) <> withSize pack32 value

    Tuple elements | length elements < 256 ->
        [ pack8 (104 :: Integer)
        , pack8 (length elements)
        , foldMap encodeLiteral elements

    Tuple elements ->
        [ pack8 (105 :: Integer)
        , pack32 (length elements)
        , foldMap encodeLiteral elements

    List elements ->
        [ pack8 (108 :: Integer)
        , pack32 (length elements)
        , foldMap encodeLiteral elements
        , pack8 (106 :: Integer)

    Map pairs ->
        [ pack8 (116 :: Integer)
        , pack32 (length pairs)
        , foldMap (\(x, y) -> encodeLiteral x <> encodeLiteral y) pairs

    ExternalFun (Import module_ function arity) ->
        [ pack8 (113 :: Integer)
        , encodeAtom module_
        , encodeAtom function
        , encodeInteger arity

encodeAtom :: Text -> ByteString
encodeAtom value =
  pack8 (119 :: Integer) <> withSize pack8 (packAtom value)

encodeInteger :: Int -> ByteString
encodeInteger value
  | value < 256 = pack8 (97 :: Integer) <> pack8 value
  | otherwise   = pack8 (98 :: Integer) <> pack32 value

encodeTag :: Word8 -> Int -> [Word8]
encodeTag tag n
  | n < 0     = manyBytes tag (negative n [])
  | n < 0x10  = oneByte tag n
  | n < 0x800 = twoBytes tag n
  | otherwise = manyBytes tag (positive n [])

encodeExt :: Int -> Int -> [Word8]
encodeExt tag n =
  encodeTag 7 tag ++ encodeTag 0 n

oneByte :: Word8 -> Int -> [Word8]
oneByte tag n =
  [ top4 .|. tag ]

    top4 =
      Bits.shiftL (fromIntegral n) 4

twoBytes :: Word8 -> Int -> [Word8]
twoBytes tag n =
  [ top3 .|. 0x8 {- continuation tag -} .|. tag, bottom8 ]

    top3 =
      fromIntegral $ Bits.shiftR n 3 .&. 0xE0

    bottom8 =
      fromIntegral n

manyBytes :: Word8 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
manyBytes tag bytes =
  if count <= 8 then
    (packedCount .|. 0x18 {- continuation tag -} .|. tag) : bytes

    (0xF8 {- nested tag -} .|. tag) : encodeTag 0 (count - 9) ++ bytes

    count =
      length bytes

    packedCount =
      fromIntegral $ Bits.shiftL (count - 2) 5

negative :: Int -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
negative n bytes =
  case ( n, bytes ) of
    ( -1, first : _ : _ ) | first > 0x7F ->

    _ ->
      withBottom8 negative n bytes

positive :: Int -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
positive n bytes =
  case ( n, bytes ) of
    ( 0, first : _ ) | first < 0x80 ->

    _ ->
      withBottom8 positive n bytes

withBottom8 :: (Int -> [Word8] -> a) -> Int -> [Word8] -> a
withBottom8 f n bytes =
  f (Bits.shiftR n 8) (fromIntegral n : bytes)

alignSection :: ByteString -> ByteString
alignSection bytes =
  withSize pack32 bytes <> padding

    padding =
      case mod (BS.length bytes) 4 of
        0 -> BS.empty
        r -> BS.replicate (4 - r) 0

withSize :: (Int64 -> ByteString) -> ByteString -> ByteString
withSize f bytes =
  f (BS.length bytes) <> bytes

packAtom :: Text -> ByteString
packAtom =
  BS.fromStrict . encodeUtf8

pack8 :: Integral n => n -> ByteString
pack8 =
  BS.singleton . fromIntegral

pack32 :: Integral n => n -> ByteString
pack32 =
  Builder.toLazyByteString . Builder.word32BE . fromIntegral

packDouble :: Double -> ByteString
packDouble =
  Builder.toLazyByteString . Builder.doubleBE

forceIndex :: Ord k => k -> Table k -> Int
forceIndex k =
  fst . Table.index k