{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Numeric.GLPK.Private where
import qualified Numeric.LinearProgramming.Common as LP
import Numeric.LinearProgramming.Common
(Bound(..), Inequality(Inequality),
Bounds, Direction(..), Objective)
import qualified Math.Programming.Glpk.Header as FFI
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Mutable as Mutable
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable as Array
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import Data.Array.Comfort.Storable (Array)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)
import qualified Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types (CDouble)
type Term = LP.Term Double
type Constraints ix = LP.Constraints Double ix
data FailureType =
| NoFeasible
| Unbounded
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SolutionType =
| Infeasible
| Optimal
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance NFData FailureType where
rnf NoFeasible = ()
rnf _ = ()
instance NFData SolutionType where
rnf Optimal = ()
rnf _ = ()
type Result sh =
Either FailureType (SolutionType, (Double, Array sh Double))
canonicalizeBounds :: Inequality a -> Inequality a
canonicalizeBounds (Inequality x bnd) =
Inequality x $
case bnd of
Between lo up -> if lo == up then Equal lo else bnd
_ -> bnd
prepareBoundsFFI ::
Inequality a -> (a, (FFI.GlpkConstraintType, CDouble, CDouble))
prepareBoundsFFI (Inequality x bnd) =
(,) x $
(\(bndType,lo,up) -> (bndType, realToFrac lo, realToFrac up)) $
case bnd of
LessEqual up -> (FFI.glpkLT, 0, up)
GreaterEqual lo -> (FFI.glpkGT, lo, 0)
Between lo up -> (FFI.glpkBounded, lo, up)
Equal y -> (FFI.glpkFixed, y, y)
Free -> (FFI.glpkFree, 0, 0)
prepareBounds ::
Inequality a -> (a, (FFI.GlpkConstraintType, CDouble, CDouble))
prepareBounds = prepareBoundsFFI . canonicalizeBounds
storeBounds ::
(Shape.Indexed sh, Shape.Index sh ~ ix) =>
Foreign.Ptr FFI.Problem -> sh -> Bounds ix -> IO ()
storeBounds lp shape bounds = do
_firstCol <- FFI.glp_add_cols lp $ fromIntegral $ Shape.size shape
for_ (Shape.indices $ Shape.Deferred shape) $ \x ->
FFI.glp_set_col_bnds lp (deferredColumnIndex x) FFI.glpkGT 0 0
for_ (map prepareBounds bounds) $ \(x,(bnd,lo,up)) ->
FFI.glp_set_col_bnds lp (columnIndex shape x) bnd lo up
columnIndex :: (Shape.Indexed sh, Shape.Index sh ~ ix) => sh -> ix -> FFI.Column
columnIndex shape var = 1 + fromIntegral (Shape.offset shape var)
deferredColumnIndex :: Shape.DeferredIndex ix -> FFI.Column
deferredColumnIndex (Shape.DeferredIndex var) = 1 + fromIntegral var
allocaArray :: (Foreign.Storable a) => Int -> (FFI.GlpkArray a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaArray n f = Foreign.allocaArray (n+1) $ f . FFI.GlpkArray
pokeElem :: (Foreign.Storable a) => FFI.GlpkArray a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
pokeElem (FFI.GlpkArray ptr) k a = Foreign.pokeElemOff ptr k a
setDirection :: Foreign.Ptr FFI.Problem -> Direction -> IO ()
setDirection lp dir =
FFI.glp_set_obj_dir lp $
case dir of
Minimize -> FFI.glpkMin
Maximize -> FFI.glpkMax
setObjective ::
(Shape.Indexed sh) => Foreign.Ptr FFI.Problem -> Objective sh -> IO ()
setObjective lp obj =
for_ (Array.toAssociations obj) $ \(x,c) ->
FFI.glp_set_obj_coef lp (columnIndex (Array.shape obj) x) (realToFrac c)
{-# INLINE readGLPArray #-}
readGLPArray ::
(Shape.C sh, Foreign.Storable a, Num a) =>
sh ->
(Mutable.Array IO (Shape.Deferred sh) a ->
Shape.DeferredIndex sh -> IO ()) ->
IO (Array sh a)
readGLPArray shape act = do
let defShape = Shape.Deferred shape
arr <- Mutable.new defShape 0
for_ (Shape.indices defShape) (act arr)
Array.reshape shape <$> Mutable.freeze arr
analyzeStatus :: FFI.GlpkSolutionStatus -> Either FailureType SolutionType
analyzeStatus status =
fromMaybe (error "glpk-solver: solution type unknown") $ lookup status $
(FFI.glpkUndefined, Left Undefined) :
(FFI.glpkFeasible, Right Feasible) :
(FFI.glpkInfeasible, Right Infeasible) :
(FFI.glpkNoFeasible, Left NoFeasible) :
(FFI.glpkOptimal, Right Optimal) :
(FFI.glpkUnbounded, Left Unbounded) :
peekSimplexSolution ::
(Shape.C sh) => sh -> Foreign.Ptr FFI.Problem -> IO (Result sh)
peekSimplexSolution shape lp = do
let examine =
liftA2 (,)
(realToFrac <$> FFI.glp_get_obj_val lp)
(readGLPArray shape $ \arr ix ->
Mutable.write arr ix . realToFrac
=<< FFI.glp_get_col_prim lp (deferredColumnIndex ix))
status <- FFI.glp_get_status lp
either (return . Left) (\typ -> Right . (,) typ <$> examine) $
analyzeStatus status