{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Commonmark.Extensions.Footnote
  ( footnoteSpec
  , HasFootnote(..)
import Commonmark.Tokens
import Commonmark.Types
import Commonmark.Html
import Commonmark.Syntax
import Commonmark.Blocks
import Commonmark.Inlines
import Commonmark.SourceMap
import Commonmark.TokParsers
import Commonmark.ReferenceMap
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Tree
import Text.Parsec
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Map as M

data FootnoteDef bl m =
  FootnoteDef Int Text (ReferenceMap -> m (Either ParseError bl))
  deriving Typeable

instance Eq (FootnoteDef bl m) where
  FootnoteDef num1 lab1 _ == FootnoteDef num2 lab2 _
    = num1 == num2 && lab1 == lab2

instance Ord (FootnoteDef bl m) where
  (FootnoteDef num1 lab1 _) `compare` (FootnoteDef num2 lab2 _) =
    (num1, lab1) `compare` (num2, lab2)

footnoteSpec :: (Monad m, Typeable m, IsBlock il bl, IsInline il,
                 Typeable il, Typeable bl, HasFootnote il bl)
             => SyntaxSpec m il bl
footnoteSpec = mempty
  { syntaxBlockSpecs = [footnoteBlockSpec]
  , syntaxInlineParsers = [withAttributes pFootnoteRef]
  , syntaxFinalParsers = [addFootnoteList]

footnoteBlockSpec :: (Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable il, Typeable bl,
                      IsBlock il bl, IsInline il, HasFootnote il bl)
                  => BlockSpec m il bl
footnoteBlockSpec = BlockSpec
     { blockType           = "Footnote"
     , blockStart          = try $ do
             pos <- getPosition
             lab' <- pFootnoteLabel
             _ <- symbol ':'
             counters' <- counters <$> getState
             let num = fromMaybe (1 :: Int) $
                       M.lookup "footnote" counters' >>= fromDynamic
             updateState $ \s -> s{ counters =
                                     M.insert "footnote" (toDyn (num + 1))
                                      (counters s) }
             addNodeToStack $
                Node (defBlockData footnoteBlockSpec){
                            blockData = toDyn (num, lab')
                          , blockStartPos = [pos] } []
             return BlockStartMatch
     , blockCanContain     = const True
     , blockContainsLines  = False
     , blockParagraph      = False
     , blockContinue       = \n -> try $ do
             () <$ (gobbleSpaces 4)
               <|> (skipWhile (hasType Spaces) >> () <$ lookAhead lineEnd)
             pos <- getPosition
             return $! (pos, n)
     , blockConstructor    = \node ->
          mconcat <$> mapM (\n ->
              blockConstructor (blockSpec (rootLabel n)) n)
            (reverse (subForest node))
     , blockFinalize       = \(Node root children) parent -> do
         let (num, lab') = fromDyn (blockData root) (1, mempty)
         st <- getState
         let mkNoteContents refmap =
                 (blockConstructor (blockSpec root) (Node root children))
                 st{ referenceMap = refmap }
                 "source" []
         updateState $ \s -> s{
             referenceMap = insertReference lab'
                              (FootnoteDef num lab' mkNoteContents)
                              (referenceMap s)
         return $! parent

pFootnoteLabel :: Monad m => ParsecT [Tok] u m Text
pFootnoteLabel = try $ do
  lab <- pLinkLabel
  case T.uncons lab of
        Just ('^', t') -> return $! t'
        _ -> mzero

pFootnoteRef :: (Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable a,
                 Typeable b, IsInline a, IsBlock a b, HasFootnote a b)
             => InlineParser m a
pFootnoteRef = try $ do
  lab <- pFootnoteLabel
  rm <- getReferenceMap
  case lookupReference lab rm of
        Just (FootnoteDef num _ mkContents) -> do
          res <- lift . lift $ mkContents rm
          case res of
               Left err -> mkPT (\_ -> return (Empty (return (Error err))))
               Right contents -> return $!
                 footnoteRef (T.pack (show num)) lab contents
        Nothing -> mzero

addFootnoteList :: (Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable bl, HasFootnote il bl,
                    IsBlock il bl) => BlockParser m il bl bl
addFootnoteList = do
  rm <- referenceMap <$> getState
  let keys = M.keys . unReferenceMap $ rm
  let getNote key = lookupReference key rm
  let notes = sort $ mapMaybe getNote keys
  let renderNote (FootnoteDef num lab mkContents) = do
        res <- lift $ mkContents rm
        case res of
             Left err -> mkPT (\_ -> return (Empty (return (Error err))))
             Right contents -> return $! footnote num lab contents
  if null notes
     then return mempty
     else footnoteList <$> mapM renderNote notes

class IsBlock il bl => HasFootnote il bl | il -> bl where
  footnote :: Int -> Text -> bl -> bl
  footnoteList :: [bl] -> bl
  footnoteRef :: Text -> Text -> bl -> il

instance Rangeable (Html a) => HasFootnote (Html a) (Html a) where
  footnote num lab' x =
    addAttribute ("class", "footnote") $
    addAttribute ("id", "fn-" <> lab') $
    htmlBlock "div" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <>
      (addAttribute ("class", "footnote-number") $
       htmlBlock "div" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <>
        (addAttribute ("href", "#fnref-" <> lab') $
         htmlInline "a" (Just $ htmlText $ T.pack $ show num)) <>
         htmlRaw "\n") <>
      (addAttribute ("class", "footnote-contents") $
        htmlBlock "div" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> x)
  footnoteList items =
    addAttribute ("class", "footnotes") $
      htmlBlock "section" $ Just $ htmlRaw "\n" <> mconcat items
  footnoteRef x lab _ =
   addAttribute ("class", "footnote-ref") $
     htmlInline "sup" $ Just $
       addAttribute ("href", "#fn-" <> lab) $
       addAttribute ("id", "fnref-" <> lab) $
       htmlInline "a" $ Just (htmlText x)

instance (HasFootnote il bl, Semigroup bl, Semigroup il)
        => HasFootnote (WithSourceMap il) (WithSourceMap bl) where
  footnote num lab' x = (footnote num lab' <$> x) <* addName "footnote"
  footnoteList items = footnoteList <$> sequence items
  footnoteRef x y z = (footnoteRef x y <$> z) <* addName "footnoteRef"