{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Commonmark.Extensions.TaskList
  ( taskListSpec
  , HasTaskList (..)
import Commonmark.Tokens
import Commonmark.Types
import Commonmark.Syntax
import Commonmark.Blocks
import Commonmark.SourceMap
import Commonmark.TokParsers
import Commonmark.Html
import Control.Monad (mzero)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Monad (when, guard)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Tree
import Text.Parsec

taskListSpec :: (Monad m, Typeable m, IsBlock il bl, IsInline il,
                       Typeable il, Typeable bl, HasTaskList il bl)
                   => SyntaxSpec m il bl
taskListSpec = mempty
  { syntaxBlockSpecs = [taskListItemBlockSpec]

data ListData = ListData
     { listType    :: !ListType
     , listSpacing :: !ListSpacing
     } deriving (Show, Eq)

data ListItemData = ListItemData
     { listItemType         :: !ListType
     , listItemChecked      :: !Bool
     , listItemIndent       :: !Int
     , listItemBlanksInside :: !Bool
     , listItemBlanksAtEnd  :: !Bool
     } deriving (Show, Eq)

taskListBlockSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl,
                      HasTaskList il bl) => BlockSpec m il bl
taskListBlockSpec = BlockSpec
     { blockType           = "TaskList"
     , blockStart          = mzero
     , blockCanContain     = \sp -> blockType sp == "TaskListItem"
     , blockContainsLines  = False
     , blockParagraph      = False
     , blockContinue       = \n -> (,n) <$> getPosition
     , blockConstructor    = \node -> do
          let ListData lt ls = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel node))
                                 (ListData (BulletList '*') TightList)
          let getCheckedStatus n =
               listItemChecked $
                      fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel n))
                         (ListItemData (BulletList '*') False 0 False False)
          let checkedStatus = map getCheckedStatus $ subForest node
          taskList lt ls . zip checkedStatus <$> renderChildren node
     , blockFinalize       = \(Node cdata children) parent -> do
          let ListData lt _ = fromDyn (blockData cdata)
                                 (ListData (BulletList '*') TightList)
          let getListItemData (Node d _) =
                fromDyn (blockData d)
                  (ListItemData (BulletList '*') False 0 False False)
          let childrenData = map getListItemData children
          let ls = case childrenData of
                          c:cs | any listItemBlanksInside (c:cs) ||
                                 (not (null cs) &&
                                  any listItemBlanksAtEnd cs)
                               -> LooseList
                          _    -> TightList
          blockBlanks' <- case childrenData of
                             c:_ | listItemBlanksAtEnd c -> do
                                 curline <- sourceLine <$> getPosition
                                 return $! curline - 1 : blockBlanks cdata
                             _ -> return $! blockBlanks cdata
          let ldata' = toDyn (ListData lt ls)
          -- need to transform paragraphs on tight lists
          let totight (Node nd cs)
                | blockType (blockSpec nd) == "Paragraph"
                            = Node nd{ blockSpec = plainSpec } cs
                | otherwise = Node nd cs
          let childrenToTight (Node nd cs) = Node nd (map totight cs)
          let children' =
                 if ls == TightList
                    then map childrenToTight children
                    else children
          defaultFinalizer (Node cdata{ blockData = ldata'
                                      , blockBlanks = blockBlanks' } children')

taskListItemBlockSpec :: (Monad m, IsBlock il bl, HasTaskList il bl)
                      => BlockSpec m il bl
taskListItemBlockSpec = BlockSpec
     { blockType           = "TaskListItem"
     , blockStart          = do
             (pos, lidata) <- itemStart
             let linode = Node (defBlockData taskListItemBlockSpec){
                             blockData = toDyn lidata,
                             blockStartPos = [pos] } []
             let listdata = ListData{
                    listType = listItemType lidata
                  , listSpacing = TightList }
                  -- spacing gets set in finalize
             let listnode = Node (defBlockData taskListBlockSpec){
                              blockData = toDyn listdata,
                              blockStartPos = [pos] } []
             -- list can only interrupt paragraph if bullet
             -- list or ordered list w/ startnum == 1,
             -- and not followed by blank
             (cur:_) <- nodeStack <$> getState
             when (blockParagraph (bspec cur)) $ do
               guard $ case listType listdata of
                            BulletList _            -> True
                            OrderedList 1 Decimal _ -> True
                            _                       -> False
               notFollowedBy blankLine
             let curdata = fromDyn (blockData (rootLabel cur))
                                (ListData (BulletList '*') TightList)
             let matchesList (BulletList c) (BulletList d)       = c == d
                 matchesList (OrderedList _ e1 d1)
                             (OrderedList _ e2 d2) = e1 == e2 && d1 == d2
                 matchesList _ _                                 = False
             case blockType (bspec cur) of
                  "TaskList" | listType curdata `matchesList`
                               listItemType lidata
                    -> addNodeToStack linode
                  _ -> addNodeToStack listnode >> addNodeToStack linode
             return BlockStartMatch
     , blockCanContain     = const True
     , blockContainsLines  = False
     , blockParagraph      = False
     , blockContinue       = \node@(Node ndata children) -> do
             let lidata = fromDyn (blockData ndata)
                             (ListItemData (BulletList '*') False 0
                              False False)
             -- a marker followed by two blanks is just an empty item:
             guard $ null (blockBlanks ndata) ||
                     not (null children)
             pos <- getPosition
             gobbleSpaces (listItemIndent lidata) <|> 0 <$ lookAhead blankLine
             return $! (pos, node)
     , blockConstructor    = fmap mconcat . renderChildren
     , blockFinalize       = \(Node cdata children) parent -> do
          let lidata = fromDyn (blockData cdata)
                                 (ListItemData (BulletList '*') False
                                   0 False False)
          let blanks = removeConsecutive $ sort $
                         concat $ blockBlanks cdata :
                                  map (blockBlanks . rootLabel)
                                  (filter ((== "List") . blockType .
                                   blockSpec . rootLabel) children)
          curline <- sourceLine <$> getPosition
          let blanksAtEnd = case blanks of
                                   (l:_) -> l >= curline - 1
                                   _     -> False
          let blanksInside = case length blanks of
                                n | n > 1     -> True
                                  | n == 1    -> not blanksAtEnd
                                  | otherwise -> False
          let lidata' = toDyn $ lidata{ listItemBlanksInside = blanksInside
                                      , listItemBlanksAtEnd  = blanksAtEnd }
          defaultFinalizer (Node cdata{ blockData = lidata' } children)

removeConsecutive :: [Int] -> [Int]
removeConsecutive (x:y:zs)
  | x == y + 1 = removeConsecutive (y:zs)
removeConsecutive xs = xs

itemStart :: Monad m
          => BlockParser m il bl (SourcePos, ListItemData)
itemStart = do
  beforecol <- sourceColumn <$> getPosition
  gobbleUpToSpaces 3
  pos <- getPosition
  ty <- bulletListMarker
  aftercol <- sourceColumn <$> getPosition
  checked <- parseCheckbox
  lookAhead whitespace
  numspaces <- try (gobbleUpToSpaces 4 <* notFollowedBy whitespace)
           <|> gobbleSpaces 1
           <|> 1 <$ lookAhead lineEnd
  return $! (pos, ListItemData{
            listItemType = ty
          , listItemChecked = checked
          , listItemIndent = (aftercol - beforecol) + numspaces
          , listItemBlanksInside = False
          , listItemBlanksAtEnd = False

parseCheckbox :: Monad m => BlockParser m il bl Bool
parseCheckbox = do
  gobbleUpToSpaces 3
  symbol '['
  checked <- (False <$ satisfyTok (hasType Spaces))
         <|> (True  <$ satisfyTok (textIs (\t -> t == "x" || t == "X")))
  symbol ']'
  return checked

class IsBlock il bl => HasTaskList il bl where
  taskList :: ListType -> ListSpacing -> [(Bool, bl)] -> bl

instance Rangeable (Html a) => HasTaskList (Html a) (Html a) where
  taskList lt spacing items =
    addAttribute ("class","task-list")
    $ list lt spacing
    $ map addCheckbox items

addCheckbox :: (Bool, Html a) -> Html a
addCheckbox (checked, x) =
  (addAttribute ("type", "checkbox") $
   addAttribute ("disabled", "") $
   (if checked then addAttribute ("checked","") else id) $
   htmlInline "input" Nothing) <> x

instance (HasTaskList il bl, Semigroup bl, Semigroup il)
        => HasTaskList (WithSourceMap il) (WithSourceMap bl) where
   taskList lt spacing items =
     (do let (checks, xs) = unzip items
         taskList lt spacing . zip checks <$> sequence xs
      ) <* addName "taskList"