compact-word-vectors- Small vectors of small integers stored very compactly.
Safe HaskellNone



Blobs are raw data in continuous regions of memory.

This library provides a type for blobs consisting 64 bit words which is optimized for small sizes. They take:

  • only 1 extra word up for blobs of size up to 48 bytes (that is, up to 6 Word64-s);
  • but (unfortunataly) 4 extra words above that.

(This particular tradeoff was chosen so that pointer tagging still works on 64 bit architectures: there are 7 constructors of the data type.)

The Blob data type is useful if you want to store large amounts of small, serialized data. Some example use cases:

  • small vectors of small nonnegative integers (for example: partitions, permutations, monomials)
  • cryptographic hashes
  • tables indexed by such things

The Blob type

data Blob Source #

A Blob is a nonempty array of Word64-s. For arrays of length at most 6 (that is, at most 48 bytes), there is only a single machine word overhead in memory consumption. For larger arrays, there is 4 words of overhead.


Instances details
Eq Blob Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Compact.Blob


(==) :: Blob -> Blob -> Bool #

(/=) :: Blob -> Blob -> Bool #

Show Blob Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Compact.Blob


showsPrec :: Int -> Blob -> ShowS #

show :: Blob -> String #

showList :: [Blob] -> ShowS #

Bits Blob Source #

Implementation note: When necessary, the bitwise operations consider the blobs extended to infinity with zero withs. This is especially important with shiftL, which may NOT extend the blob size if the new bits are all zero.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Compact.Blob

FiniteBits Blob Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Compact.Blob

Conversion to/from lists

Conversion to/from ByteArray-s

blobFromByteArray :: ByteArray -> Blob Source #

Note: we pad the input with zero bytes, assuming little-endian architecture.

Equality comparison

Head, tail, cons, etc

tail :: Blob -> Blob Source #

Remove the first word

consWord :: Word64 -> Blob -> Blob Source #

Prepend a word at the start

snocWord :: Blob -> Word64 -> Blob Source #

Append a word at the end


indexByte :: Blob -> Int -> Word8 Source #

NOTE: We assume a little-endian architecture here. Though it seems that since GHC does not gives us direct access to the closure, it doesn't matter after all...

extractSmallWord :: Integral a => Int -> Blob -> Int -> a Source #

extractSmallWord n blob ofs extracts a small word of n bits starting from the ofs-th bit. This should satisfy

testBit (extractSmallWord n blob ofs) i == testBit blob (ofs+i)  

NOTE: we assume that n is at most the bits in Word, and that ofs+n is less than the size (in bits) of the blob.


Higher-order functions

longZipWith :: (Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64) -> Blob -> Blob -> Blob Source #

Extend the shorter blob with zeros

unsafeZipWith :: (Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64) -> Blob -> Blob -> Blob Source #

We assume that the two blobs has the same size!

Hexadecimal printing

newtype Hex Source #


Hex Word64 


Instances details
Show Hex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Vector.Compact.Blob


showsPrec :: Int -> Hex -> ShowS #

show :: Hex -> String #

showList :: [Hex] -> ShowS #

(Indirect) access to the raw data

Note: Because GHC does not support direct manipulation of heap data (the garbage collector can move it anytime), these involve copying.

Wrappers for C implementations

As above, these involve copying of the data (both inputs and outputs); so they first allocate temporary buffers, copy the data into them call the C function, and copy the result to a new Blob.

Naming conventions: For example CFun21 means 2 Blob inputs and 1 Blob output.

type CFun10 a = CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> IO a Source #

type CFun20 a = CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> IO a Source #

type CFun11 a = CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> IO a Source #

type CFun21 a = CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr Word64 -> IO a Source #

wrapCFun20 :: CFun20 a -> Blob -> Blob -> a Source #

wrapCFun11 :: CFun11 a -> (Int -> Int) -> Blob -> (a, Blob) Source #

wrapCFun21 :: CFun21 a -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Blob -> Blob -> (a, Blob) Source #

wrapCFun21_ :: CFun21_ -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Blob -> Blob -> Blob Source #