{- |
   Module     : Text.Compdoc
   License    : MIT
   Stability  : experimental

Provides functionality for transforming a `Pandoc` into a composite record.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}
module Text.Compdoc (
, fContent
, Compdoc
, readMarkdown'
, readMarkdownFile
, runPandocPureDefault
, pandocToCompdoc
, contentBlock
, writeBlocksDefault
, flattenMeta
) where

import           Composite.Aeson
import           Composite.Aeson.Throw
import           Composite.Record
import           Composite.TH
import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Vinyl ((<+>))
import           Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel
import           Path
import           RIO
import           Text.Pandoc
import           Text.Pandoc.Readers
import           Text.Pandoc.Throw

withLensesAndProxies [d|
  type FContent = "content" :-> Text

-- | A Compdoc is a Record with at least an FContent field.
type Compdoc a = a ++ (FContent : '[])

-- | Write a list of `Block`s to `Text` using `WriterOptions` defaulting to the empty string
-- in the case of error.
writeBlocksDefault :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Text
writeBlocksDefault wopts x = runPandocPureDefault "" (writeHtml5String wopts $ Pandoc mempty x)

-- | Run a `PandocPure` operation with a default value in the event of failure.
runPandocPureDefault :: a -> PandocPure a -> a
runPandocPureDefault x = either (const x) id . runPure

-- | Read a markdown file from disk, supplying a `JsonFormat` for the metadata.
readMarkdownFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Show e, Typeable e)
                 => ReaderOptions
                 -> WriterOptions
                 -> JsonFormat e (Record a)
                 -> Path b File
                 -> m (Record (Compdoc a))
readMarkdownFile ropts wopts f srcPath =
  readFileUtf8 (toFilePath srcPath) >>= readMarkdown' ropts wopts f

-- | Read some `Pandoc` markdown as `Text` as a `Record (Compdoc a)` supplying a `JsonFormat` for the metadata.
readMarkdown' :: (Show e, Typeable e, MonadThrow m) => ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions -> JsonFormat e (Record a) -> Text -> m (Record (Compdoc a))
readMarkdown' ropts wopts f x = runPandocPureThrow (Text.Pandoc.Readers.readMarkdown ropts x) >>= pandocToCompdoc writeHtml5String wopts f

-- | Transform a `Pandoc` to a `Compdoc` supplying a `JsonFormat for the metadata.
pandocToCompdoc :: (Typeable e, Show e, MonadThrow m) => (WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> PandocPure Text) -> WriterOptions -> JsonFormat e (Record a) -> Pandoc -> m (Record (Compdoc a))
pandocToCompdoc writer wopts f (Pandoc meta xs) = do
  k <- flattenMeta (writer wopts) meta >>= parseValue' f
  return $ k <+> contentBlock wopts xs

-- | Create the tail of a `Compdoc` which is just an `FContent` field.
contentBlock :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Record (FContent : '[])
contentBlock wopts x = writeBlocksDefault wopts x :*: RNil

-- | Flatten pandoc metadata to an aeson value.
flattenMeta :: MonadThrow m => (Pandoc -> PandocPure Text) -> Meta -> m Value
flattenMeta writer (Meta meta) = toJSON <$> traverse go meta
  go :: MonadThrow m => MetaValue -> m Value
  go (MetaMap     m) = toJSON <$> traverse go m
  go (MetaList    m) = toJSONList <$> traverse go m
  go (MetaBool    m) = pure $ toJSON m
  go (MetaString  m) = pure $ toJSON m
  go (MetaInlines m) = toJSON <$> (runPandocPureThrow . writer . Pandoc mempty . (:[]) . Plain $ m)
  go (MetaBlocks  m) = toJSON <$> (runPandocPureThrow . writer . Pandoc mempty $ m)