{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | A version of the disambigation model adapted to perform sentence
-- segmentation as well.

module NLP.Concraft.DAG.DisambSeg
-- * Types
  Tag (..)
, Disamb (..)
, putDisamb
, getDisamb

-- * Tiers
, P.Tier (..)
, P.Atom (..)

-- -- * Marginals
-- , marginalsSent
-- , marginals

-- * Probs in general
, CRF.ProbType (..)
, probsSent
, probs

-- * Training
, TrainConf (..)
, train

-- * Pruning
, prune
) where

import Prelude hiding (words)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Data.Binary (put, get, Put, Get)
import Data.Text.Binary ()
-- import System.Console.CmdArgs
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
-- import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- import qualified Data.List as List

import qualified Data.DAG as DAG
import           Data.DAG (DAG)

-- import qualified Control.Monad.Ox as Ox
import qualified Numeric.SGD.Momentum as SGD
import qualified Data.CRF.Chain2.Tiers.DAG as CRF
import qualified Data.Tagset.Positional as T

-- import           NLP.Concraft.Schema hiding (schematize)
-- import qualified NLP.Concraft.Morphosyntax as X
import qualified NLP.Concraft.Disamb.Positional as P
import           NLP.Concraft.DAG.Schema hiding (schematize)
import qualified NLP.Concraft.DAG.Morphosyntax as X

import NLP.Concraft.DAG.Disamb (schematize)

-- | The internal tag type.
data Tag = Tag
  { posiTag :: T.Tag
    -- ^ Positional tag
  , hasEos :: Bool
    -- ^ End-of-sentence marker
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A disambiguation model.
data Disamb t = Disamb
    { tiers         :: [P.Tier]
    , schemaConf    :: SchemaConf
    , crf           :: CRF.CRF Ob P.Atom
    , simplify      :: t -> Tag
      -- ^ A function which simplifies the tags of the generic type `t` to (i)
      -- the corresponding positional tags and (ii) information if the segment
      -- represents sentence end.
      -- NOTE: it can happen in real situations that a tag is encountered which
      -- is not known by the model. It would be nice to be able to treat it as
      -- the closest tag that can be handled. Then, one have to define the
      -- notion of the similarilty between tags, though... But probably it
      -- should be done at a different level (where more information about the
      -- structure of `t` is known)

-- | Store the entire disambiguation model apart from the simplification
-- function.
putDisamb :: Disamb t -> Put
putDisamb Disamb{..} =
  put tiers >> put schemaConf >> put crf

-- | Get the disambiguation model, provided the simplification function.
-- getDisamb :: (M.Map t T.Tag) -> Get (Disamb t)
getDisamb :: (t -> Tag) -> Get (Disamb t)
getDisamb smp =
  Disamb <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> pure smp

-- Injection

-- | Replace the probabilities of the sentence labels with the new probabilities
-- stemming from the CRF sentence.
  :: (Ord t, X.Word w)
  => Disamb t
  -> DAG () (X.WMap [P.Atom])
  -> X.Sent w t
  -> X.Sent w t
inject dmb newSent srcSent =
  let doit (target, src) =
        let oldTags = X.tags src
            newTags = injectWMap dmb target oldTags
        in  src {X.tags = newTags}
  in  fmap doit (DAG.zipE newSent srcSent)

-- | Replace label probabilities with the new probabilities.
  :: (Ord t)
  => Disamb t
  -> X.WMap [P.Atom]
  -> X.WMap t
  -> X.WMap t
injectWMap dmb newSpl src = X.mkWMap
  [ ( tag
    , maybe 0 id $
      M.lookup (split (tiers dmb) (simplify dmb tag)) (X.unWMap newSpl) )
  | (tag, _) <- M.toList (X.unWMap src) ]

-- Probs in general

-- | Determine the marginal probabilities of to individual labels in the sentence.
probs :: (X.Word w, Ord t) => CRF.ProbType -> Disamb t -> X.Sent w t -> DAG () (X.WMap t)
probs probTyp dmb = fmap X.tags . probsSent probTyp dmb

-- | Determine the marginal probabilities of to individual labels in the sentence.
-- marginalsSent :: (X.Word w, Ord t) => Disamb t -> X.Sent w t -> DAG () (X.WMap [P.Atom])
probsSent :: (X.Word w, Ord t) => CRF.ProbType -> Disamb t -> X.Sent w t -> X.Sent w t
probsSent probTyp dmb sent
  = (\new -> inject dmb new sent)
  . fmap getTags
  . probsCRF probTyp dmb
  $ sent
    getTags = X.mkWMap . M.toList . choice -- CRF.unProb . snd
    -- below we mix the chosen and the potential interpretations together
    choice w = M.unionWith (+)
      (CRF.unProb . snd $ w)
      (M.fromList . map (,0) . interps $ w)
    interps = S.toList . CRF.lbs . fst

-- | Ascertain the marginal probabilities of the individual labels in the sentence.
probsCRF :: (X.Word w, Ord t) => CRF.ProbType -> Disamb t -> X.Sent w t -> CRF.SentL Ob P.Atom
probsCRF probTyp dmb
  = CRF.probs probTyp (crf dmb)
  . schematize schema
  . X.mapSent (split (tiers dmb) . simplify dmb)
    schema = fromConf (schemaConf dmb)

-- Pruning

-- | Prune disamb model: discard model features with absolute values
-- (in log-domain) lower than the given threshold.
prune :: Double -> Disamb t -> Disamb t
prune x dmb =
    let crf' = CRF.prune x (crf dmb)
    in  dmb { crf = crf' }

-- Training

-- | Training configuration.
data TrainConf t = TrainConf
  { tiersT      :: [P.Tier]
  , schemaConfT :: SchemaConf
  , sgdArgsT    :: SGD.SgdArgs
  , onDiskT     :: Bool
  -- | Label simplification function
  , simplifyLabel :: t -> Tag

-- | Train disambiguation module.
    :: (X.Word w, Ord t)
    => TrainConf t      -- ^ Training configuration
    -> IO [X.Sent w t]  -- ^ Training data
    -> IO [X.Sent w t]  -- ^ Evaluation data
    -> IO (Disamb t)
train TrainConf{..} trainData evalData = do
--   tagSet <- S.unions . map tagSetIn <$> trainData
--   putStr "\nTagset size: " >> print (S.size tagSet)
--   let tagMap = M.fromList
--         [ (t, simplifyLabel t)
--         | t <- S.toList tagSet ]
  crf <- CRF.train (length tiersT) CRF.selectHidden sgdArgsT onDiskT
    (schemed simplifyLabel schema (split tiersT) <$> trainData)
    (schemed simplifyLabel schema (split tiersT) <$> evalData)
  putStr "\nNumber of features: " >> print (CRF.size crf)
  return $ Disamb tiersT schemaConfT crf simplifyLabel -- tagMap
    schema = fromConf schemaConfT

-- | Schematized dataset.
  -- :: (X.Word w, Ord t)
  :: (Ord a)
  => (t -> Tag)
  -> Schema w [a] b
  -> (Tag -> [a])
  -> [X.Sent w t]
  -> [CRF.SentL Ob a]
schemed simpl schema splitIt =
    map onSent
    onSent sent =
        let xs = fmap (X.mapSeg splitIt) (X.mapSent simpl sent)
            mkProb = CRF.mkProb . M.toList . X.unWMap . X.tags
        -- in  fmap (uncurry CRF.mkWordL) $
        in  DAG.zipE (schematize schema xs) (fmap mkProb xs)

-- -- | Retrieve the tagset in the given sentence.
-- tagSetIn :: (Ord t) => X.Sent w t -> S.Set t
-- tagSetIn dag = S.fromList
--   [ tag
--   | edgeID <- DAG.dagEdges dag
--   , let edge = DAG.edgeLabel edgeID dag
--   , tag <- M.keys . X.unWMap . X.tags $ edge ]

-- Utils

-- | Split the tag with respect to the given tiers.
split :: [P.Tier] -> Tag -> [P.Atom]
split tiers tag = P.split tiers (posiTag tag) (Just $ hasEos tag)