module ConfCrypt.Commands (
    -- * Commands

    -- * Supported Commands

    -- * Utilities
    -- ** Exported for testing
    ) where

import ConfCrypt.Default (defaultLines)
import ConfCrypt.Types
import ConfCrypt.Encryption (MonadEncrypt, MonadDecrypt, encryptValue, decryptValue, TextKey(..), RemoteKey(..))
import ConfCrypt.Validation (runAllRules)
import ConfCrypt.Providers.AWS (AWSCtx)

import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (unless, (<=<))
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, runExcept, MonadError, Except)
import Control.Monad.Writer (tell, MonadWriter)
import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM, traverse_)
import Data.List (find, sortOn)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types as RSA
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- | Commands may perform one of the following operations to a line of a confcrypt file
data FileAction
    = Add
    | Edit
    | Remove

-- | All confcrypt commands can be generalized into an 'evaluate' call. In reality, instances likely
-- need to provide some environment, although that's not required as everything could be contained
-- as record fields of the command argument itself.
-- In reality the return type of 'evalutate' is 'Text', this needs to be cleaned up in the upcoming version.
class Monad m => Command a m where
    evaluate :: a -> m ()

-- | Read and return the full contents of an encrypted file. Provides support for using a local RSA key or an externl KMS service
data ReadConfCrypt = ReadConfCrypt
instance (Monad m, MonadDecrypt (ConfCryptM m key) key) => Command ReadConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m key) where
    evaluate _ = do
        (ccFile, ctx) <- ask
        let params = parameters ccFile
        transformed <- mapM (\p -> decryptedParam  p <$> decryptValue ctx (paramValue p)) params
        processReadLines transformed ccFile
            decryptedParam param v = ParameterLine ParamLine {pName = paramName param, pValue = v}

            -- Given a transformation, apply it to the current file contents then write them to the output buffer
            processReadLines transformed ccFile =
                    writeFullContentsToBuffer False =<<  genNewFileState (fileContents ccFile) transformedLines
                transformedLines = [(p, Edit)| p <- transformed]

-- | Used to get the decrypted value of a single encrypted config parameter
data GetConfCrypt = GetConfCrypt {gName :: T.Text}
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)

instance (Monad m, MonadDecrypt (ConfCryptM m key) key) => Command GetConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m key) where
    evaluate (GetConfCrypt name) = do
        (ccFile, ctx) <- ask
        let mParam = find ((==name) . paramName) (parameters ccFile)
        traverse_ (decrypt ctx) mParam
            decrypt ctx = tell . pure <=< decryptValue ctx . paramValue

-- | Used to add a new config parameter to the file
data AddConfCrypt = AddConfCrypt {aName :: T.Text, aValue :: T.Text, aType :: SchemaType}
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)

instance (Monad m, MonadRandom m, MonadEncrypt (ConfCryptM m key) key) =>
    Command AddConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m key) where
    evaluate ac@AddConfCrypt {aName, aValue, aType} =  do
        (ccFile, ctx ) <- ask
        encryptedValue <- encryptValue ctx aValue
        let contents = fileContents ccFile
            instructions = [(SchemaLine sl, Add), (ParameterLine (pl {pValue = encryptedValue}), Add)]
        newcontents <- genNewFileState contents instructions
        writeFullContentsToBuffer False newcontents
            (pl, Just sl) = parameterToLines Parameter {paramName = aName, paramValue = aValue, paramType = Just aType}

-- | Modify the value or type of a parameter in-place. This should result in a diff touching only the impacted lines.
-- Very important that this property holds to make reviews easier.
data EditConfCrypt = EditConfCrypt {eName:: T.Text, eValue :: T.Text, eType :: SchemaType}
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)

instance (Monad m, MonadRandom m, MonadEncrypt (ConfCryptM m key) key) =>
    Command EditConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m key) where
    evaluate ec@EditConfCrypt {eName, eValue, eType} = do
        (ccFile, ctx) <- ask

        -- Editing an existing parameter requires that the file is inplace. Its not difficult to fall back into
        -- 'add' behavior in the case where the parameter isn't present, but I'm not implementing that right now.
        unless ( any ((==) eName . paramName) $ parameters ccFile) $
            throwError $ UnknownParameter eName

        rawEncrypted <- encryptValue ctx eValue
        editOutput ccFile ec rawEncrypted
        -- Editing consists of replacing the encrypted value assocaited and type assocaited with a given parameter
        -- then writing the changes as in-place updates to the file.
        editOutput ccFile EditConfCrypt {eName, eValue, eType} encryptedValue = do
                let contents = fileContents ccFile
                    instructions = [(SchemaLine sl, Edit),
                                    (ParameterLine (pl {pValue = encryptedValue}), Edit)
                newcontents <- genNewFileState contents instructions
                writeFullContentsToBuffer False newcontents
                    (pl, Just sl) = parameterToLines Parameter {paramName = eName, paramValue = eValue, paramType = Just eType}

-- | Removes a particular parameter and schema from the config file. This does not require an encryption key because the
-- lines may simply be deleted based on the parameter name.
data DeleteConfCrypt = DeleteConfCrypt {dName:: T.Text}
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)
instance (Monad m) => Command DeleteConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m ()) where
    evaluate DeleteConfCrypt {dName} = do
        (ccFile, ()) <- ask

        unless (any ((==) dName . paramName) $ parameters ccFile) $
            throwError $ UnknownParameter dName

        let contents = fileContents ccFile
            instructions = fmap (second (const Remove)) . M.toList $ M.filterWithKey findNamedLine contents

        newcontents <- genNewFileState contents instructions
        writeFullContentsToBuffer False newcontents
            findNamedLine (SchemaLine Schema {sName}) _ = dName == sName
            findNamedLine (ParameterLine ParamLine {pName}) _ = dName == pName
            findNamedLine _ _ = False

-- | Run all of the rules in 'ConfCrypt.Validation' on this file.
data ValidateConfCrypt = ValidateConfCrypt
instance (Monad m, MonadDecrypt (ConfCryptM m key) key) => Command ValidateConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m key) where
    evaluate _ = runAllRules

-- | Dumps the contents of 'defaultLines' to the output buffer. This is the same example config used
-- in the readme.
data NewConfCrypt = NewConfCrypt
instance Monad m => Command NewConfCrypt (ConfCryptM m ()) where
    evaluate _ =
        writeFullContentsToBuffer False (fileContents defaultLines)

-- | Given a known file state and some edits, apply the edits and produce the new file contents
genNewFileState :: (Monad m, MonadError ConfCryptError m) =>
    M.Map ConfCryptElement LineNumber -- ^ initial file state
    -> [(ConfCryptElement, FileAction)] -- ^ edits
    -> m (M.Map ConfCryptElement LineNumber) -- ^ new file, with edits applied in-place
genNewFileState fileContents [] = pure fileContents
genNewFileState fileContents ((CommentLine _, _):rest) = genNewFileState fileContents rest
genNewFileState fileContents ((line, action):rest) =
    case M.toList (mLine line) of
        [] ->
            case action of
                Add -> let
                    nums =  M.elems fileContents
                    LineNumber highestLineNum = if null nums then LineNumber 0 else maximum nums
                    fc' = M.insert line (LineNumber $ highestLineNum + 1) fileContents
                    in genNewFileState fc' rest
                _ -> throwError $ MissingLine (T.pack $ show line)
        [(key, lineNum@(LineNumber lnValue))] ->
            case action of
                Remove -> let
                    fc' = M.delete key fileContents
                    fc'' = (\(LineNumber l) -> if l > lnValue then LineNumber (l - 1) else LineNumber l) <$> fc'
                    in genNewFileState fc'' rest
                Edit -> let
                    fc' = M.delete key fileContents
                    fc'' = M.insert line lineNum fc'
                    in genNewFileState fc'' rest
                _ -> throwError $ WrongFileAction ((<> " is an Add, but the line already exists. Did you mean to edit?"). T.pack $ show line)
        _ -> error "viloates map key uniqueness"

        mLine l = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k == l) fileContents

-- | Writes the provided 'ConfCryptFile' (provided as a Map) to the output buffer in line-number order. This
-- allows for producing an easily diffable output and makes in-place edits easy to spot in source control diffs.
writeFullContentsToBuffer :: (Monad m, MonadWriter [T.Text] m) =>
    -> M.Map ConfCryptElement LineNumber
    -> m ()
writeFullContentsToBuffer wrap contents =
    traverse_ (tell . singleton . toDisplayLine wrap) sortedLines
        sortedLines = fmap fst . sortOn snd $ M.toList contents
        singleton x = [x]

        toDisplayLine ::
            -> ConfCryptElement
            -> T.Text
        toDisplayLine _ (CommentLine comment) = "# " <> comment
        toDisplayLine _ (SchemaLine (Schema name tpe)) = name <> " : " <> typeToOutputString tpe
        toDisplayLine wrap (ParameterLine (ParamLine name val)) = name <> " = " <> if wrap then wrapEncryptedValue val else val

-- TODO remove this
-- | Because the encrypted results are stored as UTF8 text, its possible for an encrypted value
-- to embed end-of-line (eol) characters into the output value. This means rather than relying on eol
-- as our delimeter we need to explicitly wrap encrypted values in something very unlikely to occur w/in
-- an encrypted value.
wrapEncryptedValue ::
    -> T.Text
wrapEncryptedValue v = "BEGIN"<>v<>"END"