conjugateGradient-1.1: Sparse matrix linear-equation solver

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




(The linear equation solver library is hosted at Comments, bug reports, and patches are always welcome.)

Sparse matrix linear-equation solver, using the conjugate gradient algorithm. Note that the technique only applies to matrices that are:

  • Symmetric
  • Positive-definite

See for details.

The conjugate gradient method can handle very large sparse matrices, where direct methods (such as LU decomposition) are way too expensive to be useful in practice.

Here's an example usage, for the simple system:

       4x +  y = 1
        x + 3y = 2
>>> let a = IM.fromList [(0, IM.fromList [(0,4::Double), (1,1)]), (1, IM.fromList [(0, 1), (1, 3)])]
>>> let b = IM.fromList [(0,1), (1,2::Double)]
>>> let g = mkStdGen 12345
>>> let (_, x) = solveCG g 2 a b
>>> putStrLn $ showSolution 6 4 2 a b x
      A       |   x    =   b   
4.0000 1.0000 | 0.0909 = 1.0000
1.0000 3.0000 | 0.6364 = 2.0000



We represent sparse matrices and vectors using IntMaps. In a sparse vector, we only populate those elements that are non-0. In a sparse matrix, we only populate those rows that contain a non-0 element. This leads to an efficient representation for sparse matrices and vectors, where the space usage is proportional to number of non-0 elements. Strictly speaking, putting non-0 elements would not break the algorithms we use, but clearly they would be less efficient.

Indexings starts at 0, and is assumed to be non-negative, corresponding to the row numbers.

type SV a = IntMap aSource

A sparse vector containing elements of type a. (For our purposes, the elements will be either Floats or Doubles.)

type SM a = IntMap (SV a)Source

A sparse matrix is an int-map containing sparse row-vectors. Again, only put in rows that have a non-0 element in them for efficiency.

Sparse operations

sMulSV :: RealFloat a => a -> SV a -> SV aSource

Multiply a sparse-vector by a scalar.

sMulSM :: RealFloat a => a -> SM a -> SM aSource

Multiply a sparse-matrix by a scalar.

addSV :: RealFloat a => SV a -> SV a -> SV aSource

Add two sparse vectors.

subSV :: RealFloat a => SV a -> SV a -> SV aSource

Subtract two sparse vectors.

dotSV :: RealFloat a => SV a -> SV a -> aSource

Dot product of two sparse vectors.

mulSMV :: RealFloat a => SM a -> SV a -> SV aSource

Multiply a sparse matrix (nxn) with a sparse vector (nx1), obtaining a sparse vector (nx1).

normSV :: RealFloat a => SV a -> aSource

Norm of a sparse vector. (Square-root of its dot-product with itself.)

Conjugate-Gradient solver



:: (RandomGen g, RealFloat a, Random a) 
=> g

The seed for the random-number generator.

-> Int

Number of variables.

-> SM a

The A sparse matrix (nxn).

-> SV a

The b sparse vector (nx1).

-> (a, SV a)

The final error factor, and the x sparse matrix (nx1), such that Ax = b.

Conjugate Gradient Solver for the system Ax=b. See:

NB. Assumptions on the input:

  • The A matrix is symmetric and positive definite.
  • The indices start from 0 and go consecutively up-to n-1. (Only non-0 value/row indices has to be present, of course.)

For efficiency reasons, we do not check for either property. (If these assumptions are violated, the algorithm will still produce a result, but not the one you expected!)

We perform either 10^6 iterations of the Conjugate-Gradient algorithm, or until the error factor is less than 1e-10. The error factor is defined as the difference of the norm of the current solution from the last one, as we go through the iteration. See for a discussion on the convergence properties of this algorithm.

Displaying solutions



:: RealFloat a 
=> Int

Cell-width. Each value will occupy this many characters at least.

-> Int

Precision: Use this many digits after the decimal point.

-> Int

Number of variables, n

-> SM a

The A matrix, nxn

-> SV a

The b matrix, nx1

-> SV a

The x matrix, nx1, as returned by solveCG, for instance.

-> String 

Display a solution in a human-readable form. Needless to say, only use this method when the system is small enough to fit nicely on the screen.