-- |
-- Module      :  Control.Arrow.Constrained
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013 Justus Sagemüller
-- License     :  GPL v3 (see COPYING)
-- Maintainer  :  (@) sagemueller $ geo.uni-koeln.de
-- Haskell's 'Arr.Arrow's, going back to [Hughes 2000], combine multiple ideas from
-- category theory:
-- * They expand upon cartesian categories, by offering ways to combine arrows between
--   simple objects to composite ones working on tuples (i.e. /products/) thereof.
-- * They constitute a \"profunctor\" interface, allowing to \"@fmap@\" both covariantly
--   over the second parameter, as well as contravariantly over the first. As in case
--   of "Control.Functor.Constrained", we wish the underlying category to fmap from
--   not to be limited to /Hask/, so 'Arrow' also has an extra parameter.
-- To facilitate these somewhat divergent needs, 'Arrow' is split up in three classes.
-- These do not even form an ordinary hierarchy, to allow categories to implement
-- only one /or/ the other aspect.
-- That's not the only significant difference of this module, compared to "Control.Arrow":
-- * Kleisli arrows are not defined here, but in "Control.Monad.Constrained".
--   Monads are really a much more specific concept than category arrows.
-- * Some extra utilities are included that don't apparently have much to
--   do with 'Arrow' at all, but require the expanded cartesian-category tools
--   and are therefore not in "Control.Category.Constrained".

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                          #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes          #-}

module Control.Arrow.Constrained (
    -- * The Arrow type classes
      Arrow, Morphism(..), PreArrow(..), WellPointed(..),ObjectPoint, EnhancedCat(..)
    -- * Dual / "choice" arrows
    , ArrowChoice, MorphChoice(..), PreArrChoice(..)
    -- * Distributive law between sum- and product objects
    , SPDistribute(..)
    -- * Function-like categories
    , Function, ($)
    -- * Alternative composition notation
    , (>>>), (<<<)
    -- * Proxies for cartesian categories
    , CartesianAgent(..)
    , genericAgentCombine, genericUnit, genericAlg1to2, genericAlg2to1, genericAlg2to2
    , PointAgent(..), genericPoint
    -- * Misc utility
    -- ** Conditionals
    , choose, ifThenElse
    -- ** Coercions
    , follow, flout, pretend, swallow, pretendLike, swallowLike
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (id, const, fst, snd, (.), ($), Functor(..), Monad(..), (=<<))
import Control.Category.Constrained
import qualified Control.Category.Hask as Hask

import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Void

import Data.Coerce
import Data.Type.Coercion

import qualified Control.Arrow as Arr

import Control.Category.Discrete

import qualified Data.Functor.Contravariant as Hask

infixr 1 >>>, <<<
infixr 3 &&&, ***

(>>>) :: (Category k, Object k a, Object k b, Object k c)
             => k a b -> k b c -> k a c
(>>>) = flip (.)
(<<<) :: (Category k, Object k a, Object k b, Object k c)
             => k b c -> k a b -> k a c
(<<<) = (.)

class (Cartesian a) => Morphism a where
  first :: ( ObjectPair a b d, ObjectPair a c d )
         => a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)
  first = (***id)
  second :: ( ObjectPair a d b, ObjectPair a d c )
         => a b c -> a (d, b) (d, c)
  second = (id***)
  (***) :: ( ObjectPair a b b', ObjectPair a c c' )
         => a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b,b') (c,c')

-- | Dual to 'Morphism', dealing with sums instead of products.
class (CoCartesian a) => MorphChoice a where
  left :: ( ObjectSum a b d, ObjectSum a c d )
         => a b c -> a (b+d) (c+d)
  left = (+++id)
  right :: ( ObjectSum a d b, ObjectSum a d c )
         => a b c -> a (d+b) (d+c)
  right = (id+++)
  (+++) :: ( ObjectSum a b b', ObjectSum a c c' )
         => a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b+b') (c+c')

-- | Unlike 'first', 'second', '***' and 'arr', the fanout operation '&&&' has an
--   intrinsic notion of \"direction\": it is basically equivalent to precomposing
--   the result of '***' with a @b -> (b,b)@, but that is only available
--   for arrows that generalise ordinary functions, in their native direction.
--   (@(b,b) ->b@ is specific to semigroups.) It is for this reason the only constituent
--   class of 'Arrow' that actually has \"arrow\" in its name.
--   In terms of category theory, this \"direction\" reflects the distinction
--   between /initial-/ and /terminal objects/. The latter are more interesting,
--   basically what 'UnitObject' is useful for. It gives rise to the tuple
--   selector morphisms as well.
class (Morphism a) => PreArrow a where
  (&&&) :: ( Object a b, ObjectPair a c c' )
         => a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c,c')
  terminal :: ( Object a b ) => a b (UnitObject a)
  fst :: (ObjectPair a x y) => a (x,y) x
  snd :: (ObjectPair a x y) => a (x,y) y

infixr 2 |||
-- | Dual to 'PreArrow', this class deals with the vacuous initial (zero) objects,
--   but also more usefully with choices / sums.
--   This represents the most part of 'Hask.ArrowChoice'.
class (MorphChoice k) => PreArrChoice k where
  (|||) :: ( ObjectSum k b b', Object k c )
         => k b c -> k b' c -> k (b+b') c
  -- | This is basically 'absurd'.
  initial :: ( Object k b ) => k (ZeroObject k) b
  -- | Perhaps @lft@ and @rgt@ would be more consequent names, but likely more confusing as well.
  coFst :: (ObjectSum k a b) => k a (a+b)
  coSnd :: (ObjectSum k a b) => k b (a+b)

-- | Like in arithmetics, the distributive law
--   @a &#x22c5; (b + c) &#x2248; (a &#x22c5; b) + (a &#x22c5; c)@
--   holds for Haskell types &#x2013; in the usual isomorphism sense. But like many such
--   isomorphisms that are trivial to inline in /Hask/, this is not necessarily the case
--   for general categories.
class (PreArrow k, PreArrChoice k) => SPDistribute k where
  distribute :: ( ObjectSum k (a,b) (a,c), ObjectPair k a (b+c)
                , ObjectSum k b c, PairObjects k a b, PairObjects k a c )
         => k (a, b+c) ((a,b)+(a,c))
  unDistribute :: ( ObjectSum k (a,b) (a,c), ObjectPair k a (b+c)
                  , ObjectSum k b c, PairObjects k a b, PairObjects k a c )
         => k ((a,b)+(a,c)) (a, b+c)
  boolAsSwitch :: ( ObjectSum k a a, ObjectPair k Bool a ) => k (Bool,a) (a+a)
  boolFromSwitch :: ( ObjectSum k a a, ObjectPair k Bool a ) => k (a+a) (Bool,a)
-- boolFromSwitch = (boolFromSum <<< terminal +++ terminal) &&& (id ||| id)

instance ( SPDistribute k
         , ObjectSum k (a,b) (a,c), ObjectPair k a (b+c)
         , ObjectSum k b c, PairObjects k a b, PairObjects k a c
         ) => Isomorphic k (a, b+c) ((a,b)+(a,c)) where
  iso = distribute
instance ( SPDistribute k
         , ObjectSum k (a,b) (a,c), ObjectPair k a (b+c)
         , ObjectSum k b c, PairObjects k a b, PairObjects k a c
         ) => Isomorphic k ((a,b)+(a,c)) (a, b+c) where
  iso = unDistribute
instance ( SPDistribute k
         , ObjectSum k a a, ObjectPair k Bool a
         ) => Isomorphic k (Bool, a) (a+a) where
  iso = boolAsSwitch
instance ( SPDistribute k
         , ObjectSum k a a, ObjectPair k Bool a
         ) => Isomorphic k (a+a) (Bool, a) where
  iso = boolFromSwitch

-- | 'WellPointed' expresses the relation between your category's objects
--   and the values of the Haskell data types (which is, after all, what objects are
--   in this library). Specifically, this class allows you to \"point\" on
--   specific objects, thus making out a value of that type as a point of the object.
--   Perhaps easier than thinking about what that's supposed to mean is noting
--   this class contains 'const'. Thus 'WellPointed' is /almost/ the
--   traditional 'Hask.Arrow': it lets you express all the natural transformations
--   and inject constant values, only you can't just promote arbitrary functions
--   to arrows of the category.
--   Unlike with 'Morphism' and 'PreArrow', a literal dual of 'WellPointed' does
--   not seem useful.
class (PreArrow a, ObjectPoint a (UnitObject a)) => WellPointed a where
  {-# MINIMAL unit, (globalElement | const) #-}
  type PointObject a x :: Constraint
  type PointObject a x = ()
  globalElement :: (ObjectPoint a x) => x -> a (UnitObject a) x
  globalElement = const
  unit :: CatTagged a (UnitObject a)
  const :: (Object a b, ObjectPoint a x)
            => x -> a b x
  const x = globalElement x . terminal

type ObjectPoint k a = (Object k a, PointObject k a)

-- -- | 'WellPointed' does not have a useful literal dual.
-- class (PreArrChoice a, ObjectPoint a (ZeroObject a)) => WellChosen a where
--   type ChoiceObject a x :: Constraint
--   type ChoiceObject a x = ()
--   localElement :: (ObjectChoice a x) => a x (ZeroObject a) -> (x -> b
--   zero :: CatTagged a (ZeroObject a)
--   doomed :: (Object a b, ObjectChoice a x) 
--             => x -> a x b
--   doomed x = globalElement x . initial
-- type ObjectChoice k a = (Object k a, ChoiceObject k x)
value :: forall f x . (WellPointed f, Function f, Object f x)
           => f (UnitObject f) x -> x
value f = f $ untag(unit :: Tagged (f (UnitObject f) (UnitObject f)) (UnitObject f))

-- | @'EnhancedCat' a k@ means that the subcategory of @k@ whose objects are also
--   objects of @a@ is a subcategory of @a@. This works like
--   'Control.Category.Constrained.Reified.EnhancedCat'', but
--   does not require @'Object' k ⊆ 'Object' a@.
class (Category a, Category k) => EnhancedCat a k where
  arr :: (Object k b, Object k c, Object a b, Object a c)
         => k b c -> a b c
instance (Category k) => EnhancedCat k k where
  arr = id

instance EnhancedCat (->) Discrete where
  arr Refl = id
instance EnhancedCat Coercion Discrete where
  arr Refl = id
instance Category f => EnhancedCat (of) Discrete where
  arr Refl = id

-- | Many categories have as morphisms essentially /functions with extra properties/:
--   group homomorphisms, linear maps, continuous functions...
--   It makes sense to generalise the notion of function application to these
--   morphisms; we can't do that for the simple juxtaposition writing @f x@,
--   but it is possible for the function-application operator @$@.
--   This is particularly useful for 'ConstrainedCategory' versions of Hask,
--   where after all the morphisms are /nothing but functions/.
type Function f = EnhancedCat (->) f

infixr 0 $
($) :: (Function f, Object f a, Object f b) => f a b -> a -> b
f $ x = arr f x

instance (Function f) => EnhancedCat (->) (of) where
  arr (ConstrainedMorphism q) = arr q
instance (EnhancedCat Discrete f) => EnhancedCat Discrete (of) where
  arr (ConstrainedMorphism q) = arr q

instance EnhancedCat (->) Coercion where
  arr = coerceWith

type Arrow a k = (WellPointed a, EnhancedCat a k)
type ArrowChoice a k = (WellPointed a, PreArrChoice a, EnhancedCat a k)

instance Morphism (->) where
  first = Arr.first
  second = Arr.second
  (***) = (Arr.***)
instance MorphChoice (->) where
  left = Arr.left
  right = Arr.right
  (+++) = (Arr.+++)
instance PreArrow (->) where
  (&&&) = (Arr.&&&)
  fst (a,_) = a
  snd (_,b) = b
  terminal = const ()
instance PreArrChoice (->) where
  (|||) = (Arr.|||)
  coFst a = Left a
  coSnd b = Right b
  initial = absurd
instance SPDistribute (->) where
  distribute (a, Left b) = Left (a,b)
  distribute (a, Right c) = Right (a,c)
  unDistribute (Left (a,b)) = (a, Left b)
  unDistribute (Right (a,c)) = (a, Right c)
  boolAsSwitch (False, a) = Left a
  boolAsSwitch (True, a) = Right a
  boolFromSwitch (Left a) = (False, a)
  boolFromSwitch (Right a) = (True, a)
instance WellPointed (->) where
  globalElement = Hask.const
  unit = Hask.pure ()
  const = Hask.const

constrainedArr :: (Category k, Category a, o b, o c ) => ( k b c ->    a  b c )
                                                        -> k b c -> (oa) b c
constrainedArr ar = constrained . ar

constrainedFirst :: ( Category a, Cartesian a, ObjectPair a b d, ObjectPair a c d )
  => (    a  b c ->    a  (b, d) (c, d) )
    -> (oa) b c -> (oa) (b, d) (c, d)
constrainedFirst fs = ConstrainedMorphism . fs . unconstrained

constrainedSecond :: ( Category a, Cartesian a, ObjectPair a d b, ObjectPair a d c )
  => (    a  b c ->    a  (d, b) (d, c) )
    -> (oa) b c -> (oa) (d, b) (d, c)
constrainedSecond sn = ConstrainedMorphism . sn . unconstrained

instance Morphism Hask.Op where
  first (Hask.Op f) = Hask.Op $ first f
  second (Hask.Op f) = Hask.Op $ second f
  Hask.Op f *** Hask.Op g = Hask.Op $ f *** g
instance MorphChoice Hask.Op where
  left (Hask.Op f) = Hask.Op $ left f
  right (Hask.Op f) = Hask.Op $ right f
  Hask.Op f +++ Hask.Op g = Hask.Op $ f +++ g

instance (Morphism a, o (UnitObject a)) => Morphism (oa) where
  first = constrainedFirst first
  second = constrainedSecond second
  ConstrainedMorphism a *** ConstrainedMorphism b = ConstrainedMorphism $ a *** b

instance (PreArrow a, o (UnitObject a)) => PreArrow (oa) where
  ConstrainedMorphism a &&& ConstrainedMorphism b = ConstrainedMorphism $ a &&& b
  terminal = ConstrainedMorphism terminal
  fst = ConstrainedMorphism fst
  snd = ConstrainedMorphism snd

instance (WellPointed a, o (UnitObject a)) => WellPointed (oa) where
  type PointObject (oa) x = PointObject a x
  globalElement x = ConstrainedMorphism $ globalElement x
  unit = cstrCatUnit
  const x = ConstrainedMorphism $ const x

cstrCatUnit :: forall a o . (WellPointed a, o (UnitObject a))
        => CatTagged (oa) (UnitObject a)
cstrCatUnit = retag (unit :: CatTagged a (UnitObject a))

instance (EnhancedCat a k, o (UnitObject a))
            => EnhancedCat (oa) k where
  arr = constrainedArr arr

constrainedLeft :: ( CoCartesian k, ObjectSum k b d, ObjectSum k c d )
  => (    k  b c ->    k  (b+d) (c+d) )
    -> (ok) b c -> (ok) (b+d) (c+d)
constrainedLeft fs = ConstrainedMorphism . fs . unconstrained

constrainedRight :: ( CoCartesian k, ObjectSum k b c, ObjectSum k b d )
  => (    k  c d ->    k  (b+c) (b+d) )
    -> (ok) c d -> (ok) (b+c) (b+d)
constrainedRight fs = ConstrainedMorphism . fs . unconstrained

instance (MorphChoice k, o (ZeroObject k)) => MorphChoice (ok) where
  left = constrainedLeft left
  right = constrainedRight right
  ConstrainedMorphism a +++ ConstrainedMorphism b = ConstrainedMorphism $ a +++ b

instance (PreArrChoice k, o (ZeroObject k)) => PreArrChoice (ok) where
  ConstrainedMorphism a ||| ConstrainedMorphism b = ConstrainedMorphism $ a ||| b
  initial = ConstrainedMorphism initial
  coFst = ConstrainedMorphism coFst
  coSnd = ConstrainedMorphism coSnd

instance (SPDistribute k, o (ZeroObject k), o (UnitObject k))
     => SPDistribute (ok) where
  distribute = ConstrainedMorphism distribute
  unDistribute = ConstrainedMorphism unDistribute
  boolAsSwitch = ConstrainedMorphism boolAsSwitch
  boolFromSwitch = ConstrainedMorphism boolFromSwitch

-- | Basically 'ifThenElse' with inverted argument order, and
--   \"morphismised\" arguments.
choose :: (Arrow f (->), Function f, Object f Bool, Object f a)
     => f (UnitObject f) a  -- ^ \"'False'\" value
     -> f (UnitObject f) a  -- ^ \"'True'\" value
     -> f Bool           a
choose fv tv = arr $ \c -> if c then value tv else value fv

ifThenElse :: ( EnhancedCat f (->), Function f
              , Object f Bool, Object f a, Object f (f a a), Object f (f a (f a a))
              ) => Bool `f` (a `f` (a `f` a))
ifThenElse = arr $ \c -> arr $ \tv -> arr $ \fv -> if c then tv else fv

genericAgentCombine :: ( HasAgent k, PreArrow k
                       , Object k a, ObjectPair k b c, Object k d )
     => k (b,c) d -> GenericAgent k a b -> GenericAgent k a c -> GenericAgent k a d
genericAgentCombine m (GenericAgent v) (GenericAgent w)
       = GenericAgent $ m . (v &&& w)

genericUnit :: ( PreArrow k, HasAgent k, Object k a )
        => GenericAgent k a (UnitObject k)
genericUnit = GenericAgent terminal

class (Morphism k, HasAgent k) => CartesianAgent k where
  alg1to2 :: ( Object k a, ObjectPair k b c
          ) => (forall q . Object k q
                 => AgentVal k q a -> (AgentVal k q b, AgentVal k q c) )
               -> k a (b,c)
  alg2to1 :: ( ObjectPair k a b, Object k c
          ) => (forall q . Object k q
                 => AgentVal k q a -> AgentVal k q b -> AgentVal k q c )
               -> k (a,b) c
  alg2to2 :: ( ObjectPair k a b, ObjectPair k c d
          ) => (forall q . Object k q
                 => AgentVal k q a -> AgentVal k q b -> (AgentVal k q c, AgentVal k q d) )
               -> k (a,b) (c,d)

genericAlg1to2 :: ( PreArrow k, u ~ UnitObject k
                  , Object k a, ObjectPair k b c
                  ) => ( forall q . Object k q
                      => GenericAgent k q a -> (GenericAgent k q b, GenericAgent k q c) )
               -> k a (b,c)
genericAlg1to2 f = runGenericAgent b &&& runGenericAgent c
 where (b,c) = f $ GenericAgent id
genericAlg2to1 :: ( PreArrow k, u ~ UnitObject k
                  , ObjectPair k a u, ObjectPair k a b, ObjectPair k b u, ObjectPair k b a
                  ) => ( forall q . Object k q
                      => GenericAgent k q a -> GenericAgent k q b -> GenericAgent k q c )
               -> k (a,b) c
genericAlg2to1 f = runGenericAgent $ f (GenericAgent fst) (GenericAgent snd)
genericAlg2to2 :: ( PreArrow k, u ~ UnitObject k
                  , ObjectPair k a u, ObjectPair k a b, ObjectPair k c d
                  , ObjectPair k b u, ObjectPair k b a
                  ) => ( forall q . Object k q
                      => GenericAgent k q a -> GenericAgent k q b
                         -> (GenericAgent k q c, GenericAgent k q d) )
               -> k (a,b) (c,d)
genericAlg2to2 f = runGenericAgent c &&& runGenericAgent d
 where (c,d) = f (GenericAgent fst) (GenericAgent snd)

class (HasAgent k, AgentVal k a x ~ p a x)
           => PointAgent p k a x | p -> k where
  point :: (Object k a, Object k x) => x -> p a x

genericPoint :: ( WellPointed k, Object k a, ObjectPoint k x )
       => x -> GenericAgent k a x
genericPoint x = GenericAgent $ const x

-- | Imitate a type change in a different category. This is usually possible
--   for type changes that are no-ops at runtime, in particular for newtype wrappers.
follow :: (EnhancedCat k Coercion, Coercible a b, Object k a, Object k b)
                 => p a b -> k a b
follow _ = arr Coercion

-- | The opposite of 'follow'.
flout :: (EnhancedCat k Coercion, Coercible b a, Object k a, Object k b)
                 => p a b -> k b a
flout _ = arr Coercion

-- | Wrap an endomorphism in inverse coercions, to have it work on any type
--   that's representationally equivalent to the one in the morphism's signature.
--   This is a specialised version of 'pretendLike'.
pretend :: (EnhancedCat k Coercion, Object k a, Object k b)
                  => Coercion a b -> k a a -> k b b
pretend crc f = arr crc . f . arr (sym crc)

-- | Equivalent to @'pretend' . 'sym'@.
swallow :: (EnhancedCat k Coercion, Object k a, Object k b)
                  => Coercion b a -> k a a -> k b b
swallow crc f = arr (sym crc) . f . arr crc

-- | This works much like <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/newtype-0.2/docs/Control-Newtype.html#v:over over>:
--   wrap a morphism in any coercions required so the result types match.
--   This will often be too polymorphic for the type checker; consider using the
--   more explicit 'follow' and 'flout'.
pretendLike :: ( EnhancedCat k Coercion, Coercible b a, Coercible c d
               , Object k a, Object k b, Object k c, Object k d )
                   => p c d -> k a c -> k b d
pretendLike _ f = arr Coercion . f . arr Coercion

-- | Generalised coercion analogue of
--   <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/newtype-0.2/docs/Control-Newtype.html#v:under under>.
swallowLike :: ( EnhancedCat k Coercion, Coercible b a, Coercible c d
               , Object k a, Object k b, Object k c, Object k d )
                   => p b a -> k a c -> k b d
swallowLike _ f = arr Coercion . f . arr Coercion