{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Context.Implicit
  ( -- * Introduction
    -- $intro

    -- * Storage
  , withNonEmptyStore
  , withEmptyStore

    -- * Operations
    -- ** Registering context
  , use
  , adjust

    -- ** Asking for context
  , mine
  , mines

  , mineMay
  , minesMay

    -- * Exceptions
  , NotFoundException(NotFoundException, threadId)

    -- * Concurrency
  , module Context.Concurrent

    -- * Lower-level storage
  , module Context.Storage
  ) where

import Context (NotFoundException(NotFoundException, threadId), Store, withEmptyStore, withNonEmptyStore)
import Context.Concurrent
import Context.Storage
import Prelude
import qualified Context

-- | Register a context in the implicit 'Store' on behalf of the calling
-- thread, for the duration of the specified action.
-- @since
use :: (?contextStore :: Store ctx) => ctx -> IO a -> IO a
use = Context.use ?contextStore

-- | Adjust the calling thread's context in the implicit 'Store' for the
-- duration of the specified action. Throws a 'NotFoundException' when the
-- calling thread has no registered context.
-- @since
adjust :: (?contextStore :: Store ctx) => (ctx -> ctx) -> IO a -> IO a
adjust = Context.adjust ?contextStore

-- | Provide the calling thread its current context from the implicit
-- 'Store'. Throws a 'NotFoundException' when the calling thread has no
-- registered context.
-- @since
mine :: (?contextStore :: Store ctx) => IO ctx
mine = Context.mine ?contextStore

-- | Provide the calling thread a selection from its current context in the
-- implicit 'Store'. Throws a 'NotFoundException' when the calling
-- thread has no registered context.
-- @since
mines :: (?contextStore :: Store ctx) => (ctx -> a) -> IO a
mines = Context.mines ?contextStore

-- | Provide the calling thread its current context from the implicit
-- 'Store', if present.
-- @since
mineMay :: (?contextStore :: Store ctx) => IO (Maybe ctx)
mineMay = Context.mineMay ?contextStore

-- | Provide the calling thread a selection from its current context in the
-- implicit 'Store', if present.
-- @since
minesMay :: (?contextStore :: Store ctx) => (ctx -> a) -> IO (Maybe a)
minesMay = Context.minesMay ?contextStore

-- $intro
-- This module provides the same interface provided by "Context", but uses an
-- implicit 'Store' where applicable. Usage of this module requires that the
-- implicit parameter is named @contextStore@ in calling code.
-- This module is designed to be imported qualified:
-- > import qualified Context.Implicit
-- If you are only working with an implicit 'Store' in your application, you may
-- prefer shortening the import name:
-- > import qualified Context.Implicit as Context
-- Usage of this module might look something like this:
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- >   let config = -- ...
-- >   withDependencies config \deps -> do
-- >     Context.withNonEmptyStore deps \depsStore -> do
-- >       let ?contextStore = depsStore
-- >       doStuff
-- >
-- > doStuff :: (?contextStore :: Store Dependencies) => IO ()
-- > doStuff = do
-- >   deps <- Context.mine
-- >   -- ...
-- If the application is using a 'Store' in a global variable, then this 'Store'
-- can be conveniently injected in for use with this module via a global
-- implicit parameter:
-- > module Dependencies where
-- >
-- > import qualified Context.Implicit as Context
-- > import GHC.Classes(IP(ip)) -- from 'ghc-prim' package
-- >
-- > data Dependencies = -- ...
-- >
-- > depsStore :: Store Dependencies
-- > depsStore = unsafePerformIO $ Context.newStore Context.defaultPropagation Nothing
-- > {-# NOINLINE depsStore #-}
-- >
-- > instance IP "contextStore" (Store Dependencies) where
-- >   ip = depsStore
-- With a global implicit parameter, the @(?contextStore :: Store Dependencies)@
-- constraint does not need to be threaded throughout the application's
-- signatures, but it still can be overridden within local scopes as needed.
-- For an intro to global implicit parameters, see this post:
-- <https://kcsongor.github.io/global-implicit-parameters/>