Portability | portable |
Stability | experimental |
Maintainer | Luke Palmer <lrpalmer@gmail.com> |
A monad for enumerating sets: like the list monad, but impervious to infinite descent.
A depth-first search of a data structure can fail to give a full traversal if it has an infinitely deep path. Likewise, a breadth-first search of a data structure can fall short if it has an infinitely branching node. Omega addresses this problem by using a "diagonal" traversal that gracefully dissolves such data.
So while liftM2 (,) [0..] [0..]
gets "stuck" generating tuples whose
first element is zero, runOmega $ liftM2 (,) (each [0..]) (each
generates all pairs of naturals.
More precisely, if x
appears at a finite index in
, and y
appears at a finite index in f x
then y
will appear at a finite index in each xs >>= f
This monad gets its name because it is a monad over sets of order type omega.
Warning: Omega is only a monad when the results of runOmega
interpreted as a set; that is, a valid transformation according to the
monad laws may change the order of the results. However, the same
set of results will always be reachable.