
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables,
             RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

module Copilot.Theorem.TransSys.Operators where

import qualified Copilot.Core as C
import Copilot.Theorem.TransSys.Cast
import Copilot.Theorem.TransSys.Type

import Copilot.Theorem.Misc.Error as Err


data Op1 a where
  Not   :: Op1 Bool
  Neg   :: Op1 a
  Abs   :: Op1 a
  Exp   :: Op1 a
  Sqrt  :: Op1 a
  Log   :: Op1 a
  Sin   :: Op1 a
  Tan   :: Op1 a
  Cos   :: Op1 a
  Asin  :: Op1 a
  Atan  :: Op1 a
  Acos  :: Op1 a
  Sinh  :: Op1 a
  Tanh  :: Op1 a
  Cosh  :: Op1 a
  Asinh :: Op1 a
  Atanh :: Op1 a
  Acosh :: Op1 a

data Op2 a b where
  Eq     :: Op2 a    Bool
  And    :: Op2 Bool Bool
  Or     :: Op2 Bool Bool

  Le     :: (Num a) => Op2 a Bool
  Lt     :: (Num a) => Op2 a Bool
  Ge     :: (Num a) => Op2 a Bool
  Gt     :: (Num a) => Op2 a Bool

  Add    :: (Num a) => Op2 a a
  Sub    :: (Num a) => Op2 a a
  Mul    :: (Num a) => Op2 a a
  Mod    :: (Num a) => Op2 a a
  Fdiv   :: (Num a) => Op2 a a

  Pow    :: (Num a) => Op2 a a


instance Show (Op1 a) where
  show op = case op of
    Neg   -> "-"
    Not   -> "not"
    Abs   -> "abs"
    Exp   -> "exp"
    Sqrt  -> "sqrt"
    Log   -> "log"
    Sin   -> "sin"
    Tan   -> "tan"
    Cos   -> "cos"
    Asin  -> "asin"
    Atan  -> "atan"
    Acos  -> "acos"
    Sinh  -> "sinh"
    Tanh  -> "tanh"
    Cosh  -> "cosh"
    Asinh -> "asinh"
    Atanh -> "atanh"
    Acosh -> "acosh"

instance Show (Op2 a b) where
  show op = case op of
    Eq   -> "="
    Le   -> "<="
    Lt   -> "<"
    Ge   -> ">="
    Gt   -> ">"
    And  -> "and"
    Or   -> "or"
    Add  -> "+"
    Sub  -> "-"
    Mul  -> "*"
    Mod  -> "mod"
    Fdiv -> "/"
    Pow  -> "^"


-- | Some high level utilities to translate a Copilot operator in a standard way
-- | The unhandled operators are monomorphic, and their names are labeled so
-- | that each name corresponds to a unique uninterpreted function with a
-- | monomorphic type.


data UnhandledOp1 = forall a b .
  UnhandledOp1 String (Type a) (Type b)

data UnhandledOp2 = forall a b c .
  UnhandledOp2 String (Type a) (Type b) (Type c)

handleOp1 ::
  -- 'm' is the monad in which the computation is made
  -- 'resT' is the desired return type of the expression being translated
  forall m expr _a _b resT. (Functor m) =>
  -- The desired return type
  Type resT ->
  -- The unary operator encountered and its argument
  (C.Op1 _a _b, C.Expr _a) ->
  -- The monadic function to translate an expression
  -- (for recursive calls to be mmadess)
  (forall t t'. Type t -> C.Expr t' -> m (expr t)) ->
  -- A function to deal with a operators not handled by copilot-kind
  (UnhandledOp1 -> m (expr resT)) ->
  -- The Op1 constructor of the 'expr' type
  (forall t . Type t -> Op1 t -> expr t -> expr t) ->

  m (expr resT)

handleOp1 resT (op, e) handleExpr notHandledF mkOp = case op of

  C.Not      -> boolOp Not (handleExpr Bool e)

  -- Numeric operators
  C.Abs _    -> numOp Abs
  C.Sign ta  -> notHandled ta "sign"

  -- Fractional operators
  C.Recip ta -> notHandled ta "recip"

  -- Floating operators
  C.Exp _    -> numOp Exp
  C.Sqrt _   -> numOp Sqrt
  C.Log _    -> numOp Log
  C.Sin _    -> numOp Sin
  C.Tan _    -> numOp Tan
  C.Cos _    -> numOp Cos
  C.Asin _   -> numOp Asin
  C.Atan _   -> numOp Atan
  C.Acos _   -> numOp Acos
  C.Sinh _   -> numOp Sinh
  C.Tanh _   -> numOp Tanh
  C.Cosh _   -> numOp Cosh
  C.Asinh _  -> numOp Asinh
  C.Atanh _  -> numOp Atanh
  C.Acosh _  -> numOp Acosh

  -- Bitwise operators.
  C.BwNot ta -> notHandled ta "bwnot"

  -- Casting operator.
  C.Cast _ tb -> castTo tb

    boolOp :: Op1 Bool -> m (expr Bool) -> m (expr resT)
    boolOp op e = case resT of
      Bool -> (mkOp resT op) <$> e
      _    -> Err.impossible typeErrMsg

    numOp :: Op1 resT -> m (expr resT)
    numOp op = (mkOp resT op) <$> (handleExpr resT e)

    -- Casting from Integer (Only possible solution)
    castTo :: C.Type ctb -> m (expr resT)
    castTo tb = casting tb $ \tb' -> case (tb', resT) of
      (Integer, Integer) -> handleExpr Integer e
      (Real, Real)       -> handleExpr Real e
      _                  -> Err.impossible typeErrMsg

    notHandled ::
      C.Type a -> String -> m (expr resT)
    notHandled ta s = casting ta $ \ta' ->
      notHandledF $ UnhandledOp1 s ta' resT


-- See the 'handleOp1' function for documentation
handleOp2 ::
  forall m expr _a _b _c resT . (Monad m) =>
  Type resT ->
  (C.Op2 _a _b _c, C.Expr _a, C.Expr _b) ->
  (forall t t'. Type t -> C.Expr t' -> m (expr t)) ->
  (UnhandledOp2 -> m (expr resT)) ->
  (forall t a . Type t -> Op2 a t -> expr a -> expr a -> expr t) ->
  (expr Bool -> expr Bool) ->
  m (expr resT)

handleOp2 resT (op, e1, e2) handleExpr notHandledF mkOp notOp = case op of

  C.And        -> boolConnector And
  C.Or         -> boolConnector Or

  -- Numeric operators
  C.Add _      -> numOp Add
  C.Sub _      -> numOp Sub
  C.Mul _      -> numOp Mul

  -- Integral operators.
  C.Mod _    -> numOp Mod
  C.Div ta    -> notHandled ta "div"

  -- Fractional operators.
  C.Fdiv _    -> numOp Fdiv

  -- Floating operators.
  C.Pow _     -> numOp Pow
  C.Logb ta   -> notHandled ta "logb"

  -- Equality operators.
  C.Eq ta     -> eqOp ta
  C.Ne ta     -> neqOp ta

  -- Relational operators.
  C.Le ta     -> numComp ta Le
  C.Ge ta     -> numComp ta Ge
  C.Lt ta     -> numComp ta Lt
  C.Gt ta     -> numComp ta Gt

  -- Bitwise operators.
  C.BwAnd ta          -> notHandled ta "bwand"
  C.BwOr ta           -> notHandled ta "bwor"
  C.BwXor ta          -> notHandled ta "bwxor"

  -- In fact, '_tb' is ignored caused it can only
  -- be casted to 'Integer', like 'ta'
  C.BwShiftL ta _tb   -> notHandled ta "bwshiftl"
  C.BwShiftR ta _tb   -> notHandled ta "bwshiftr"


    boolOp :: Op2 a Bool -> expr a -> expr a -> expr resT
    boolOp op e1' e2' = case resT of
      Bool -> mkOp resT op e1' e2'
      _    -> Err.impossible typeErrMsg

    boolConnector :: Op2 Bool Bool -> m (expr resT)
    boolConnector op = do
     e1' <- handleExpr Bool e1
     e2' <- handleExpr Bool e2
     return $ boolOp op e1' e2'

    eqOp :: C.Type cta -> m (expr resT)
    eqOp ta = casting ta $ \ta' -> do
      e1' <-  handleExpr ta' e1
      e2' <-  handleExpr ta' e2
      return $ boolOp Eq e1' e2'

    neqOp ::  C.Type cta -> m (expr resT)
    neqOp ta = case resT of
      Bool -> do
        e <- eqOp ta
        return $ notOp e
      _ -> Err.impossible typeErrMsg

    numOp :: (forall num . (Num num) => Op2 num num) -> m (expr resT)
    numOp op = case resT of
      Integer -> do
        e1' <- handleExpr Integer e1
        e2' <- handleExpr Integer e2
        return $ mkOp resT op e1' e2'

      Real -> do
        e1' <- handleExpr Real e1
        e2' <- handleExpr Real e2
        return $ mkOp resT op e1' e2'

      _ -> Err.impossible typeErrMsg

    numComp ::
      C.Type cta ->
      (forall num . (Num num) => Op2 num Bool) -> m (expr resT)
    numComp ta op = casting ta $ \case
      Integer -> do
        e1' <- handleExpr Integer e1
        e2' <- handleExpr Integer e2
        return $ boolOp op e1' e2'
      Real -> do
        e1' <- handleExpr Real e1
        e2' <- handleExpr Real e2
        return $ boolOp op e1' e2'
      _       -> Err.impossible typeErrMsg

    notHandled :: forall a . C.Type a -> String -> m (expr resT)
    notHandled ta s = casting ta $ \ta' ->
      notHandledF (UnhandledOp2 s ta' ta' ta')


typeErrMsg :: String
typeErrMsg = "Unexpected type error in 'Misc.CoreOperators'"
