couchdb-enumerator-0.3.1: Couch DB client library using http-enumerator and aeson




This module is a very thin wrapper around Network.HTTP.Enumerator using the aeson package to parse and encode JSON. The Couch DB HTTP API is the best place to learn about how to use this library.

 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
 import Contorl.Monad.Reader
 import Data.Aeson
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
 import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
 import Data.Enumerator (($$), run_)
 import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL
 import Database.CouchDB.Enumerator

 testCouch :: IO ()
 testCouch = withCouchConnection "localhost" 5984 "test" $ runReaderT $ do
    -- Insert some documents.   Note that the dbname passed to withCouchConnection
    -- is prepended to the given path, so this is a put to
    -- http://localhost:5984/test/doc1
    rev1 <- couchPut "doc1" [] $ object [ "foo" .= (3 :: Int), "bar" .= ("abc" :: String) ]
    rev2 <- couchPut "doc2" [] $ object [ "foo" .= (7 :: Int), "baz" .= (145 :: Int) ]

    -- Load the document and print it out
    couchGet "doc1" [] >>= liftIO . BL.putStrLn . encode . Object

    -- Overwite the document.  We supply the revision, otherwise Couch DB would give an error.
    -- (The revision could also have been passed in the query arguments.)
    rev3 <- couchPut "doc1" [] $ object [ "foo" .= (10 :: Int)
                                        , "bar" .= ("def" :: String)
                                        , "_rev" .= rev1 

    -- Create a view
    couchPut_ "_design/testdesign" [] $ 
        object [ "language" .= ("javascript" :: String)
               , "views"    .= object [ "myview" .= object [ "map" .=
                    ("function(doc) { emit(, doc); }" :: String)

    -- Read from the view using couchGet and print it out.
    couchGet "_design/testdesign/_view/myview" [] >>= liftIO . BL.putStrLn . encode . Object
    couchGet "_design/testdesign/_view/myview" [(fromString "key", Just $ fromString "10")]
            >>= liftIO . BL.putStrLn . encode . Object

    -- Read the view using couchView and print it out.
    run_ $ couchView "testdesign/_view/myview" [] $$
        EL.foldM (\_ o -> liftIO $ BL.putStrLn $ encode $ Object o) ()
    run_ $ couchView "testdesign/_view/myview" [(fromString "key", Just $ fromString "10")] $$
        EL.foldM (\_ o -> liftIO $ BL.putStrLn $ encode $ Object o) ()

    -- Delete the objects
    couchDelete "doc1" rev3
    couchDelete "doc2" rev2


Couch DB Connection

data CouchConnection Source

Represents a connection to a single Couch DB Database.

A connection contains a Manager and reuses it for multiple requests, which means a single open HTTP connection to CouchDB will be kept around until the manager is closed (http-enumerator will create more connections if needed, it just keeps only one and closes the rest.) See the Pool section for more information.





:: MonadControlIO m 
=> String


-> Int


-> String

database name

-> (CouchConnection -> m a)

function to run

-> m a 

Connect to a CouchDB database, call the supplied function, and then close the connection.

data CouchError Source

A Couch DB Error. If the error comes from http, the http status code is also given. Non-http errors include things like errors parsing the response.


CouchError (Maybe Int) String 

class MonadIO m => MonadCouch m whereSource

A monad which allows access to the connection.

Accessing Couch DB

type Path = StringSource

A path to a Couch DB Object.

type Revision = TextSource

Represents a revision of a Couch DB Document.



:: MonadCouch m 
=> Path

the dbname is prepended to this string to form the full path.

-> Query

Query arguments.

-> m Object 

Load a single object from couch DB.



:: (MonadCouch m, ToJSON a) 
=> Path

the dbname is prepended to this string to form the full path.

-> Query

Query arguments.

-> a

The object to store.

-> m Revision 

Put an object in Couch DB, returning the new Revision.



:: (MonadCouch m, ToJSON a) 
=> Path

the dbname is prepended to this string to form the full path.

-> Query

Query arguments.

-> a

The object to store.

-> m () 

A version of couchPut which ignores the return value. This is slightly faster than _ <- couchPut ... since the JSON parser is not run.



:: MonadCouch m 
=> Path

the dbname is prepended to this string to form the full path.

-> Revision 
-> m () 

Delete the given revision of the object.



:: MonadCouch m 
=> Path

/dbname/_design/ is prepended to the given path

-> Query

Query arguments.

-> Enumerator Object m a 

Load from a Couch DB View.

While you can use couchGet on a view object, this function combines the incredible power of http-enumerator and attoparsec to allow you to process objects in constant space. As data is read from the network, it is fed into attoparsec. When attoparsec completes parsing an object it is sent out the enumerator.

The objects enumerated are the entries in the "rows" property of the view result, which means they are not directly the objects you put into the database. See for more information. The objects inserted into the database are available in the "value" entry, and can be extracted with the extractViewValue enumeratee, for example:

  couchView "mydesigndoc/_view/myview" [(fromString "key", Just $ fromString "3")] $= extractViewValue

extractViewValue :: Monad m => Enumeratee Object Object m aSource

An enumeratee to extract the "value" member of JSON objects.

This is useful to extract the object from the data returned from a view. For example, Couch DB will return objects that look like the following:

    { "id":"64ACF01B05F53ACFEC48C062A5D01D89", "key":null, "value": { some object } }

and this enumeratee will extract {some object}



:: MonadCouch m 
=> Method


-> Path

The dbname from the connection is prepended to this path.

-> Query

Query arguments

-> Iteratee ByteString m a

Iteratee to process the response if no error occurs.

-> RequestBody m


-> Iteratee ByteString m a 

The most general method of accessing CouchDB. This is a very thin wrapper around http. Most of the time you should use one of the other access functions, but this function is needed for example to write and read attachments that are not in JSON format.

Connection Pooling

The Manager stored in the CouchConnection maintains a pool of open connections in an IORef, but keeps a maximum of one open connection per (host,port) pair. For more precise control over pooling, use the or packages combined with the newManager and closeManager functions.

For example, the following code using the resource-pool package runs a ReaderT CouchConnection m action using a HTTP connection from a pool.

 runPooledCouch :: MonadCatchIO m
                => Pool Manager -> String -> Int -> String -> ReaderT CouchConnection m a -> m a
 runPooledCouch p host port dbname c = withResource p $ \m -> do
    runReaderT c $ CouchConnection (BU8.fromString host) port m dbname

A typical use of runPooledCouch in a web server like snap is the following:

 someSnapDBStuff :: (MonadCouch m, MonadSnap m) => m a
 someSnapDBStuff = ...

 mySnap :: MonadSnap m => Pool Manager -> m a
 mySnap p = route [ ("/echo/:stuff", echo)
                  , ("/foo", pooled someSnapDBStuff)
                  , ("/bar", pooled somethingElse)
    where pooled = runPooledCouch p "localhost" 5984 "test"

 launch :: Config Snap () -> IO ()
 launch config = do p <- createPool newManager closeManager 1 (fromInteger 10) 100
                    httpServe config $ mySnap p

When an incoming connection for the foo path arrives, the runPooledCouch action will be executed. This will pull a manager out of the pool and run the someSnapDBStuff action, returning the manager to the pool once someSnapDBStuff is finished. In this code, each manager will be used by at most one thread at a time so each manager will contain exactly one open HTTP connection.