Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
A BaseMachine
is a Mealy machine constrained by a provided Topology
allowed transitions.
- data BaseMachineT m (topology :: Topology vertex) (input :: Type) (output :: Type) = forall state.BaseMachineT {
- initialState :: InitialState state
- action :: forall initialVertex. state initialVertex -> input -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
- type BaseMachine (topology :: Topology vertex) (input :: Type) (output :: Type) = forall m. Monad m => BaseMachineT m topology input output
- baseHoist :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT n topology a b
- data InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type) where
- InitialState :: state vertex -> InitialState state
- data ActionResult m (topology :: Topology vertex) (state :: vertex -> Type) (initialVertex :: vertex) (output :: Type) where
- ActionResult :: AllowedTransition topology initialVertex finalVertex => m (output, state finalVertex) -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
- hoistResult :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output -> ActionResult n topology state initialVertex output
- pureResult :: (Applicative m, AllowedTransition topology initialVertex finalVertex) => output -> state finalVertex -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
- sequence :: Functor f => ActionResult Identity topology state initialVertex (f output) -> ActionResult f topology state initialVertex output
- maybeM :: Applicative m => BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
- eitherM :: Applicative m => BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Either e a) (Either e b)
- statelessBaseT :: Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> BaseMachineT m (TrivialTopology @()) a b
- statelessBase :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a b
- identity :: BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a a
- unrestrictedBaseMachineT :: (forall initialVertex. state initialVertex -> a -> ActionResult m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) state initialVertex b) -> InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type) -> BaseMachineT m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) a b
- runBaseMachineT :: Functor m => BaseMachineT m topology input output -> input -> m (output, BaseMachineT m topology input output)
Specifying state machines
data BaseMachineT m (topology :: Topology vertex) (input :: Type) (output :: Type) Source #
A BaseMachineT m topology input output
describes a state machine with
allowed transitions constrained by a given topology
A state machine is composed by an initialState
and an action
, which
defines the output
and the new state
given the current state
and an
The m
parameter describes the context where the action
of the machine is
forall state. BaseMachineT | |
Applicative m => Choice (BaseMachineT m topology) Source # | |
Defined in Crem.BaseMachine left' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Either a c) (Either b c) # right' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Either c a) (Either c b) # | |
Functor m => Strong (BaseMachineT m topology) Source # | |
Defined in Crem.BaseMachine first' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (a, c) (b, c) # second' :: BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (c, a) (c, b) # | |
Functor m => Profunctor (BaseMachineT m topology) Source # | |
Defined in Crem.BaseMachine dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> BaseMachineT m topology b c -> BaseMachineT m topology a d # lmap :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachineT m topology b c -> BaseMachineT m topology a c # rmap :: (b -> c) -> BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology a c # (#.) :: forall a b c q. Coercible c b => q b c -> BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology a c # (.#) :: forall a b c q. Coercible b a => BaseMachineT m topology b c -> q a b -> BaseMachineT m topology a c # |
type BaseMachine (topology :: Topology vertex) (input :: Type) (output :: Type) = forall m. Monad m => BaseMachineT m topology input output Source #
A BaseMachine
is an effectful machine for every possible monad m
Needing to work for every monad, in fact it can not perform any kind of
effect and needs to be pure in nature.
baseHoist :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT n topology a b Source #
Allows to change the context m
where the machine operates to another
context n
, provided we have a natural transformation
from m
to n
data InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type) where Source #
A value of type InitialState state
describes the initial state of a
state machine, describing the initial vertex
in the topology
and the
actual initial data of type state vertex
InitialState :: state vertex -> InitialState state |
data ActionResult m (topology :: Topology vertex) (state :: vertex -> Type) (initialVertex :: vertex) (output :: Type) where Source #
The result of an action of the state machine.
An ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output
contains an output
and a state finalVertex
, where the transition from initialVertex
is allowed by the machine topology
ActionResult :: AllowedTransition topology initialVertex finalVertex => m (output, state finalVertex) -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output |
Functor m => Functor (ActionResult m topology state initialVertex) Source # | |
Defined in Crem.BaseMachine fmap :: (a -> b) -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex a -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex b # (<$) :: a -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex b -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex a # |
hoistResult :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output -> ActionResult n topology state initialVertex output Source #
Allows to change the computational context of an ActionResult
from m
to n
, given we have a natural transformation
from m
to n
pureResult :: (Applicative m, AllowedTransition topology initialVertex finalVertex) => output -> state finalVertex -> ActionResult m topology state initialVertex output Source #
Create an ActionResult
without performing any side effect in the m
sequence :: Functor f => ActionResult Identity topology state initialVertex (f output) -> ActionResult f topology state initialVertex output Source #
This is fairly similar to sequenceA
from Traversable
and in fact
it does the same job, with the slight difference that sequenceA
return f (ActionResult Identity topology state initialVertex output)
Lift machines
maybeM :: Applicative m => BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Maybe a) (Maybe b) Source #
eitherM :: Applicative m => BaseMachineT m topology a b -> BaseMachineT m topology (Either e a) (Either e b) Source #
Stateless machines
statelessBaseT :: Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> BaseMachineT m (TrivialTopology @()) a b Source #
transforms its input to its output and never changes its
statelessBase :: (a -> b) -> BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a b Source #
transforms its input to its output and never changes its
state, without performing any side effect
Identity machine
identity :: BaseMachine (TrivialTopology @()) a a Source #
The identity
machine simply outputs its input and never changes its
Unrestricted machines
unrestrictedBaseMachineT :: (forall initialVertex. state initialVertex -> a -> ActionResult m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) state initialVertex b) -> InitialState (state :: vertex -> Type) -> BaseMachineT m (AllowAllTopology @vertex) a b Source #
a machine modelled with explicit state, where every transition is allowed
Run a machine
runBaseMachineT :: Functor m => BaseMachineT m topology input output -> input -> m (output, BaseMachineT m topology input output) Source #
Given an input
, run the machine to get an output and a new version of
the machine