{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Crypto.Classical.Types
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2015 - 2020
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colin@fosskers.ca>

module Crypto.Classical.Types
    -- * Cipher
    -- * Keys
  , Key(..)
    -- * Enigma Types
  , EnigmaKey(..)
  , Rotor(..)
  , Reflector
  , Plugboard
  , plugFrom
  ) where

import           Crypto.Classical.Shuffle
import           Crypto.Classical.Util
import           Crypto.Number.Generate
import           Crypto.Random (CPRG)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import           Data.Char (isUpper)
import           Data.List ((\\))
import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import           Data.Modular
import           Data.Text (Text)


-- | A Cipher must be able to encrypt and decrypt. The Cipher type
-- determines the Key type.
class Key k => Cipher k a | a -> k where
  encrypt :: k -> ByteString -> a ByteString
  decrypt :: k -> ByteString -> a ByteString

-- | Keys can appear in a number of different forms.
-- E.g. a single number, a tuple, a mapping, etc.
-- Each needs to be interpreted uniquely by a Cipher's
-- `encrypt` and `decrypt` algorithms.
class Key a where
  -- | Randomly generate a Key.
  key :: CPRG g => g -> a

instance Key (/26) where
  key g = toMod . fst $ generateBetween g 1 25

-- | For Affine Ciphers.
-- `a` must be coprime with 26, or else a^-1 won't exist and
-- and we can't decrypt.
instance Key (/26,/26) where
  key g = (a, b)
    where a = toMod . head $ shuffle g ([1,3..25] \\ [13]) 12
          b = key g

-- | Key for Substitution Cipher. The Key is the Mapping itself.
instance Key (Map Char Char) where
  key g = M.fromList $ zip ['A'..'Z'] $ shuffle g ['A'..'Z'] 26

-- | Key for Stream/Vigenère Cipher.
instance Key [/26] where
  key g = toMod n : key g'
    where (n,g') = generateMax g 26


-- | A Rotor (German: Walze) is a wheel labelled A to Z, with internal wirings
-- from each entry point to exit point. There is also a turnover point, upon
-- which a Rotor would turn its left neighbour as well. Typically said turnover
-- point is thought of in terms of letters (e.g. Q->R for Rotor I). Here, we
-- represent the turnover point as a distance from A (or 0, the first entry
-- point). As the Rotor rotates, this value decrements. When it rolls back to 25
-- (modular arithmetic), we rotate the next Rotor.
-- Our Rotors are letter-agnostic. That is, they only map numeric entry points
-- to exit points.
data Rotor = Rotor
  { _name     :: Text
  , _turnover :: /26
  , _circuit  :: Map (/26) (/26) }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Rotor I: Turnover from Q to R.
rI :: Rotor
rI = Rotor "I" (int 'Q') . M.fromList $ map (both int) pairs
    pairs :: [(Char, Char)]

-- | Rotor II: Turnover from E to F.
rII :: Rotor
rII = Rotor "II" (int 'E') . M.fromList $ map (both int) pairs

-- | Rotor III: Turnover from V to W.
rIII :: Rotor
rIII = Rotor "III" (int 'V') . M.fromList $ map (both int) pairs

-- | Rotor IV: Turnover from J to K.
rIV :: Rotor
rIV = Rotor "IV" (int 'J') . M.fromList $ map (both int) pairs

-- | Rotor V: Turnover from Z to A.
rV :: Rotor
rV = Rotor "V" (int 'Z') . M.fromList $ map (both int) pairs

-- | A unmoving map, similar to the Rotors, which feeds the electrical
-- current back into Rotors. This would never feed the left Rotor's letter
-- back to itself, meaning a plaintext character would never encrypt
-- to itself. This was a major weakness in scheme which allowed the Allies
-- to make Known Plaintext Attacks against the machine.
type Reflector = Map (/26) (/26)

ukwB :: Reflector
ukwB = M.fromList $ map (both int) pairs

-- | A set of 10 pairs of connected letters which would map letters
-- to other ones both before and after being put through the Rotors.
-- The remaining six unpaired letters can be thought of mapping to themselves.
type Plugboard = Map (/26) (/26)

-- | Essentially the machine itself. It is made up of:
-- 1. Three rotor choices from five, in a random placement.
-- 2. Initial settings of those Rotors.
-- 3. The Reflector model in use.
-- 4. Plugboard settings (pairs of characters).
data EnigmaKey = EnigmaKey
  { _rotors    :: [Rotor]
  , _settings  :: String
  , _reflector :: Reflector
  , _plugboard :: Plugboard }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Note that the randomly generated initial Rotor positions are not
-- applied to the Rotors when the key is generated. They have to
-- be applied before first use.
instance Key EnigmaKey where
  key g = EnigmaKey rs ss ukwB $ randPlug g
    where rn = 3  -- Number of Rotors to use.
          rs = take rn $ shuffle g [rI,rII,rIII,rIV,rV] 5
          ss = randChars g rn

-- | Generate random start positions for the Rotors.
randChars :: CPRG g => g -> Int -> String
randChars _ 0 = []
randChars g n = letter (toMod c) : randChars g' (n-1)
  where (c,g') = generateBetween g 0 25

-- | Generate settings for the Plugboard. Ten pairs of characters will
-- be mapped to each other, and the remaining six characters will map
-- to themselves.
randPlug :: CPRG g => g -> Plugboard
randPlug g = M.fromList (pairs <> singles)
  where shuffled = shuffle g [0..25] 26
        (ps,ss)  = (take 20 shuffled, drop 20 shuffled)
        pairs    = foldr (\(k,v) acc -> (k,v) : (v,k) : acc) [] $ uniZip ps
        singles  = map (\v -> (v,v)) ss

-- | Given a list of letter pairs, generates a Plugboard.
-- Any letters left out of the pair list will be mapped to themselves.
plugFrom :: [(Char,Char)] -> Plugboard
plugFrom = f []
  where f acc [] = let rest = stretch (['A'..'Z'] \\ acc) in
                    M.fromList . uniZip . map int $ acc ++ rest
        f acc ((a,b):ps) | a `notElem` acc && b `notElem` acc &&
                           isUpper a && isUpper b = f (a : b : b : a : acc) ps
                         | otherwise = f acc ps