-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Serokell
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}

-- ! This module merely re-exports definitions from the corresponding
-- ! module in NaCl and alters the Haddock to make it more specific
-- ! to crypto-sodium. So, the docs should be kept more-or-less in sync.

-- | Symmetric authenticated encryption.
-- It is best to import this module qualified:
-- @
-- import qualified Crypto.Encrypt.Secretbox as Secretbox
-- encrypted = Secretbox.'create' key nonce message
-- decrypted = Secretbox.'open' key nonce encrypted
-- @
-- A secretbox is an abstraction from NaCl. One way to think about it
-- is to imagine that you are putting data into a box protected by a
-- secret key. You 'create' such a box first, store it somewhere
-- (it is just a sequence of bytes), and when you need it in the
-- future, you 'open' it using the same secret key.
module Crypto.Encrypt.Secretbox
  -- * Keys
  , toKey

  -- * Nonce
  , Nonce
  , toNonce

  -- * Encryption/decryption
  , create
  , open
  ) where

import Crypto.Secretbox (Key, Nonce, open, toKey, toNonce)
import Data.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess)

import qualified Crypto.Secretbox as NaCl.Secretbox

-- | Encrypt a message.
-- @
-- encrypted = Secretbox.create key nonce message
-- @
-- *   @key@ is the secret key used for encryption. See "Crypto.Key" for how
--     to get one.
-- *   @nonce@ is an extra noise that ensures that is required for security.
--     See "Crypto.Nonce" for how to work with it.
-- *   @message@ is the data you are encrypting.
-- This function adds authentication data, so if anyone modifies the cyphertext,
-- @open@ will refuse to decrypt it.
  ::  ( ByteArrayAccess keyBytes, ByteArrayAccess nonceBytes
      , ByteArrayAccess ptBytes, ByteArray ctBytes
  => Key keyBytes  -- ^ Secret key
  -> Nonce nonceBytes  -- ^ Nonce
  -> ptBytes -- ^ Plaintext message
  -> ctBytes
create :: Key keyBytes -> Nonce nonceBytes -> ptBytes -> ctBytes
create = Key keyBytes -> Nonce nonceBytes -> ptBytes -> ctBytes
forall keyBytes nonceBytes ptBytes ctBytes.
(ByteArrayAccess keyBytes, ByteArrayAccess nonceBytes,
 ByteArrayAccess ptBytes, ByteArray ctBytes) =>
Key keyBytes -> Nonce nonceBytes -> ptBytes -> ctBytes