csound-expression-0.0: Csound combinator library




class (IM CsTree a, MO a) => X a Source


class X a => K a Source


data CsoundFile Source

csound code


type Flags = StringSource

csound flags

data Arate Source

audio signal


data Krate Source

control signal


data Irate Source

init variable

data SignalOut Source

Output of opcodes that produce no value in csound code (out, outs, xtratim, etc.)

outList :: [SignalOut] -> SignalOutSource

Join several output opcodes

Example :

        instr q
 a1     upsamp   1
        out      a1
 gaSig  =        a1
 q = outList [out x, gar "Sig" <=> x]
         where x = upsamp $ num 1

class ToSignal a whereSource

Rate conversion


arate :: a -> ArateSource

krate :: a -> KrateSource

irate :: a -> IrateSource

itime :: IrateSource

p2 p-field

idur :: IrateSource

p3 p-field

num :: Irate -> IrateSource

auxiliary function, to write (num n) instead of (n :: Irate)

string :: IM CsTree a => String -> aSource



:: Flags


-> Header

header section

-> EventList Dur SignalOut

score section

-> CsoundFile

csd file

Generate csound code

Csound code consists of flags, header section, instruments, ftables and score. Flags are represeted by String. See CsoundExpr.Orchestra.Header for more details on header section. Instruments, ftables and score are generated from EventList Dur SignalOut. From list of SignalOut notes list of instruments is derived. Expression-tree structures of instruments are different from one another. An instrument can't be transformed into another one only with substitution of values in lists of expression-tree.

Example (d minor) :

import CsoundExpr
import CsoundExpr.Opcodes
import CsoundExpr.Base.Pitch
flags  = "-o dm.wav"

setup = instr0 [
        gSr     <=> 44100,
        gKr     <=> 4410,
        gKsmps  <=> 10,
        gNchnls <=> 1]

header = [setup]

sinWave = gen10 4096 [1]

instr :: Irate -> SignalOut
instr x = out $ oscilA [] (num 1000) (cpspch x) sinWave

sco = fmap instr $ line $ map (note 1) [d 0, f 0, a 0, d 1]

main = print $ csd flags header $ toList sco

Example (radiohead - weird fishes, intro) :

import CsoundExpr
import CsoundExpr.Opcodes hiding (delay)
import CsoundExpr.Base.Pitch

mapSnd f (a, b) = (a, f b)

flags = "-d"

setupMono = instr0 [
 	gSr <=> 44100,
	gKr <=> 4410,
	gKsmps <=> 10,
	gNchnls <=> 1 ]
headerMono = [setupMono]

-- volume levels

v1 = 1.3 * v0
v0 = 7000 
-- instruments

pluckInstr :: (Irate, Irate) -> SignalOut 
pluckInstr (amp, pch) = outList [
	out $ env <*> wgpluck2 0.75 amp (cpspch pch) (num 0.75) (num 0.5), 
	xtratim 1]
	where env = linsegrK [0, idur * 0.05, 1,  idur * 0.9, 1] 1 0  

guitar = pluckInstr . mapSnd (+ (-1))


guitarChord1, guitarChord2, guitarChord3 :: [Irate] -> Score (Irate, Irate)

-- volumes 4/4
vs x = map ( * x) $ cycle [v1, v0, v0, v0]

-- guitar 1
guitarChord1 = line . map return . zip (vs 1) . concat . replicate 10

ch11 = [d 1, g 0, e 0]
ch12 = map ( + 0.02) ch11
ch13 = [a 1, a 0, cs 1]
ch14 = [fs 1, b 0, g 0]

chSeq1 = line $ map return $ [ch11, ch12, ch13, ch14]

-- guitar 2
guitarChord2 = line . map return . zip (vs 0.5) . concat . replicate 6 . arpeggi
	where arpeggi x = x ++ take 2 x

ch21 = [g 0, d 1, e 1]
ch22 = map (+ 0.02) ch21
ch23 = [cs 1, e 1, a 1]
ch24 = [d 1, g 1, e 1]

chSeq2 = line $ map return $ [ch21, ch22, ch23, ch24]

-- guitar 3
guitarChord3 = line . map return . zip (vs 0.2) . concat . replicate 6 . arpeggi
	where arpeggi x = take 2 x ++ x

ch31 = [e 1, g 1, b 1]
ch32 = map (+ 0.02) ch31
ch33 = [fs 1, a 1, cs 2]
ch34 = [d 2, g 1, b 1]

chSeq3 = line $ map return $ [ch31, ch32, ch33, ch34]

-- scores

scoG1 = fmap guitar $ chSeq1 >>= guitarChord1
scoG2 = fmap guitar $ chSeq2 >>= guitarChord2
scoG3 = fmap guitar $ chSeq3 >>= guitarChord3

scoG2intro = cut (3*30) (4*30) scoG2

intro  = chord [scoG1, scoG3, delay (3*30) scoG2intro]
chords = loop 3 $ chord [scoG1, scoG2, scoG3] 

sco = stretch 0.17 $ intro +:+ chords

main = print $ csd flags headerMono $ toList sco