csound-expression-4.8.1: library to make electronic music

Safe HaskellNone







leg :: D -> D -> D -> D -> Sig Source

Linear adsr envelope generator with release

leg attack decay sustain release

xeg :: D -> D -> D -> D -> Sig Source

Exponential adsr envelope generator with release

xeg attack decay sustain release

Relative duration

onIdur :: [D] -> [D] Source

Makes time intervals relative to the note's duration. So that:

onIdur [a, t1, b, t2, c]


[a, t1 * idur, b, t2 * idur, c]

lindur :: [D] -> Sig Source

The opcode linseg with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note.

expdur :: [D] -> Sig Source

The opcode expseg with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note.

linendur :: Sig -> D -> D -> Sig Source

The opcode linen with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note. Total time is set to the value of idur.

linendur asig rise decay

onDur :: D -> [D] -> [D] Source

Makes time intervals relative to the note's duration. So that:

onDur dt [a, t1, b, t2, c]


[a, t1 * dt, b, t2 * dt, c]

lindurBy :: D -> [D] -> Sig Source

The opcode linseg with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note given by the user.

expdurBy :: D -> [D] -> Sig Source

The opcode expseg with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note given by the user.

linendurBy :: D -> Sig -> D -> D -> Sig Source

The opcode linen with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note. Total time is set to the value of the first argument.

linendurBy dt asig rise decay


fadeIn :: D -> Sig Source

Fades in with the given attack time.

fadeOut :: D -> Sig Source

Fades out with the given attack time.

fades :: D -> D -> Sig Source

A combination of fade in and fade out.

fades attackDuration decayDuration

expFadeIn :: D -> Sig Source

Fades in by exponent with the given attack time.

expFadeOut :: D -> Sig Source

Fades out by exponent with the given attack time.

expFades :: D -> D -> Sig Source

A combination of exponential fade in and fade out.

expFades attackDuration decayDuration


class HumanizeValue a where Source

A function transformer (decorator). We can transform an envelope producer so that all values are sumed with some random value. The amplitude of the random value is given with the first argument.

It can transform linseg, expseg, sequence producers and simplified sequence producers.

An example:

dac $ mul (humanVal 0.1 sqrSeq [1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1] 1) $ white

As you can see it transforms the whole function. So we don't need for extra parenthesis.

Associated Types

type HumanizeValueOut a :: * Source


humanVal :: Sig -> a -> HumanizeValueOut a Source


HumanizeValue ([Sig] -> Sig -> Sig) 
HumanizeValue ([D] -> D -> Sig) 
HumanizeValue ([D] -> Sig) 
HumanizeValue ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) 

class HumanizeTime a where Source

A function transformer (decorator). We can transform an envelope producer so that all durations are sumed with some random value. The amplitude of the random value is given with the first argument.

It can transform linseg, expseg, sequence producers and simplified sequence producers.

An example:

dac $ mul (humanTime 0.1 sqrSeq [1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1] 1) $ white

As you can see it transforms the whole function. So we don't need for extra parenthesis.

Associated Types

type HumanizeTimeOut a :: * Source


humanTime :: Sig -> a -> HumanizeTimeOut a Source


HumanizeTime ([D] -> D -> Sig) 
HumanizeTime ([D] -> Sig) 
HumanizeTime ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) 

class HumanizeValueTime a where Source

A function transformer (decorator). We can transform an envelope producer so that all values and durations are sumed with some random value. The amplitude of the random value is given with the first two arguments.

It can transform linseg, expseg, sequence producers and simplified sequence producers.

An example:

dac $ mul (humanValTime 0.1 0.1 sqrSeq [1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1] 1) $ white

As you can see it transforms the whole function. So we don't need for extra parenthesis.

Associated Types

type HumanizeValueTimeOut a :: * Source


hval :: HumanizeValue a => Sig -> a -> HumanizeValueOut a Source

Alias for humanVal.

htime :: HumanizeTime a => Sig -> a -> HumanizeTimeOut a Source

Alias for humanTime.

hvalTime :: HumanizeValueTime a => Sig -> Sig -> a -> HumanizeValueTimeOut a Source

Alias for humanValTime.

Looping envelopes


lpshold :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Looping sample and hold envelope. The first argument is the list of pairs:

[a, durA, b, durB, c, durc, ...]

It's a list of values and durations. The durations are relative to the period of repetition. The period is specified with the second argument. The second argument is the frequency of repetition measured in Hz.

lpshold valDurs frequency

loopseg :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Looping linear segments envelope. The first argument is the list of pairs:

[a, durA, b, durB, c, durc, ...]

It's a list of values and durations. The durations are relative to the period of repetition. The period is specified with the second argument. The second argument is the frequency of repetition measured in Hz.

loopseg valDurs frequency

loopxseg :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Looping exponential segments envelope. The first argument is the list of pairs:

[a, durA, b, durB, c, durc, ...]

It's a list of values and durations. The durations are relative to the period of repetition. The period is specified with the second argument. The second argument is the frequency of repetition measured in Hz.

loopxseg valDurs frequency

lpsholdBy :: D -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

It's like lpshold but we can specify the phase of repetition (phase belongs to [0, 1]).

loopsegBy :: D -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

It's like loopseg but we can specify the phase of repetition (phase belongs to [0, 1]).

loopxsegBy :: D -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

It's like loopxseg but we can specify the phase of repetition (phase belongs to [0, 1]).

holdSeq :: [Sig] -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping sequence of constant segments.

linSeg [a, durA, b, durB, c, durC, ...] [scale1, scale2, scale3] cps

The first argument is the list that specifies the shape of the looping wave. It's the alternating values and durations of transition from one value to another. The durations are relative to the period. So that lists

[0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0]  and [0, 50, 1, 50, 0]

produce the same results. The second list is the list of scales for subsequent periods. Every value in the period is scaled with values from the second list. The last argument is the rate of repetition (Hz).

linSeq :: [Sig] -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping sequence of linear segments.

linSeg [a, durA, b, durB, c, durC, ...] [scale1, scale2, scale3] cps

The first argument is the list that specifies the shape of the looping wave. It's the alternating values and durations of transition from one value to another. The durations are relative to the period. So that lists

[0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0]  and [0, 50, 1, 50, 0]

produce the same results. The second list is the list of scales for subsequent periods. Every value in the period is scaled with values from the second list. The last argument is the rate of repetition (Hz).

expSeq :: [Sig] -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping sequence of exponential segments.

expSeg [a, durA, b, durB, c, durC, ...] [scale1, scale2, scale3] cps

The first argument is the list that specifies the shape of the looping wave. It's the alternating values and durations of transition from one value to another. The durations are relative to the period. So that lists

[0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0]  and [0, 50, 1, 50, 0]

produce the same results. The second list is the list of scales for subsequent periods. Every value in the period is scaled with values from the second list. The last argument is the rate of repetition (Hz).

linloop :: [Sig] -> Sig Source

It's just like linseg but it loops over the envelope.

exploop :: [Sig] -> Sig Source

It's just like expseg but it loops over the envelope.

sah :: [Sig] -> Sig Source

Sample and hold cyclic signal. It takes the list of

[a, dta, b, dtb, c, dtc, ...]

the a, b, c, ... are values of the constant segments

the dta, dtb, dtc, are durations in seconds of constant segments.

The period of the repetition equals to the sum of all durations.

stepSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

constSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Sample and hold sequence. It outputs the looping sequence of constan elements.

triSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar triangle.

sqrSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar square.

sawSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar sawtooth.

isawSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar inveted sawtooth.

xsawSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar exponential sawtooth.

ixsawSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar inverted exponential sawtooth.

isqrSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar inveted square.

xtriSeq :: [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

Step sequencer with unipolar exponential triangle.

pwSeq :: Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of unipolar waves with pulse width moulation (see upw). The first argument is a duty cycle in range 0 to 1.

ipwSeq :: Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of unipolar inverted waves with pulse width moulation (see upw). The first argument is a duty cycle in range 0 to 1.

rampSeq :: Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of unipolar triangle waves with ramp factor (see uramp). The first argument is a ramp factor cycle in range 0 to 1.

irampSeq :: Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of unipolar inverted triangle waves with ramp factor (see uramp). The first argument is a ramp factor cycle in range 0 to 1.

xrampSeq :: Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of unipolar exponential triangle waves with ramp factor (see uramp). The first argument is a ramp factor cycle in range 0 to 1.

ixrampSeq :: Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of unipolar inverted exponential triangle waves with ramp factor (see uramp). The first argument is a ramp factor cycle in range 0 to 1.

adsrSeq :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping ADSR envelope.

xadsrSeq attack decay sustain release weights frequency

The sum of attack, decay, sustain and release time durations should be equal to one.

xadsrSeq :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping exponential ADSR envelope. there is a fifth segment at the end of the envelope during which the envelope equals to zero.

xadsrSeq attack decay sustain release weights frequency

The sum of attack, decay, sustain and release time durations should be equal to one.

adsrSeq_ :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping ADSR envelope with the rest at the end.

adsrSeq attack decay sustain release rest weights frequency

The sum of attack, decay, sustain, release and rest time durations should be equal to one.

xadsrSeq_ :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Sig] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The looping exponential ADSR envelope. there is a fifth segment at the end of the envelope during which the envelope equals to zero.

xadsrSeq_ attack decay sustain release rest weights frequency

The sum of attack, decay, sustain, release and rest time durations should be equal to one.


data Seq Source

The seq is a type for step sequencers. The step sequencer is a monophonic control signal. Most often step sequencer is a looping segment of some values. It's used to create bas lines or conrtrol the frequency of the filter in dub or trance music. There are simple functions for creation of step sequencers defined in the module Csound.Air.Envelope.

Basically the step sequence is a list of pairs:

 [(valA, durA), (valB, durB), (valC, durC)]

each pair defines a segment of height valN that lasts for durN. The sequence is repeated with the given frequency. Each segment has certain shape. It can be a constant or line segment or fragment of square wave or fragment of an adsr envelope. There are many predefined functions.

With Seq we can construct control signals in very flexible way. We can use the score composition functions for creation of sequences. We can use mel for sequencing of individual steps, we can use str for stretching the sequence in time domain, we can delay with del.

Here is an example:

dac $ tri $ seqConst [str 0.25 $ mel [440, 220, 330, 220], 110] 1

We can see how the function str was used to make a certain segment faster. There are numerical instaces for Seq. Bt it defines only functions fronInteger and fromRational.


Fractional Seq 
Num Seq 
Duration Seq 
Melody Seq 
Delay Seq 
Stretch Seq 
Rest Seq 
HumanizeValueTime ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) 
HumanizeTime ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) 
HumanizeValue ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) 
type DurOf Seq = Sig 
type HumanizeValueTimeOut ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) = [Seq] -> Sig -> SE Sig 
type HumanizeTimeOut ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) = [Seq] -> Sig -> SE Sig 
type HumanizeValueOut ([Seq] -> Sig -> Sig) = [Seq] -> Sig -> SE Sig 

toSeq :: Sig -> Seq Source

Creates a

onBeat :: Seq -> Seq Source

Squashes a sequence to a single beat.

onBeats :: Sig -> Seq -> Seq Source

Squashes a sequence to a single beat and then stretches to the given value.

seqConst :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A sequence of constant segments.

seqLin :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

A linear sequence.

seqExp :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

An exponential sequence.

seqPw :: Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of pulse width waves. The first argument is a duty cycle (ranges from 0 to 1).

iseqPw :: Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of inversed pulse width waves.

seqSqr :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of square waves.

iseqSqr :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of inversed square waves.

seqSaw :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of sawtooth waves.

iseqSaw :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of inversed sawtooth waves.

xseqSaw :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of exponential sawtooth waves.

ixseqSaw :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of inversed exponential sawtooth waves.

seqRamp :: Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of ramp functions. The first argument is a duty cycle.

iseqRamp :: Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of inversed ramp functions. The first argument is a duty cycle.

seqTri :: [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of triangular waves.

seqTriRamp :: Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of ramped triangular waves.

seqAdsr :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of ADSR-envelopes.

seqAdsr att dec sus rel

It has to be:

att + dec + sus_time + rel == 1

xseqAdsr :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of exponential ADSR-envelopes.

seqAdsr_ :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of ADSR-envelopes with rest at the end.

seqAdsr att dec sus rel rest

It has to be:

att + dec + sus_time + rel + rest == 1

xseqAdsr_ :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> [Seq] -> Sig -> Sig Source

The sequence of exponential ADSR-envelopes with rest at the end.

seqPat :: [Int] -> Seq Source

Function for creation of accented beats. The steady beat pattern of accents is repeated. The first argument describes the list of integers. Each integer is a main beat and the length of the beat. We can create a typical latino beat:

dac $ mul (seqSaw [seqPat [3, 3, 2]] 1) white

seqAsc :: [Int] -> Seq Source

It's like seqPat but inplace of rests it fills the gaps with segments ascending in value.

dac $ mul (seqSaw [seqAsc [3, 3, 2]] 1) white

seqDesc :: [Int] -> Seq Source

It's like seqPat but inplace of rests it fills the gaps with segments descending in value.

dac $ mul (seqSaw [seqDesc [3, 3, 2]] 1) white

seqHalf :: [Int] -> Seq Source

It's like seqPat but inplace of rests it fills the gaps with 0.5s.

dac $ mul (seqSaw [seqHalf [3, 3, 2]] 1) white