module Csound.Air.Sampler (

	-- * Event sampler

	-- | Note: The release phase of the instrument is skipped
	-- with event sampler functions.
	evtTrig, evtTap, evtGroup, evtCycle,

	syncEvtTrig, syncEvtTap, syncEvtGroup, syncEvtCycle,

	-- * Keyboard sampler
	charTrig, charTap, charPush, charToggle, charGroup, charCycle,

	syncCharTrig, syncCharTap, syncCharPush,syncCharToggle, syncCharGroup, syncCharCycle,

    -- * Midi sampler
    midiTrig, midiTap, midiPush, midiToggle, midiGroup, 

    -- * Generic functions
    midiTrigBy, midiTapBy, midiPushBy, midiToggleBy, midiGroupBy,

    -- ** Midi instruments
    MidiTrigFun, midiAmpInstr, midiLpInstr, midiAudioLpInstr, midiConstInstr,

    -- * Misc

    -- | Keyboard char columns
    keyColumn1, keyColumn2, keyColumn3, keyColumn4, keyColumn5, 
    keyColumn6, keyColumn7, keyColumn8, keyColumn9, keyColumn0,

) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Boolean
import Temporal.Class

import Csound.Typed
import Csound.Control
import Csound.SigSpace

import Csound.Air.Filter(mlp)
import Csound.Air.Wav(takeSnd)
import Csound.Air.Seg

-- Event sampler

-- | Triggers the signal with the first stream and turns it off with the second stream.
evtTrig :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> Tick -> Tick -> a -> a
evtTrig minitVal x st a = case minitVal of
	Nothing -> ons
	Just v0 -> ons + offs v0 + first v0
		ons     = evtTrigNoInit x st a
		offs  v = evtTrigNoInit st x v
		first v = evtTrigger loadbang x v

		evtTrigNoInit x st a = runSeg $ loop $ lim st $ del x $ loop (lim x $ toSeg a)

syncEvtTrig :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> Tick -> Tick -> a -> a
syncEvtTrig bpm minitVal x st a = evtTrig minitVal (syncBpm bpm x) (syncBpm bpm st) a	

-- | Toggles the signal with event stream.
evtToggle :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> Tick -> a -> a
evtToggle initVal evt = evtTrig initVal (fmap (const unit) ons) (fmap (const unit) offs)
	where (offs, ons) = splitToggle $ toTog evt

syncEvtToggle :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> Tick -> a -> a
syncEvtToggle bpm initVal evt = evtToggle initVal (syncBpm bpm evt)

-- | Consider note limiting? or performance degrades
-- every note is held to infinity and it continues to produce zeroes.
-- No it's not every sequence note triggers it
-- but it's best to limit them anyway
evtTap :: (Sigs a) => D -> Tick -> a -> a
evtTap dt x a = runSeg $ del x $ loop $ lim x $ toSeg $ takeSnd dt a

syncEvtTap :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> D -> Tick -> a -> a
syncEvtTap bpm dt x = evtTap dt (syncBpm bpm x)

-- | Plays a list signals. It triggers the signal with event stream and silences
-- all the rest in the list so that only one signal is playing. We can create simple
-- costum monosynthes with this function. The last event stream stops all signals.
evtGroup :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> [(Tick, a)] -> Tick -> a
evtGroup initVal as stop = sum $ fmap (\(a, b, c) -> evtTrig initVal a (mappend b stop) c) 
	$ zipWith (\n (a, sam) -> (a, mconcat $ fmap snd $ filter ((/= n) . fst) allEvts, sam)) [(0 :: Int)..] as
		allEvts :: [(Int, Tick)]
		allEvts = zip [0 ..] (fmap fst as) 

syncEvtGroup :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> [(Tick, a)] -> Tick -> a
syncEvtGroup bpm initVal as stop = evtGroup initVal (fmap (\(e, a) -> (syncBpm bpm e, a)) as) (syncBpm bpm stop)

-- | Triggers one signal after another with an event stream.
evtCycle :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> Tick -> Tick -> [a] -> a
evtCycle minitVal start stop sigs = case minitVal of
	Nothing -> ons
	Just _  -> ons + offs 
		ons  = evtCycleNoInit start stop sigs
		offs = evtGroup minitVal [(start, 0)] stop

		evtCycleNoInit start stop sigs = runSeg $ loop $ lim stop $ del start $ loop $ mel $ fmap (lim start . toSeg) sigs

-- | Triggers one signal after another with an event stream.
syncEvtCycle :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> Tick -> Tick -> [a] -> a
syncEvtCycle bpm minitVal start stop sigs = evtCycle minitVal (syncBpm bpm start) (syncBpm bpm stop) sigs

-- Char sampler

-- | Triggers a signal when one of the chars from the first string is pressed.
-- Stops signal from playing when one of the chars from the second string is pressed.
charTrig :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> String -> String -> a -> a
charTrig minitVal starts stops asig = case minitVal of
	Nothing      -> ons
	Just initVal -> ons + offs initVal + first initVal
		ons   = charTrigNoInit starts stops  asig 
		offs  initVal = charTrigNoInit stops  starts initVal
		first initVal = evtTrigger loadbang (strOn starts) initVal

		charTrigNoInit starts stops asig = runSeg $ loop $ lim (strOn stops) $ toSeg $ retrig (const $ return asig) (strOn starts)

-- | Triggers a signal when one of the chars from the first string is pressed.
-- Stops signal from playing when one of the chars from the second string is pressed.
-- Synchronizes the signal with bpm (first argument). 
syncCharTrig :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> String -> String -> a -> a
syncCharTrig bpm minitVal starts stops asig = case minitVal of
	Nothing      -> ons
	Just initVal -> ons + offs initVal + first initVal
		ons           = charTrigNoInit starts stops  asig 
		offs  initVal = charTrigNoInit stops  starts initVal
		first initVal = syncEvtTrigger bpm loadbang (strOn starts) initVal

		charTrigNoInit starts stops asig = runSeg $ loop $ lim (syncBpm bpm $ strOn stops) $ toSeg $ retrig (const $ return asig) (syncBpm bpm $ strOn starts)

-- syncCharTrig :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> String -> String -> a -> a
-- syncCharTrig bpm starts stops asig = runSeg $ loop $ lim (syncBpm bpm $ strOn stops) $ toSeg $ retrig (const $ return asig) (syncBpm bpm $ strOn starts)

-- | Plays a signal while a key is pressed.
charPush :: Sigs a => Maybe a -> Char -> a -> a
charPush = genCharPush evtTrigger

-- | Plays a signal while a key is pressed. Synchronized by BPM (first argument).
syncCharPush :: Sigs a => Sig -> Maybe a -> Char -> a -> a
syncCharPush bpm = genCharPush (syncEvtTrigger bpm)

genCharPush :: Sigs a => (Tick -> Tick -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Char -> a -> a
genCharPush trig minitVal ch asig = case minitVal of
	Nothing -> ons
	Just v0 -> ons + offs v0 + first v0
		ons     = trig (charOn ch)  (charOff ch) asig
		offs  v = trig (charOff ch) (charOn  ch) v
		first v = trig loadbang (charOn ch) v

-- | Toggles the signal when key is pressed.
charToggle :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> Char -> a -> a
charToggle = genCharToggle id

-- | Toggles the signal when key is pressed.
-- Synchronizes by BPM (first argument).
syncCharToggle :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> Char -> a -> a
syncCharToggle bpm = genCharToggle (syncBpm bpm)

-- | Toggles the signal when key is pressed.
genCharToggle :: (Sigs a) => (Tick -> Tick) -> Maybe a -> Char -> a -> a
genCharToggle needSync minitVal key asig = retrig (togInstr minitVal asig) 
	$ accumE (1 :: D) (\_ s -> (s, mod' (s + 1) 2)) 
	$ needSync $ charOn key
		togInstr mv0 asig isPlay = do
			ref <- newRef 0			
			case mv0 of
				Nothing -> return ()
				Just v0 -> writeRef ref v0
			when1 (sig isPlay ==* 1) $ do
				writeRef ref asig
			readRef ref

-- Consider note limiting? or performance degrades
-- every note is held to infinity and it continues to produce zeroes.
-- No it's not every sequence note triggers it
-- but it's best to limit them anyway
charTap :: Sigs a => D -> String -> a -> a
charTap stop starts = evtTap stop (strOn starts)

syncCharTap :: Sigs a => Sig -> D -> String -> a -> a
syncCharTap bpm stop starts = syncEvtTap bpm stop (strOn starts)

-- | Plays a list of signals when corresponding key is pressed.
-- Turns off all other signals in the group. The last string is
-- for stopping the group from playing.
charGroup :: (Sigs a) => Maybe a -> [(Char, a)] -> String -> a
charGroup = genCharGroup evtTrigger

-- | Plays a list of signals when corresponding key is pressed.
-- Turns off all other signals in the group. The last string is
-- for stopping the group from playing. Events are syncronized by BPM (first argument).
syncCharGroup :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Maybe a -> [(Char, a)] -> String -> a
syncCharGroup bpm = genCharGroup (syncEvtTrigger bpm)

genCharGroup :: (Sigs a) => (Tick -> Tick -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> [(Char, a)] -> String -> a
genCharGroup trig minitVal as stop = case minitVal of
	Nothing      -> charGroupNoInit as stop
	Just initVal -> ons + offs initVal + first initVal
		ons           = charGroupNoInit as stop
		offs  initVal = charGroupNoInit (fmap (\ch -> (ch, initVal)) stop) onKeys
		first initVal = trig loadbang (mconcat $ fmap charOn onKeys) initVal

		onKeys = fmap fst as	
		charGroupNoInit as stop = sum $ fmap f as
				allKeys = fmap fst as ++ stop
				f (key, asig) = trig ons offs asig
						ons  = charOn key
						offs = strOn allKeys

-- | Plays signals one after another when key is pressed.
-- Stops the group from playing when the char from the last 
-- argument is pressed.
charCycle :: Sigs a => (Maybe a) -> Char -> String -> [a] -> a
charCycle initVal start stops sigs = evtCycle initVal (charOn start) (strOn stops) sigs

-- | Plays signals one after another when key is pressed.
-- Stops the group from playing when the char from the last 
-- argument is pressed. Events are syncronised with BPM (first argument).
syncCharCycle :: Sigs a => Sig -> Maybe a -> Char -> String -> [a] -> a
syncCharCycle bpm initVal start stops sigs = syncEvtCycle bpm initVal (charOn start) (strOn stops) sigs


evtTrigger :: (Sigs a) => Tick -> Tick -> a -> a
evtTrigger ons offs asig = schedUntil (const $ return asig) ons offs

syncEvtTrigger :: (Sigs a) => Sig -> Tick -> Tick -> a -> a
syncEvtTrigger bpm ons offs asig = schedUntil (const $ return asig) (syncBpm bpm ons) (syncBpm bpm offs)

-- Midi sampler

type MidiTrigFun a = a -> D -> SE a

-- | Scales the signal with the amplitude.
midiAmpInstr :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => a -> D -> SE a
midiAmpInstr asig amp = return $ mul (sig amp) asig

-- | Applies a low pass filter to the signal.
-- The first two arguments are the frequency range for center frequency of the filter
-- and the second one is amount of resonance (ranges from 0 to 1).
midiLpInstr :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => (Sig, Sig) -> Sig -> a -> D -> SE a
midiLpInstr (minC, maxC) q asig amp = return $ mapSig (mlp (minC * ((maxC / minC) ** sig amp) ) q) asig

-- | the midiLpInstr with audio range for center frequency.
midiAudioLpInstr :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => Sig -> a -> D -> SE a
midiAudioLpInstr = midiLpInstr (50, 10000)

-- | Ignores the amplitude and justplays back the original signal.
midiConstInstr :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => a -> D -> SE a
midiConstInstr asig amp = return asig

-- | Plays a signal when the key is pressed. Retriggers the signal when the key is pressed again.
-- The key is an integer midi code. The C1 is 60 and the A1 is 69.
midiTrig :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiChn -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiTrig = midiTrigBy midiAmpInstr

-- | Plays a signal when the key is pressed. Retriggers the signal when the key is pressed again.
-- Turns off the signal after specified duration (n seconds).
-- The key is an integer midi code. The C1 is 60 and the A1 is 69.
midiTap :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiChn -> D -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiTap = midiTapBy midiAmpInstr

-- | Plyas a signal while the key is pressed.
-- The key is an integer midi code. The C1 is 60 and the A1 is 69.
midiPush :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiChn -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiPush = midiPushBy midiAmpInstr

-- | Plays and stops a signal in the toggle mode. 
-- The key is an integer midi code. The C1 is 60 and the A1 is 69.
midiToggle :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiChn -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiToggle = midiToggleBy midiAmpInstr

-- | Plays a set of signals on the list of keys. When certain 
-- key is pressed the corresponding signal starts to play and all
-- the rest are stopped. 
-- -- The key is an integer midi code. The C1 is 60 and the A1 is 69.
midiGroup :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiChn -> [(Int, a)] -> SE a
midiGroup = midiGroupBy midiAmpInstr

-- | The generic midiTrig. We can specify the midi function.
-- The midi function takes in a signal and a volume of the pressed key (it ranges from 0 to 1).
-- It produces some output. The default is scaling the signal with the amplitude.
midiTrigBy :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiTrigFun a -> MidiChn -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiTrigBy midiInstr midiChn key asig = fmap (\evt -> retrig (midiInstr asig) evt) (midiKeyOn midiChn $ int key)

-- | The generic midiTap. We can specify the midi function.
-- The midi function takes in a signal and a volume of the pressed key (it ranges from 0 to 1).
-- It produces some output. The default is scaling the signal with the amplitude.
midiTapBy :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiTrigFun a -> MidiChn -> D -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiTapBy midiInstr midiChn dt key asig = midiTrigBy midiInstr midiChn key (takeSnd dt asig)

-- | The generic midiPush. We can specify the midi function.
-- The midi function takes in a signal and a volume of the pressed key (it ranges from 0 to 1).
-- It produces some output. The default is scaling the signal with the amplitude.
midiPushBy :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiTrigFun a -> MidiChn -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiPushBy midiInstr midiChn key asig = do
	ons  <- midiKeyOn midiChn (int key)
	offs <- midiKeyOff midiChn (int key)
	return $ midiEvtTriggerBy midiInstr ons offs asig	

-- | The generic midiToggle. We can specify the midi function.
-- The midi function takes in a signal and a volume of the pressed key (it ranges from 0 to 1).
-- It produces some output. The default is scaling the signal with the amplitude.
midiToggleBy :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiTrigFun a -> MidiChn -> Int -> a -> SE a
midiToggleBy midiInstr midiChn key asig = fmap (\evt -> retrig (togMidiInstr asig) evt) 
	(fmap (accumE (1 :: D) (\a s -> ((a, s), mod' (s + 1) 2))) $ midiKeyOn midiChn $ int key)
		togMidiInstr asig (amp, isPlay) = do
			ref <- newRef 0
			when1 (sig isPlay ==* 1) $ do
				writeRef ref =<< midiInstr asig amp
			readRef ref

-- | The generic midiGroup. We can specify the midi function.
-- The midi function takes in a signal and a volume of the pressed key (it ranges from 0 to 1).
-- It produces some output. The default is scaling the signal with the amplitude.
midiGroupBy :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => MidiTrigFun a -> MidiChn -> [(Int, a)] -> SE a
midiGroupBy midiInstr midiChn as = fmap sum $ mapM f as
		allKeys = fmap fst as
		f (key, asig) = do
			ons  <- midiKeyOn midiChn (int key)
			offs <- fmap (fmap (const unit) . mconcat) $ mapM (midiKeyOn midiChn . int) allKeys
			return $ midiEvtTriggerBy midiInstr ons offs asig

midiEvtTriggerBy :: (SigSpace a, Sigs a) => (a -> D -> SE a) -> Evt D -> Tick -> a -> a
midiEvtTriggerBy midiInstr ons offs asig = schedUntil (midiAmpInstr asig) ons offs

-- misc

keyColumn1, keyColumn2, keyColumn3, keyColumn4, keyColumn5, keyColumn6, keyColumn7, keyColumn8, keyColumn9, keyColumn0 :: [Char]

keyColumn1 = ['1', 'q', 'a', 'z']
keyColumn2 = ['2', 'w', 's', 'x']
keyColumn3 = ['3', 'e', 'd', 'c']
keyColumn4 = ['4', 'r', 'f', 'v']
keyColumn5 = ['5', 't', 'g', 'b']
keyColumn6 = ['6', 'y', 'h', 'n']
keyColumn7 = ['7', 'u', 'j', 'm']
keyColumn8 = ['8', 'i', 'k', ',']
keyColumn9 = ['9', 'o', 'l', '.']
keyColumn0 = ['0', 'p', ';', '/']

keyColumns :: [[Char]]
keyColumns = [keyColumn1, keyColumn2, keyColumn3, keyColumn4, keyColumn5, keyColumn6, keyColumn7, keyColumn8, keyColumn9, keyColumn0]