-- | Filters
module Csound.Air.Filter(
    -- | Arguemnts are inversed to get most out of curruing. First come parameters and the last one is the signal.

    -- * First order filters
    lp1, hp1,

    -- * Simple filters
    lp, hp, bp, br, alp,
    bp2, br2,

    -- * Butterworth filters
    blp, bhp, bbp, bbr,

    -- * Filter order
    ResonFilter, FlatFilter,
    filt, flatFilt, toReson,

    -- * Specific filters

    -- ** Moog filters
    mlp, mlp2, mlp3, lp18, ladder,

    -- ** Formant filters
    formant, singA, singO, singE, singU, singO2,

    -- * Making the smooth lines
    smooth, slide,

    -- * Analog filters
    -- | Requires Csound 6.07 or higher

    alp1, alp2, alp3, alp4, ahp,

    -- * Zero delay filters

    -- ** One pole filters
    zdf1, zlp1, zhp1, zap1,

    -- ** Two pole filters
    zdf2, zlp, zhp, zbp, zubp, zbr, zap, zpeak,

    -- ** Ladder filter

    -- ** Four poles filters
    -- zdf4, zlp4, zbp4, zhp4,

    -- ** Eq-filters
    -- peakEq, highShelf, lowShelf,

    -- * Classic analog-like filters

    -- ** low pass
    lpCheb1, lpCheb1', lpCheb2, lpCheb2', clp, clp',

    -- ** high pass
    hpCheb1, hpCheb1', hpCheb2, hpCheb2', chp, chp',

    -- * Named resonant low pass filters
    plastic, wobble, trumpy, harsh,

    -- * TB303 filter
    tbf, diode, fdiode, linDiode,

    -- Korg 35 filters
    linKorg_lp, linKorg_hp, linKorg_bp, korg_lp, korg_hp, korg_bp,
    klp, khp, kbp,

    -- * Statevariable filters
    slp, shp, sbp, sbr,

    -- * Multimode filters
    multiStatevar, multiSvfilter
) where

import Control.Applicative

import Csound.Typed
import Csound.Typed.Plugins hiding (
        zdf1, zlp1, zhp1, zap1,
        zdf2, zlp, zbp, zhp, zdf2_notch, zbr,
        diode, linDiode, noNormDiode,
        linKorg_lp, linKorg_hp, korg_lp, korg_hp)

import Csound.SigSpace(bat)
import Csound.Typed.Opcode

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Csound.Dynamic

-- | Low-pass filter.
-- > lp cutoff resonance sig
lp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lp cf q a = bqrez a cf q

-- | High-pass filter.
-- > hp cutoff resonance sig
hp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hp cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 1

-- | Band-pass filter.
-- > bp cutoff resonance sig
bp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bp cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 2

-- | Band-reject filter.
-- > br cutoff resonance sig
br :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
br cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 3

-- | All-pass filter.
-- > alp cutoff resonance sig
alp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
alp cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 4

-- Butterworth filters

-- | High-pass filter.
-- > bhp cutoff sig
bhp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bhp = flip buthp

-- | Low-pass filter.
-- > blp cutoff sig
blp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
blp = flip butlp

-- | Band-pass filter.
-- > bbp cutoff bandwidth sig
bbp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bbp freq band a = butbp a freq band

-- | Band-regect filter.
-- > bbr cutoff bandwidth sig
bbr :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bbr freq band a = butbr a freq band

-- | Moog's low-pass filter.
-- > mlp centerFrequency qResonance signal
mlp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
mlp cf q asig = moogvcf asig cf q

-- | Makes slides between values in the signals.
-- The first value defines a duration in seconds for a transition from one
-- value to another in piecewise constant signals.
slide :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
slide = flip lineto

-- | Produces smooth transitions between values in the signals.
-- The first value defines a duration in seconds for a transition from one
-- value to another in piecewise constant signals.
-- > smooth transTime asig
smooth :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
smooth = flip portk

-- | Resonant filter.
-- > f centerFreq q asig
type ResonFilter = Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig

-- | Filter without a resonance.
-- > f centerFreq q asig
type FlatFilter  = Sig -> Sig -> Sig

-- | Makes fake resonant filter from flat filter. The resulting filter just ignores the resonance.
toReson :: FlatFilter -> ResonFilter
toReson filter = \cfq res -> filter cfq

-- | Applies a filter n-times. The n is given in the first rgument.
filt :: Int -> ResonFilter -> ResonFilter
filt n f cfq q asig = (foldl (.) id $ replicate n (f cfq q)) asig

-- | Applies a flat filter (without resonance) n-times. The n is given in the first rgument.
flatFilt :: Int -> FlatFilter -> FlatFilter
flatFilt n f cfq asig = (foldl (.) id $ replicate n (f cfq)) asig

-- spec filt

-- | Low pass filter 18 dB  with built in distortion module.
-- > lp18 distortion centerFreq resonance asig
-- * distortion's range is 0 to 1
-- * resonance's range is 0 to 1
lp18 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lp18 dist cfq q asig = lpf18 asig cfq q dist

-- | Another implementation of moog low pass filter (it's moogladder in Csound).
-- The arguments have are just like in the @mlp@ filter.
-- > mlp2 centerFreq q asig
mlp2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
mlp2 cfq q asig = moogladder asig cfq q

-- | Mooglowpass filter with 18 dB.
-- > mlp3 centerFreq q asig
mlp3 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
mlp3 = lp18 0

-- | First order low pass filter (tone in Csound, 6 dB)
-- > lp1 centerFreq asig
lp1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lp1 cfq asig = tone asig cfq

-- | First order high pass filter (atone in Csound, 6 dB)
-- > hp1 centerFreq asig
hp1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hp1 cfq asig = atone asig cfq

-- | Resonance band pass filter (yet another implementation, it's reson in Csound)
-- > bp2 centerFreq q asig
bp2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bp2 cfq q asig = reson asig cfq q

-- | Resonance band reject filter (yet another implementation, it's areson in Csound)
-- > br2 centerFreq q asig
br2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
br2 cfq q asig = areson asig cfq q

-- | Formant filter.
-- > formant bandPassFilter formants asig
-- It expects a band pass filter, a list of formants and processed signal.
-- The signal is processed with each filter the result is a sum of all proceessed signals.
-- Formant filters are used to mimic the vocalization of the sound.
formant :: ResonFilter -> [(Sig, Sig)] -> Sig -> Sig
formant f qs asig = sum (fmap (( $ asig) . uncurry f) qs)

-- | Formant filter that sings an A.
singA :: Sig -> Sig
singA = bat (formant bp2 anA)

-- | Formant filter that sings an O.
singO :: Sig -> Sig
singO = bat (formant bp2 anO)

-- | Formant filter that sings an E.
singE :: Sig -> Sig
singE = bat (formant bp2 anE)

-- | Formant filter that sings an U.
singU :: Sig -> Sig
singU = bat (formant bp2 anIY)

-- | Formant filter that sings an O.
singO2 :: Sig -> Sig
singO2 = bat (formant bp2 anO2)

anO  = [(280, 20), (650, 25), (2200, 30), (3450, 40), (4500, 50)]
anA  = [(650, 50), (1100, 50), (2860, 50), (3300, 50), (4500, 50)]
anE  = [(500, 50), (1750, 50), (2450, 50), (3350, 50), (5000, 50)]
anIY = [(330, 50), (2000, 50), (2800, 50), (3650, 50), (5000, 50)]
anO2 = [(400, 50), (840, 50), (2800, 50), (3250, 50), (4500, 50)]

-- new filters

-- | Analog-like low-pass filter
-- > alpf1 centerFrequency resonance asig
alp1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
alp1 freq reson asig = mvclpf1 asig freq reson

-- | Analog-like low-pass filter
-- > alpf2 centerFrequency resonance asig
alp2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
alp2 freq reson asig = mvclpf2 asig freq reson

-- | Analog-like low-pass filter
-- > alpf3 centerFrequency resonance asig
alp3 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
alp3 freq reson asig = mvclpf3 asig freq reson

-- | Analog-like low-pass filter
-- > alpf4 centerFrequency resonance asig
-- Analog outputs
-- * asig1 -- 6dB/oct low-pass response output.
-- * asig2 -- 12dB/oct low-pass response output.
-- * asig3 -- 18dB/oct low-pass response output..
-- * asig4 -- 24dB/oct low-pass response output.
alp4 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> (Sig, Sig, Sig, Sig)
alp4 freq reson asig = mvclpf4 asig freq reson

-- | Analog-like high-pass filter
-- > ahp centerFrequency asig
ahp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
ahp freq asig = mvchpf asig freq

-- named filters

-- classic filters

-- low pass

-- | Chebyshev  type I low pass filter (with 2 poles).
-- lpCheb1 centerFreq asig
lpCheb1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lpCheb1 = lpCheb1' 2

-- | Chebyshev  type I low pass filter (with given number of poles, first argument).
-- lpCheb1' npols centerFreq asig
lpCheb1' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lpCheb1' npoles kcf asig = clfilt asig kcf 0 npoles `withD` 1

-- | Chebyshev  type II low pass filter (with 2 poles).
-- lpCheb2 centerFreq asig
lpCheb2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lpCheb2 = lpCheb2' 2

-- | Chebyshev  type II low pass filter (with given number of poles, first argument).
-- lpCheb2' npols centerFreq asig
lpCheb2' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lpCheb2' npoles kcf asig = clfilt asig kcf 0 npoles `withD` 2

-- | Butterworth lowpass filter based on clfilt opcode (with 2 poles).
-- clp centerFreq asig
clp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
clp = clp' 2

-- | Butterworth lowpass filter based on clfilt opcode (with given number of poles, first argument).
-- clp' npols centerFreq asig
clp' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
clp' npoles kcf asig = clfilt asig kcf 0 npoles `withD` 0

-- high pass

-- | Chebyshev  type I high pass filter (with 2 poles).
-- hpCheb1 centerFreq asig
hpCheb1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hpCheb1 = hpCheb1' 2

-- | Chebyshev  type I high pass filter (with given number of poles, first argument).
-- hpCheb1' npols centerFreq asig
hpCheb1' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hpCheb1' npoles kcf asig = clfilt asig kcf 1 npoles `withD` 1

-- | Chebyshev  type II high pass filter (with 2 poles).
-- hpCheb2 centerFreq asig
hpCheb2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hpCheb2 = hpCheb2' 2

-- | Chebyshev  type II high pass filter (with given number of poles, first argument).
-- hpCheb2' npols centerFreq asig
hpCheb2' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hpCheb2' npoles kcf asig = clfilt asig kcf 1 npoles `withD` 2

-- | Butterworth high pass filter based on clfilt opcode (with 2 poles).
-- chp centerFreq asig
chp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
chp = clp' 2

-- | Butterworth high pass filter based on clfilt opcode (with given number of poles, first argument).
-- chp' npols centerFreq asig
chp' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
chp' npoles kcf asig = clfilt asig kcf 1 npoles `withD` 0

-- band-pass

mkBp :: FlatFilter -> FlatFilter -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
mkBp lowPass highPass cfq bw asig = highPass (cfq - rad) $ lowPass (cfq + rad) asig
    where rad = bw / 2

bpCheb1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bpCheb1 = bpCheb1' 2

bpCheb1' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bpCheb1' npoles = mkBp (lpCheb1' npoles) (hpCheb1' npoles)

bpCheb2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bpCheb2 = bpCheb2' 2

bpCheb2' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bpCheb2' npoles = mkBp (lpCheb2' npoles) (hpCheb2' npoles)

cbp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
cbp = cbp' 2

cbp' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
cbp' npoles = mkBp (clp' npoles) (chp' npoles)

-- resonant filters

mkReson :: FlatFilter -> FlatFilter -> ResonFilter
mkReson lowPass highPass kcf res asig = 0.5 * (lowPass (kcf * 2) asig + bandPass bw kcf asig)
        bw = kcf / (0.001 + abs res)
        bandPass = mkBp lowPass highPass

cheb1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
cheb1 = cheb1' 2

cheb1' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
cheb1' npoles = mkReson (lpCheb1' npoles) (hpCheb1' npoles)

cheb2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
cheb2 = cheb2' 2

cheb2' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
cheb2' npoles = mkReson (lpCheb2' npoles) (hpCheb2' npoles)

vcf :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
vcf = cbp' 2

vcf' :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
vcf' npoles = mkReson (clp' npoles) (chp' npoles)

-- moog ladder

-- | Moog ladder filter
-- > ladder centerFreq q asig
ladder :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
ladder kcf res asig = moogladder asig kcf res

-- named filters

-- | plastic sound
-- > plastic centerFreq q asig
plastic :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
plastic kcf res asig = rezzy asig kcf (1 + 99 * res)

-- | wobble sound
-- > wobble centerFreq q asig
wobble :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
wobble kcf res asig = lowres asig kcf res

-- | trumpy sound
-- > trumpy centerFreq q asig
trumpy :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
trumpy kcf res asig = vlowres asig kcf (res* 0.15) 6 (4 + res * 20)

-- | harsh sound
-- > harsh centerFreq q asig
harsh :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
harsh kcf res asig = bat (\x -> bqrez x kcf (1 + 90 * res)) asig


-- | Fixed version of tbfcv filter
-- the first argument is distortion (range [0, 1])
tbf :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
tbf dist kcf res asig = tbvcf asig (1010 + kcf) res (0.5 + 3.5 * dist) 0.5

-- state variable filter

-- | State variable low-pass filter
slp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
slp kcf res asig = lows
    where (_, lows, _, _) = statevar asig kcf res

-- | State variable high-pass filter
shp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
shp kcf res asig = highs
    where (highs, _, _, _) = statevar asig kcf res

-- | State variable band-pass filter
sbp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
sbp kcf res asig = mids
    where (_, _, mids, _) = statevar asig kcf res

-- | State variable band-reject filter
sbr :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
sbr kcf res asig = sides
    where (_, _, _, sides) = statevar asig kcf res

multiStatevar :: (Sig, Sig, Sig) -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
multiStatevar (weightLows, wieghtHighs, weightMids) kcf res asig = weightLows * lows + wieghtHighs * highs + weightMids * mids
    where (highs, lows, mids, _) = statevar asig kcf res

multiSvfilter :: (Sig, Sig, Sig) -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
multiSvfilter (weightLows, wieghtHighs, weightMids) kcf res asig = weightLows * lows + wieghtHighs * highs + weightMids * mids
    where (highs, lows, mids) = svfilter asig kcf res


-- | Zero-delay feedback implementation of 1 pole filter.
-- ouputs low-pass and high-pass signals.
-- > zdf1 centerFreq asig = (alp, ahp)
zdf1 :: Sig -> Sig -> (Sig, Sig)
zdf1 cfq asig = zdf_1pole_mode asig cfq

-- | Zero-delay feedback implementation of 1 pole low-pass filter.
-- > zlp1 centerFreq asig
zlp1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zlp1 cfq asig = zdf_1pole asig cfq `withSig` 0

-- | Zero-delay feedback implementation of 1 pole high-pass filter.
-- > zhp1 centerFreq asig
zhp1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zhp1 cfq asig = zdf_1pole asig cfq `withSig` 1

-- | Zero-delay feedback implementation of 1 pole allpass filter.
-- > zap1 centerFreq asig
zap1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zap1 cfq asig = zdf_1pole asig cfq `withSig` 2

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole filter
-- > zdf2 centerFreq q asig = (alp, abp, ahp)
zdf2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> (Sig, Sig, Sig)
zdf2 cfq q asig = zdf_2pole_mode asig cfq (uon 0.5 25 q)

zpole2 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zpole2 n cfq q asig = zdf_2pole asig cfq (uon 0.5 25 q) `withSig` n

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole Low pass filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zlp centerFreq q asig
zlp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zlp = zpole2 0

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole High pass filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zhp centerFreq q asig
zhp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zhp = zpole2 1

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole Band pass. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zbp centerFreq q asig
zbp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zbp = zpole2 2

-- | Unity-gain bandpass (zero delay feedback 2 pole). Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zubp centerFreq q asig
zubp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zubp = zpole2 3

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole Notch (band reject). Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zbr centerFreq q asig
zbr :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zbr = zpole2 4

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole Allpass filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zap centerFreq q asig
zap :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zap = zpole2 5

-- | zero delay feedback 2 pole Peak filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zpeak centerFreq q asig
zpeak :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zpeak = zpole2 6

-- |  Zero-delay feedback implementation of 4 pole ladder filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > zladder centerFreq q asig
zladder :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
zladder cfq q asig = zdf_ladder asig cfq (uon 0.5 25 q)

-- |  Zero-delay feedback implementation of 4 pole diode ladder filter  (24 dB/oct) .
-- This filter design was originally used in the EMS VCS3 and was the resonant filter in the Roland TB-303.
-- * Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- * saturation - amount to use for non-linear processing. Values > 1 increase the steepness of the NLP curve.
-- > diode saturation centerFreq q asig
diode :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
diode isaturation cfq fbk asig = diode_ladder asig cfq (17 * fbk)  `withDs` [1, isaturation]

-- | Faster diode, but lesser quality
-- > fdiode saturation centerFreq q asig
fdiode :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
fdiode isaturation cfq fbk asig = diode_ladder asig cfq (17 * fbk) `withDs` [2, isaturation]

-- | Linear diode, no saturation involved
-- > linDiode centerFreq q asig
linDiode :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
linDiode cfq fbk asig = diode_ladder asig cfq (17 * fbk)  `withDs` [0]

-- | Korg35 resonant low-pass filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > korg_lp saturation centerFreq q asig
korg_lp :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
korg_lp isaturation cfq q asig = k35_lpf asig cfq (uon 1 10 q) `withDs` [1, isaturation]

-- | Korg35 resonant high-pass filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > korg_hp saturation centerFreq q asig
korg_hp :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
korg_hp isaturation cfq q asig = k35_hpf asig cfq (uon 1 10 q) `withDs` [1, isaturation]

-- | Korg35 resonant band-pass filter. Q is unipolar [0, 1]
-- > korg_bp saturation centerFreq q asig
korg_bp :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
korg_bp isaturation cfq q asig = korg_hp isaturation cfq q $ korg_lp isaturation cfq q asig

-- | Linear Korg35 resonant low-pass filter
-- > linKorg_lp centerFreq q asig
linKorg_lp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
linKorg_lp cfq q asig = k35_lpf asig cfq (uon 1 10 q) `withDs` [0]

-- | Linear Korg35 resonant high-pass filter
-- > linKorg_hp centerFreq q asig
linKorg_hp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
linKorg_hp cfq q asig = k35_hpf asig cfq (uon 1 10 q) `withDs` [0]

-- Linear Korg35 resonant band-pass filter
linKorg_bp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
linKorg_bp cfq q asig = linKorg_hp cfq q $ linKorg_lp cfq q asig

-- | Alias for korg_lp
klp :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
klp = korg_lp

-- | Alias for korg_hp
khp :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
khp = korg_hp

-- | Alias for korg_bp
kbp :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
kbp = korg_bp