{- |
    Module      : $Header$
    Description : Representation of FlatCurry.
    Copyright   : (c) Michael Hanus  2003
                      Martin Engelke 2004
                      Bernd Brassel  2005
    License     : BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  : bjp@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   : experimental
    Portability : portable

    This module contains a definition for representing FlatCurry programs
    in Haskell in type 'Prog'.

module Curry.FlatCurry.Type
  ( -- * Representation of qualified names and (type) variables
    QName, VarIndex, TVarIndex
    -- * Data types for FlatCurry
  , Visibility (..), Prog (..), TypeDecl (..), TypeExpr (..)
  , ConsDecl (..), OpDecl (..), Fixity (..)
  , FuncDecl (..), Rule (..), Expr (..), Literal (..)
  , CombType (..), CaseType (..), BranchExpr (..), Pattern (..)
  ) where

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Qualified names
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Qualified names.
-- In FlatCurry all names are qualified to avoid name clashes.
-- The first component is the module name and the second component the
-- unqualified name as it occurs in the source program.
type QName = (String, String)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Variable representation
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Representation of variables.
type VarIndex = Int

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- FlatCurry representation
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Visibility of various entities.
data Visibility
  = Public    -- ^ public (exported) entity
  | Private   -- ^ private entity
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |A FlatCurry module.
-- A value of this data type has the form
-- @Prog modname imports typedecls functions opdecls@
-- where
-- [@modname@]   Name of this module
-- [@imports@]   List of modules names that are imported
-- [@typedecls@] Type declarations
-- [@funcdecls@] Function declarations
-- [@ opdecls@]  Operator declarations
data Prog = Prog String [String] [TypeDecl] [FuncDecl] [OpDecl]
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Declaration of algebraic data type or type synonym.
-- A data type declaration of the form
-- @data t x1...xn = ...| c t1....tkc |...@
-- is represented by the FlatCurry term
-- @Type t [i1,...,in] [...(Cons c kc [t1,...,tkc])...]@
-- where each @ij@ is the index of the type variable @xj@
-- /Note:/ The type variable indices are unique inside each type declaration
--         and are usually numbered from 0.
-- Thus, a data type declaration consists of the name of the data type,
-- a list of type parameters and a list of constructor declarations.
data TypeDecl
  = Type    QName Visibility [TVarIndex] [ConsDecl]
  | TypeSyn QName Visibility [TVarIndex] TypeExpr
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Type variables are represented by @(TVar i)@ where @i@ is a
-- type variable index.
type TVarIndex = Int

-- |A constructor declaration consists of the name and arity of the
-- constructor and a list of the argument types of the constructor.
data ConsDecl = Cons QName Int Visibility [TypeExpr]
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Type expressions.
-- A type expression is either a type variable, a function type,
-- or a type constructor application.
-- /Note:/ the names of the predefined type constructors are
-- @Int@, @Float@, @Bool@, @Char@, @IO@, @Success@,
-- @()@ (unit type), @(,...,)@ (tuple types), @[]@ (list type)
data TypeExpr
  = TVar        TVarIndex            -- ^ type variable
  | FuncType    TypeExpr TypeExpr    -- ^ function type @t1 -> t2@
  | TCons QName [TypeExpr]           -- ^ type constructor application
  | ForallType  [TVarIndex] TypeExpr -- ^ forall type
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Operator declarations.
-- An operator declaration @fix p n@ in Curry corresponds to the
-- FlatCurry term @(Op n fix p)@.
-- /Note:/ the constructor definition of 'Op' differs from the original
-- PAKCS definition using Haskell type 'Integer' instead of 'Int'
-- for representing the precedence.
data OpDecl = Op QName Fixity Integer
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Fixity of an operator.
data Fixity
  = InfixOp  -- ^ non-associative infix operator
  | InfixlOp -- ^ left-associative infix operator
  | InfixrOp -- ^ right-associative infix operator
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Data type for representing function declarations.
-- A function declaration in FlatCurry is a term of the form
-- @(Func name arity type (Rule [i_1,...,i_arity] e))@
-- and represents the function "name" with definition
-- @
-- name :: type
-- name x_1...x_arity = e
-- @
-- where each @i_j@ is the index of the variable @x_j@
-- /Note:/ The variable indices are unique inside each function declaration
--         and are usually numbered from 0.
-- External functions are represented as
-- @Func name arity type (External s)@
-- where s is the external name associated to this function.
-- Thus, a function declaration consists of the name, arity, type, and rule.
data FuncDecl = Func QName Int Visibility TypeExpr Rule
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |A rule is either a list of formal parameters together with an expression
-- or an 'External' tag.
data Rule
  = Rule [VarIndex] Expr
  | External String
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Data type for representing expressions.
-- Remarks:
-- 1.if-then-else expressions are represented as function calls:
--   @(if e1 then e2 else e3)@
--   is represented as
--   @(Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","if_then_else") [e1,e2,e3])@
-- 2.Higher order applications are represented as calls to the (external)
--   function @apply@. For instance, the rule
--   @app f x = f x@
--   is represented as
--   @(Rule  [0,1] (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","apply") [Var 0, Var 1]))@
-- 3.A conditional rule is represented as a call to an external function
--   @cond@ where the first argument is the condition (a constraint).
--   For instance, the rule
--   @equal2 x | x=:=2 = success@
--   is represented as
--   @
--   (Rule [0]
--       (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","cond")
--             [Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","=:=") [Var 0, Lit (Intc 2)],
--             Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","success") []]))
--   @
-- 4.Functions with evaluation annotation @choice@ are represented
--   by a rule whose right-hand side is enclosed in a call to the
--   external function @Prelude.commit@.
--   Furthermore, all rules of the original definition must be
--   represented by conditional expressions (i.e., (cond [c,e]))
--   after pattern matching.
--   Example:
--   @
--   m eval choice
--   m [] y = y
--   m x [] = x
--   @
--   is translated into (note that the conditional branches can be also
--   wrapped with Free declarations in general):
--   @
--   Rule [0,1]
--     (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","commit")
--       [Or (Case Rigid (Var 0)
--             [(Pattern ("Prelude","[]") []
--                 (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","cond")
--                       [Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","success") [],
--                         Var 1]))] )
--           (Case Rigid (Var 1)
--             [(Pattern ("Prelude","[]") []
--                 (Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","cond")
--                       [Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","success") [],
--                         Var 0]))] )])
--   @
--   Operational meaning of @(Prelude.commit e)@:
--   evaluate @e@ with local search spaces and commit to the first
--   @(Comb FuncCall ("Prelude","cond") [c,ge])@ in @e@ whose constraint @c@
--   is satisfied
data Expr
  -- |Variable, represented by unique index
  = Var VarIndex
  -- |Literal (Integer/Float/Char constant)
  | Lit Literal
  -- |Application @(f e1 ... en)@ of function/constructor @f@
  --  with @n <= arity f@
  | Comb CombType QName [Expr]
  -- |Introduction of free local variables for an expression
  | Free [VarIndex] Expr
  -- |Local let-declarations
  | Let [(VarIndex, Expr)] Expr
  -- |Disjunction of two expressions
  -- (resulting from overlapping left-hand sides)
  | Or Expr Expr
  -- |case expression
  | Case CaseType Expr [BranchExpr]
  -- |typed expression
  | Typed Expr TypeExpr
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Data type for representing literals.
-- A literal  is either an integer, a float, or a character constant.
-- /Note:/ The constructor definition of 'Intc' differs from the original
-- PAKCS definition. It uses Haskell type 'Integer' instead of 'Int'
-- to provide an unlimited range of integer numbers. Furthermore,
-- float values are represented with Haskell type 'Double' instead of
-- 'Float'.
data Literal
  = Intc   Integer
  | Floatc Double
  | Charc  Char
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Data type for classifying combinations
-- (i.e., a function/constructor applied to some arguments).
data CombType
  -- |a call to a function where all arguments are provided
  = FuncCall
  -- |a call with a constructor at the top, all arguments are provided
  | ConsCall
  -- |a partial call to a function (i.e., not all arguments are provided)
  --  where the parameter is the number of missing arguments
  | FuncPartCall Int
  -- |a partial call to a constructor along with number of missing arguments
  | ConsPartCall Int
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Classification of case expressions, either flexible or rigid.
data CaseType
  = Rigid
  | Flex
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Branches in a case expression.
-- Branches @(m.c x1...xn) -> e@ in case expressions are represented as
-- @(Branch (Pattern (m,c) [i1,...,in]) e)@
-- where each @ij@ is the index of the pattern variable @xj@, or as
-- @(Branch (LPattern (Intc i)) e)@
-- for integers as branch patterns (similarly for other literals
-- like float or character constants).
data BranchExpr = Branch Pattern Expr
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Patterns in case expressions.
data Pattern
  = Pattern QName [VarIndex]
  | LPattern Literal
    deriving (Eq, Read, Show)