module Darcs.Patch.Read ( ReadPatch(..),
readPatch, readPatchPartial,
bracketedFL, peekfor,
readFileName )
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( dropSpace, unpackPSFromUTF8, decodeLocale )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, null)
import Darcs.Patch.Bracketed ( Bracketed(..), unBracketedFL )
import Darcs.Util.Path ( FileName, fp2fn, decodeWhite )
import Darcs.Patch.Format ( PatchListFormat(..), ListFormat(..), FileNameFormat(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads (ParserM,
choice, lexChar, lexString,
checkConsumes )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..), RL, reverseFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), mapSeal )
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
import Control.Monad ( mzero )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( ByteString, pack )
class ReadPatch p where
:: ParserM m => m (Sealed (p wX))
readPatchPartial :: ReadPatch p => B.ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (p wX), B.ByteString)
readPatchPartial ps
= case parseStrictly readPatch' ps of
Just (p, ps') -> Just (p, ps')
_ -> Nothing
readPatch :: ReadPatch p => B.ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (p wX))
readPatch ps
= case readPatchPartial ps of
Just (p, ps') | B.null (dropSpace ps') -> Just p
_ -> Nothing
instance ReadPatch p => ReadPatch (Bracketed p) where
readPatch' = mapSeal Braced <$> bracketedFL readPatch' '{' '}'
mapSeal Parens <$> bracketedFL readPatch' '(' ')'
mapSeal Singleton <$> readPatch'
instance (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p) => ReadPatch (FL p) where
| ListFormatV1 <- patchListFormat :: ListFormat p
= mapSeal unBracketedFL <$> readPatch'
| ListFormatV2 <- patchListFormat :: ListFormat p
= mapSeal unBracketedFL <$> readPatch'
| otherwise
= read_patches
where read_patches :: ParserM m => m (Sealed (FL p wX))
read_patches = do
mp <- (Just <$> checkConsumes readPatch') <|> return Nothing
case mp of
Just (Sealed p) -> do
Sealed ps <- read_patches
return $ Sealed (p:>:ps)
Nothing -> return $ Sealed NilFL
instance (ReadPatch p, PatchListFormat p) => ReadPatch (RL p) where
readPatch' = mapSeal reverseFL <$> readPatch'
{-# INLINE bracketedFL #-}
bracketedFL :: forall p m wX . (ParserM m) =>
(forall wY . m (Sealed (p wY))) -> Char -> Char -> m (Sealed (FL p wX))
bracketedFL parser pre post =
peekforc pre bfl mzero
where bfl :: forall wZ . m (Sealed (FL p wZ))
bfl = peekforc post (return $ Sealed NilFL)
(do Sealed p <- parser
Sealed ps <- bfl
return $ Sealed (p:>:ps))
{-# INLINE peekforc #-}
peekforc :: ParserM m => Char -> m a -> m a -> m a
peekforc c ifstr ifnot = choice [ lexChar c >> ifstr
, ifnot ]
peekfor :: ParserM m => BC.ByteString -> m a -> m a -> m a
peekfor ps ifstr ifnot = choice [ do lexString ps
, ifnot ]
{-# INLINE peekfor #-}
readFileName :: FileNameFormat -> B.ByteString -> FileName
readFileName OldFormat = fp2fn . decodeWhite . decodeLocale . BC.pack . unpackPSFromUTF8
readFileName NewFormat = fp2fn . decodeWhite . decodeLocale
readFileName UserFormat = error "readFileName called with UserFormat"