{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Darcs.Patch.Annotate
, annotateDirectory
, format
, machineFormat
, AnnotateResult
, Annotate(..)
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Control.Monad.State ( modify, modify', when, gets, State, execState )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Function ( on )
import Data.List( nub, groupBy )
import Data.Maybe( isJust, mapMaybe )
import qualified Darcs.Patch.Prim.FileUUID as FileUUID
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo(..), displayPatchInfo, piAuthor, makePatchname )
import Darcs.Patch.Named ( Named(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped ( WrappedNamed(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd( info, PatchInfoAnd, hopefully )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Core ( Prim(..), DirPatchType(..), FilePatchType(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.TokenReplace ( annotateReplace )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
import Darcs.Util.Path ( FileName, movedirfilename, fn2ps, ps2fn )
import Darcs.Util.Printer( renderString )
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( linesPS, decodeLocale )
data FileOrDirectory = File
| Directory
deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnotateResult = V.Vector (Maybe PatchInfo, B.ByteString)
data Annotated = Annotated
{ annotated :: !AnnotateResult
, current :: ![(Int, B.ByteString)]
, path :: (Maybe FileName)
, what :: FileOrDirectory
, currentInfo :: PatchInfo
} deriving Show
type AnnotatedM = State Annotated
class Annotate p where
annotate :: p wX wY -> AnnotatedM ()
instance Annotate Prim where
annotate (FP fn fp) = case fp of
RmFile -> do
whenPathIs fn $ modify' (\s -> s { path = Nothing })
whenWhatIs Directory $ updateDirectory fn
AddFile -> return ()
Hunk off o n -> whenPathIs fn $ whenWhatIs File $ do
let remove = length o
let add = length n
i <- gets currentInfo
c <- gets current
a <- gets annotated
modify' $ \s ->
let (to,from) = splitAt (off-1) c
in s { current = map eval $ to ++ replicate add (-1, B.empty) ++ drop remove from
, annotated = merge i a $ map eval $ take remove $ from
TokReplace t o n -> whenPathIs fn $ whenWhatIs File $ do
let test = annotateReplace t (BC.pack o) (BC.pack n)
i <- gets currentInfo
c <- gets current
a <- gets annotated
modify' $ \s -> s
{ current = map (\(ix,b)->if test b then (-1,B.empty) else (ix,b)) c
, annotated = merge i a $ map eval $ filter (test . snd) $ c
Binary _ _ -> whenPathIs fn $ bug "annotate: can't handle binary changes"
annotate (DP _ AddDir) = return ()
annotate (DP fn RmDir) = whenWhatIs Directory $ do
whenPathIs fn $ modify' (\s -> s { path = Nothing })
updateDirectory fn
annotate (Move fn fn') = do
modify' (\s -> s { path = fmap (movedirfilename fn fn') (path s) })
whenWhatIs Directory $ do
let fix (i, x) = (i, fn2ps $ movedirfilename fn fn' (ps2fn x))
modify $ \s -> s { current = map fix $ current s }
annotate (ChangePref _ _ _) = return ()
instance Annotate FileUUID.Prim where
annotate _ = bug "annotate not implemented for FileUUID patches"
instance Annotate p => Annotate (FL p) where
annotate = sequence_ . mapFL annotate
instance Annotate p => Annotate (Named p) where
annotate (NamedP _ _ p) = annotate p
instance Annotate p => Annotate (WrappedNamed rt p) where
annotate (NormalP n) = annotate n
annotate (RebaseP _ _) = bug "annotate not implemented for Rebase patches"
instance Annotate p => Annotate (PatchInfoAnd rt p) where
annotate = annotate . hopefully
whenWhatIs :: FileOrDirectory -> AnnotatedM () -> AnnotatedM ()
whenWhatIs w actions = do
w' <- gets what
when (w == w') actions
whenPathIs :: FileName -> AnnotatedM () -> AnnotatedM ()
whenPathIs fn actions = do
p <- gets path
when (p == Just fn) actions
eval :: (Int, B.ByteString) -> (Int, B.ByteString)
eval (i,b) = seq i $ seq b $ (i,b)
merge :: a
-> V.Vector (Maybe a, BC.ByteString)
-> [(Int, t)]
-> V.Vector (Maybe a, BC.ByteString)
merge i a l = a V.// [ (line, (Just i, B.empty))
| (line, _) <- l, line >= 0 && line < V.length a]
updateDirectory :: FileName -> AnnotatedM ()
updateDirectory p = whenWhatIs Directory $ do
let line = fn2ps p
files <- gets current
case filter ((==line) . snd) files of
[match@(ident, _)] -> reannotate ident match line
_ -> return ()
reannotate ident match line =
modify $ \x -> x { annotated = annotated x V.// [ (ident, update line $ currentInfo x) ]
, current = filter (/= match) $ current x }
update line inf = (Just inf, BC.concat [ " -- created as: ", line ])
complete :: Annotated -> Bool
complete x = V.all (isJust . fst) $ annotated x
annotate' :: Annotate p
=> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> Annotated
-> Annotated
annotate' NilFL ann = ann
annotate' (p :>: ps) ann
| complete ann = ann
| otherwise = annotate' ps $ execState (annotate p) (ann { currentInfo = info p })
annotateFile :: Annotate p
=> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> FileName
-> B.ByteString
-> AnnotateResult
annotateFile patches inipath inicontent = annotated $ annotate' patches initial
initial = Annotated { path = Just inipath
, currentInfo = bug "There is no currentInfo."
, current = zip [0..] (linesPS inicontent)
, what = File
, annotated = V.replicate (length $ breakLines inicontent)
(Nothing, B.empty)
annotateDirectory :: Annotate p
=> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> FileName
-> [FileName]
-> AnnotateResult
annotateDirectory patches inipath inicontent = annotated $ annotate' patches initial
initial = Annotated { path = Just inipath
, currentInfo = bug "There is no currentInfo."
, current = zip [0..] (map fn2ps inicontent)
, what = Directory
, annotated = V.replicate (length inicontent) (Nothing, B.empty)
machineFormat :: B.ByteString -> AnnotateResult -> String
machineFormat d a = unlines [ case i of
Just inf -> show $ makePatchname inf
Nothing ->
take 40 ( repeat '0' )
++ " | " ++ BC.unpack line ++ " " ++ BC.unpack add
| ((i, add), line) <- zip (V.toList a) (breakLines d) ]
format :: B.ByteString -> AnnotateResult -> String
format d a = pi_list ++ "\n" ++ numbered
numberedLines = zip [(1 :: Int)..] . lines $ file
prependNum (lnum, annLine) =
let maxDigits = length . show . length $ numberedLines
lnumStr = show lnum
paddingNum = maxDigits - length lnumStr
in replicate paddingNum ' ' ++ lnumStr ++ ": " ++ annLine
numbered = unlines . map prependNum $ numberedLines
pi_list = unlines [ show n ++ ": " ++ renderString (displayPatchInfo i)
| (n :: Int, i) <- zip [1..] pis ]
file = concat [ annotation (fst $ head chunk) ++ " | " ++ line (head chunk) ++
"\n" ++ unlines [ indent 25 (" | " ++ line l) | l <- tail chunk ]
| chunk <- file_ann ]
pis = nub $ mapMaybe fst $ V.toList a
pi_map = M.fromList (zip pis [1 :: Int ..])
file_ann = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ zip (V.toList a) (breakLines d)
line ((_, add), l) = decodeLocale $ BC.concat [l, " ", add]
annotation (Just i, _) | Just n <- M.lookup i pi_map =
pad 20 (piMail i) ++ " " ++ pad 4 ('#' : show n)
annotation _ = pad 25 "unknown"
pad n str = replicate (n - length str) ' ' ++ take n str
indent n str = replicate n ' ' ++ str
piMail pi
| '<' `elem` piAuthor pi = takeWhile (/= '>') . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '<') $ piAuthor pi
| otherwise = piAuthor pi
breakLines :: BC.ByteString -> [BC.ByteString]
breakLines s = case BC.split '\n' s of
[] -> []
split | BC.null (last split) -> init split
| otherwise -> split