{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Darcs.Patch.Depends
( getUncovered
, areUnrelatedRepos
, findCommonAndUncommon
, mergeThem
, findCommonWithThem
, countUsThem
, removeFromPatchSet
, slightlyOptimizePatchset
, getPatchesBeyondTag
, splitOnTag
, patchSetUnion
, patchSetIntersection
, findUncommon
, merge2FL
, getDeps
, SPatchAndDeps
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Prelude hiding ( pi )
import Data.List ( delete, intersect, (\\) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) )
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch )
import Darcs.Patch.Named ( Named (..), patch2patchinfo )
import Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped ( getdeps )
import Darcs.Patch.Choices ( Label, patchChoices, forceFirst
, PatchChoices, unLabel, getChoices
, LabelledPatch, label )
import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( Commute, commute, commuteFL, commuteRL )
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, isTag, displayPatchInfo, piName )
import Darcs.Patch.Merge ( Merge, mergeFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( partitionFL, partitionRL )
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd( PatchInfoAnd, hopefully, hopefullyM, info )
import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet(..), Tagged(..), SealedPatchSet, patchSet2RL,
appendPSFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Progress ( progressRL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Eq ( EqCheck(..), (=\/=), (=/\=) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP, unsafeCoercePStart )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( (:\/:)(..), (:/\:)(..), (:>)(..), Fork(..),
(+>>+), (+<<+), mapFL, RL(..), FL(..), isShorterThanRL,
(+<+), reverseFL, reverseRL, mapRL, lengthFL, splitAtFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed
( Sealed(..), FlippedSeal(..), flipSeal, seal, Sealed2(..), seal2 )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( renderString, vcat )
type SPatchAndDeps p = ( Sealed2 (LabelledPatch (Named p))
, Sealed2 (FL (LabelledPatch (Named p)))
getDeps :: (RepoPatch p) =>
FL (Named p) wA wR -> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY -> [SPatchAndDeps p]
getDeps repoFL getDepsFL =
let repoChoices = patchChoices repoFL
getDepsFL' = mapFL (piName . info) getDepsFL
labelledDeps = getLabelledDeps getDepsFL' repoChoices
map (deps repoChoices) labelledDeps
deps :: (Commute p) => PatchChoices (Named p) wX wY ->
(String,Label) -> SPatchAndDeps p
deps repoChoices (_,l) =
case getChoices $ forceFirst l repoChoices of
(ds :> _) -> let i = lengthFL ds
in case splitAtFL (i-1) ds of
ds' :> (r :>: NilFL) -> (seal2 r, seal2 ds')
_ -> impossible
getLabelledDeps :: (Commute p) => [String] ->
PatchChoices (Named p) x y -> [(String, Label)]
getLabelledDeps patchnames repoChoices =
case getChoices repoChoices of
a :> (b :> c) -> filterDepsFL patchnames a ++
filterDepsFL patchnames b ++
filterDepsFL patchnames c
filterDepsFL :: [String] -> FL (LabelledPatch (Named p)) wX wY ->
[(String, Label)]
filterDepsFL _ NilFL = []
filterDepsFL patchnames (lp :>: lps) =
if fst dep `elem` patchnames
then dep : filterDepsFL patchnames lps
else filterDepsFL patchnames lps
lpTostring :: LabelledPatch (Named p) wA wB -> String
lpTostring = piName . patch2patchinfo . unLabel
dep :: (String, Label)
dep = lpTostring &&& label $ lp
taggedIntersection :: forall rt p wStart wX wY . Commute p
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX -> PatchSet rt p wStart wY ->
Fork (RL (Tagged rt p))
(RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p))
(RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wStart wX wY
taggedIntersection (PatchSet NilRL ps1) s2 = Fork NilRL ps1 (patchSet2RL s2)
taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet NilRL ps2) = Fork NilRL (patchSet2RL s1) ps2
taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet (_ :<: Tagged t _ _) ps2)
| Just (PatchSet ts1 ps1) <- maybeSplitSetOnTag (info t) s1 =
Fork ts1 ps1 (unsafeCoercePStart ps2)
taggedIntersection s1 s2@(PatchSet (ts2 :<: Tagged t _ p) ps2) =
case hopefullyM t of
Just _ -> taggedIntersection s1 (PatchSet ts2 (p :<: t +<+ ps2))
Nothing -> case splitOnTag (info t) s1 of
Just (PatchSet com NilRL :> us) ->
Fork com us (unsafeCoercePStart ps2)
Just _ -> impossible
Nothing -> Fork NilRL (patchSet2RL s1) (patchSet2RL s2)
maybeSplitSetOnTag :: PatchInfo -> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
-> Maybe (PatchSet rt p wStart wX)
maybeSplitSetOnTag t0 origSet@(PatchSet (ts :<: Tagged t _ pst) ps)
| t0 == info t = Just origSet
| otherwise = do
PatchSet ts' ps' <- maybeSplitSetOnTag t0 (PatchSet ts (pst :<: t))
Just $ PatchSet ts' (ps' +<+ ps)
maybeSplitSetOnTag _ _ = Nothing
getPatchesBeyondTag :: Commute p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
-> FlippedSeal (RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wX
getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet (_ :<: Tagged hp _ _) ps) | info hp == t =
flipSeal ps
getPatchesBeyondTag t patchset@(PatchSet ts (ps :<: hp)) =
if info hp == t
then if getUncovered patchset == [info hp]
then flipSeal NilRL
else case splitOnTag t patchset of
Just (_ :> e) -> flipSeal e
_ -> impossible
else case getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet ts ps) of
FlippedSeal xxs -> FlippedSeal (xxs :<: hp)
getPatchesBeyondTag t (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) =
bug $ "tag\n" ++ renderString (displayPatchInfo t)
++ "\nis not in the patchset in getPatchesBeyondTag."
getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet (ts :<: Tagged t _ ps) NilRL) =
getPatchesBeyondTag t0 (PatchSet ts (ps :<: t))
splitOnTag :: Commute p => PatchInfo -> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
-> Maybe ((PatchSet rt p :> RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wStart wX)
splitOnTag t (PatchSet ts@(_ :<: Tagged hp _ _) ps) | info hp == t =
Just $ PatchSet ts NilRL :> ps
splitOnTag t patchset@(PatchSet ts hps@(ps :<: hp)) | info hp == t =
if getUncovered patchset == [t]
then Just $ PatchSet (ts :<: Tagged hp Nothing ps) NilRL :> NilRL
else case partitionRL ((`notElem` (t : ds)) . info) hps of
tagAndDeps@(ds' :<: hp') :> nonDeps ->
if getUncovered (PatchSet ts tagAndDeps) == [t]
then let tagged = Tagged hp' Nothing ds' in
return $ PatchSet (ts :<: tagged) NilRL :> nonDeps
else do
unfolded <- unwrapOneTagged $ PatchSet ts tagAndDeps
xx :> yy <- splitOnTag t unfolded
return $ xx :> (yy +<+ nonDeps)
_ -> impossible
ds = getdeps (hopefully hp)
splitOnTag t (PatchSet ts (ps :<: p)) = do
ns :> x <- splitOnTag t (PatchSet ts ps)
return $ ns :> (x :<: p)
splitOnTag t0 patchset@(PatchSet (_ :<: Tagged _ _ _s) NilRL) =
unwrapOneTagged patchset >>= splitOnTag t0
splitOnTag _ (PatchSet NilRL NilRL) = Nothing
unwrapOneTagged :: PatchSet rt p wX wY -> Maybe (PatchSet rt p wX wY)
unwrapOneTagged (PatchSet (ts :<: Tagged t _ tps) ps) =
Just $ PatchSet ts (tps :<: t +<+ ps)
unwrapOneTagged _ = Nothing
getUncovered :: PatchSet rt p wStart wX -> [PatchInfo]
getUncovered patchset = case patchset of
(PatchSet NilRL ps) -> findUncovered (mapRL infoAndExplicitDeps ps)
(PatchSet (_ :<: Tagged t _ _) ps) ->
findUncovered (mapRL infoAndExplicitDeps (NilRL :<: t +<+ ps))
findUncovered :: [(PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])] -> [PatchInfo]
findUncovered [] = []
findUncovered ((pi, Nothing) : rest) = pi : findUncovered rest
findUncovered ((pi, Just deps) : rest) =
pi : findUncovered (dropDepsIn deps rest)
dropDepsIn :: [PatchInfo] -> [(PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])]
-> [(PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])]
dropDepsIn [] pps = pps
dropDepsIn _ [] = []
dropDepsIn ds (hp : pps)
| fst hp `elem` ds =
let extraDeps = fromMaybe [] $ snd hp in
dropDepsIn (extraDeps ++ delete (fst hp) ds) pps
| otherwise = hp : dropDepsIn ds pps
infoAndExplicitDeps :: PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY
-> (PatchInfo, Maybe [PatchInfo])
infoAndExplicitDeps p
| isTag (info p) = (info p, getdeps `fmap` hopefullyM p)
| otherwise = (info p, Nothing)
slightlyOptimizePatchset :: PatchSet rt p wStart wX -> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
slightlyOptimizePatchset (PatchSet ps0 ts0) =
sops $ PatchSet (prog ps0) ts0
prog = progressRL "Optimizing inventory"
sops :: PatchSet rt p wStart wY -> PatchSet rt p wStart wY
sops patchset@(PatchSet _ NilRL) = patchset
sops patchset@(PatchSet ts (ps :<: hp))
| isTag (info hp) =
if getUncovered patchset == [info hp]
then PatchSet (ts :<: Tagged hp Nothing ps) NilRL
else let ps' = sops $ PatchSet ts (prog ps) in
appendPSFL ps' (hp :>: NilFL)
| otherwise = appendPSFL (sops $ PatchSet ts ps) (hp :>: NilFL)
removeFromPatchSet :: Commute p => FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> PatchSet rt p wStart wY -> Maybe (PatchSet rt p wStart wX)
removeFromPatchSet bad (PatchSet ts ps) | all (`elem` mapRL info ps) (mapFL info bad) = do
ps' <- fastRemoveSubsequenceRL (reverseFL bad) ps
return (PatchSet ts ps')
removeFromPatchSet _ (PatchSet NilRL _) = Nothing
removeFromPatchSet bad (PatchSet (ts :<: Tagged t _ tps) ps) =
removeFromPatchSet bad (PatchSet ts (tps :<: t +<+ ps))
fastRemoveSubsequenceRL :: Commute p
=> RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wY wZ
-> RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wZ
-> Maybe (RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY)
fastRemoveSubsequenceRL NilRL ys = Just ys
fastRemoveSubsequenceRL (xs:<:x) ys = fastRemoveRL x ys >>= fastRemoveSubsequenceRL xs
findCommonAndUncommon :: forall rt p wStart wX wY . Commute p
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX -> PatchSet rt p wStart wY
-> Fork (PatchSet rt p)
(FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p))
(FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wStart wX wY
findCommonAndUncommon us them = case taggedIntersection us them of
Fork common us' them' ->
case partitionFL (infoIn them') $ reverseRL us' of
_ :> bad@(_ :>: _) :> _ ->
bug $ "Failed to commute common patches:\n"
++ renderString
(vcat $ mapRL (displayPatchInfo . info) $ reverseFL bad)
(common2 :> NilFL :> only_ours) ->
case partitionFL (infoIn us') $ reverseRL them' of
_ :> bad@(_ :>: _) :> _ ->
bug $ "Failed to commute common patches:\n"
++ renderString (vcat $
mapRL (displayPatchInfo . info) $ reverseFL bad)
_ :> NilFL :> only_theirs ->
Fork (PatchSet common (reverseFL common2))
only_ours (unsafeCoercePStart only_theirs)
infoIn inWhat = (`elem` mapRL info inWhat) . info
findCommonWithThem :: Commute p
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
-> PatchSet rt p wStart wY
-> (PatchSet rt p :> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wStart wX
findCommonWithThem us them = case taggedIntersection us them of
Fork common us' them' ->
case partitionFL ((`elem` mapRL info them') . info) $ reverseRL us' of
_ :> bad@(_ :>: _) :> _ ->
bug $ "Failed to commute common patches:\n"
++ renderString
(vcat $ mapRL (displayPatchInfo . info) $ reverseFL bad)
common2 :> _nilfl :> only_ours ->
PatchSet common (reverseFL common2) :> unsafeCoerceP only_ours
findUncommon :: Commute p
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX -> PatchSet rt p wStart wY
-> (FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) :\/: FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wX wY
findUncommon us them =
case findCommonWithThem us them of
_common :> us' -> case findCommonWithThem them us of
_ :> them' -> unsafeCoercePStart us' :\/: them'
countUsThem :: Commute p
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
-> PatchSet rt p wStart wY
-> (Int, Int)
countUsThem us them =
case taggedIntersection us them of
Fork _ us' them' -> let uu = mapRL info us'
tt = mapRL info them' in
(length $ uu \\ tt, length $ tt \\ uu)
mergeThem :: (Merge p)
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX -> PatchSet rt p wStart wY
-> Sealed (FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX)
mergeThem us them =
case taggedIntersection us them of
Fork _ us' them' ->
case merge2FL (reverseRL us') (reverseRL them') of
them'' :/\: _ -> Sealed them''
patchSetIntersection :: Commute p
=> [SealedPatchSet rt p wStart]
-> SealedPatchSet rt p wStart
patchSetIntersection [] = seal $ PatchSet NilRL NilRL
patchSetIntersection [x] = x
patchSetIntersection (Sealed y : ys) =
case patchSetIntersection ys of
Sealed z -> case taggedIntersection y z of
Fork common a b -> case mapRL info a `intersect` mapRL info b of
morecommon ->
case partitionRL (\e -> info e `notElem` morecommon) a of
commonps :> _ -> seal $ PatchSet common commonps
patchSetUnion :: (Merge p)
=> [SealedPatchSet rt p wStart]
-> SealedPatchSet rt p wStart
patchSetUnion [] = seal $ PatchSet NilRL NilRL
patchSetUnion [x] = x
patchSetUnion (Sealed y@(PatchSet tsy psy) : Sealed y2 : ys) =
case mergeThem y y2 of
Sealed p2 ->
patchSetUnion $ seal (PatchSet tsy (psy +<+ reverseFL p2)) : ys
merge2FL :: (Merge p)
=> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wZ
-> (FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) :/\: FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wY wZ
merge2FL xs NilFL = NilFL :/\: xs
merge2FL NilFL ys = ys :/\: NilFL
merge2FL xs (y :>: ys) | Just xs' <- fastRemoveFL y xs = merge2FL xs' ys
merge2FL (x :>: xs) ys | Just ys' <- fastRemoveFL x ys = merge2FL xs ys'
| otherwise = case mergeFL (x :\/: ys) of
ys' :/\: x' ->
case merge2FL xs ys' of
ys'' :/\: xs' ->
ys'' :/\: (x' :>: xs')
areUnrelatedRepos :: Commute p
=> PatchSet rt p wStart wX
-> PatchSet rt p wStart wY -> Bool
areUnrelatedRepos us them =
case taggedIntersection us them of
Fork c u t -> checkit c u t
checkit (_ :<: Tagged{}) _ _ = False
checkit _ u t | t `isShorterThanRL` 5 = False
| u `isShorterThanRL` 5 = False
| otherwise = null $ intersect (mapRL info u) (mapRL info t)
fastRemoveFL :: Commute p
=> PatchInfoAnd rt p wX wY
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wZ
-> Maybe (FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wY wZ)
fastRemoveFL _ NilFL = Nothing
fastRemoveFL a (b :>: bs) | IsEq <- a =\/= b = Just bs
| info a `notElem` mapFL info bs = Nothing
fastRemoveFL a (b :>: bs) = do
a' :> bs' <- pullout NilRL bs
a'' :> b' <- commute (b :> a')
IsEq <- return (a'' =\/= a)
Just (b' :>: bs')
i = info a
pullout :: Commute p
=> RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wA wB
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wB wC
-> Maybe ((PatchInfoAnd rt p :> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p)) wA wC)
pullout _ NilFL = Nothing
pullout acc (x :>: xs)
| info x == i = do x' :> acc' <- commuteRL (acc :> x)
Just (x' :> acc' +>>+ xs)
| otherwise = pullout (acc :<: x) xs
fastRemoveRL :: Commute p
=> PatchInfoAnd rt p wY wZ
-> RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wZ
-> Maybe (RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wX wY)
fastRemoveRL _ NilRL = Nothing
fastRemoveRL a (bs :<: b) | IsEq <- b =/\= a = Just bs
| info a `notElem` mapRL info bs = Nothing
fastRemoveRL a (bs :<: b) = do
bs' :> a' <- pullout bs NilFL
b' :> a'' <- commute (a' :> b)
IsEq <- return (a'' =/\= a)
Just (bs' :<: b')
i = info a
pullout :: Commute p
=> RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wA wB
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) wB wC
-> Maybe ((RL (PatchInfoAnd rt p) :> PatchInfoAnd rt p) wA wC)
pullout NilRL _ = Nothing
pullout (xs :<: x) acc
| info x == i = do acc' :> x' <- commuteFL (x :> acc)
Just (xs +<<+ acc' :> x')
| otherwise = pullout xs (x :>: acc)