{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Viewing
( RebaseSelect(..)
, toRebaseSelect, fromRebaseSelect, extractRebaseSelect, reifyRebaseSelect
, partitionUnconflicted
, rsToPia
, WithDroppedDeps(..), WDDNamed, commuterIdWDD
, RebaseChange(..), toRebaseChanges
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( selfCommuter )
import Darcs.Patch.CommuteFn ( CommuteFn, commuterIdFL, commuterRLId, MergeFn
, totalCommuterIdFL
import Darcs.Patch.Conflict
( Conflict(..), CommuteNoConflicts(..)
, IsConflictedPrim
import Darcs.Patch.Debug ( PatchDebug(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Effect ( Effect(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.FileHunk ( IsHunk(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Format ( PatchListFormat(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo )
import Darcs.Patch.Invert ( invertFL, invertRL )
import Darcs.Patch.Matchable ( Matchable )
import Darcs.Patch.Merge ( Merge(..), selfMerger )
import Darcs.Patch.Named
( Named(..), namepatch, infopatch
, mergerIdNamed
, getdeps
, patch2patchinfo, patchcontents
import Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped
( WrappedNamed(..)
import qualified Darcs.Patch.Named.Wrapped as Wrapped
( infopatch, adddeps
import Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd ( PatchInfoAnd, n2pia )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( Apply(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( Commute(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Invert ( Invert(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Inspect ( PatchInspect(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Read ( ReadPatch(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Show ( ShowPatch(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim
( PrimPatch, PrimPatchBase(..), FromPrim(..), FromPrims(..)
import Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Container ( Suspended(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Fixup
( RebaseFixup(..)
, commuteFixupNamed, commuteNamedFixups
, flToNamesPrims
import Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Item ( RebaseItem(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Rebase.Name ( RebaseName(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.RepoType ( RepoType(..), RebaseType(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Show ( ShowPatchBasic(..), ShowPatchFor(..), ShowContextPatch(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Summary ( plainSummary )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Eq
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Show
( Show1(..), Show2(..), ShowDict(ShowDictClass)
, showsPrec2
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP, unsafeCoercePEnd )
import Darcs.Util.IsoDate ( getIsoDateTime )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( ($$), redText, empty, vcat )
import Darcs.Util.Show ( appPrec )
import Data.List ( nub, (\\) )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
data RebaseSelect p wX wY where
RSFwd :: FL (RebaseFixup p) wX wY -> Named p wY wZ -> RebaseSelect p wX wZ
RSRev :: FL (RebaseFixup p) wX wY -> Named p wY wZ -> RebaseSelect p wZ wX
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show (RebaseSelect p wX wY) where
showsPrec d (RSFwd fixups toedit) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "RSFwd " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) fixups .
showString " " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) toedit
showsPrec d (RSRev fixups toedit) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "RSRev " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) fixups .
showString " " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) toedit
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show1 (RebaseSelect p wX) where
showDict1 = ShowDictClass
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show2 (RebaseSelect p) where
showDict2 = ShowDictClass
data RebaseChange p wX wY where
RCFwd :: FL (RebaseFixup p) wX wY -> FL p wY wZ -> RebaseChange p wX wZ
RCRev :: FL (RebaseFixup p) wX wY -> FL p wY wZ -> RebaseChange p wZ wX
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show1 (RebaseChange p wX) where
showDict1 = ShowDictClass
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show2 (RebaseChange p) where
showDict2 = ShowDictClass
instance (Show2 p, Show2 (PrimOf p)) => Show (RebaseChange p wX wY) where
showsPrec d (RCFwd fixups changes) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "RCFwd " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) fixups .
showString " " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) changes
showsPrec d (RCRev fixups changes) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "RCRev " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) fixups .
showString " " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) changes
rsToPia :: RebaseSelect p wX wY -> Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd ('RepoType 'NoRebase) p)
rsToPia (RSFwd _ toEdit) = Sealed2 (n2pia (NormalP toEdit))
rsToPia (RSRev _ toEdit) = Sealed2 (n2pia (NormalP toEdit))
instance PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (RebaseSelect p) where
type PrimOf (RebaseSelect p) = PrimOf p
instance PatchDebug p => PatchDebug (RebaseSelect p)
instance PatchDebug p => PatchDebug (RebaseChange p)
instance (PrimPatchBase p, Invert p, Apply p, ApplyState p ~ ApplyState (PrimOf p)) => Apply (RebaseSelect p) where
type ApplyState (RebaseSelect p) = ApplyState p
apply (RSFwd fixups toedit) = apply fixups >> apply toedit
apply (RSRev fixups toedit) = apply (invert toedit) >> apply (invertFL fixups)
instance ( PrimPatchBase p, Invert p, Apply p
, ApplyState p ~ ApplyState (PrimOf p)
=> Apply (RebaseChange p) where
type ApplyState (RebaseChange p) = ApplyState p
apply (RCFwd fixups contents) = apply fixups >> apply contents
apply (RCRev fixups contents) = apply (invert contents) >> apply (invertFL fixups)
instance (PrimPatchBase p, Conflict p, CommuteNoConflicts p, Invert p) => Conflict (RebaseSelect p) where
resolveConflicts (RSFwd _ toedit) = resolveConflicts toedit
resolveConflicts (RSRev{}) = impossible
conflictedEffect (RSFwd _ toedit) = conflictedEffect toedit
conflictedEffect (RSRev{}) = impossible
newtype ResolveConflictsResult p wY =
ResolveConflictsResult {
getResolveConflictsResult :: [[Sealed (FL (PrimOf p) wY)]]
newtype ConflictedEffectResult p wY =
ConflictedEffectResult {
getConflictedEffectResult :: [IsConflictedPrim (PrimOf p)]
:: (PrimPatchBase p, Invert p, FromPrim p, Merge p)
=> (forall wX' . FL p wX' wY -> result p wY)
-> RebaseChange p wX wY
-> result p wY
changeAsMerge f (RCFwd fixups changes) =
case flToNamesPrims fixups of
_names :> prims ->
case merge (invert (fromPrims prims) :\/: changes) of
changes' :/\: _ifixups' ->
f (unsafeCoercePEnd changes')
changeAsMerge _ (RCRev _ _) = impossible
( PrimPatchBase p, Invert p, Effect p
, FromPrim p, Merge p, Conflict p, CommuteNoConflicts p
=> Conflict (RebaseChange p) where
resolveConflicts =
getResolveConflictsResult . changeAsMerge (ResolveConflictsResult . resolveConflicts)
conflictedEffect =
getConflictedEffectResult . changeAsMerge (ConflictedEffectResult . conflictedEffect)
instance (PrimPatchBase p, Invert p, Effect p) => Effect (RebaseSelect p) where
effect (RSFwd fixups toedit) =
concatFL (mapFL_FL effect fixups) +>+ effect toedit
effect (RSRev fixups toedit) = invertRL . reverseFL . effect $ RSFwd fixups toedit
instance (PrimPatchBase p, Invert p, Effect p) => Effect (RebaseChange p) where
effect (RCFwd fixups changes) =
concatFL (mapFL_FL effect fixups) +>+ effect changes
effect (RCRev fixups changes) =
invertRL . reverseFL . effect $ RCFwd fixups changes
instance (PrimPatchBase p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (RebaseSelect p) where
showPatch f (RSFwd fixups toedit) =
showPatch f (Items (mapFL_FL Fixup fixups +>+ ToEdit toedit :>: NilFL))
showPatch _ (RSRev {}) = impossible
instance (PrimPatchBase p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowContextPatch (RebaseSelect p) where
showContextPatch f p = return $ showPatch f p
instance (PrimPatchBase p, ShowPatchBasic p)
=> ShowPatchBasic (RebaseChange p) where
showPatch ForStorage _ = impossible
showPatch ForDisplay (RCFwd fixups contents) =
vcat (mapFL (showPatch ForDisplay) contents) $$
(if nullFL fixups
then empty
redText "" $$
redText "conflicts:" $$
redText "" $$
vcat (mapRL showFixup (invertFL fixups))
showFixup (PrimFixup p) = showPatch ForDisplay p
showFixup (NameFixup n) = showPatch ForDisplay n
showPatch _ (RCRev {}) = impossible
instance (PrimPatchBase p, PatchListFormat p, Apply p, CommuteNoConflicts p, Conflict p, IsHunk p, ShowPatch p)
=> ShowPatch (RebaseSelect p) where
description (RSFwd _ toedit) = description toedit
description (RSRev _ _toedit) = impossible
summary = summaryFL . fromRebaseSelect . (:>: NilFL)
summaryFL = summaryFL . fromRebaseSelect
( PrimPatchBase p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p
, Invert p, Effect p, Merge p, FromPrim p
, Conflict p, CommuteNoConflicts p
=> ShowPatch (RebaseChange p) where
summary = plainSummary
summaryFL = plainSummary
( PrimPatchBase p, ShowPatchBasic p)
=> ShowContextPatch (RebaseChange p) where
showContextPatch f p = return $ showPatch f p
instance ReadPatch (RebaseSelect p) where
readPatch' = error "can't read RebaseSelect patches"
instance ReadPatch (RebaseChange p) where
readPatch' = error "can't read RebaseChange patches"
toRebaseSelect :: PrimPatchBase p => FL (RebaseItem p) wX wY -> FL (RebaseSelect p) wX wY
fromRebaseSelect :: FL (RebaseSelect p) wX wY -> FL (RebaseItem p) wX wY
fromRebaseSelect NilFL = NilFL
fromRebaseSelect (RSFwd fixups toedit :>: ps)
= mapFL_FL Fixup fixups +>+ ToEdit toedit :>: fromRebaseSelect ps
fromRebaseSelect (RSRev {} :>: _) = impossible
toRebaseSelect NilFL = NilFL
toRebaseSelect (Fixup f :>: ps) =
case toRebaseSelect ps of
RSFwd fixups toedit :>: rest -> RSFwd (f :>: fixups) toedit :>: rest
NilFL -> bug "rebase chain with Fixup at end"
_ -> impossible
toRebaseSelect (ToEdit te :>: ps) = RSFwd NilFL te :>: toRebaseSelect ps
:: PrimPatchBase p
=> FL (RebaseItem p) wX wY
-> FL (PatchInfoAnd ('RepoType 'IsRebase) (RebaseChange p)) wX wY
toRebaseChanges = mapFL_FL toChange . toRebaseSelect
toChange :: RebaseSelect p wX wY -> PatchInfoAnd rt (RebaseChange p) wX wY
toChange (RSFwd fixups named) =
n2pia $
flip Wrapped.adddeps (getdeps named) $
Wrapped.infopatch (patch2patchinfo named) $
(:>: NilFL) $
RCFwd fixups (patchcontents named)
toChange (RSRev fixups named) =
n2pia $
flip Wrapped.adddeps (getdeps named) $
Wrapped.infopatch (patch2patchinfo named) $
(:>: NilFL) $
RCRev fixups (patchcontents named)
instance PrimPatch (PrimOf p) => PrimPatchBase (RebaseChange p) where
type PrimOf (RebaseChange p) = PrimOf p
instance Invert (RebaseSelect p) where
invert (RSFwd fixups edit) = RSRev fixups edit
invert (RSRev fixups edit) = RSFwd fixups edit
instance Invert (RebaseChange p) where
invert (RCFwd fixups contents) = RCRev fixups contents
invert (RCRev fixups contents) = RCFwd fixups contents
instance (PrimPatchBase p, Commute p, Eq2 p) => Eq2 (RebaseSelect p) where
RSFwd fixups1 edit1 =\/= RSFwd fixups2 edit2
| IsEq <- fixups1 =\/= fixups2, IsEq <- edit1 =\/= edit2 = IsEq
RSRev fixups1 edit1 =\/= RSRev fixups2 edit2
| IsEq <- edit1 =/\= edit2, IsEq <- fixups1 =/\= fixups2 = IsEq
_ =\/= _ = impossible
instance (PrimPatchBase p, FromPrim p, Effect p, Commute p, Invert p) => Commute (RebaseSelect p) where
commute (RSFwd {} :> RSRev {}) = impossible
commute (RSRev {} :> RSFwd {}) = impossible
commute (RSRev fixups1 edit1 :> RSRev fixups2 edit2) =
do RSFwd fixups1' edit1' :> RSFwd fixups2' edit2'
<- commute (RSFwd fixups2 edit2 :> RSFwd fixups1 edit1)
return (RSRev fixups2' edit2' :> RSRev fixups1' edit1')
commute (RSFwd fixups1 edit1 :> RSFwd fixups2 edit2)
= do
fixups2' :> edit1' <- commuteNamedFixups (edit1 :> fixups2)
edit2' :> edit1'' <- commute (edit1' :> edit2)
fixupsS :> (fixups2'' :> edit2'') :> fixups1' <- return $ pushThrough (fixups1 :> (fixups2' :> edit2'))
return (RSFwd (fixupsS +>+ fixups2'') edit2'' :> RSFwd fixups1' edit1'')
instance Commute (RebaseChange p) where
commute _ = impossible
instance (PrimPatchBase p, PatchInspect p) => PatchInspect (RebaseSelect p) where
listTouchedFiles (RSFwd fixup toedit) = nub (listTouchedFiles fixup ++ listTouchedFiles toedit)
listTouchedFiles (RSRev fixup toedit) = nub (listTouchedFiles fixup ++ listTouchedFiles toedit)
hunkMatches f (RSFwd fixup toedit) = hunkMatches f fixup || hunkMatches f toedit
hunkMatches f (RSRev fixup toedit) = hunkMatches f fixup || hunkMatches f toedit
instance (PrimPatchBase p, PatchInspect p) => PatchInspect (RebaseChange p) where
listTouchedFiles (RCFwd fixup contents) = nub (listTouchedFiles fixup ++ listTouchedFiles contents)
listTouchedFiles (RCRev fixup contents) = nub (listTouchedFiles fixup ++ listTouchedFiles contents)
hunkMatches f (RCFwd fixup contents) = hunkMatches f fixup || hunkMatches f contents
hunkMatches f (RCRev fixup contents) = hunkMatches f fixup || hunkMatches f contents
:: (PrimPatchBase p, FromPrim p, Effect p, Commute p, Invert p)
=> FL (RebaseSelect p) wX wY
-> (FL (RebaseSelect p) :> RL (RebaseSelect p)) wX wY
partitionUnconflicted = partitionUnconflictedAcc NilRL
partitionUnconflictedAcc :: (PrimPatchBase p, FromPrim p, Effect p, Commute p, Invert p)
=> RL (RebaseSelect p) wX wY -> FL (RebaseSelect p) wY wZ
-> (FL (RebaseSelect p) :> RL (RebaseSelect p)) wX wZ
partitionUnconflictedAcc right NilFL = NilFL :> right
partitionUnconflictedAcc right (p :>: ps) =
case commuterRLId selfCommuter (right :> p) of
Just (p'@(RSFwd NilFL _) :> right')
-> case partitionUnconflictedAcc right' ps of
left' :> right'' -> (p' :>: left') :> right''
_ -> partitionUnconflictedAcc (right :<: p) ps
data WithDroppedDeps p wX wY =
WithDroppedDeps {
wddPatch :: p wX wY,
wddDependedOn :: [PatchInfo]
noDroppedDeps :: p wX wY -> WithDroppedDeps p wX wY
noDroppedDeps p = WithDroppedDeps p []
instance PrimPatchBase p => PrimPatchBase (WithDroppedDeps p) where
type PrimOf (WithDroppedDeps p) = PrimOf p
instance Effect p => Effect (WithDroppedDeps p) where
effect = effect . wddPatch
pushThrough :: (PrimPatchBase p, FromPrim p, Effect p, Commute p, Invert p)
=> (FL (RebaseFixup p) :> (FL (RebaseFixup p) :> Named p)) wX wY
-> (FL (RebaseFixup p) :> (FL (RebaseFixup p) :> Named p) :> FL (RebaseFixup p)) wX wY
pushThrough (NilFL :> v) = NilFL :> v :> NilFL
pushThrough ((p :>: ps) :> v) =
case pushThrough (ps :> v) of
psS :> v'@(qs:>te) :> ps' ->
fromMaybe ((p :>: psS) :> v' :> ps') $ do
psS' :> p' <- commuterIdFL selfCommuter (p :> psS)
qs' :> p'' <- commuterIdFL selfCommuter (p' :> qs)
te' :> p''' <- commuteFixupNamed (p'' :> te)
return (psS' :> (qs' :> te') :> (p''' +>+ ps'))
type WDDNamed p = WithDroppedDeps (Named p)
mergerIdWDD :: MergeFn p1 p2 -> MergeFn p1 (WithDroppedDeps p2)
mergerIdWDD merger (p1 :\/: WithDroppedDeps p2 deps) =
case merger (p1 :\/: p2) of
p2' :/\: p1' -> WithDroppedDeps p2' deps :/\: p1'
commuterIdWDD :: CommuteFn p q -> CommuteFn p (WithDroppedDeps q)
commuterIdWDD commuter (p :> WithDroppedDeps q deps)
= do
q' :> p' <- commuter (p :> q)
return (WithDroppedDeps q' deps :> p')
forceCommuteName :: (RebaseName p :> WDDNamed p) wX wY -> (WDDNamed p :> RebaseName p) wX wY
forceCommuteName (AddName an :> WithDroppedDeps (NamedP pn deps body) ddeps)
| an == pn = impossible
| otherwise = WithDroppedDeps (NamedP pn (deps \\ [an]) (unsafeCoerceP body)) (if an `elem` deps then an:ddeps else ddeps) :> AddName an
forceCommuteName (DelName dn :> p@(WithDroppedDeps (NamedP pn deps _body) _ddeps))
| dn == pn = impossible
| dn `elem` deps = impossible
| otherwise = unsafeCoerceP p :> DelName dn
forceCommuteName (Rename old new :> WithDroppedDeps (NamedP pn deps body) ddeps)
| old == pn = impossible
| new == pn = impossible
| old `elem` deps = impossible
| otherwise =
let newdeps = map (\dep -> if new == dep then old else dep) deps
in WithDroppedDeps (NamedP pn newdeps (unsafeCoerceP body)) ddeps :> Rename old new
forceCommutePrim :: (Merge p, Invert p, Effect p, FromPrim p)
=> (PrimOf p :> WDDNamed p) wX wY
-> (WDDNamed p :> FL (PrimOf p)) wX wY
forceCommutePrim (p :> q) =
case mergerIdWDD (mergerIdNamed selfMerger) (invert (fromPrim p) :\/: q) of
q' :/\: invp' -> q' :> effect (invert invp')
forceCommutesPrim :: (Merge p, Invert p, Effect p, FromPrim p)
=> (PrimOf p :> FL (WDDNamed p)) wX wY
-> (FL (WDDNamed p) :> FL (PrimOf p)) wX wY
forceCommutesPrim (p :> NilFL) = NilFL :> (p :>: NilFL)
forceCommutesPrim (p :> (q :>: qs)) =
case forceCommutePrim (p :> q) of
q' :> p' -> case forceCommutessPrim ( p' :> qs) of
qs' :> p'' -> (q' :>: qs') :> p''
forceCommutessPrim :: (Merge p, Invert p, Effect p, FromPrim p)
=> (FL (PrimOf p) :> FL (WDDNamed p)) wX wY
-> (FL (WDDNamed p) :> FL (PrimOf p)) wX wY
forceCommutessPrim (NilFL :> qs) = qs :> NilFL
forceCommutessPrim ((p :>: ps) :> qs) =
case forceCommutessPrim (ps :> qs) of
qs' :> ps' ->
case forceCommutesPrim (p :> qs') of
qs'' :> p' -> qs'' :> (p' +>+ ps')
forceCommutess :: (Merge p, Invert p, Effect p, FromPrim p)
=> (FL (RebaseFixup p) :> FL (WDDNamed p)) wX wY
-> (FL (WDDNamed p) :> FL (RebaseFixup p)) wX wY
forceCommutess (NilFL :> qs) = qs :> NilFL
forceCommutess ((NameFixup n :>: ps) :> qs) =
case forceCommutess (ps :> qs) of
qs' :> ps' ->
case totalCommuterIdFL forceCommuteName (n :> qs') of
qs'' :> n' -> qs'' :> (NameFixup n' :>: ps')
forceCommutess ((PrimFixup p :>: ps) :> qs) =
case forceCommutess (ps :> qs) of
qs' :> ps' ->
case forceCommutesPrim (p :> qs') of
qs'' :> p' -> qs'' :> (mapFL_FL PrimFixup p' +>+ ps')
extractRebaseSelect :: (Merge p, Invert p, Effect p, FromPrim p, PrimPatchBase p)
=> FL (RebaseSelect p) wX wY
-> (FL (WDDNamed p) :> FL (RebaseFixup p)) wX wY
extractRebaseSelect NilFL = NilFL :> NilFL
extractRebaseSelect (RSFwd fixups toedit :>: rest)
= case extractRebaseSelect rest of
toedits2 :> fixups2 ->
case forceCommutess (fixups :> (WithDroppedDeps toedit [] :>: toedits2)) of
toedits' :> fixups' ->
toedits' :> (fixups' +>+ fixups2)
extractRebaseSelect (RSRev{} :>: _) = impossible
reifyRebaseSelect :: forall p wX wY
. (PrimPatchBase p, FromPrim p)
=> FL (RebaseSelect p) wX wY
-> IO ((FL (WDDNamed p) :> FL (RebaseFixup p)) wX wY)
reifyRebaseSelect rs = do res <- concatFL <$> mapFL_FL_M reifyOne rs
return (res :> NilFL)
where reifyOne :: RebaseSelect p wA wB -> IO (FL (WDDNamed p) wA wB)
reifyOne (RSFwd fixups toedit) =
case flToNamesPrims fixups of
names :> NilFL ->
return (mapFL_FL (noDroppedDeps . mkDummy) names +>+ noDroppedDeps toedit :>: NilFL)
names :> prims -> do
n <- mkReified prims
return (mapFL_FL (noDroppedDeps . mkDummy) names +>+ noDroppedDeps n :>: noDroppedDeps toedit :>: NilFL)
reifyOne (RSRev{}) = impossible
mkReified :: FromPrim p => FL (PrimOf p) wX wY -> IO (Named p wX wY)
mkReified ps = do
let name = "Reified fixup patch"
let desc = []
date <- getIsoDateTime
let author = "Invalid <invalid@invalid>"
namepatch date name author desc (mapFL_FL fromPrim ps)
mkDummy :: RebaseName p wX wY -> Named p wX wY
mkDummy (AddName pi) = infopatch pi (unsafeCoerceP NilFL)
mkDummy (DelName _) = error "internal error: can't make a dummy patch from a delete"
mkDummy (Rename _ _) = error "internal error: can't make a dummy patch from a rename"
instance CommuteNoConflicts (RebaseChange p) where
commuteNoConflicts _ = impossible
instance IsHunk (RebaseChange p) where
isHunk _ = Nothing
instance PatchListFormat (RebaseChange p)
instance ( PrimPatchBase p, Apply p, Invert p
, PatchInspect p
, ApplyState p ~ ApplyState (PrimOf p)
=> Matchable (RebaseChange p)