module Darcs.Repository.Diff
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.List ( sortBy )
import Darcs.Util.Tree ( diffTrees
, zipTrees
, TreeItem(..)
, Tree
, readBlob
, emptyBlob
import Darcs.Util.Path( AnchoredPath, anchorPath )
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( isFunky )
import Darcs.Patch ( PrimPatch
, hunk
, canonize
, binary
, addfile
, rmfile
, adddir
, rmdir
, invert
import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( FileType(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..), (+>+) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed ( Gap(..) )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags ( DiffAlgorithm(..) )
data Diff m = Added (TreeItem m)
| Removed (TreeItem m)
| Changed (TreeItem m) (TreeItem m)
getDiff :: AnchoredPath
-> Maybe (TreeItem m)
-> Maybe (TreeItem m)
-> (AnchoredPath, Diff m)
getDiff p Nothing (Just t) = (p, Added t)
getDiff p (Just from) (Just to) = (p, Changed from to)
getDiff p (Just t) Nothing = (p, Removed t)
getDiff _ Nothing Nothing = impossible
treeDiff :: forall m w prim . (Monad m, Gap w, PrimPatch prim)
=> DiffAlgorithm
-> (FilePath -> FileType)
-> Tree m
-> Tree m
-> m (w (FL prim))
treeDiff da ft t1 t2 = do
(from, to) <- diffTrees t1 t2
diffs <- mapM (uncurry diff) $ sortBy organise $ zipTrees getDiff from to
return $ foldr (joinGap (+>+)) (emptyGap NilFL) diffs
organise :: (AnchoredPath, Diff m) -> (AnchoredPath, Diff m) -> Ordering
organise (p1, Changed _ _ ) (p2, Changed _ _) = compare p1 p2
organise (p1, Added _) (p2, Added _) = compare p1 p2
organise (p1, Removed _) (p2, Removed _) = compare p2 p1
organise (_, Removed _) _ = LT
organise _ (_, Removed _) = GT
organise (_, Changed _ _) _ = LT
organise _ (_, Changed _ _) = GT
diff :: AnchoredPath -> Diff m -> m (w (FL prim))
diff _ (Changed (SubTree _) (SubTree _)) = return (emptyGap NilFL)
diff p (Removed (SubTree _)) =
return $ freeGap (rmdir (anchorPath "" p) :>: NilFL)
diff p (Added (SubTree _)) =
return $ freeGap (adddir (anchorPath "" p) :>: NilFL)
diff p (Added b'@(File _)) =
do diff' <- diff p (Changed (File emptyBlob) b')
return $ joinGap (:>:) (freeGap (addfile (anchorPath "" p))) diff'
diff p (Removed a'@(File _)) =
do diff' <- diff p (Changed a' (File emptyBlob))
return $ joinGap (+>+) diff' (freeGap (rmfile (anchorPath "" p) :>: NilFL))
diff p (Changed (File a') (File b')) =
do a <- readBlob a'
b <- readBlob b'
let path = anchorPath "" p
case ft path of
TextFile | no_bin a && no_bin b ->
return $ text_diff path a b
_ -> return $ if a /= b
then freeGap (binary path (strict a) (strict b) :>: NilFL)
else emptyGap NilFL
diff p (Changed a'@(File _) subtree@(SubTree _)) =
do rmFileP <- diff p (Changed a' (File emptyBlob))
addDirP <- diff p (Added subtree)
return $ joinGap (+>+) rmFileP addDirP
diff p (Changed subtree@(SubTree _) b'@(File _)) =
do rmDirP <- diff p (Removed subtree)
addFileP <- diff p (Changed (File emptyBlob) b')
return $ joinGap (+>+) rmDirP addFileP
diff p _ = error $ "Missing case at path " ++ show p
text_diff p a b
| BL.null a && BL.null b = emptyGap NilFL
| BL.null a = freeGap (diff_from_empty p b)
| BL.null b = freeGap (diff_to_empty p a)
| BLC.last a == '\n' && BLC.last b == '\n'
= freeGap (line_diff p (linesB $ BLC.init a) (linesB $ BLC.init b))
| otherwise = freeGap (line_diff p (linesB a) (linesB b))
line_diff p a b = canonize da (hunk p 1 a b)
diff_to_empty p x | BLC.last x == '\n' = line_diff p (init $ linesB x) []
| otherwise = line_diff p (linesB x) [B.empty]
diff_from_empty p x = invert (diff_to_empty p x)
no_bin = not . isFunky . strict . BL.take 4096
linesB = map strict . BLC.split '\n'
strict = B.concat . BL.toChunks