{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Darcs.UI.Options.All
( DarcsOption
, YesNo (..)
, RootAction (..)
, rootActions
, StdCmdAction (..)
, stdCmdActions
, debug
, Verbosity (..)
, verbosity
, timings
, anyVerbosity
, HooksConfig (..)
, HookConfig (..)
, preHook
, postHook
, hooks
, UseCache (..)
, useCache
, XmlOutput (..)
, xmlOutput
, DryRun (..)
, dryRun
, dryRunXml
, interactive
, pipe
, WantGuiPause (..)
, pauseForGui
, askDeps
, module Darcs.UI.Options.Matching
, SelectDeps (..)
, selectDeps
, changesReverse
, maxCount
, WorkRepo (..)
, workRepo
, repoDir
, RemoteRepos (..)
, remoteRepos
, possiblyRemoteRepo
, reponame
, NotInRemote (..)
, notInRemote
, notInRemoteFlagName
, RepoCombinator (..)
, repoCombinator
, allowUnrelatedRepos
, justThisRepo
, WithWorkingDir (..)
, withWorkingDir
, SetDefault (..)
, setDefault
, patchname
, author
, AskLongComment (..)
, askLongComment
, keepDate
, Logfile (..)
, logfile
, LookFor (..)
, LookForAdds (..)
, LookForMoves (..)
, LookForReplaces (..)
, lookfor
, lookforadds
, lookforreplaces
, lookformoves
, UseIndex (..)
, ScanKnown (..)
, IncludeBoring (..)
, includeBoring
, allowProblematicFilenames
, allowCaseDifferingFilenames
, allowWindowsReservedFilenames
, onlyToFiles
, useIndex
, recursive
, DiffAlgorithm (..)
, diffAlgorithm
, WithContext (..)
, withContext
, ExternalDiff (..)
, extDiff
, TestChanges (..)
, testChanges
, RunTest (..)
, runTest
, LeaveTestDir (..)
, leaveTestDir
, HeaderFields (..)
, headerFields
, sendToContext
, sendmail
, sendmailCmd
, charset
, editDescription
, ccApply
, reply
, happyForwarding
, applyAs
, Sign (..)
, sign
, Verify (..)
, verify
, AllowConflicts (..)
, conflictsNo
, conflictsYes
, ExternalMerge (..)
, externalMerge
, Compression (..)
, compress
, usePacks
, WithPatchIndex (..)
, patchIndexNo
, patchIndexYes
, Reorder (..)
, reorder
, minimize
, storeInMemory
, Output (..)
, output
, Summary (..)
, summary
, maybeSummary
, RemoteDarcs (..)
, NetworkOptions (..)
, network
, UMask (..)
, umask
, SetScriptsExecutable (..)
, setScriptsExecutable
, restrictPaths
, amendUnrecord
, selectAuthor
, machineReadable
, CloneKind (..)
, cloneKind
, distname
, distzip
, marks
, readMarks
, writeMarks
, PatchFormat (..)
, patchFormat
, hashed
, ChangesFormat (..)
, changesFormat
, tokens
, forceReplace
, TestStrategy (..)
, testStrategy
, files
, directories
, pending
, nullFlag
, EnumPatches (..)
, enumPatches
, GzcrcsAction (..)
, gzcrcsActions
, siblings
, optimizePatchIndex
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude
import Prelude hiding ( (^) )
import Data.Char ( isDigit )
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags
( Compression (..)
, RemoteDarcs (..)
, Reorder (..)
, Verbosity (..)
, UseCache (..)
, UMask (..)
, DryRun (..)
, LookForAdds (..)
, LookForMoves (..)
, LookForReplaces (..)
, DiffAlgorithm (..)
, RunTest (..)
, SetScriptsExecutable (..)
, LeaveTestDir (..)
, RemoteRepos (..)
, SetDefault (..)
, UseIndex (..)
, ScanKnown (..)
, CloneKind (..)
, ExternalMerge (..)
, WorkRepo (..)
, AllowConflicts (..)
, WantGuiPause (..)
, WithPatchIndex (..)
, WithWorkingDir (..)
, PatchFormat (..)
, IncludeBoring (..)
, HooksConfig (..)
, HookConfig (..)
import qualified Darcs.UI.Options.Flags as F ( DarcsFlag(..) )
import Darcs.UI.Options.Core
import Darcs.UI.Options.Iso
import Darcs.UI.Options.Util
import Darcs.UI.Options.Matching
type DarcsOption = OptSpec DarcsOptDescr Flag
type RawDarcsOption = forall v. v -> RawOptSpec Flag v
class YesNo a where
yes :: a -> Bool
no :: a -> Bool
no = not . yes
instance YesNo Compression where
yes NoCompression = False
yes GzipCompression = True
instance YesNo WithPatchIndex where
yes NoPatchIndex = False
yes YesPatchIndex = True
instance YesNo Reorder where
yes NoReorder = False
yes Reorder = True
instance YesNo UseCache where
yes NoUseCache = False
yes YesUseCache = True
instance YesNo DryRun where
yes NoDryRun = False
yes YesDryRun = True
instance YesNo LookForAdds where
yes NoLookForAdds = False
yes YesLookForAdds = True
instance YesNo LookForReplaces where
yes NoLookForReplaces = False
yes YesLookForReplaces = True
instance YesNo LookForMoves where
yes NoLookForMoves = False
yes YesLookForMoves = True
instance YesNo IncludeBoring where
yes NoIncludeBoring = False
yes YesIncludeBoring = True
instance YesNo RunTest where
yes NoRunTest = False
yes YesRunTest = True
instance YesNo SetScriptsExecutable where
yes NoSetScriptsExecutable = False
yes YesSetScriptsExecutable = True
instance YesNo LeaveTestDir where
yes NoLeaveTestDir = False
yes YesLeaveTestDir = True
instance YesNo UseIndex where
yes IgnoreIndex = False
yes UseIndex = True
instance YesNo WantGuiPause where
yes NoWantGuiPause = False
yes YesWantGuiPause = True
instance YesNo WithWorkingDir where
yes NoWorkingDir = False
yes WithWorkingDir = True
data EnumPatches = NoEnumPatches | YesEnumPatches deriving (Eq, Show)
instance YesNo EnumPatches where
yes NoEnumPatches = False
yes YesEnumPatches = True
data RootAction = RootHelp | Version | ExactVersion | ListCommands deriving (Eq, Show)
rootActions :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe RootAction)
rootActions = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg ['h'] ["help"] F.Help (Just RootHelp)
"show a brief description of all darcs commands and top-level options"
, RawNoArg ['v','V'] ["version"] F.Version (Just Version) "show the darcs version"
, RawNoArg [] ["exact-version"] F.ExactVersion (Just ExactVersion)
"show the exact darcs version"
, RawNoArg [] ["commands"] F.ListCommands (Just ListCommands)
"show plain list of available options and commands, for auto-completion"
data StdCmdAction = Help | ListOptions | Disable deriving (Eq, Show)
stdCmdActions :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe StdCmdAction)
stdCmdActions = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg [] ["help"] F.Help (Just Help)
"show a brief description of the command and its options"
, RawNoArg [] ["list-options"] F.ListOptions (Just ListOptions)
"show plain list of available options and commands, for auto-completion"
, RawNoArg [] ["disable"] F.Disable (Just Disable) "disable this command" ]
debug :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
debug = singleNoArg [] ["debug"] F.Debug "give only debug output"
debugHttp :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
debugHttp = singleNoArg [] ["debug-http"] F.DebugHTTP "debug output from libcurl"
verbosity :: PrimDarcsOption Verbosity
verbosity = withDefault NormalVerbosity
[ RawNoArg ['q'] ["quiet"] F.Quiet Quiet "suppress informational output"
, RawNoArg [] ["standard-verbosity"] F.NormalVerbosity NormalVerbosity
"neither verbose nor quiet output"
, RawNoArg ['v'] ["verbose"] F.Verbose Verbose "give verbose output" ]
timings :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
timings = singleNoArg [] ["timings"] F.Timings "provide debugging timings information"
anyVerbosity :: DarcsOption a (Bool -> Bool -> Verbosity -> Bool -> a)
anyVerbosity = debug ^ debugHttp ^ verbosity ^ timings where
hooks :: DarcsOption a (HooksConfig -> a)
hooks = imap (Iso fw bw) $ preHook ^ postHook where
fw k (HooksConfig pr po) = k pr po
bw k pr po = k (HooksConfig pr po)
hookIso :: Iso (Maybe String -> Bool -> a) (HookConfig -> a)
hookIso = (Iso fw bw) where
fw k (HookConfig c p) = k c p
bw k c p = k (HookConfig c p)
preHook :: DarcsOption a (HookConfig -> a)
preHook = imap hookIso $ prehookCmd ^ hookPrompt "prehook" F.AskPrehook F.RunPrehook
postHook :: DarcsOption a (HookConfig -> a)
postHook = imap hookIso $ posthookCmd ^ hookPrompt "posthook" F.AskPosthook F.RunPosthook
prehookCmd :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
prehookCmd = withDefault Nothing
[ RawStrArg [] ["prehook"] F.PrehookCmd unF Just unV
"COMMAND" "specify command to run before this darcs command"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-prehook"] F.NoPrehook Nothing
"don't run prehook command" ]
where unF f = [ s | F.PrehookCmd s <- [f] ]
unV v = [ s | Just s <- [v] ]
posthookCmd :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
posthookCmd = withDefault Nothing
[ RawStrArg [] ["posthook"] F.PosthookCmd unF Just unV "COMMAND"
"specify command to run after this darcs command"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-posthook"] F.NoPosthook Nothing
"don't run posthook command" ]
where unF f = [ s | F.PosthookCmd s <- [f] ]
unV v = [ s | Just s <- [v] ]
hookPrompt :: String -> Flag -> Flag -> PrimDarcsOption Bool
hookPrompt name fask frun = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["prompt-"++name] fask True
("prompt before running "++name)
, RawNoArg [] ["run-"++name] frun False
("run "++name++" command without prompting") ]
useCache :: PrimDarcsOption UseCache
useCache = (imap . cps) (Iso fw bw) $ singleNoArg [] ["no-cache"] F.NoCache "don't use patch caches"
fw True = NoUseCache
fw False = YesUseCache
bw NoUseCache = True
bw YesUseCache = False
data XmlOutput = NoXml | YesXml deriving (Eq, Show)
instance YesNo XmlOutput where
yes NoXml = False
yes YesXml = True
xmlOutput :: PrimDarcsOption XmlOutput
xmlOutput = withDefault NoXml [__xmloutput YesXml]
__xmloutput :: RawDarcsOption
__xmloutput val = RawNoArg [] ["xml-output"] F.XMLOutput val "generate XML formatted output"
dryRun :: PrimDarcsOption DryRun
dryRun = withDefault NoDryRun
[ RawNoArg [] ["dry-run"] F.DryRun YesDryRun "don't actually take the action" ]
dryRunXml :: DarcsOption a (DryRun -> XmlOutput -> a)
dryRunXml = dryRun ^ xmlOutput
pipe :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
pipe = singleNoArg [] ["pipe"] F.Pipe "ask user interactively for the patch metadata"
interactive :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe Bool)
interactive = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg ['a'] ["all","no-interactive"] F.All (Just False) "answer yes to all patches"
, RawNoArg ['i'] ["interactive"] F.Interactive (Just True) "prompt user interactively" ]
pauseForGui :: PrimDarcsOption WantGuiPause
pauseForGui = withDefault YesWantGuiPause
[ RawNoArg [] ["pause-for-gui"] F.PauseForGui YesWantGuiPause
"pause for an external diff or merge command to finish"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-pause-for-gui"] F.NoPauseForGui NoWantGuiPause
"return immediately after external diff or merge command finishes" ]
askDeps :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
askDeps = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["ask-deps"] F.AskDeps True "manually select dependencies"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-ask-deps"] F.NoAskDeps False "automatically select dependencies" ]
data SelectDeps = NoDeps | AutoDeps | PromptDeps deriving (Eq, Show)
selectDeps :: PrimDarcsOption SelectDeps
selectDeps = withDefault PromptDeps
[ RawNoArg [] ["no-deps"] F.DontGrabDeps NoDeps
"don't automatically fulfill dependencies"
, RawNoArg [] ["auto-deps","dont-prompt-for-dependencies"] F.DontPromptForDependencies AutoDeps
"don't ask about patches that are depended on by matched patches (with --match or --patch)"
, RawNoArg [] ["prompt-deps","prompt-for-dependencies"] F.PromptForDependencies PromptDeps
"prompt about patches that are depended on by matched patches" ]
changesReverse :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
changesReverse = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["reverse"] F.Reverse True "show/consider changes in reverse order"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-reverse"] F.Forward False "show/consider changes in the usual order" ]
maxCount :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe Int)
maxCount = (withDefault Nothing
[ RawStrArg [] ["max-count"] F.MaxCount unF toV unV "NUMBER"
"return only NUMBER results" ])
unF f = [ s | F.MaxCount s <- [f] ]
unV x = [ show s | Just s <- [x] ]
toV s = if good s then Just (read s) else Nothing
check fs =
[ "invalid argument to --max-count: '"++s++"'" | s <- args, not (good s) ] ++
if length args > 1
then ["conflicting flags: " ++ intercalate ", " (map ("--max-count="++) args)]
else []
args = [ s | F.MaxCount s <- fs ]
good s = not (null s) && all isDigit s
workRepo :: PrimDarcsOption WorkRepo
workRepo = imap (Iso fw bw) $ repoDir ^ possiblyRemoteRepo where
fw k (WorkRepoDir s) = k (Just s) Nothing
fw k (WorkRepoPossibleURL s) = k Nothing (Just s)
fw k WorkRepoCurrentDir = k Nothing Nothing
bw k (Just s) _ = k (WorkRepoDir s)
bw k Nothing (Just s) = k (WorkRepoPossibleURL s)
bw k Nothing Nothing = k WorkRepoCurrentDir
repoDir :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
repoDir = singleStrArg [] ["repodir"] F.WorkRepoDir arg "DIRECTORY"
"specify the repository directory in which to run"
where arg (F.WorkRepoDir s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
reponame :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
reponame = singleStrArg [] ["repo-name","repodir"] F.NewRepo arg "DIRECTORY" "path of output directory"
where arg (F.NewRepo s) = Just s; arg _ = Nothing
possiblyRemoteRepo :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
possiblyRemoteRepo = singleStrArg [] ["repo"] F.WorkRepoUrl arg "URL"
"specify the repository URL"
where arg (F.WorkRepoUrl s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
remoteRepos :: PrimDarcsOption RemoteRepos
remoteRepos = (imap . cps) (Iso fw bw) $ multiStrArg [] ["remote-repo"] F.RemoteRepo mkV "URL"
"specify the remote repository URL to work with"
where mkV fs = [ s | F.RemoteRepo s <- fs ]
fw ss = RemoteRepos ss
bw (RemoteRepos ss) = ss
notInRemoteFlagName :: String
notInRemoteFlagName = "not-in-remote"
data NotInRemote
= NotInDefaultRepo
| NotInRemotePath String
notInRemote :: PrimDarcsOption [NotInRemote]
notInRemote = (imap . cps) (Iso (map fw) (map bw)) $
multiOptStrArg [] [notInRemoteFlagName] F.NotInRemote args "URL/PATH" $
"select all patches not in the default push/pull repository or at "
++ "location URL/PATH"
args fs = [s | F.NotInRemote s <- fs]
fw (Just s) = NotInRemotePath s
fw Nothing = NotInDefaultRepo
bw (NotInRemotePath s) = Just s
bw NotInDefaultRepo = Nothing
data RepoCombinator = Intersection | Union | Complement deriving (Eq, Show)
repoCombinator :: PrimDarcsOption RepoCombinator
repoCombinator = withDefault Union
[ RawNoArg [] ["intersection"] F.Intersection Intersection
"take intersection of all repositories"
, RawNoArg [] ["union"] F.Union Union
"take union of all repositories"
, RawNoArg [] ["complement"] F.Complement Complement
"take complement of repositories (in order listed)" ]
allowUnrelatedRepos :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
allowUnrelatedRepos = singleNoArg [] ["ignore-unrelated-repos"] F.AllowUnrelatedRepos
"do not check if repositories are unrelated"
justThisRepo :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
justThisRepo = singleNoArg [] ["just-this-repo"] F.JustThisRepo
"Limit the check or repair to the current repo"
withWorkingDir :: PrimDarcsOption WithWorkingDir
withWorkingDir = withDefault WithWorkingDir
[ RawNoArg [] ["with-working-dir"] F.UseWorkingDir WithWorkingDir
"Create a working directory (normal repository)"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-working-dir"] F.UseNoWorkingDir NoWorkingDir
"Do not create a working directory (bare repository)" ]
setDefault :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe Bool)
setDefault = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg [] ["set-default"] F.SetDefault (Just True) "set default repository"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-set-default"] F.NoSetDefault (Just False) "don't set default repository" ]
patchname :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
patchname = singleStrArg ['m'] ["name"] F.PatchName arg "PATCHNAME"
"name of patch"
where arg (F.PatchName s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
author :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
author = singleStrArg ['A'] ["author"] F.Author arg
"EMAIL" "specify author id"
where arg (F.Author s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
data AskLongComment = NoEditLongComment | YesEditLongComment | PromptLongComment
deriving (Eq, Show)
askLongComment :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe AskLongComment)
askLongComment = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg [] ["edit-long-comment"] F.EditLongComment (Just YesEditLongComment)
"edit the long comment by default"
, RawNoArg [] ["skip-long-comment"] F.NoEditLongComment (Just NoEditLongComment)
"don't give a long comment"
, RawNoArg [] ["prompt-long-comment"] F.PromptLongComment (Just PromptLongComment)
"prompt for whether to edit the long comment" ]
keepDate :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
keepDate = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["keep-date"] F.KeepDate True
"keep the date of the original patch"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-keep-date"] F.NoKeepDate False
"use the current date for the amended patch" ]
data Logfile = Logfile
{ _logfile :: Maybe AbsolutePath
, _rmlogfile :: Bool
logfile :: PrimDarcsOption Logfile
logfile = imap (Iso fw bw) (__logfile ^ __rmlogfile) where
fw k (Logfile x y) = k x y
bw k x y = k (Logfile x y)
__logfile :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe AbsolutePath)
__logfile = singleAbsPathArg [] ["logfile"] F.LogFile arg "FILE"
"give patch name and comment in file"
where arg (F.LogFile s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
__rmlogfile :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
__rmlogfile = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["delete-logfile"] F.RmLogFile True
"delete the logfile when done"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-delete-logfile"] F.DontRmLogFile False
"keep the logfile when done" ]
data LookFor = LookFor
{ adds :: LookForAdds
, replaces :: LookForReplaces
, moves :: LookForMoves
lookfor :: PrimDarcsOption LookFor
lookfor = imap (Iso fw bw) (lookforadds NoLookForAdds ^ lookforreplaces ^ lookformoves) where
fw k (LookFor a r m) = k a r m
bw k a r m = k (LookFor a r m)
lookforadds :: LookForAdds -> PrimDarcsOption LookForAdds
lookforadds def = withDefault def
[ RawNoArg ['l'] ["look-for-adds"] F.LookForAdds YesLookForAdds
"look for (non-boring) files that could be added"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-look-for-adds","no-look-for-adds"] F.NoLookForAdds NoLookForAdds
"don't look for any files that could be added" ]
lookforreplaces :: PrimDarcsOption LookForReplaces
lookforreplaces = withDefault NoLookForReplaces
[ RawNoArg [] ["look-for-replaces"] F.LookForReplaces YesLookForReplaces
"look for replaces that could be marked"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-look-for-replaces","no-look-for-replaces"]
F.NoLookForReplaces NoLookForReplaces
"don't look for any replaces" ]
lookformoves :: PrimDarcsOption LookForMoves
lookformoves = withDefault NoLookForMoves
[ RawNoArg [] ["look-for-moves"] F.LookForMoves YesLookForMoves
"look for files that may be moved/renamed"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-look-for-moves","no-look-for-moves"]
F.NoLookForMoves NoLookForMoves
"don't look for any files that could be moved/renamed" ]
useIndex :: PrimDarcsOption UseIndex
useIndex = (imap . cps) (Iso fw bw) ignoreTimes where
fw False = UseIndex
fw True = IgnoreIndex
bw UseIndex = False
bw IgnoreIndex = True
includeBoring :: PrimDarcsOption IncludeBoring
includeBoring = withDefault NoIncludeBoring
[ RawNoArg [] ["boring"] F.Boring YesIncludeBoring "don't skip boring files"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-boring"] F.SkipBoring NoIncludeBoring "skip boring files" ]
allowProblematicFilenames :: DarcsOption a (Bool -> Bool -> a)
allowProblematicFilenames = allowCaseDifferingFilenames ^ allowWindowsReservedFilenames
allowCaseDifferingFilenames :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
allowCaseDifferingFilenames = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["case-ok"] F.AllowCaseOnly True
"don't refuse to add files differing only in case"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-case-ok"] F.DontAllowCaseOnly False
"refuse to add files whose name differ only in case" ]
allowWindowsReservedFilenames :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
allowWindowsReservedFilenames = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["reserved-ok"] F.AllowWindowsReserved True
"don't refuse to add files with Windows-reserved names"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-reserved-ok"] F.DontAllowWindowsReserved False
"refuse to add files with Windows-reserved names" ]
onlyToFiles :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
onlyToFiles = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["only-to-files"] F.OnlyChangesToFiles True
"show only changes to specified files"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-only-to-files"] F.ChangesToAllFiles False
"show changes to all files" ]
ignoreTimes :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
ignoreTimes = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["ignore-times"] F.IgnoreTimes True
"don't trust the file modification times"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-ignore-times"] F.DontIgnoreTimes False
"trust modification times to find modified files" ]
recursive :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
recursive = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg ['r'] ["recursive"] F.Recursive True "recurse into subdirectories"
, RawNoArg [] ["not-recursive","no-recursive"] F.NoRecursive False ("don't recurse into subdirectories") ]
diffAlgorithm :: PrimDarcsOption DiffAlgorithm
diffAlgorithm = withDefault PatienceDiff
[ RawNoArg [] ["myers"] F.UseMyersDiff MyersDiff
"use myers diff algorithm"
, RawNoArg [] ["patience"] F.UsePatienceDiff PatienceDiff
"use patience diff algorithm" ]
data WithContext = NoContext | YesContext deriving (Eq, Show)
instance YesNo WithContext where
yes NoContext = False
yes YesContext = True
withContext :: PrimDarcsOption WithContext
withContext = (imap . cps) (Iso fw bw) $ withDefault False
[ RawNoArg ['u'] ["unified"] F.Unified True
"output changes in a darcs-specific format similar to diff -u"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-unified"] F.NonUnified False
"output changes in darcs' usual format" ]
where fw False = NoContext
fw True = YesContext
bw NoContext = False
bw YesContext = True
data ExternalDiff = ExternalDiff
{ diffCmd :: Maybe String
, diffOpts :: [String]
, diffUnified :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
extDiff :: PrimDarcsOption ExternalDiff
extDiff = imap (Iso fw bw) $ __extDiffCmd ^ __extDiffOpts ^ __unidiff where
fw k (ExternalDiff cmd opts uni) = k cmd opts uni
bw k cmd opts uni = k (ExternalDiff cmd opts uni)
__extDiffCmd :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
__extDiffCmd = singleStrArg [] ["diff-command"] F.DiffCmd arg "COMMAND"
"specify diff command (ignores --diff-opts)"
where arg (F.DiffCmd s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
__extDiffOpts :: PrimDarcsOption [String]
__extDiffOpts = multiStrArg [] ["diff-opts"] F.DiffFlags mkV "OPTIONS"
"options to pass to diff"
where mkV fs = [ s | F.DiffFlags s <- fs ]
__unidiff :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
__unidiff = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg ['u'] ["unified"] F.Unified True "pass -u option to diff"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-unified"] F.NonUnified False "output patch in diff's dumb format" ]
data TestChanges = NoTestChanges | YesTestChanges LeaveTestDir deriving (Eq)
testChanges :: PrimDarcsOption TestChanges
testChanges = imap (Iso fw bw) $ runTest ^ leaveTestDir where
fw k NoTestChanges = k NoRunTest YesLeaveTestDir
fw k (YesTestChanges ltd) = k YesRunTest ltd
bw k NoRunTest _ = k NoTestChanges
bw k YesRunTest ltd = k (YesTestChanges ltd)
runTest :: PrimDarcsOption RunTest
runTest = withDefault NoRunTest
[ RawNoArg [] ["test"] F.Test YesRunTest "run the test script"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-test"] F.NoTest NoRunTest "don't run the test script" ]
leaveTestDir :: PrimDarcsOption LeaveTestDir
leaveTestDir = withDefault YesLeaveTestDir
[ RawNoArg [] ["leave-test-directory"]
F.LeaveTestDir YesLeaveTestDir "don't remove the test directory"
, RawNoArg [] ["remove-test-directory"]
F.NoLeaveTestDir NoLeaveTestDir "remove the test directory" ]
data HeaderFields = HeaderFields
{ _to, _cc :: [String]
, _from, _subject, _inReplyTo :: Maybe String
headerFields :: PrimDarcsOption HeaderFields
headerFields = imap (Iso fw bw) $ to ^ cc ^ from ^ subject ^ inReplyTo where
fw k (HeaderFields t f c s i) = k t f c s i
bw k t f c s i = k (HeaderFields t f c s i)
from :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
from = singleStrArg [] ["from"] F.Author arg
"EMAIL" "specify email address"
where arg (F.Author s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
to :: PrimDarcsOption [String]
to = multiStrArg [] ["to"] F.To mkV "EMAIL" "specify destination email"
where mkV fs = [ s | F.To s <- fs ]
cc :: PrimDarcsOption [String]
cc = multiStrArg [] ["cc"] F.Cc mkV "EMAIL" "mail results to additional EMAIL(s)"
where mkV fs = [ s | F.Cc s <- fs ]
subject :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
subject = singleStrArg [] ["subject"] F.Subject arg
"SUBJECT" "specify mail subject"
where arg (F.Subject s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
inReplyTo :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
inReplyTo = singleStrArg [] ["in-reply-to"] F.InReplyTo arg
"EMAIL" "specify in-reply-to header"
where arg (F.InReplyTo s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
sendToContext :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe AbsolutePath)
sendToContext = singleAbsPathArg [] ["context"] F.Context arg "FILENAME"
"send to context stored in FILENAME"
where arg (F.Context s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
sendmailIso :: Iso (Bool -> Maybe String -> a) ((Bool, Maybe String) -> a)
sendmailIso = Iso uncurry curry
sendmail :: PrimDarcsOption (Bool, Maybe String)
sendmail = imap sendmailIso $ mail ^ sendmailCmd
mail :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
mail = singleNoArg [] ["mail"] F.Mail "send patch using sendmail"
sendmailCmd :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
sendmailCmd = singleStrArg [] ["sendmail-command"] F.SendmailCmd arg "COMMAND"
"specify sendmail command"
where arg (F.SendmailCmd s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
minimize :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
minimize = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["minimize"] F.Minimize True "minimize context of patch bundle"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-minimize"] F.NoMinimize False ("don't minimize context of patch bundle") ]
charset :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
charset = singleStrArg [] ["charset"] F.Charset arg
"CHARSET" "specify mail charset"
where arg (F.Charset s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
editDescription :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
editDescription = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["edit-description"] F.EditDescription True
"edit the patch bundle description"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-edit-description","no-edit-description"] F.NoEditDescription False
"don't edit the patch bundle description" ]
ccApply :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
ccApply = singleStrArg [] ["cc"] F.Cc arg
"EMAIL" "mail results to additional EMAIL(s). Requires --reply"
where arg (F.Cc s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
reply :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
reply = singleStrArg [] ["reply"] F.Reply arg "FROM"
"reply to email-based patch using FROM address"
where arg (F.Reply s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
happyForwarding :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
happyForwarding = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["happy-forwarding"] F.HappyForwarding True
"forward unsigned messages without extra header"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-happy-forwarding"] F.NoHappyForwarding False
"don't forward unsigned messages without extra header" ]
applyAs :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
applyAs = withDefault Nothing
[ RawStrArg [] ["apply-as"] F.ApplyAs unF Just unV "USERNAME"
"apply patch as another user using sudo"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-apply-as"] F.NonApply Nothing
"don't use sudo to apply as another user" ]
unF f = [ s | F.ApplyAs s <- [f] ]
unV x = [ s | Just s <- [x] ]
data Sign = NoSign | Sign | SignAs String | SignSSL String deriving (Eq, Show)
sign :: PrimDarcsOption Sign
sign = withDefault NoSign
[ RawNoArg [] ["sign"] F.Sign Sign "sign the patch with your gpg key"
, RawStrArg [] ["sign-as"] F.SignAs unFSignAs SignAs unSignAs "KEYID"
"sign the patch with a given keyid"
, RawStrArg [] ["sign-ssl"] F.SignSSL unFSignSSL SignSSL unSignSSL "IDFILE"
"sign the patch using openssl with a given private key"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-sign","no-sign"] F.NoSign NoSign "don't sign the patch" ]
where unFSignAs f = [ s | F.SignAs s <- [f] ]
unSignAs v = [ s | SignAs s <- [v] ]
unFSignSSL f = [ s | F.SignSSL s <- [f] ]
unSignSSL v = [ s | SignSSL s <- [v] ]
data Verify = NoVerify | VerifyKeyring AbsolutePath | VerifySSL AbsolutePath deriving (Eq, Show)
verify :: PrimDarcsOption Verify
verify = withDefault NoVerify
[ RawAbsPathArg [] ["verify"] F.Verify unFKeyring VerifyKeyring unVKeyring "PUBRING"
"verify that the patch was signed by a key in PUBRING"
, RawAbsPathArg [] ["verify-ssl"] F.VerifySSL unFSSL VerifySSL unVSSL "KEYS"
"verify using openSSL with authorized keys from file KEYS"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-verify"] F.NonVerify NoVerify
"don't verify patch signature" ]
unFKeyring f = [ s | F.Verify s <- [f] ]
unVKeyring x = [ s | VerifyKeyring s <- [x] ]
unFSSL f = [ s | F.VerifySSL s <- [f] ]
unVSSL x = [ s | VerifySSL s <- [x] ]
conflictsNo :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe AllowConflicts)
conflictsNo = conflicts NoAllowConflicts
conflictsYes :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe AllowConflicts)
conflictsYes = conflicts YesAllowConflictsAndMark
conflicts :: AllowConflicts -> PrimDarcsOption (Maybe AllowConflicts)
conflicts def = withDefault (Just def)
[ RawNoArg [] ["mark-conflicts"]
F.MarkConflicts (Just YesAllowConflictsAndMark) "mark conflicts"
, RawNoArg [] ["allow-conflicts"]
F.AllowConflicts (Just YesAllowConflicts) "allow conflicts, but don't mark them"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-allow-conflicts","no-allow-conflicts","no-resolve-conflicts"]
F.NoAllowConflicts (Just NoAllowConflicts) "fail if there are patches that would create conflicts"
, RawNoArg [] ["skip-conflicts"]
F.SkipConflicts Nothing "filter out any patches that would create conflicts" ]
externalMerge :: PrimDarcsOption ExternalMerge
externalMerge = imap (Iso fw bw) $ singleStrArg [] ["external-merge"] F.ExternalMerge arg
"COMMAND" "use external tool to merge conflicts"
arg (F.ExternalMerge s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
bw k (Just s) = k (YesExternalMerge s)
bw k Nothing = k NoExternalMerge
fw k (YesExternalMerge s) = k (Just s)
fw k NoExternalMerge = k Nothing
compress :: PrimDarcsOption Compression
compress = withDefault GzipCompression
[ RawNoArg [] ["compress"] F.Compress GzipCompression "compress patch data"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-compress","no-compress"] F.NoCompress NoCompression "don't compress patch data" ]
usePacks :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
usePacks = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["packs"] F.Packs True "use repository packs"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-packs"] F.NoPacks False "don't use repository packs" ]
patchIndexNo :: PrimDarcsOption WithPatchIndex
patchIndexNo = withDefault NoPatchIndex [__patchIndex YesPatchIndex, __noPatchIndex NoPatchIndex]
patchIndexYes :: PrimDarcsOption WithPatchIndex
patchIndexYes = withDefault YesPatchIndex [__patchIndex YesPatchIndex, __noPatchIndex NoPatchIndex]
__patchIndex, __noPatchIndex :: RawDarcsOption
__patchIndex val = RawNoArg [] ["with-patch-index"] F.PatchIndexFlag val "build patch index"
__noPatchIndex val = RawNoArg [] ["no-patch-index"] F.NoPatchIndexFlag val "don't build patch index"
storeInMemory :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
storeInMemory = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["store-in-memory"] F.StoreInMemory True
"do patch application in memory rather than on disk"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-store-in-memory"] F.ApplyOnDisk False
"do patch application on disk" ]
data Output = Output AbsolutePathOrStd
| OutputAutoName AbsolutePath
deriving (Eq, Show)
output :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe Output)
output = withDefault Nothing
[ RawAbsPathOrStdArg ['o'] ["output"]
F.Output unOutputF (Just . Output) unOutput
"FILE" "specify output filename"
, RawOptAbsPathArg ['O'] ["output-auto-name"]
F.OutputAutoName unOutputAutoNameF (Just . OutputAutoName) unOutputAutoName
"output to automatically named file in DIRECTORY, default: current directory"
unOutputF f = [ p | F.Output p <- [f] ]
unOutput (Just (Output p)) = [p]
unOutput _ = []
unOutputAutoNameF f = [ p | F.OutputAutoName p <- [f] ]
unOutputAutoName (Just (OutputAutoName p)) = [p]
unOutputAutoName _ = []
data Summary = NoSummary | YesSummary deriving (Eq, Show)
instance YesNo Summary where
yes NoSummary = False
yes YesSummary = True
summary :: PrimDarcsOption Summary
summary = (imap . cps) (Iso fw bw) $ maybeSummary Nothing
fw Nothing = NoSummary
fw (Just NoSummary) = NoSummary
fw (Just YesSummary) = YesSummary
bw NoSummary = Nothing
bw YesSummary = Just YesSummary
maybeSummary :: Maybe Summary -> PrimDarcsOption (Maybe Summary)
maybeSummary def = withDefault def
[ RawNoArg ['s'] ["summary"] F.Summary (Just YesSummary) "summarize changes"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-summary"] F.NoSummary (Just NoSummary) "don't summarize changes" ]
data NetworkOptions = NetworkOptions
{ noHttpPipelining :: Bool
, remoteDarcs :: RemoteDarcs }
networkIso :: Iso (Bool -> Maybe String -> a) (NetworkOptions -> a)
networkIso = Iso fw bw where
fw k (NetworkOptions x (RemoteDarcs y)) = k x (Just y)
fw k (NetworkOptions x DefaultRemoteDarcs) = k x Nothing
bw k x (Just y) = k (NetworkOptions x (RemoteDarcs y))
bw k x Nothing = k (NetworkOptions x DefaultRemoteDarcs)
network :: PrimDarcsOption NetworkOptions
network = imap networkIso
$ singleNoArg [] ["no-http-pipelining"] F.NoHTTPPipelining "disable HTTP pipelining"
^ singleStrArg [] ["remote-darcs"] F.RemoteDarcsOpt arg "COMMAND"
"name of the darcs executable on the remote server"
where arg (F.RemoteDarcsOpt s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
umask :: PrimDarcsOption UMask
umask = (imap . cps) (Iso fw bw) $ singleStrArg [] ["umask"] F.UMask arg "UMASK"
"specify umask to use when writing"
arg (F.UMask s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
fw (Just s) = YesUMask s
fw Nothing = NoUMask
bw (YesUMask s) = Just s
bw NoUMask = Nothing
setScriptsExecutable :: PrimDarcsOption SetScriptsExecutable
setScriptsExecutable = withDefault NoSetScriptsExecutable
[ RawNoArg [] ["set-scripts-executable"] F.SetScriptsExecutable YesSetScriptsExecutable
"make scripts executable"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-set-scripts-executable","no-set-scripts-executable"]
F.DontSetScriptsExecutable NoSetScriptsExecutable "don't make scripts executable" ]
restrictPaths :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
restrictPaths = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["restrict-paths"] F.RestrictPaths True
"don't allow darcs to touch external files or repo metadata"
, RawNoArg [] ["dont-restrict-paths","no-restrict-paths"]
F.DontRestrictPaths False
"allow darcs to modify any file or directory (unsafe)" ]
amendUnrecord :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
amendUnrecord = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg [] ["unrecord"] F.AmendUnrecord True "remove changes from the patch"
, RawNoArg [] ["record"] F.NoAmendUnrecord False "add more changes to the patch" ]
selectAuthor :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
selectAuthor = singleNoArg [] ["select-author"] F.SelectAuthor
"select author id from a menu"
machineReadable :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
machineReadable = withDefault False
[ __humanReadable False
, __machineReadable True ]
__humanReadable :: RawDarcsOption
__humanReadable val = RawNoArg [] ["human-readable"] F.HumanReadable val "give human-readable output"
__machineReadable :: RawDarcsOption
__machineReadable val = RawNoArg [] ["machine-readable"] F.MachineReadable val "give machine-readable output"
cloneKind :: PrimDarcsOption CloneKind
cloneKind = withDefault NormalClone
[ RawNoArg [] ["lazy"] F.Lazy LazyClone "get patch files only as needed"
, RawNoArg [] ["complete"] F.Complete CompleteClone "get a complete copy of the repository" ]
marks :: DarcsOption a (Maybe String -> Maybe String -> a)
marks = readMarks ^ writeMarks
readMarks :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
readMarks = singleStrArg [] ["read-marks"] F.ReadMarks arg
"FILE" "continue conversion, previously checkpointed by --write-marks"
where arg (F.ReadMarks s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
writeMarks :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
writeMarks = singleStrArg [] ["write-marks"] F.WriteMarks arg
"FILE" "checkpoint conversion to continue it later"
where arg (F.WriteMarks s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
hashed :: PrimDarcsOption ()
hashed = deprecated
[ "All repositories are now \"hashed\", so this option was removed."
, "Use --darcs-1 to get the effect that --hashed had previously." ] $
[ RawNoArg [] ["hashed"] F.Hashed () "deprecated, use --darcs-1 instead" ]
patchFormat :: PrimDarcsOption PatchFormat
patchFormat = withDefault PatchFormat2
[ RawNoArg [] ["darcs-2"] F.UseFormat2 PatchFormat2
"Standard darcs patch format"
, RawNoArg [] ["darcs-1"] F.UseFormat1 PatchFormat1
"Older patch format (for compatibility)" ]
distname :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
distname = singleStrArg ['d'] ["dist-name"] F.DistName arg "DISTNAME" "name of version"
where arg (F.DistName s) = Just s
arg _ = Nothing
distzip :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
distzip = singleNoArg [] ["zip"] F.DistZip "generate zip archive instead of gzip'ed tar"
data ChangesFormat
= HumanReadable
| MachineReadable
| GenContext
| GenXml
| NumberPatches
| CountPatches
deriving (Eq, Show)
changesFormat :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe ChangesFormat)
changesFormat = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg [] ["context"] F.GenContext (Just GenContext) "give output suitable for clone --context"
, __xmloutput (Just GenXml)
, __humanReadable (Just HumanReadable)
, __machineReadable (Just MachineReadable)
, RawNoArg [] ["number"] F.NumberPatches (Just NumberPatches) "number the changes"
, RawNoArg [] ["count"] F.Count (Just CountPatches) "output count of changes" ]
tokens :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe String)
tokens = singleStrArg [] ["token-chars"] F.Toks arg "\"[CHARS]\""
"define token to contain these characters"
where arg (F.Toks s) = Just s; arg _ = Nothing
forceReplace :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
forceReplace = withDefault False
[ RawNoArg ['f'] ["force"] F.ForceReplace True
"proceed with replace even if 'new' token already exists"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-force"] F.NonForce False
"don't force the replace if it looks scary" ]
data TestStrategy = Once | Linear | Backoff | Bisect deriving (Eq, Show)
testStrategy :: PrimDarcsOption TestStrategy
testStrategy = withDefault Once
[ RawNoArg [] ["once"] F.Once Once "run test on current version only"
, RawNoArg [] ["linear"] F.Linear Linear "locate the most recent version lacking an error"
, RawNoArg [] ["backoff"] F.Backoff Backoff "exponential backoff search"
, RawNoArg [] ["bisect"] F.Bisect Bisect "binary instead of linear search" ]
files :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
files = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["files"] F.Files True "include files in output"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-files"] F.NoFiles False "don't include files in output" ]
directories :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
directories = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["directories"] F.Directories True "include directories in output"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-directories"] F.NoDirectories False "don't include directories in output" ]
pending :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
pending = withDefault True
[ RawNoArg [] ["pending"] F.Pending True "reflect pending patches in output"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-pending"] F.NoPending False "only include recorded patches in output" ]
nullFlag :: PrimDarcsOption Bool
nullFlag = singleNoArg ['0'] ["null"] F.NullFlag "separate file names by NUL characters"
enumPatches :: PrimDarcsOption EnumPatches
enumPatches = withDefault YesEnumPatches
[ RawNoArg [] ["enum-patches"] F.EnumPatches YesEnumPatches
"include statistics requiring enumeration of patches"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-enum-patches"] F.NoEnumPatches NoEnumPatches
"don't include statistics requiring enumeration of patches" ]
data GzcrcsAction = GzcrcsCheck | GzcrcsRepair deriving (Eq, Show)
gzcrcsActions :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe GzcrcsAction)
gzcrcsActions = withDefault Nothing
[ RawNoArg [] ["check"] F.Check (Just GzcrcsCheck) "Specify checking mode"
, RawNoArg [] ["repair"] F.Repair (Just GzcrcsRepair) "Specify repair mode" ]
siblings :: PrimDarcsOption [AbsolutePath]
siblings = multiAbsPathArg [] ["sibling"] F.Sibling mkV "DIRECTORY"
"specify a sibling directory"
where mkV fs = [ s | F.Sibling s <- fs ]
reorder :: PrimDarcsOption Reorder
reorder = withDefault NoReorder
[ RawNoArg [] ["reorder-patches"] F.Reorder Reorder
"reorder the patches in the repository"
, RawNoArg [] ["no-reorder-patches"] F.NoReorder NoReorder
"don't reorder the patches in the repository" ]
optimizePatchIndex :: PrimDarcsOption (Maybe WithPatchIndex)
optimizePatchIndex = withDefault Nothing
[ __patchIndex (Just YesPatchIndex)
, __noPatchIndex (Just NoPatchIndex) ]