{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}

module Data.Interval.Internal
  ( Interval
  , lowerBound'
  , upperBound'
  , interval
  , empty
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Data
import Data.ExtendedReal
import Data.Hashable

-- | The intervals (/i.e./ connected and convex subsets) over real numbers __R__.
data Interval r = Interval
  { -- | 'lowerBound' of the interval and whether it is included in the interval.
    -- The result is convenient to use as an argument for 'interval'.
    lowerBound' :: !(Extended r, Bool)
  , -- | 'upperBound' of the interval and whether it is included in the interval.
    -- The result is convenient to use as an argument for 'interval'.
    upperBound' :: !(Extended r, Bool)
  } deriving (Eq, Typeable)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
type role Interval nominal

instance (Ord r, Data r) => Data (Interval r) where
  gfoldl k z x   = z interval `k` lowerBound' x `k` upperBound' x
  toConstr _     = intervalConstr
  gunfold k z c  = case constrIndex c of
    1 -> k (k (z interval))
    _ -> error "gunfold"
  dataTypeOf _   = intervalDataType
  dataCast1 f    = gcast1 f

intervalConstr :: Constr
intervalConstr = mkConstr intervalDataType "interval" [] Prefix

intervalDataType :: DataType
intervalDataType = mkDataType "Data.Interval.Internal.Interval" [intervalConstr]

instance NFData r => NFData (Interval r) where
  rnf (Interval lb ub) = rnf lb `seq` rnf ub

instance Hashable r => Hashable (Interval r) where
  hashWithSalt s (Interval lb ub) = s `hashWithSalt` lb `hashWithSalt` ub

-- | empty (contradicting) interval
empty :: Ord r => Interval r
empty = Interval (PosInf, False) (NegInf, False)

-- | smart constructor for 'Interval'
  :: (Ord r)
  => (Extended r, Bool) -- ^ lower bound and whether it is included
  -> (Extended r, Bool) -- ^ upper bound and whether it is included
  -> Interval r
interval lb@(x1,in1) ub@(x2,in2) =
  case x1 `compare` x2 of
    GT -> empty --  empty interval
    LT -> Interval (normalize lb) (normalize ub)
    EQ -> if in1 && in2 && isFinite x1 then Interval lb ub else empty
    normalize x@(Finite _, _) = x
    normalize (x, _) = (x, False)