{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- | Working with human-friendly (as opposed to the compiler-friendly
--   'Show' and 'Read') textual representations.
module Data.Textual
  -- * Printing
  , maybePrint
  , toString
  , toText
  , toLazyText
  , toAscii
  , toLazyAscii
  , toUtf8
  , toLazyUtf8
  -- * Parsing
  , Textual(..)
  -- ** Built-in parser
  , Parsed(..)
  , isParsed
  , isMalformed
  , maybeParsed
  , builtInParser
  , parseString
  , parseStringAs
  , parseText
  , parseTextAs
  , parseLazyText
  , parseLazyTextAs
  , parseAscii
  , parseAsciiAs
  , parseLazyAscii
  , parseLazyAsciiAs
  , parseUtf8
  , parseUtf8As
  , parseLazyUtf8
  , parseLazyUtf8As
  , fromString
  , fromStringAs
  , fromText
  , fromTextAs
  , fromLazyText
  , fromLazyTextAs
  , fromAscii
  , fromAsciiAs
  , fromLazyAscii
  , fromLazyAsciiAs
  , fromUtf8
  , fromUtf8As
  , fromLazyUtf8
  , fromLazyUtf8As
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (print)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import Data.Fixed (Fixed, HasResolution)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Textual.Integral
import Data.Textual.Fractional
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Text.Printer as TP
import qualified Text.Printer.Integral as TP
import qualified Text.Printer.Fractional as TP
import Text.Parser.Combinators (Parsing, (<?>))
import qualified Text.Parser.Combinators as PC
import Text.Parser.Char (CharParsing)
import qualified Text.Parser.Char as PC

-- | The default printer for values of a type.
class Printable α where
  print  TP.Printer p  α  p

instance Printable Char where
  print = TP.char
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable String where
  print = TP.string
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable TS.Text where
  print = TP.text
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable TL.Text where
  print = TP.lazyText
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Integer where
  print = TP.decimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Int where
  print = TP.decimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Int8 where
  print = TP.decimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Int16 where
  print = TP.decimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Int32 where
  print = TP.decimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Int64 where
  print = TP.decimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Word where
  print = TP.nnDecimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Word8 where
  print = TP.nnDecimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Word16 where
  print = TP.nnDecimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Word32 where
  print = TP.nnDecimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Word64 where
  print = TP.nnDecimal
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Integral α  Printable (Ratio α) where
  print = TP.fraction
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance HasResolution α  Printable (Fixed α) where
  print = TP.string7 . show
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Float where
  print = TP.string7 . show
  {-# INLINE print #-}

instance Printable Double where
  print = TP.string7 . show
  {-# INLINE print #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybe' 'mempty' 'print'@.
maybePrint  (TP.Printer p, Printable α)  Maybe α  p
maybePrint = maybe mempty print
{-# INLINE maybePrint #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildString' . 'print'@.
toString  Printable α  α  String
toString = TP.buildString . print
{-# INLINE[1] toString #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildText' . 'print'@.
toText  Printable α  α  TS.Text
toText = TP.buildText . print
{-# INLINE[1] toText #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildLazyText' . 'print'@.
toLazyText  Printable α  α  TL.Text
toLazyText = TP.buildLazyText . print
{-# INLINE[1] toLazyText #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildAscii' . 'print'@.
toAscii  Printable α  α  BS.ByteString
toAscii = TP.buildAscii . print
{-# INLINE[1] toAscii #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildLazyAscii' . 'print'@.
toLazyAscii  Printable α  α  BL.ByteString
toLazyAscii = TP.buildLazyAscii . print
{-# INLINE[1] toLazyAscii #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildUtf8' . 'print'@.
toUtf8  Printable α  α  BS.ByteString
toUtf8 = TP.buildUtf8 . print
{-# INLINE[1] toUtf8 #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'TP.buildLazyUtf8' . 'print'@.
toLazyUtf8  Printable α  α  BL.ByteString
toLazyUtf8 = TP.buildLazyUtf8 . print
{-# INLINE[1] toLazyUtf8 #-}

-- | The default parser for values of a type, must satisfy
--   @
--     'fromString' ('toString' /x/) = 'Just' /x/
--   @
class Printable α  Textual α where
  textual  (Monad μ, CharParsing μ)  μ α

instance Textual Char where
  textual = PC.anyChar
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Integer where
  textual = number Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Int where
  textual = bounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Int8 where
  textual = bounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Int16 where
  textual = bounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Int32 where
  textual = bounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Int64 where
  textual = bounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Word where
  textual = nnBounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Word8 where
  textual = nnBounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Word16 where
  textual = nnBounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Word32 where
  textual = nnBounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Textual Word64 where
  textual = nnBounded Decimal
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance Integral α  Textual (Ratio α) where
  textual = fraction
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

instance HasResolution α  Textual (Fixed α) where
  textual = fractional
  {-# INLINE textual #-}

-- | Parsing result.
data Parsed α = Parsed α
              | Malformed [String] String
              deriving (Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Show)

instance Applicative Parsed where
  pure = Parsed
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  Parsed f       <*> Parsed a       = Parsed (f a)
  Malformed ls e <*> _              = Malformed ls e
  _              <*> Malformed ls e = Malformed ls e
  {-# INLINABLE (<*>) #-}

instance Alternative Parsed where
  empty = Malformed [] "Alternative.empty"
  {-# INLINE empty #-}
  p@(Parsed _) <|> _ = p
  _            <|> p = p
  {-# INLINABLE (<|>) #-}

-- | Map 'Parsed' to 'True' and 'Malformed' to 'False'.
isParsed  Parsed α  Bool
isParsed (Parsed _) = True
isParsed _          = False

-- | Map 'Parsed' to 'False' and 'Malformed' to 'True'.
isMalformed  Parsed α  Bool
isMalformed (Malformed _ _) = True
isMalformed _               = False

-- | Map 'Parsed' values to 'Just' and 'Malformed' to 'Nothing'.
maybeParsed  Parsed α  Maybe α
maybeParsed (Parsed a) = Just a
maybeParsed _          = Nothing
{-# INLINABLE maybeParsed #-}

data Parser α =
  Parser { runParser   r
                     . [String]  Word  String
                      ([String]  Word  String  α  Parsed r)
                      ([String]  Word  String  String  Parsed r)
                      Parsed r }

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap f p = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
               runParser p ls n i (\ls' n' i' a  c ls' n' i' (f a)) h
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance Applicative Parser where
  pure a = Parser $ \ls n i c _  c ls n i a
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  p <*> p' = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
               runParser p ls n i
                 (\ls' n' i' f 
                    runParser p' ls' n' i'
                      (\ls'' n'' i'' a  c ls'' n'' i'' (f a)) h)
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  p *> p' = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
              runParser p ls n i (\ls' n' i' _  runParser p' ls' n' i' c h) h
  {-# INLINE (*>) #-}
  p <* p' = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
              runParser p ls n i
                        (\ls' n' i' a 
                           runParser p' ls' n' i'
                                     (\ls'' n'' i'' _  c ls'' n'' i'' a) h)
  {-# INLINE (<*) #-}

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty = PC.unexpected "Alternative.empty"
  {-# INLINE empty #-}
  p <|> p' = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
               runParser p ls n i c $ \ls' n' i' e 
                 if n' == n then runParser p' ls n' i' c h
                            else h ls' n' i' e
  {-# INLINE (<|>) #-}

instance Parsing Parser where
  try p = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
            runParser p ls n i c (\ls' _ _ e  h ls' n i e)
  {-# INLINE try #-}
  p <?> l = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
              runParser p (l : ls) n i (\_ n' i' a  c ls n' i' a) h
  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
  skipMany p = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
                 runParser p ls n i
                   (\ls' n' i' _  runParser (PC.skipMany p) ls' n' i' c h)
                   (\ls' n' i' _  c ls' n' i' ())
  skipSome p = p *> PC.skipMany p
  {-# INLINE skipSome #-}
  unexpected e = Parser $ \ls n i _ h  h ls n i e
  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
  eof = Parser $ \ls n i c h  case i of
                   []  c ls n i ()
                   _   h ls n i "Parsing.eof"
  {-# INLINABLE eof #-}
  notFollowedBy p = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
                      runParser p ls n i
                                (\_ _ _ _  h ls n i "Parsing.notFollowedBy")
                                (\_ _ _ _  c ls n i ())
  {-# INLINE notFollowedBy #-}

instance CharParsing Parser where
  satisfy f = Parser $ \ls n i c h  case i of
                         x : xs | f x  c ls n' xs x
                                          where !n' = n + 1
                         _  h ls n i "CharParsing.satisfy"
  {-# INLINABLE satisfy #-}
  string s = Parser $ \ls n i c h  case stripPrefix s i of
                        Just i'  c ls n' i' s
                                    where !n' = n + fromIntegral (length s)
                        Nothing  h ls n i "CharParsing.string"
  {-# INLINABLE string #-}

instance Monad Parser where
  return = pure
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  p >>= f = Parser $ \ls n i c h 
              runParser p ls n i
                        (\ls' n' i' a  runParser (f a) ls' n' i' c h) h
  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  (>>) = (*>)
  {-# INLINE (>>) #-}
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
  fail = PC.unexpected
  {-# INLINE fail #-}

parse  Parser α  String  Parsed α
parse p i = runParser p [] 0 i (\_  _ _ a  Parsed a)
                               (\ls _ _ e  Malformed (reverse ls) e)
{-# INLINE parse #-}

-- | Use the built-in parser to parse a string. Intended for testing only.
builtInParser  ( μ . (Monad μ, CharParsing μ)  μ α)  String  Parsed α
builtInParser p = parse p
{-# INLINE builtInParser #-}

-- | Parse a 'String' to extract the 'Textual' value.
parseString  Textual α  String  Parsed α
parseString = parse $ textual <* PC.eof
{-# INLINE parseString #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseString'.
parseStringAs  Textual α  p α  String  Parsed α
parseStringAs _ = parseString
{-# INLINE parseStringAs #-}

-- | Parse a 'TS.Text' to extract the 'Textual' value.
parseText  Textual α  TS.Text  Parsed α
parseText = parseString . TS.unpack
{-# INLINE parseText #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseText'.
parseTextAs  Textual α  p α  TS.Text  Parsed α
parseTextAs _ = parseText
{-# INLINE parseTextAs #-}

-- | Parse a lazy 'TL.Text' to extract the 'Textual' value.
parseLazyText  Textual α  TL.Text  Parsed α
parseLazyText = parseString . TL.unpack
{-# INLINE parseLazyText #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseLazyText'.
parseLazyTextAs  Textual α  p α  TL.Text  Parsed α
parseLazyTextAs _ = parseLazyText
{-# INLINE parseLazyTextAs #-}

-- | Decode and parse an ASCII 'BS.ByteString' to extract the 'Textual' value.
parseAscii  Textual α  BS.ByteString  Parsed α
parseAscii = parseString . BS8.unpack
{-# INLINE parseAscii #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseAscii'.
parseAsciiAs  Textual α  p α  BS.ByteString  Parsed α
parseAsciiAs _ = parseAscii
{-# INLINE parseAsciiAs #-}

-- | Decode and parse a lazy ASCII 'BL.ByteString' to extract
--   the 'Textual' value.
parseLazyAscii  Textual α  BL.ByteString  Parsed α
parseLazyAscii = parseString . BL8.unpack
{-# INLINE parseLazyAscii #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseLazyAscii'.
parseLazyAsciiAs  Textual α  BL.ByteString  Parsed α
parseLazyAsciiAs = parseString . BL8.unpack
{-# INLINE parseLazyAsciiAs #-}

-- | Decode and parse a UTF-8 'BS.ByteString' to extract the 'Textual' value.
parseUtf8  Textual α  BS.ByteString  Parsed α
parseUtf8 = parseLazyText . decodeUtf8 . BL.fromStrict
{-# INLINE parseUtf8 #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseUtf8'.
parseUtf8As  Textual α  p α  BS.ByteString  Parsed α
parseUtf8As _ = parseUtf8
{-# INLINE parseUtf8As #-}

-- | Decode and parse a lazy UTF-8 'BL.ByteString' to extract
--   the 'Textual' value.
parseLazyUtf8  Textual α  BL.ByteString  Parsed α
parseLazyUtf8 = parseLazyText . decodeUtf8
{-# INLINE parseLazyUtf8 #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'parseLazyUtf8'.
parseLazyUtf8As  Textual α  p α  BL.ByteString  Parsed α
parseLazyUtf8As _ = parseLazyUtf8
{-# INLINE parseLazyUtf8As #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseString'@
fromString  Textual α  String  Maybe α
fromString = maybeParsed . parseString
{-# INLINE fromString #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromString'.
fromStringAs  Textual α  p α  String  Maybe α
fromStringAs _ = fromString
{-# INLINE fromStringAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseText'@
fromText  Textual α  TS.Text  Maybe α
fromText = maybeParsed . parseText
{-# INLINE fromText #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromText'.
fromTextAs  Textual α  p α  TS.Text  Maybe α
fromTextAs _ = fromText
{-# INLINE fromTextAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseLazyText'@
fromLazyText  Textual α  TL.Text  Maybe α
fromLazyText = maybeParsed . parseLazyText
{-# INLINE fromLazyText #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromLazyText'.
fromLazyTextAs  Textual α  p α  TL.Text  Maybe α
fromLazyTextAs _ = fromLazyText
{-# INLINE fromLazyTextAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseAscii'@
fromAscii  Textual α  BS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromAscii = maybeParsed . parseAscii
{-# INLINE fromAscii #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromAscii'.
fromAsciiAs  Textual α  p α  BS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromAsciiAs _ = fromAscii
{-# INLINE fromAsciiAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseLazyAscii'@
fromLazyAscii  Textual α  BL.ByteString  Maybe α
fromLazyAscii = maybeParsed . parseLazyAscii
{-# INLINE fromLazyAscii #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromLazyAscii'.
fromLazyAsciiAs  Textual α  p α  BL.ByteString  Maybe α
fromLazyAsciiAs _ = fromLazyAscii
{-# INLINE fromLazyAsciiAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseUtf8'@
fromUtf8  Textual α  BS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromUtf8 = maybeParsed . parseUtf8
{-# INLINE fromUtf8 #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromUtf8'.
fromUtf8As  Textual α  p α  BS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromUtf8As _ = fromUtf8
{-# INLINE fromUtf8As #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeParsed' . 'parseLazyUtf8'@
fromLazyUtf8  Textual α  BL.ByteString  Maybe α
fromLazyUtf8 = maybeParsed . parseLazyUtf8
{-# INLINE fromLazyUtf8 #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromLazyUtf8'.
fromLazyUtf8As  Textual α  p α  BL.ByteString  Maybe α
fromLazyUtf8As _ = fromLazyUtf8
{-# INLINE fromLazyUtf8As #-}