deepseq-bounded- Bounded deepseq, including support for generic deriving

CopyrightAndrew G. Seniuk 2014-2015
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerAndrew Seniuk <>
Safe HaskellNone






Basic operations on Patterns

unionPats :: [Pattern] -> Pattern Source

Compute the union of a list of Patterns.

Note that unionPats is undefined when homologous nodes specify incompatible arities (only possible when WR or TR are involved).

XXX Support for the various attributes is work in progress. It may be impossible to arrive at a consistent treatment for all attributes under unions. This is work in progress, but the five un-modified W* node types should be safe.

intersectPats :: [Pattern] -> Pattern Source

Compute the intersection of a list of Patterns.

Where two (or more) homologous WR nodes disagree in arity, the intersection at that position becomes WI.

XXX This doesn't yet handle type-constrained PatNodes (TI, TR, TN or TW). Other attributes are handled in a haphazard fashion. This is work in progress, but the five un-modified W* node types should be safe.

subPat :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Bool Source

Return True if the first pattern matches the second (and False otherwise).

Arities must correspond (or the second pattern's node must be wild) for the match to succeed at each recursive PatNode (i.e. WR or TR). Matching does not imply spanning; flip subPat would work for that.

XXX This doesn't yet handle type-constrained PatNodes (TI, TR, TN or TW), because intersectPats doesn't. Generally speaking, it is difficult to arrive at a good policy for subpattern, union and intersection, when mixed types of nodes with various attribute values are considered! Other attributes are handled in a haphazard fashion. This is work in progress, but the five un-modified W* node types should be safe.

More formally, we have two "Subpattern Axioms":

  • Not More Specifc   A subpattern (of a pattern) is never more specific (i.e. less permissive), in terms of what values it will match.
  • Not More Forcing   A subpattern never has greater forcing potential.

And a proper subpattern will always be strictly more permissive or less forcing (or both).

Operations for obtaining and modifying Patterns based on a term

mkPat :: forall d. Data d => d -> Pattern Source

Obtain a lazy, potentially infinite pattern, matching the shape of an arbitrary term (value expression).

There is only one kind of PatNode employed here, WR.

The Pattern is extended indefinitely on demand. In case the term has leaves, these will be WR nodes with empty child lists in the corresponding pattern.

Caveat: Note that mkPat gives counter-intuitive results when used on rose trees, in particular on Pattern itself. For example, a rose tree with a single node will have a 3-node /\ shape.) Formally, mkPat is not idempotent on Patterns, but rather grows without bound when iterated. This shouldn't be an issue in practise.

mkPatN :: forall d. Data d => Int -> d -> Pattern Source

Obtain a lazy, finite pattern, matching the shape of an arbitrary term, but only down to at most depth n.

Satisfies forcep . mkPatN n = forcen n. (Later: I kinda doubt that is true in full generality?... Although it does convey the idea.)

Unlike mkPat, three pattern node contexts arise here:

  • those corresponding to actual leaf (nullary) nodes of the term
    • these are   Node WR []
  • interior nodes of the pattern corresponding to interior nodes of the term
    • these are   Node WR chs   where chs are the child subpatterns of this interior pattern node
  • leaf nodes of the pattern corresponding to interior nodes of the term, that is, non-leaf nodes of the term which are at a depth n of nested constructor applications.
    • these are   Node WR chs'   where   chs' = map (const $ Node WI []) chs = map (const emptyPat) chs
    • this essentially says we're allowed to know the arity of the node, but aside from this cardinal number we know nothing whatsoever concerning the child subpatterns and are not even permitted to evaluate their heads

All interior nodes are WR, and all leaf nodes are WI; WS never arise.

See caveat in the mkPat documentation.

growPat :: forall d. Data d => Pattern -> d -> Pattern Source

Grow all leaves by one level within the shape of the provided value. This is intended to be used with "plain" patterns, i.e. those containing only WR and WI nodes. (There is no code enforcing this.) A new growth node always replaces a WI (leaf) node with a WR node bearing the suitable number of WI children to encode arity (see mkPat for general commentary about this).

Operations for obtaining subpatterns (in the subPat sense)

truncatePat :: Int -> Pattern -> Pattern Source

Given an integer depth and a pattern, truncate the pattern to extend to at most this requested depth.

Nodes in the truncated pattern which were WR and are now leaves, are changed to WI.

XXX Note that *N and *W nodes are retained, so if you are using those then "extend to at most this depth" does not mean the forcing potential of the pattern is at most that depth... It would be quite possible to improve this, so *N (and *W nodes, obviously) are "weakened" (depth is reduced) so that they end at the truncation depth, regardless of how far up they reside. In particular, any *N or *W node at truncation depth could be replaced by WS. This works well as all these node types are arity-agnostic.

shrinkPat :: Pattern -> Pattern Source

Elide all leaves which have no non-leaf sibling. We want the pattern to still match the same value, only less of it. Merely eliding all leaves would, in most cases, cause match failure, so we have to be a bit more subtle. There are some arbitrary decisions about the relaxation route through the lattice. (Refer to the source for details.)

More formally, we have some "Shrinkage Axioms". The first two are really just the "Subpattern Axioms" again, that is, shrinkage is always to a subpattern in our sense of the word (see also subPat):

  • Not More Specifc   Shrinkage is never towards a more specific (i.e. less permissive) pattern.
  • Not More Forcing   Shrinkage is never towards a pattern with greater forcing potential.

And additionally, for finite patterns only:

  • Non-Constancy   A finite pattern is constant under shrinkage iff the pattern is trivial (emptyPat, ".", Node WI []). However, infinite patterns have other limits. For instance, the infinite pattern concat $ repeat "(." (yes you can do that!) is already stationary under shrinkage.
  • Convergence   On iteration, shrinkage of finite patterns reaches the trivial pattern in a number of steps proportional to the size of the initial pattern argument. (Actually, *N and *W nodes can make this larger.) However, in the case of infinite patterns, all bets are off: Simple examples exist which converge immediately, or which continue shrinking indefinitely.)

Operations for the direct construction and perturbation of Patterns

emptyPat :: Pattern Source

There is no Nil in the Pattern type, but a single WI node as empty pattern is a dependable way to ensure that the empty pattern never forces anything. This sets PatNodeAttrs to emptyPatNodeAttrs.

liftPats :: [Pattern] -> Pattern Source

This creates a new WR node, the common root, with PatNodeAttrs set to emptyPatNodeAttrs. The argument patterns become the children of the root (order is preserved).

splicePats :: Pattern -> [Int] -> [(Int, Pattern)] -> Pattern Source

Add children to a node (interior or leaf) of the target. The first argument is target pattern, the second is a path (0-based indexing) from the root of the target to any choice node, and the third is a list of subpatterns for insertion, along with the indices of the insertion slots. Indices range through -1,0..n, where n is the number of existing children, and -1 is short for n (so you don't need to count off the children to append!). Indices are always relative to the original target as it was received.

elidePats :: Pattern -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Pattern Source

Elide children of a node (interior or leaf) of the target. The first argument is target pattern, the second is a path (0-based indexing) from the root of the target to any choice node, and the third is a list of child indices for elision. Indices range through -1,0..n-1, where n is the number of existing children, and -1 is short for n-1 (so you don't need to count off the children to elide the rightmost). Indices are always relative to the original target as it was received.

erodePat :: StdGen -> [Int] -> Pattern -> (Pattern, StdGen) Source

Select a leaf at random, and elide it. In order to achieve fairness, the node probabilities are weighted by nodes in branch. The path arg can "focus" the stochastic erosion to only consider leaves beneath a given node.

Re-exported for convenience

Debugging convenience

type Shape = Rose () Source

shapeOf :: forall d. Data d => d -> Shape Source

ghom :: forall r d. Data d => GenericQ r -> d -> Rose r Source

unzipRose :: Rose (r, s) -> (Rose r, Rose s) Source