{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Test.DejaFu.SCT
-- Copyright   : (c) 2015--2019 Michael Walker
-- License     : MIT
-- Maintainer  : Michael Walker <mike@barrucadu.co.uk>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Systematic testing for concurrent computations.
module Test.DejaFu.SCT
  ( -- * Running Concurrent Programs
  , runSCT'
  , resultsSet
  , resultsSet'

  -- ** Configuration
  , runSCTWithSettings
  , runSCTWithSettings'
  , resultsSetWithSettings
  , resultsSetWithSettings'
  , module Test.DejaFu.Settings
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative               ((<|>))
import           Control.DeepSeq                   (NFData(..), force)
import           Control.Monad.Conc.Class          (MonadConc)
import           Data.List                         (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map.Strict                   as M
import           Data.Maybe                        (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Set                          (Set)
import qualified Data.Set                          as S

import           Test.DejaFu.Conc
import           Test.DejaFu.Internal
import           Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal
import           Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal.DPOR
import           Test.DejaFu.SCT.Internal.Weighted
import           Test.DejaFu.Settings
import           Test.DejaFu.Types
import           Test.DejaFu.Utils

-- Running Concurrent Programs

-- | Explore possible executions of a concurrent program according to
-- the given 'Way'.
-- The exact executions tried, and the order in which results are
-- found, is unspecified and may change between releases.
-- @since
runSCT :: MonadConc n
  => Way
  -- ^ How to run the concurrent program.
  -> MemType
  -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @IORef@ operations.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n [(Either Condition a, Trace)]
runSCT way = runSCTWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way

-- | Return the set of results of a concurrent program.
-- @since
resultsSet :: (MonadConc n, Ord a)
  => Way
  -- ^ How to run the concurrent program.
  -> MemType
  -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @IORef@ operations.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n (Set (Either Condition a))
resultsSet way = resultsSetWithSettings . fromWayAndMemType way

-- | A strict variant of 'runSCT'.
-- Demanding the result of this will force it to normal form, which
-- may be more efficient in some situations.
-- The exact executions tried, and the order in which results are
-- found, is unspecified and may change between releases.
-- @since
runSCT' :: (MonadConc n, NFData a)
  => Way
  -- ^ How to run the concurrent program.
  -> MemType
  -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @IORef@ operations.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n [(Either Condition a, Trace)]
runSCT' way = runSCTWithSettings' . fromWayAndMemType way

-- | A strict variant of 'resultsSet'.
-- Demanding the result of this will force it to normal form, which
-- may be more efficient in some situations.
-- @since
resultsSet' :: (MonadConc n, Ord a, NFData a)
  => Way
  -- ^ How to run the concurrent program.
  -> MemType
  -- ^ The memory model to use for non-synchronised @IORef@ operations.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n (Set (Either Condition a))
resultsSet' way = resultsSetWithSettings' . fromWayAndMemType way

-- Configuration

-- | A variant of 'runSCT' which takes a 'Settings' record.
-- The exact executions tried, and the order in which results are
-- found, is unspecified and may change between releases.
-- @since
runSCTWithSettings :: MonadConc n
  => Settings n a
  -- ^ The SCT settings.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n [(Either Condition a, Trace)]
runSCTWithSettings settings conc = case _way settings of
  Systematic cb0 ->
    let initial = initialState

        check = findSchedulePrefix

        step cstate0 run dp (prefix, conservative, sleep) = do
          (res, s, trace) <- run
            (dporSched (_safeIO settings) (cBound (_lengthBound settings) cb0))
            (initialDPORSchedState sleep prefix cstate0)

          let bpoints = findBacktrackSteps (_safeIO settings) (_memtype settings) (cBacktrack cb0) (schedBoundKill s) cstate0 (schedBPoints s) trace
          let newDPOR = incorporateTrace (_safeIO settings) (_memtype settings) conservative trace cstate0 dp

          pure $ if schedIgnore s
                 then (force newDPOR, Nothing)
                 else (force (incorporateBacktrackSteps bpoints newDPOR), Just (res, trace))
    in sct settings initial check step conc

  Randomly gen g0 lim0 ->
    let initial _ = (g0, max 0 lim0)

        check (_, 0) = Nothing
        check s = Just s

        step _ run _ (g, n) = do
          (res, s, trace) <- run
            (randSched gen)
            (initialRandSchedState (_lengthBound settings) g)
          pure ((schedGen s, n-1), Just (res, trace))
    in sct settings initial check step conc

-- | A variant of 'resultsSet' which takes a 'Settings' record.
-- @since
resultsSetWithSettings :: (MonadConc n, Ord a)
  => Settings n a
  -- ^ The SCT settings.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n (Set (Either Condition a))
resultsSetWithSettings settings conc =
  let settings' = settings { _discard = Just $ \efa -> fromMaybe (const Nothing) (_discard settings) efa <|> Just DiscardTrace }
  in S.fromList . map fst <$> runSCTWithSettings settings' conc

-- | A strict variant of 'runSCTWithSettings'.
-- Demanding the result of this will force it to normal form, which
-- may be more efficient in some situations.
-- The exact executions tried, and the order in which results are
-- found, is unspecified and may change between releases.
-- @since
runSCTWithSettings' :: (MonadConc n, NFData a)
  => Settings n a
  -- ^ The SCT settings.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n [(Either Condition a, Trace)]
runSCTWithSettings' settings conc = do
  res <- runSCTWithSettings settings conc
  rnf res `seq` pure res

-- | A strict variant of 'resultsSetWithSettings'.
-- Demanding the result of this will force it to normal form, which
-- may be more efficient in some situations.
-- @since
resultsSetWithSettings' :: (MonadConc n, Ord a, NFData a)
  => Settings n a
  -- ^ The SCT settings.
  -> Program pty n a
  -- ^ The computation to run many times.
  -> n (Set (Either Condition a))
resultsSetWithSettings' settings conc = do
  res <- resultsSetWithSettings settings conc
  rnf res `seq` pure res

-- Combined Bounds

-- | Combination bound function
cBound :: Maybe LengthBound -> Bounds -> IncrementalBoundFunc ((Int, Maybe ThreadId), M.Map ThreadId Int, Int)
cBound lb (Bounds pb fb) (Just (k1, k2, k3)) prior lh =
  let k1' = maybe (\k _ _ -> k) pBound pb (Just k1) prior lh
      k2' = maybe (\k _ _ -> k) fBound fb (Just k2) prior lh
      k3' = maybe (\k _ _ -> k) lBound lb (Just k3) prior lh
  in (,,) <$> k1' <*> k2' <*> k3'
cBound _ _ Nothing _ _ = Just ((0, Nothing), M.empty, 1)

-- | Backtracks to the given point.
-- If pre-emption bounding is enabled, also conservatively adds a
-- backtracking point prior to the most recent transition before that
-- point.  This may result in the same state being reached multiple
-- times, but is needed because of the artificial dependency imposed
-- by the bound.
cBacktrack :: Bounds -> BacktrackFunc
cBacktrack (Bounds (Just _) _) bs =
    backtrackAt (\_ _ -> False) bs . concatMap addConservative
    addConservative o@(i, _, tid) = o : case conservative i of
      Just j  -> [(j, True, tid)]
      Nothing -> []

    -- index of conservative point
    conservative i = go (reverse (take (i-1) bs)) (i-1) where
      go _ (-1) = Nothing
      go (b1:rest@(b2:_)) j
        | bcktThreadid b1 /= bcktThreadid b2
          && not (isCommitRef $ bcktAction b1)
          && not (isCommitRef $ bcktAction b2) = Just j
        | otherwise = go rest (j-1)
      go _ _ = Nothing
cBacktrack _ bs = backtrackAt (\_ _ -> False) bs

-- Pre-emption bounding

-- | Pre-emption bound function. This does not count pre-emptive
-- context switches to a commit thread.
pBound :: PreemptionBound -> IncrementalBoundFunc (Int, Maybe ThreadId)
pBound (PreemptionBound pb) k prior lhead =
  let k'@(pcount, _) = preEmpCountInc (fromMaybe (0, Nothing) k) prior lhead
  in if pcount <= pb then Just k' else Nothing

-- Fair bounding

-- | Fair bound function
fBound :: FairBound -> IncrementalBoundFunc (M.Map ThreadId Int)
fBound (FairBound fb) k prior lhead =
  let k' = yieldCountInc (fromMaybe M.empty k) prior lhead
  in if not (willYield (snd lhead)) || maxDiff (M.elems k') <= fb
     then Just k'
     else Nothing

-- Length bounding

-- | Length bound function
lBound :: LengthBound -> IncrementalBoundFunc Int
lBound (LengthBound lb) len _ _ =
  let len' = maybe 1 (+1) len
  in if len' < lb then Just len' else Nothing

-- Utilities

-- | An incremental version of 'preEmpCount', going one step at a time.
  :: (Int, Maybe ThreadId)
  -- ^ The number of preemptions so far and, if currently executing a
  -- commit thread, what the prior thread was.
  -> Maybe (ThreadId, ThreadAction)
  -- ^ What just happened.
  -> (Decision, a)
  -- ^ What's coming up.
  -> (Int, Maybe ThreadId)
preEmpCountInc (sofar, lastnoncommit) prior (d, _) = case (prior, d) of
    (Just (tid, _),   Start    tnext) -> cswitch tid tnext False
    (Just (tid, act), SwitchTo tnext) -> cswitch tid tnext (not (didYield act))
    (_, Continue) -> (sofar, lastnoncommit)
    (Nothing, _)  -> (sofar, lastnoncommit)
    cswitch tid tnext isPreemptive
      | isCommitThread tnext = (sofar, if isCommitThread tid then lastnoncommit else Just tid)
      | isCommitThread tid   = (if lastnoncommit == Just tnext then sofar else sofar + 1, Nothing)
      | otherwise = (if isPreemptive then sofar + 1 else sofar, Nothing)

    isCommitThread = (< initialThread)

-- | An incremental count of yields, going one step at a time.
  :: M.Map ThreadId Int
  -- ^ The number of yields of each thread so far
  -> Maybe (ThreadId, a)
  -- ^ What just happened.
  -> (Decision, Lookahead)
  -- ^ What's coming up.
  -> M.Map ThreadId Int
yieldCountInc sofar prior (d, lnext) = case prior of
    Just (tid, _) -> ycount (tidOf tid d)
    Nothing       -> ycount initialThread
    ycount tnext
      | willYield lnext = M.alter (Just . maybe 1 (+1)) tnext sofar
      | otherwise       = M.alter (Just . fromMaybe 0) tnext sofar

-- | Determine if an action is a commit or not.
isCommitRef :: ThreadAction -> Bool
isCommitRef (CommitIORef _ _) = True
isCommitRef _ = False

-- | Get the maximum difference between two ints in a list.
maxDiff :: [Int] -> Int
maxDiff = go 0 where
  go m (x:xs) =
    let m' = m `max` foldl' (go' x) 0 xs
    in go m' xs
  go m [] = m
  go' x0 m x = m `max` abs (x0 - x)