-- | This module contains the implementation of the @dhall repl@ subcommand

{-# language FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards   #-}

module Dhall.Repl
    ( -- * Repl
    ) where

import Control.Exception ( SomeException(SomeException), displayException, throwIO )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO )
import Control.Monad.State.Class ( MonadState, get, modify )
import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( evalStateT )
import Data.List ( elemIndex, isPrefixOf, nub )
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Dhall.Binary (StandardVersion(..))
import Dhall.Context (Context)
import Dhall.Import (standardVersion)
import Dhall.Pretty (CharacterSet(..))
import Lens.Family (set)
import System.Console.Haskeline (Interrupt(..))
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion ( Completion, simpleCompletion )
import System.Environment ( getEnvironment )

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.HashSet
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Pretty ( renderIO )
import qualified Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Binary
import qualified Dhall.Context
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Core as Dhall ( Var(V), Expr, normalize )
import qualified Dhall.Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Core as Expr ( Expr(..) )
import qualified Dhall.Import as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Map as Map
import qualified Dhall.Parser as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck as Dhall
import qualified System.Console.ANSI
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline.Completion as Haskeline
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline.MonadException as Haskeline
import qualified System.Console.Repline as Repline
import qualified System.IO

type Repl = Repline.HaskelineT (State.StateT Env IO)

-- | Implementation of the @dhall repl@ subcommand
repl :: CharacterSet -> Bool -> StandardVersion -> IO ()
repl characterSet explain _standardVersion =
    if explain then Dhall.detailed io else io
    io =
        ( Repline.evalRepl
            ( pure "⊢ " )
            ( dontCrash . eval )
            ( Just optionsPrefix )
        (emptyEnv { characterSet, explain, _standardVersion })

data Env = Env
  { envBindings      :: Dhall.Context.Context Binding
  , envIt            :: Maybe Binding
  , explain          :: Bool
  , characterSet     :: CharacterSet
  , _standardVersion :: StandardVersion

emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv =
    { envBindings = Dhall.Context.empty
    , envIt = Nothing
    , explain = False
    , _standardVersion = Dhall.Binary.defaultStandardVersion
    , characterSet = Unicode

data Binding = Binding
  { bindingExpr :: Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X
  , bindingType :: Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X

envToContext :: Env -> Dhall.Context.Context Binding
envToContext Env{ envBindings, envIt } =
  case envIt of
    Nothing ->

    Just it ->
      Dhall.Context.insert "it" it envBindings

  :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m )
  => String -> m ( Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X )
parseAndLoad src = do
  env <-

  parsed <-
    case Dhall.exprFromText "(stdin)" ( Text.pack src ) of
      Left e ->
        liftIO ( throwIO e )

      Right a ->
        return a

  let status =
        set standardVersion (_standardVersion env) (Dhall.emptyStatus ".")

  liftIO ( State.evalStateT (Dhall.loadWith parsed) status )

eval :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m ) => String -> m ()
eval src = do
  loaded <-
    parseAndLoad src

  exprType <-
    typeCheck loaded

  expr <-
    normalize loaded

  modify ( \e -> e { envIt = Just ( Binding expr exprType ) } )

  output System.IO.stdout expr

typeOf :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m ) => [String] -> m ()
typeOf [] =
  liftIO ( putStrLn ":type requires an argument to check the type of" )

typeOf srcs = do
  loaded <-
    parseAndLoad ( unwords srcs )

  exprType <-
    typeCheck loaded

  exprType' <-
    normalize exprType

  output System.IO.stdout exprType'

    :: Context Binding
    -> Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X
    -> Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X
applyContext context expression =
  case bindings of
    []     -> expression
    b : bs -> Dhall.Core.Let (b :| bs) expression
    definitions = reverse $ Dhall.Context.toList context

    convertBinding (variable, Binding {..}) = Dhall.Core.Binding {..}
        annotation = Just bindingType
        value      = bindingExpr

    bindings = fmap convertBinding definitions

  :: MonadState Env m
  => Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X -> m ( Dhall.Expr t Dhall.X )
normalize e = do
  env <- get

  return (Dhall.normalize (applyContext (envToContext env) e))

  :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m )
  => Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X -> m ( Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X )
typeCheck expression = do
  env <- get

  let wrap = if explain env then Dhall.detailed else id

  case Dhall.typeOf (applyContext (envToContext env) expression) of
    Left  e -> liftIO ( wrap (throwIO e) )
    Right a -> return a

-- Separate the equal sign to be its own word in order to simplify parsing
-- This is intended to be used with the options that require assignment
separateEqual :: [String] -> [String]
separateEqual [] = []
separateEqual (x:xs)
  -- Handle the case where there is no space between the var and "="
  | Just i <- elemIndex '=' x
  = let (a, _:b) = splitAt i x
    in  a : "=" : b : xs

  -- Handle the case where there is no space between the "=" and the expression
  | ('=':y):ys <- xs
  = x : "=" : y : ys

  | otherwise
  = x : xs

addBinding :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m ) => [String] -> m ()
addBinding (k : "=" : srcs) = do
    varName =
      Text.pack k

  loaded <-
    parseAndLoad ( unwords srcs )

  t <-
    typeCheck loaded

  expr <-
    normalize loaded

    ( \e ->
          { envBindings =
                Binding { bindingType = t, bindingExpr = expr }
                ( envBindings e )

    ( Expr.Annot ( Expr.Var ( Dhall.V varName 0 ) ) t )

addBinding _ =
  liftIO ( fail ":let should be of the form `:let x = y`" )

saveBinding :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m ) => [String] -> m ()
saveBinding (file : "=" : tokens) = do
  loadedExpression <- parseAndLoad (unwords tokens)

  _ <- typeCheck loadedExpression

  normalizedExpression <- normalize loadedExpression

  env <- get

  let handler handle =
          State.evalStateT (output handle normalizedExpression) env

  liftIO (System.IO.withFile file System.IO.WriteMode handler)
saveBinding _ = fail ":save should be of the form `:save x = y`"

cmdQuit :: ( MonadIO m, MonadState Env m ) => [String] -> m ()
cmdQuit _ = do
  liftIO (putStrLn "Goodbye.")
  liftIO (throwIO Interrupt)

optionsPrefix :: Char
optionsPrefix = ':'

  :: ( Haskeline.MonadException m, MonadIO m, MonadState Env m )
  => Repline.Options m
options =
  [ ( "type", dontCrash . typeOf )
  , ( "let", dontCrash . addBinding . separateEqual )
  , ( "save", dontCrash . saveBinding . separateEqual )
  , ( "quit", cmdQuit )

  :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadState Env m)
  => Repline.CompleterStyle m
completer =
    (Haskeline.completeWordWithPrev (Just '\\') separators completeFunc)
    -- Separators that can be found on the left of something we want to
    -- autocomplete
    separators :: String
    separators = " \t[(,=+*&|}#?>:"

  :: (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadState Env m)
  => String -> String -> m [Completion]
completeFunc reversedPrev word

  -- Complete commands
  | reversedPrev == ":"
  = pure . listCompletion $ fst <$> (options :: Repline.Options Repl)

  -- Complete file paths
  | any (`isPrefixOf` word) [ "/", "./", "../", "~/" ]
  = Haskeline.listFiles word

  -- Complete environment variables
  | reverse "env:" `isPrefixOf` reversedPrev
  = listCompletion . fmap fst <$> liftIO getEnvironment

  -- Complete record fields and union alternatives
  | '.' `elem` word
  = do
    Env { envBindings } <- get

    let var:subFields = Text.split (== '.') (Text.pack word)

    case Dhall.Context.lookup var 0 envBindings of

      Nothing -> pure []

      Just binding -> do
        let candidates = algebraicComplete subFields (bindingExpr binding)
        pure $ listCompletion (Text.unpack . (var <>) <$> candidates)

  -- Complete variables in scope and all reserved identifiers
  | otherwise
  = do
    Env { envBindings } <- get

    let vars     = map fst $ Dhall.Context.toList envBindings
        reserved = Data.HashSet.toList Dhall.Core.reservedIdentifiers

    pure . listCompletion . map Text.unpack . nub $ vars ++ reserved

    listCompletion = map simpleCompletion . filter (word `isPrefixOf`)

    algebraicComplete :: [Text.Text] -> Dhall.Expr Dhall.Src Dhall.X -> [Text.Text]
    algebraicComplete subFields expr =
      let keys = fmap ("." <>) . Map.keys

          withMap m
            | [] <- subFields   = keys m
            -- Stop on last subField (we care about the keys at this level)
            | [_] <- subFields  = keys m
            | f:fs <- subFields =
                (fmap (("." <> f) <>) . algebraicComplete fs)
                (Map.lookup f m)

      in  case expr of
            Dhall.Core.Record       m -> withMap m
            Dhall.Core.RecordLit    m -> withMap m
            Dhall.Core.Union        m -> withMap m
            Dhall.Core.UnionLit _ _ m -> withMap m
            _                         -> []

greeter :: MonadIO m => m ()
greeter =
  return ()

dontCrash :: ( MonadIO m, Haskeline.MonadException m ) => m () -> m ()
dontCrash m =
    ( \ e@SomeException{} -> liftIO ( putStrLn ( displayException e ) ) )

    :: (Pretty.Pretty a, MonadState Env m, MonadIO m)
    => System.IO.Handle -> Dhall.Expr s a -> m ()
output handle expr = do
  Env { characterSet } <- get

  liftIO (System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "")  -- Visual spacing

  let stream =
          Pretty.layoutSmart Dhall.Pretty.layoutOpts
              (Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet expr)

  supportsANSI <- liftIO (System.Console.ANSI.hSupportsANSI handle)
  let ansiStream =
          if supportsANSI
          then fmap Dhall.Pretty.annToAnsiStyle stream
          else Pretty.unAnnotateS stream

  liftIO (Pretty.renderIO handle ansiStream)
  liftIO (System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "") -- Pretty printing doesn't end with a new line

  liftIO (System.IO.hPutStrLn handle "")  -- Visual spacing