{-# Language LambdaCase #-}
  Cursor-based navigation and modification of 'DirTree's.

This module should be imported qualified due to the very short names it exports.
module System.Directory.Contents.Zipper where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.FilePath

import System.Directory.Contents.Types

-- * Zipper

-- | A zipper for a 'DirTree'. As you navigate the tree, this keeps track of where
-- you are (which node is "focused" under your cursor) and how to reach parent, child,
-- and sibling nodes.
data DirZipper a = DirZipper
  { _dirZipper_cursor :: DirTree a -- ^ Cursor position
  , _dirZipper_siblings :: Map FilePath (DirTree a) -- ^ Siblings
  , _dirZipper_elders :: [(DirTree a, Map FilePath (DirTree a))]
  -- ^ Parents and aunts/uncles, in reverse order (i.e., immediate ancestors first)
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

-- | Construct a zipper out of a 'DirTree'. Use 'focused' or 'unzipped' to get back
-- a 'DirTree'
zipped :: DirTree a -> DirZipper a
zipped a = DirZipper a Map.empty []

-- | The currently focused/selected node (and its children).  In other words,
-- where you are in the directory hierarchy.
focused :: DirZipper a -> DirTree a
focused = _dirZipper_cursor

-- | Throws away your current cursor information and returns the entire 'DirTree'
-- contained by the 'DirZipper'.
-- > unzipped . zipped == id
unzipped :: DirZipper a -> DirTree a
unzipped = focused . home

-- | Move down a level in the directory hierarchy. To move down to a specific child,
-- use 'downTo'.
down :: DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
down dz = case dz of
  DirZipper p@(DirTree_Dir _ xs) siblings parents ->
    withFirstChild xs $ \firstChild children ->
      DirZipper firstChild children $ (p, siblings) : parents
  DirZipper p@(DirTree_Symlink _ (Symlink_External _ xs)) siblings parents ->
    withFirstChild xs $ \firstChild children ->
      DirZipper firstChild children $ (p, siblings) : parents
  DirZipper (DirTree_Symlink _ (Symlink_Internal _ ref)) _ _ ->
    followRelative ref $ home dz
  _ -> Nothing

-- | Move up a level in the directory hierarchy, back to the parent that you
-- previously moved 'down' through.
up :: DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
up = \case
  DirZipper c s ((parent, uncles):ps) ->
    Just $ DirZipper (update c s parent) uncles ps
  _ -> Nothing
    update :: DirTree a -> Map FilePath (DirTree a) -> DirTree a -> DirTree a
    update child siblings parent = case parent of
      DirTree_Dir f _ -> DirTree_Dir f $ insertSibling child siblings
      DirTree_Symlink f (Symlink_External s _) ->
        DirTree_Symlink f $ Symlink_External s $ insertSibling child siblings
      _ -> parent

-- | Go to the top of the directory hierarchy.
home :: DirZipper a -> DirZipper a
home dz =
  let upmost z = maybe z upmost $ up z
  in upmost dz

-- | Navigation directions for sibling nodes
data NavSibling = NavLeft | NavRight

-- | Move to the sibling next to the focused node
nextSibling :: NavSibling -> DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
nextSibling nav (DirZipper cursor siblings parents) =
  let kids = insertSibling cursor siblings
      next = case nav of
        NavRight -> Map.lookupGT (fileName cursor) kids
        NavLeft -> Map.lookupLT (fileName cursor) kids
  in case next of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just (_, sibling) -> Just $
        DirZipper sibling (removeSibling sibling kids) parents

-- | Move to the sibling to the left of the focused node
left :: DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
left = nextSibling NavLeft

-- | Move to the sibling to the right of the focused node
right :: DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
right = nextSibling NavRight

-- | Go to a particular sibling
toSibling :: FileName -> DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
toSibling name (DirZipper cursor siblings parents) =
  case Map.lookup name siblings of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just sibling ->
      let otherSiblings = insertSibling cursor $
            removeSibling sibling siblings
      in Just $ DirZipper sibling otherSiblings parents

-- | Move down in the directory hierarchy to a particular child
downTo :: FileName -> DirZipper a -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
downTo name z = do
  d <- down z
  if fileName (focused d) == name
    then pure d
    else toSibling name d

-- | Modify the focused node
  :: (DirTree a -> DirTree a)
  -> DirZipper a
  -> DirZipper a
mapCursor f (DirZipper cursor siblings parents) =
  DirZipper (f cursor) siblings parents

-- | Replace the focused node
  :: DirTree a
  -> DirZipper a
  -> DirZipper a
replaceCursor = mapCursor . const

-- | Add a new sibling to the focused node's generation and focus on it
  :: DirTree a
  -> DirZipper a
  -> DirZipper a
insert d (DirZipper cursor siblings parents) =
    (insertSibling cursor siblings)

-- | Remove the focused node
  :: DirZipper a
  -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
remove z@(DirZipper cursor _ _) =
  let rm (DirZipper c s p) =
        DirZipper c (removeSibling cursor s) p
  in case rm <$> (left z <|> right z) of
    Just s -> Just s
    Nothing -> case up z of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just dz -> Just $ flip replaceCursor dz $
        case _dirZipper_cursor dz of
          DirTree_Dir f _ -> DirTree_Dir f Map.empty
          DirTree_Symlink f (Symlink_External s _) ->
            DirTree_Symlink f (Symlink_External s Map.empty)
          x -> x

-- | Try to navigate the provided (possibly relative) path.
  :: FilePath
  -> DirZipper a
  -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
followRelative path dz =
  let follow r z = case r of
        "." -> Just z
        ".." -> up z
        _ -> downTo r z <|> toSibling r z
      go rs z = case rs of
        [] -> Just z
        (r:more) -> go more =<< follow r z
  in go (splitDirectories path) dz

-- | If the focused node is an internal symlink (see 'Symlink'), try to get
-- to the target.
  :: DirZipper a
  -> Maybe (DirZipper a)
followLink z = case z of
  DirZipper (DirTree_Symlink _ (Symlink_Internal s _)) _ _ -> followRelative s z
  _ -> Nothing