{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Network.DNS.LookupRaw (
  -- * Lookups returning requested RData
  , lookupAuth
  -- * Lookups returning DNS Messages
  , lookupRaw
  , lookupRawCtl
  -- * DNS Message procesing
  , fromDNSMessage
  ) where

import Data.Hourglass (timeAdd, Seconds)
import Time.System (timeCurrent)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

import Network.DNS.IO
import Network.DNS.Imports hiding (lookup)
import Network.DNS.Memo
import Network.DNS.Transport
import Network.DNS.Types
import Network.DNS.Types.Internal

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Network.DNS.Resolver


-- | Look up resource records of a specified type for a domain,
--   collecting the results
--   from the ANSWER section of the response.
--   See the documentation of 'lookupRaw'
--   to understand the concrete behavior.
--   Cache is used if 'resolvCache' is 'Just'.
--   Example:
--   >>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
--   >>> withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookup resolver "www.example.com" A
--   Right []
lookup :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookup = lookupSection Answer

-- | Look up resource records of a specified type for a domain,
--   collecting the results
--   from the AUTHORITY section of the response.
--   See the documentation of 'lookupRaw'
--   to understand the concrete behavior.
--   Cache is used even if 'resolvCache' is 'Just'.
lookupAuth :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupAuth = lookupSection Authority


-- | Looking up resource records of a domain. The first parameter is one of
--   the field accessors of the 'DNSMessage' type -- this allows you to
--   choose which section (answer, authority, or additional) you would like
--   to inspect for the result.

lookupSection :: Section
              -> Resolver
              -> Domain
              -> TYPE
              -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupSection section rlv dom typ
  | section == Authority = lookupFreshSection rlv dom typ section
  | otherwise = case mcacheConf of
      Nothing           -> lookupFreshSection rlv dom typ section
      Just cacheconf    -> lookupCacheSection rlv dom typ cacheconf
    mcacheConf = resolvCache $ resolvconf $ resolvseed rlv

lookupFreshSection :: Resolver
                   -> Domain
                   -> TYPE
                   -> Section
                   -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupFreshSection rlv dom typ section = do
    eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
    case eans of
      Left err  -> return $ Left err
      Right ans -> return $ fromDNSMessage ans toRData
    correct ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == typ
    toRData = map rdata . filter correct . sectionF
    sectionF = case section of
      Answer    -> answer
      Authority -> authority

lookupCacheSection :: Resolver
                   -> Domain
                   -> TYPE
                   -> CacheConf
                   -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupCacheSection rlv dom typ cconf = do
    mx <- lookupCache (dom,typ) c
    case mx of
      Nothing -> do
          eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
          case eans of
            Left  err ->
                -- Probably a network error happens.
                -- We do not cache anything.
                return $ Left err
            Right ans -> do
                let ex = fromDNSMessage ans toRR
                case ex of
                  Left NameError -> do
                      let v = Left NameError
                      cacheNegative cconf c key v ans
                      return v
                  Left e -> return $ Left e
                  Right [] -> do
                      let v = Right []
                      cacheNegative cconf c key v ans
                      return v
                  Right rss -> do
                      cachePositive cconf c key rss
                      return $ Right $ map rdata rss
      Just (_,x) -> return x
    toRR = filter (typ `isTypeOf`) . answer
    Just c = cache rlv
    key = (dom,typ)

cachePositive :: CacheConf -> Cache -> Key -> [ResourceRecord] -> IO ()
cachePositive cconf c key rss
  | ttl == 0  = return () -- does not cache anything
  | otherwise = insertPositive cconf c key (Right rds) ttl
    rds = map rdata rss
    ttl = minimum $ map rrttl rss -- rss is non-empty

insertPositive :: CacheConf -> Cache -> Key -> Entry -> TTL -> IO ()
insertPositive CacheConf{..} c k v ttl = when (ttl /= 0) $ do
    ctime <- timeCurrent
    let tim = ctime `timeAdd` life
    insertCache k tim v c
    life :: Seconds
    life = fromIntegral (maximumTTL `min` ttl)

cacheNegative :: CacheConf -> Cache -> Key -> Entry -> DNSMessage -> IO ()
cacheNegative cconf c key v ans = case soas of
  []    -> return () -- does not cache anything
  soa:_ -> insertNegative cconf c key v $ rrttl soa
    soas = filter (SOA `isTypeOf`) $ authority ans

insertNegative :: CacheConf -> Cache -> Key -> Entry -> TTL -> IO ()
insertNegative CacheConf{..} c k v ttl = when (ttl /= 0) $ do
    ctime <- timeCurrent
    let tim = ctime `timeAdd` life
    insertCache k tim v c
    life :: Seconds
    life = fromIntegral ttl

isTypeOf :: TYPE -> ResourceRecord -> Bool
isTypeOf t ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == t


-- | Look up a name and return the entire DNS Response.
-- For a given DNS server, the queries are done:
--  * A new UDP socket bound to a new local port is created and
--    a new identifier is created atomically from the cryptographically
--    secure pseudo random number generator for the target DNS server.
--    Then UDP queries are tried with the limitation of 'resolvRetry'
--    (use EDNS if specifiecd).
--    If it appears that the target DNS server does not support EDNS,
--    it falls back to traditional queries.
--  * If the response is truncated, a new TCP socket bound to a new
--    local port is created. Then exactly one TCP query is retried.
-- If multiple DNS servers are specified 'ResolvConf' ('RCHostNames ')
-- or found ('RCFilePath'), either sequential lookup or
-- concurrent lookup is carried out:
--  * In sequential lookup ('resolvConcurrent' is False),
--    the query procedure above is processed
--    in the order of the DNS servers sequentially until a successful
--    response is received.
--  * In concurrent lookup ('resolvConcurrent' is True),
--    the query procedure above is processed
--    for each DNS server concurrently.
--    The first received response is accepted even if
--    it is an error.
--  Cache is not used even if 'resolvCache' is 'Just'.
--   The example code:
--   @
--   rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
--   withResolver rs $ \\resolver -> lookupRaw resolver \"www.example.com\" A
--   @
--   And the (formatted) expected output:
--   @
--   Right (DNSMessage
--           { header = DNSHeader
--                        { identifier = 1,
--                          flags = DNSFlags
--                                    { qOrR = QR_Response,
--                                      opcode = OP_STD,
--                                      authAnswer = False,
--                                      trunCation = False,
--                                      recDesired = True,
--                                      recAvailable = True,
--                                      rcode = NoErr,
--                                      authenData = False
--                                    },
--                        },
--             question = [Question { qname = \"www.example.com.\",
--                                    qtype = A}],
--             answer = [ResourceRecord {rrname = \"www.example.com.\",
--                                       rrtype = A,
--                                       rrttl = 800,
--                                       rdlen = 4,
--                                       rdata =}],
--             authority = [],
--             additional = []})
--  @
--  AXFR requests cannot be performed with this interface.
--   >>> rs <- makeResolvSeed defaultResolvConf
--   >>> withResolver rs $ \resolver -> lookupRaw resolver "mew.org" AXFR
--   Left InvalidAXFRLookup
lookupRaw :: Resolver   -- ^ Resolver obtained via 'withResolver'
          -> Domain     -- ^ Query domain
          -> TYPE       -- ^ Query RRtype
          -> IO (Either DNSError DNSMessage)
lookupRaw rslv dom typ = lookupRawCtl rslv dom typ mempty

-- | Similar to 'lookupRaw', but the default values of the RD, AD, CD and DO
-- flag bits, as well as various EDNS features, can be adjusted via the
-- 'QueryControls' parameter.
lookupRawCtl :: Resolver      -- ^ Resolver obtained via 'withResolver'
             -> Domain        -- ^ Query domain
             -> TYPE          -- ^ Query RRtype
             -> QueryControls -- ^ Query flag and EDNS overrides
             -> IO (Either DNSError DNSMessage)
lookupRawCtl rslv dom typ ctls = resolve dom typ rslv ctls receive


-- | Messages with a non-error RCODE are passed to the supplied function
-- for processing.  Other messages are translated to 'DNSError' instances.
-- Note that 'NameError' is not a lookup error.  The lookup is successful,
-- bearing the sad news that the requested domain does not exist.  'NameError'
-- responses may return a meaningful AD bit, may contain useful data in the
-- authority section, and even initial CNAME records that lead to the
-- ultimately non-existent domain.  Applications that wish to process the
-- content of 'NameError' (NXDomain) messages will need to implement their
-- own RCODE handling.
fromDNSMessage :: DNSMessage -> (DNSMessage -> a) -> Either DNSError a
fromDNSMessage ans conv = case errcode ans of
    NoErr     -> Right $ conv ans
    FormatErr -> Left FormatError
    ServFail  -> Left ServerFailure
    NameErr   -> Left NameError
    NotImpl   -> Left NotImplemented
    Refused   -> Left OperationRefused
    BadVers   -> Left BadOptRecord
    BadRCODE  -> Left $ DecodeError "Malformed EDNS message"
    _         -> Left UnknownDNSError
    errcode = rcode . flags . header