docusign-base-0.0.1: Low-level bindings to the DocuSign API

Safe HaskellNone



type DocuSignAPI = ("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (Capture "customFieldId" Text :> (QueryParam "apply_to_templates" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ())))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] AccountCustomFields)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (QueryParam "apply_to_templates" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CustomField :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] AccountCustomFields)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (Capture "customFieldId" Text :> (QueryParam "apply_to_templates" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CustomField :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] AccountCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("settings" :> ("password_rules" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] AccountPasswordRules))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("settings" :> ("password_rules" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] AccountPasswordRules :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] AccountPasswordRules)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("signatureProviders" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] AccountSignatureProviders)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> (QueryParam "include_account_settings" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] Accounts)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> ("provisioning" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ProvisioningInformation))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (QueryParam "preview_billing_plan" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] NewAccountDefinition :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] NewAccountSummary)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("diagnostics" :> ("request_logs" :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("diagnostics" :> ("request_logs" :> (Capture "requestLogId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[PlainText] Text)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("diagnostics" :> ("settings" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] RequestLogs))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("diagnostics" :> ("request_logs" :> (QueryParam "encoding" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ApiRequestLogsResult)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("diagnostics" :> ("settings" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] RequestLogs :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] RequestLogs)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("attachments" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeAttachmentsRequest :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeAttachmentsResult))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("attachments" :> (Capture "attachmentId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ()))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("attachments" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeAttachmentsResult)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("attachments" :> (Capture "attachmentId" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Attachment :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeAttachmentsResult)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("attachments" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeAttachmentsRequest :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeAttachmentsResult))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("audit_events" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeAuditEventResponse)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_charges" :> (QueryParam "include_charges" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingChargeResponse))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_invoices" :> (Capture "invoiceId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] Invoices))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_invoices" :> (QueryParam "from_date" Text :> (QueryParam "to_date" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingInvoicesResponse)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_invoices_past_due" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingInvoicesSummary)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_payments" :> (Capture "paymentId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] Payments))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_payments" :> (QueryParam "from_date" Text :> (QueryParam "to_date" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingPaymentsResponse)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_payments" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] BillingPaymentRequest :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] BillingPaymentResponse))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_plan" :> (QueryParam "include_credit_card_information" Text :> (QueryParam "include_metadata" Text :> (QueryParam "include_successor_plans" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingPlans))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_plan" :> ("credit_card" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] CreditCardInformation))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("billing_plan" :> (QueryParam "preview_billing_plan" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] BillingPlanInformation :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] BillingPlanUpdateResponse)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("billing_plans" :> (Capture "billingPlanId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingPlanResponse))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("billing_plans" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BillingPlansResponse)) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("file" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ())))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> (QueryParam "include_external_references" Text :> (QueryParam "include_logos" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] Brand))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("logos" :> (Capture "logoType" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("logos" :> (Capture "logoType" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ()))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("logos" :> (Capture "logoType" Text :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ()))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Brand :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] Brand)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("resources" :> (Capture "resourceContentType" Text :> (QueryParam "langcode" Text :> (QueryParam "return_master" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ()))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("resources" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BrandResourcesList)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (Capture "brandId" Text :> ("resources" :> (Capture "resourceContentType" Text :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] BrandResources))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] BrandsRequest :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] AccountBrands))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("groups" :> (Capture "groupId" Text :> ("brands" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] BrandsRequest :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] GroupBrands))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (QueryParam "exclude_distributor_brand" Text :> (QueryParam "include_logos" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] AccountBrands)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("groups" :> (Capture "groupId" Text :> ("brands" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] GroupBrands)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("brands" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Brand :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] AccountBrands))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("groups" :> (Capture "groupId" Text :> ("brands" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] BrandsRequest :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] GroupBrands))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("bulk_envelopes" :> (Capture "batchId" Text :> (QueryParam "count" Text :> (QueryParam "include" Text :> (QueryParam "start_position" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BulkEnvelopeStatus)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("bulk_envelopes" :> (QueryParam "count" Text :> (QueryParam "include" Text :> (QueryParam "start_position" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] BulkEnvelopes))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("captive_recipients" :> (Capture "recipientPart" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CaptiveRecipientInformation :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] CaptiveRecipientInformation)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("chunked_uploads" :> (Capture "chunkedUploadId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ChunkedUploads))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("chunked_uploads" :> (Capture "chunkedUploadId" Text :> (QueryParam "include" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ChunkedUploads)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("chunked_uploads" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ChunkedUploadRequest :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] ChunkedUploads))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("chunked_uploads" :> (Capture "chunkedUploadId" Text :> (Capture "chunkedUploadPartSeq" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ChunkedUploadRequest :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ChunkedUploads))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("chunked_uploads" :> (Capture "chunkedUploadId" Text :> (QueryParam "action" Text :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ChunkedUploads)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (Capture "serviceId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (Capture "serviceId" Text :> ("folders" :> (Capture "folderId" Text :> (QueryParam "cloud_storage_folder_path" Text :> (QueryParam "count" Text :> (QueryParam "order" Text :> (QueryParam "order_by" Text :> (QueryParam "search_text" Text :> (QueryParam "start_position" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] CloudStorage))))))))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (Capture "serviceId" Text :> ("folders" :> (QueryParam "cloud_storage_folder_path" Text :> (QueryParam "count" Text :> (QueryParam "order" Text :> (QueryParam "order_by" Text :> (QueryParam "search_text" Text :> (QueryParam "start_position" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] CloudStorage)))))))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (Capture "serviceId" Text :> (QueryParam "redirectUrl" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (QueryParam "redirectUrl" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("users" :> (Capture "userId" Text :> ("cloud_storage" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] CloudStorageProviders))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> (Capture "connectId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("failures" :> (Capture "failureId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ())))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("failures" :> (QueryParam "from_date" Text :> (QueryParam "to_date" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ConnectEvents))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> (Capture "connectId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ConnectConfigResults))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ConnectConfigResults)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> (Capture "connectId" Text :> ("users" :> (QueryParam "count" Text :> (QueryParam "email_substring" Text :> (QueryParam "list_included_users" Text :> (QueryParam "start_position" Text :> (QueryParam "status" Text :> (QueryParam "user_name_substring" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] IntegratedUserInfoList)))))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("logs" :> (Capture "logId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ())))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("logs" :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("logs" :> (Capture "logId" Text :> (QueryParam "additional_info" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ConnectLog))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("logs" :> (QueryParam "from_date" Text :> (QueryParam "to_date" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ConnectEvents))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ConnectConfigurations :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] ConnectConfigurations))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("envelopes" :> ("retry_queue" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ConnectFailureFilter :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ConnectFailureResults))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("retry_queue" :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ConnectFailureResults))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("connect" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ConnectConfigurations :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ConnectConfigurations))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("consumer_disclosure" :> (QueryParam "langCode" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] AccountConsumerDisclosures))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("recipients" :> (Capture "recipientId" Text :> ("consumer_disclosure" :> (QueryParam "langCode" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeConsumerDisclosures))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("recipients" :> (Capture "recipientId" Text :> ("consumer_disclosure" :> (Capture "langCode" Text :> (QueryParam "langCode" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeConsumerDisclosures)))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("consumer_disclosure" :> (Capture "langCode" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] AccountConsumerDisclosures))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("consumer_disclosure" :> (Capture "langCode" Text :> (QueryParam "include_metadata" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeConsumerDisclosures :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeConsumerDisclosures))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("contacts" :> (Capture "contactId" Text :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ContactUpdateResponse))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("contacts" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ContactModRequest :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ContactUpdateResponse))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("contacts" :> (Capture "contactId" Text :> (QueryParam "cloud_provider" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ContactGetResponse)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("contacts" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ContactModRequest :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] ContactUpdateResponse))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("contacts" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] ContactModRequest :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ContactUpdateResponse))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeCustomFields :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] CustomFieldsEnvelope)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeCustomFields :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeCustomFields :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("custom_fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] TemplateCustomFields))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocumentFields))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> ("fields" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocumentFields))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDefinition :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocuments))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDefinition :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocuments))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> (QueryParam "certificate" Text :> (QueryParam "encoding" Text :> (QueryParam "encrypt" Text :> (QueryParam "language" Text :> (QueryParam "recipient_id" Text :> (QueryParam "show_changes" Text :> (QueryParam "watermark" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[PDF] PDF)))))))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (QueryParam "include_metadata" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocuments))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> (QueryParam "encrypt" Text :> (QueryParam "show_changes" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[PDF] PDF))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocuments)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> (QueryParam "apply_document_fields" Text :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] ())))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("envelopes" :> (Capture "envelopeId" Text :> ("documents" :> (QueryParam "apply_document_fields" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDefinition :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocuments)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (Capture "documentId" Text :> (QueryParam "apply_document_fields" Text :> (QueryParam "is_envelope_definition" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDefinition :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] EnvelopeDocument)))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("templates" :> (Capture "templateId" Text :> ("documents" :> (QueryParam "apply_document_fields" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EnvelopeDefinition :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] TemplateDocuments)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("eMortgage" :> ("transactions" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] EMortgageTransactions :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] PostTransactionsResponse)))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("settings" :> ("enote_configuration" :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("settings" :> ("enote_configuration" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] ENoteConfigurations))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("settings" :> 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:> ("workspaces" :> (Capture "workspaceId" Text :> ("folders" :> (Capture "folderId" Text :> ("files" :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] WorkspaceItems)))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> (Capture "workspaceId" Text :> ("folders" :> (Capture "folderId" Text :> ("files" :> (Capture "fileId" Text :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] WorkspaceItems))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> (Capture "workspaceId" Text :> ("folders" :> (Capture "folderId" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] WorkspaceItemList :> Verb DELETE 200 '[JSON] ())))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> (Capture "workspaceId" Text :> ("folders" :> (Capture "folderId" Text :> (QueryParam "count" Text :> (QueryParam "include_files" Text :> (QueryParam "include_sub_folders" Text :> (QueryParam "include_thumbnails" Text :> (QueryParam "include_user_detail" Text :> (QueryParam "start_position" Text :> (QueryParam "workspace_user_id" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] WorkspaceFolderContents)))))))))))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> (Capture "workspaceId" Text :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] Workspaces))))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> Verb GET 200 '[JSON] WorkspaceList)))) :<|> (("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Workspaces :> Verb POST 200 '[JSON] Workspaces))))) :<|> ("v2" :> ("accounts" :> (Capture "accountId" Text :> ("workspaces" :> (Capture "workspaceId" Text :> (ReqBody '[JSON] Workspaces :> Verb PUT 200 '[JSON] Workspaces))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Source #

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